Eve Online


Dec 22, 2003
earchedh - does it have a sirname? I cant find you either!


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
I'm ingame now as Tilda Propofol.

So I looked on Evemon and plugged in the suggestion that I aimed for a Vigil with this setup:

Fuel Conservation I
Fuel Conservation II
Acceleration Control I
Acceleration Control II
Navigation IV
Afterburner III
High Speed Maneuvering I
High Speed Maneuvering II
Warp Drive Operation I
Warp Drive Operation II
Evasive Maneuvering I
Evasive Maneuvering II
Propulsion Jamming II
Repair Systems I
Repair Systems II
Repair Systems III
Shield Management I
Shield Management II
Shield Management III
Hull Upgrades III
Mechanics III
Signature Analysis I
Signature Analysis II
Signature Analysis III
Targeting I
Targeting II
Targeting III
Targeting IV
Long Range Targeting I
Long Range Targeting II
Energy Management I
Energy Management II
Energy Management III
Energy Systems Operation II
Energy Systems Operation III
Controlled Bursts I
Controlled Bursts II
Controlled Bursts III
Weapon Upgrades I
Weapon Upgrades II
Weapon Upgrades III
Gunnery IV
Trajectory Analysis I
Trajectory Analysis II
Motion Prediction I
Motion Prediction II
Motion Prediction III
Sharpshooter I
Rapid Firing I
Rapid Firing II

Does this look like a good way to start out?
Spoke to a guy in game who said just aim for mining for easy cash for now. So have given up on scanning/exploring etc.

As I understand the Vigil can be kitted out as a tackler so that sounds ok.
Are there any other skills I should get if I want to do logistics/ECM?

Can anybody send me 500k ISK so I can finish buying books?

Should I be training for cybernetics 4/5 so I can get implants?

Isk sent


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
How did you send him ISK? I searched his name multiple times and could not find.

Anyways, for me. I dunno man.

Running T2 Security missions now. I just don't know. I tried in my Thorax - even properly skilled and fitted according to those I asked - didn't turn out to well. I also got a Caracal or so, properly fitted that - did great damage really, good range. Til it got blown up by the most random fucked up thing. 4 Cruisers and 6 Elite Frigates spawned around me. So close, one burst took 50% of my shields. I attempted to warp away asap, but they managed to take down all my shields & armor, blowing me up. That's when I tried different methods with my Thorax. I used EVEmon, BattleClinic, EveUni, the works. Every site. I posted in chat, people told me all the wikis, Battleclinics, and EVEUni's are worthless and don't use them. I tried various builds suggested, nothing.

I don't get it. T1 missions in my Frigate were so easy they couldn't even keep up with my shield. Even the Sisters of EVE Epic Arc, besides Dagan, was pretty easy. These T2 Security Missions...I've lost one ship already to it...alot of money trying out various fits. It's annoying because I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I've got the skills for it - I've got the fits for it, but it just seems damn near impossible at times when they spawn over 14 ships within 10km and under, running away becomes tough, be it AB or MWD.

It also does not help, that at least in-game people are real assholes. I ask people about my fit, link it, get responses of "That's a shit fit, sucks, ect" the whole speal. That's ok. so I ask what fit. They just say "not that." I tell them how I used the various guides and websites to make the fit, they say those websites are shit, and the real good fits are hidden and secret.

I'm thinking of giving up on my Thorax. I've just...never been good with it. Not at all. Since I got it, it's been a constant pain - I lacked the skills when I first got it to use it properly, but I have them now, and it's still iffy, be it railgun, blaster, ect. Thinking of going Vexor. I have my Drone skills trained fairly well..not T2 yet, but I can get there. Just a huge loss of ISK so far. I was on a streak, gaining ISK, then stuff like this happens, putting me back in the red again...and it's just disheartening to ask for help and get shit on for being a noob.

The only thing I really can do is train skills and wait til all my buffs come in and I'm super strong...which means lack of anything to do, but train skills, so why bother playing? This is why EVE's skill system frustrates the hell out of me. I never feel like I am making any progress in the game. I get ISK, sure, but that's it. I kill a whole fleet and I never feel like "Whooo, yeah." I feel like "let's love on."

Now, if PVP is the only thing EVE has to offer, and it appears so, then it is one boring game to me. I knew PVP was the focus, but I was hoping I could at least have fun doing PvE till I build up to PVP, but no, it appears not. I saw the list of "things to do in EVE", and it looks all nice, sure.

But then you can also see the list of "There's nothing to do in EVE, and here's why", and it's right also.

For a player who wants to actually play a game and not watch a game be played, I don't know if EVE is for the.

I already set a goal point, I've got 253M left - if I hit below 200M, I'll probably not re-sub next month, because I want to be able to make a profit and not just keep losing money.

People who said that you can be up to speed in one week with players who have been playing 3 years are god damned liars...and that's most people. I checked EVemon, the guides, it's literally impossible. You'd be at least 150% less effective, even if you specialize, based on bonuses, not counting in ISK to buy better modules, ect. Perhaps in 6-8 months, specializing, you can be up to par with a 3 year old guy, sure...

But most of the people I see, who claim that EVE is something awesome, have been playing for years and can log in and pretty much do whatever the fuck they want.

For a new player, in EVE, you have a constant sense of nothing is happening as you wait for skills to train. First time you log into the game, do the tutorial, to pilot your first ship? Inject skill and train for 3 minutes. The first thing you do when you log into the game is wait 3 minutes for a skill to train. Then you get into your Ship, tutorial continues, and you have to train yet another 5 minute skill this time, to continue the tutorial.

I guess it's good for teaching you that EVE takes time. I just wish that the feeling of you're never really playing EVE didn't exist. It does, sadly...and the only people I've seen say it doesn't, are those who've played for years. I'm sure by now their first months are a blur, or they're looking at the game with rose tinted goggles. For a new player, EVE is shit. Everyones 1000% more powerful than you. Arrogant as well, not very helpful in most cases, with the rarity of an exception like Marc.

Most will tell you to "Go back to WoW" if you mention you dislike a feature. Really, if you say anything about EVE isn't perfect, you get the fanboy squad denying it and saying it's just to complicated for you, that EVE requires more intelligence and "isn't your average MMO."

Yet they never say why, they just repeat it like parrots. It's frustrating. EVE isn't really all that hard, merely an exercise in frustration as you wait for skills to train so you can do what you actually WANT to do...

Alot of issues could be solved if the controls were responsive at least. I dunno.
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Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Also, some guy put a 60M bounty on me because I said he had a nice bounty(was 666,666)

So yeah, now there's that. Enough for someone to actually try for.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Mkillbride, stick with it, but first learn why you failed so you can learn from it... Post your Caracal fit and the type of rats you were fighting... I'lll post some basics fits I made for a friend who joined recently when I get home from work, they can run all missions up to level 3 without breaking a sweat. Also remember that skills are % based... Having everything at 4 is better than 1 at 5 and rest at 2.


Dec 22, 2003
Can someone offer me some tips for mining? Is it worth me specialising in refining anything at this point, or should I just sell unrefined?
Is it worth me specialising into something specific like ice mining, or should I just keep doing runs with my Venture?
Whats the next miner after this I should be aiming for, something like a barge? Should I stay in 0.8, or go lower and use drones to protect me?

I'd also like to do some scanning/exploring eventually once my skills get up, what sort of ship do I want for that? Any suggested setups?
Of the two, scanning and mining, which is a better long term cash earner?

Secondly, fighty ships, I'm training up lots, of fighty stuff with turrets, is that okay, or should I switch to missiles? Silverhood, your setups for a ship up to T3 would be great as something to aim for - could you post a set of skills needed for them too?

Finally implants, I'm training this up, what sort should I get? Can someone tell me names to search for on the Market? I presume these are a good thing to get asap?


Dec 22, 2003
Mkilbride, wanna meet up in noob ships and trade bounties? A guy put 1mil on me because I asked a question in the noob chan :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Mkilbride, wanna meet up in noob ships and trade bounties? A guy put 1mil on me because I asked a question in the noob chan :D

Doesn't work like that anymore, you need to incur a loss to the player you want to kill and you get paid a percentage of the loss.

Afaik the base percentage is 20%.

In Mkill's case, he needs to lose 300m ISK for his bounty to be depleted.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Can someone offer me some tips for mining? Is it worth me specialising in refining anything at this point, or should I just sell unrefined?
Is it worth me specialising into something specific like ice mining, or should I just keep doing runs with my Venture?
Whats the next miner after this I should be aiming for, something like a barge? Should I stay in 0.8, or go lower and use drones to protect me?

I'd also like to do some scanning/exploring eventually once my skills get up, what sort of ship do I want for that? Any suggested setups?
Of the two, scanning and mining, which is a better long term cash earner?

Secondly, fighty ships, I'm training up lots, of fighty stuff with turrets, is that okay, or should I switch to missiles? Silverhood, your setups for a ship up to T3 would be great as something to aim for - could you post a set of skills needed for them too?

Finally implants, I'm training this up, what sort should I get? Can someone tell me names to search for on the Market? I presume these are a good thing to get asap?

Don't refine your own stuff, your skills are crap for that. Sell the unrefined ore to the best buy order in the system you are mining in. If you are serious about mining in highsec, beeline for the ORE barges. I'd suggest not being a jack of all trades. Have an alt for industrial purposes such as mining and refining. Have an alt for exploration and scanning. Have a main for combat. If you are serious about EVE, you really need to specialize, lest you want to be halfassed in everything.

EVE kinda needs extra accounts and alts, just like DAoC buffbots. When I was active I had 1 combat main, 1 industrial + cloaky scout alt, 2 combat alts each on seperate accounts (4 accounts). In addition to 3 cyno alts, a freighter/hauler alt and four trade alts (regional buy orders, haul shit to jita and sell).

When it comes to mission, you can't go wrong with missiles. The raven is a good entry level 4 mission boat and the tengu is awesome at it. In pvp it mostly comes down to what is the preferred flavour for 0.0 alliances. When I played it was all about remote repairing battleships, drakeswarm, zealot snipers and tengu swarms. In addition to fleet battleships (snipers). All accompanied by logistics. These things do change over time though and it's best to make a combat char that focuses on one weapon group and trains up roles needed, like being a tackler. Then branching out.

When it comes to earning cash, it all depends on what you want to do. I preferred more industrial ISK activities like invention, t1/t2 rigs, scanning and regional trading. Others prefer to do combat and rat in 0.0 or do missions.

Implants, train directly to Cybernetics 4 and get the Standard (+4) implants if you can afford. http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Implants for names


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Like Oj said, unless you have maxed refining skills, don't refine. Sell to the market.

A basic level 2 fit that can run all missions against Guristas / Serpentis. As your skills improve, start swapping in tech 2, especially the capacitor power relays and shield hardeners.

Also ensure you fit resists for the rats you face. The below will get murdered by Sansh / Blood raiders. Ensure you are flying at full speed too, even if its just keeping at range of enemeis.

Load the fit into EFT and work out how many of the cap reducing modules you can replace once your skills get better, aim should be to perma run all your modules. Once you get a bit more experienced, you can practise things like burst tanking, but dont worry about that now.
You should aim to swap them out with Ballistic Control system for more damage, and the Cap Recharger for a stasis webifer. Probably go for the stasis webifer first.

[Caracal, lvl 2 newbie]
Capacitor Power Relay I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Capacitor Power Relay I

Thermic Dissipation Field I
Kinetic Deflection Field I
Kinetic Deflection Field I
Large C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
Cap Recharger I

Experimental XT-2800 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
Experimental XT-2800 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
Experimental XT-2800 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
Experimental XT-2800 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
Experimental XT-2800 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Light drone x 2

Your skills should focus on the following:
All missile support skills to 3.
Heavy missile and heavy assault missile 3
All shield skills excluding the compensation skills to 3.
Energy Management 4
Energy Systems operations 4
Electronics 4
Engineering 4
Navigation 4
Weapon Upgrades 4 (gunnery)
Caldari Cruiser 4
Drones 2
All drone suppoert skills to 2
Whatever electronic skills allow more targets to 4

All missile support skills to 4.
Heavy missile and heavy assault missile 4
All shield skills excluding the compensation skills to 4.
Drones 4
All drone skills to 3

I am missing some, but there should be around a month or so of training right there.

Once you are comfortable blitzing level two missions, then the next ship on your adventure is the trusty old Drake. The drake is a different beast compared to most ships, it does not actively tank. Instead, you use its natural shield regen to your benefit by expanding the size of the shield using shield extenders, and then using purger rigs and Shield Power Relays to increase the recharge time. This means you end up with a mean perma tank that at its peak can tank more than some battleships!

The below is fit for Serpentis, swap hardeners as required.

Skills you need:
Caldari Battlecruiser 4
Tactical shield Manipulation 4
Shield Upgrades 4

[Drake, Serp PvE newbie]
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
'Radical' Damage Control I
Ballistic Control System II

Large Shield Extender II
Kinetic Deflection Field II
Thermic Dissipation Field II
Thermic Dissipation Field II
Large F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
Large F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction

Prototype 'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
Prototype 'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
Prototype 'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
Prototype 'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
Prototype 'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
Prototype 'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile
[empty high slot]

Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I

Hornet x5

Once you're comfortable blasting through level 3's, you need to start rounding off your support skills so you can prepare for the gap to level 4's. That means Electronics, Engineering, Energy Management, Energy Systems operations etc all need to be 5. You need drone 5, scout drone operation 4, and the ability to fit a full set of medium drones.
Whatever you do, do not rush into level 4's unless you are ready for them and can afford to lose your ship. Do not sell your drake under any circumstance, you may need it later :)

This is massively overtanked for fighting Guristas, it runs everything at full tilt. There's no real need for that. Once you know your way around level 4's, you can decrease the tank and add to the gank. If you add either a shield boost amp or a ballistic control system for a cap mod or two, you gain damage needed to kill stuff quickly enough so that your tank holds. There are some lessons on capacitor and shield management that also needs to be covered before you get into this ship, but it's a while away still. Note that your battleship sized missiles will not do much damage to frigates, so it's a very good idea to be able to field a full set of tech 2 light drones for when you get scrambled and webbed for 5 frigates.

[Raven, Level 4s - newbie]
Damage Control II
Ballistic Control System II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Thermic Dissipation Field II
Kinetic Deflection Field II
Kinetic Deflection Field II
Thermic Dissipation Field I
X-Large C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
Cap Recharger II

'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
E500 Prototype Energy Vampire
E500 Prototype Energy Vampire

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Yeah, the +4 Implants are massive time savers I can see.

My fit for the Caracal was fine. I've gotten a Vexor now and am training up skills. N omatter what build for my Thorax I used, it just sucked. Training up my Drone skills more. I already had most @ Lv3-4, working on getting all the support skills for em.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Guns, especially long range ones (rails, arty, beams) suffer from tracking issues at close range. So you either fit an AB and burn away from enemies so they fall in behind you and are flyng straight at you, or you use drones as secondary dps for close targets.


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
[Vexor, Vexor]
Drone Damage Amplifier I
Limited Energized Adaptive Membrane I
Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I
Limited Armor Thermic Hardener I
Medium I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator

Cap Recharger I
F-a10 Buffer Capacitor Regenerator
Eutectic Capacitor Charge Array
Experimental 10MN Afterburner I

200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M

Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hobgoblin I x5
Hammerhead I x5

Is what I am using for my Vexor at current. With it, my Armor is pretty much repairing to fast, and my Cap never really runs out. My DPS isn't to high though...gotta get more skills, I suppose. Total DPS is 203, including Drones. If I had all LV5 skills - it'd be about 470DPS.

I also read that you shouldn't level "Repair Systems" past LV4 because of capacitor reasons. Almost every Guide recommends this.

Was told once I get Tech 2, to go for this

[Vexor, Vexor]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Thermic Hardener II
Medium Armor Repairer II

Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Experimental 10MN Afterburner I

Dual 150mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M

Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hobgoblin II x5
Hammerhead II x5

100% Cap stable as well, so no energy problems. Total DPS would exceed 600. 133DPS via cannons, 475 DPS via Drones, and a near invincible Tank.
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FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Tilda. Ive known you years now and you do not strike me as the mining type lol. Do you really wanna sit at a screen for hours on end just watching your strip miners cycle? I doubt it! Combat route will always trump mining even in nul. In nul in a macherial, you can pull in over a 100m isk an hour without breaking a sweat. You wont even pull in half of that mining. You will be lucky to get a quarter of it. But, if that is what you fancy, go for it


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I did mining for a bit with a second account. It's ok if you play in windowed mode and watch a film or something, can't see any long term entertainment value though! and the backwards and forwards of it all is annoying too, doesn't take long to fill a transport ship! Yeah you can stick stuff in cans but you still have to ferry it at some point (afaik!)


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
You can AFK mine in EVE. It plays itself.

Bots aren't allowed, and are bannable. Honestly though, I can't imagine why. There's almost no difference lol. That said, I hear there at a ton of botters. The games auto-pilot system made them so easy.

EVE just feels so uninvolved, I dunno. I hardly feel like I'm playing a game.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Mining is a waste of time. IMO, learn the combat mechanics, find an active pvp corp and join up, get in deep. Over time, ISK will come for you without you putting much effort in it

There was a guy in our corp, SmackyJan, first thing he did when joining up was ask the corp if we could get his pvp ships close to 0.0. Turned out we hauled 1000 rifters + modules for him. He then got to work: http://kb.wedie.co.uk/index.php/pilot_detail/47463/

At 1m + clone a pop he could stretch his money for a LONG while and live off module drops and salvage from his kills.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
You can AFK mine in EVE. It plays itself.

Bots aren't allowed, and are bannable. Honestly though, I can't imagine why. There's almost no difference lol. That said, I hear there at a ton of botters. The games auto-pilot system made them so easy.

EVE just feels so uninvolved, I dunno. I hardly feel like I'm playing a game.

Oh really?

Will it transport materials itself too? Like if I am running two screens can I play the main game on one and have an account just auto mining away on another?


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Oh really?

Will it transport materials itself too? Like if I am running two screens can I play the main game on one and have an account just auto mining away on another?

Most do. The average person I read had 3 accounts. You can just wait til your Cargo is full, then hit auto-pilot and it does the rest. Pretty simple.


Dec 22, 2003
Guns, especially long range ones (rails, arty, beams) suffer from tracking issues at close range. So you either fit an AB and burn away from enemies so they fall in behind you and are flyng straight at you, or you use drones as secondary dps for close targets.
does that make turrets of any sort redundant? Should I abandon training then at all?
And switch to missiles?


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
For PvE, Missiles are best I've found.

I'm already rather far down the Gallente route. I used a Kestrel for LV1 missions though, using a fit I found on EveUNI...for LV1 missions, it 1-hit most enemies and was pretty fast. I planned to get a Drake perhaps, but I am most likely going for a Dominix now.

To use a Drake effectively, using EVEmon, it would take me at least 3 months.

This is why I hate EVE's skill system. I just unlocked the ability to do LV3 missions. So now I need a ship for doing them, i.e, a battlecruiser, which is for LV3 missions.

However, be it Dominix or Drake, it will take me months before I'm able to use them effectively.

During that time, running LV3 missions is near impossible. So what else is there for me to do? PVP, and get destroyed because everyone else has skills that allows them to attack 250% faster, hit 300% harder, tank 175% more damage and better gear as well, ect? So basically all I would be doing is going out and getting destroyed, losing my 125M worth of Implants?

EVE's system is so frustrating.

If you don't want to PVP - you're shit out of luck of content to do. Hardly a Sandbox.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Umm, if you look at EVE as a progression system you are miles ahead of any average noob due to ISK handouts from Marc. For an average player it would take weeks to even reach the ISK reserves needed to buy all the skillbooks, implants and ships to tackle level 3 / 4 missions effectively.

There's loads of other things to do, not the game's fault that you have the creativity and attention span of a goldfish.

Mining, trading, missions (level 2), factional warfare, bounty hunting, lowsec pvp, 0.0 pvp, exploration, production, invention, planetary interaction are all things you can participate in that is supported by game mechanics and well within reach. If you are unable to do some things solo, then get a fucking corp and play with other people.


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Mining can be done AFK. Trading is just throwing on Auto-pilot, so you can AFK as well. I can run level 2 missions, but they aren't really earning me anything worthwhile at this point. Bounty Hunter? lol, you must be joking...with my skills? Factional Warfare again...lack of skills.

Almost everything you suggest is either automated and requires no interaction or is PVP. So the only real thing to do is PVP. Which I don't have the skills for, and shall not for quite some time.

Creativity and attention span of a goldfish. How nice. The community of this game just gets better and better.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Mining can't be done AFK. The ore doesn't automagically gets transported to the station. But yeah, semi AFK.

Trading is about researching the market, buying low and selling high. Not really an AFK activity, but you can make ISK while sleeping after the sell orders are up, which is nice.

All PVP activities can be done by any one week old noob. Just don't expect running around in a pwnmobile solo, although you can get lucky. Having some friends is handy, but you obviously don't want to interact with other people in a MMO, which makes no sense, but each to their own.

Glad that you agree with my assessment.


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Haha. What the flying fuck, why are you being such a total dick?

The only reason I play MMOs is to interact with other people,. Nice way to put words in my mouth.

This is why I can't stand most EVE players. They're unwilling to accept valid criticism of any kind. EVE has no faults, you're just playing it wrong, ect. As bad as the WoW players they so hate.


Dec 22, 2003
Mining is a waste of time. IMO, learn the combat mechanics, find an active pvp corp and join up, get in deep. Over time, ISK will come for you without you putting much effort in it

There was a guy in our corp, SmackyJan, first thing he did when joining up was ask the corp if we could get his pvp ships close to 0.0. Turned out we hauled 1000 rifters + modules for him. He then got to work: http://kb.wedie.co.uk/index.php/pilot_detail/47463/

At 1m + clone a pop he could stretch his money for a LONG while and live off module drops and salvage from his kills.

So essentially he's just pvping in 0.0 in a Rifter?

Marc, what is a Macherial and what skills do I go for. Lets screw mining and go for combat! What do I train?! :D

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