I'm ingame now as Tilda Propofol.
So I looked on Evemon and plugged in the suggestion that I aimed for a Vigil with this setup:
Fuel Conservation I
Fuel Conservation II
Acceleration Control I
Acceleration Control II
Navigation IV
Afterburner III
High Speed Maneuvering I
High Speed Maneuvering II
Warp Drive Operation I
Warp Drive Operation II
Evasive Maneuvering I
Evasive Maneuvering II
Propulsion Jamming II
Repair Systems I
Repair Systems II
Repair Systems III
Shield Management I
Shield Management II
Shield Management III
Hull Upgrades III
Mechanics III
Signature Analysis I
Signature Analysis II
Signature Analysis III
Targeting I
Targeting II
Targeting III
Targeting IV
Long Range Targeting I
Long Range Targeting II
Energy Management I
Energy Management II
Energy Management III
Energy Systems Operation II
Energy Systems Operation III
Controlled Bursts I
Controlled Bursts II
Controlled Bursts III
Weapon Upgrades I
Weapon Upgrades II
Weapon Upgrades III
Gunnery IV
Trajectory Analysis I
Trajectory Analysis II
Motion Prediction I
Motion Prediction II
Motion Prediction III
Sharpshooter I
Rapid Firing I
Rapid Firing II
Does this look like a good way to start out?
Spoke to a guy in game who said just aim for mining for easy cash for now. So have given up on scanning/exploring etc.
As I understand the Vigil can be kitted out as a tackler so that sounds ok.
Are there any other skills I should get if I want to do logistics/ECM?
Can anybody send me 500k ISK so I can finish buying books?
Should I be training for cybernetics 4/5 so I can get implants?
Mkilbride, wanna meet up in noob ships and trade bounties? A guy put 1mil on me because I asked a question in the noob chan![]()
Can someone offer me some tips for mining? Is it worth me specialising in refining anything at this point, or should I just sell unrefined?
Is it worth me specialising into something specific like ice mining, or should I just keep doing runs with my Venture?
Whats the next miner after this I should be aiming for, something like a barge? Should I stay in 0.8, or go lower and use drones to protect me?
I'd also like to do some scanning/exploring eventually once my skills get up, what sort of ship do I want for that? Any suggested setups?
Of the two, scanning and mining, which is a better long term cash earner?
Secondly, fighty ships, I'm training up lots, of fighty stuff with turrets, is that okay, or should I switch to missiles? Silverhood, your setups for a ship up to T3 would be great as something to aim for - could you post a set of skills needed for them too?
Finally implants, I'm training this up, what sort should I get? Can someone tell me names to search for on the Market? I presume these are a good thing to get asap?
You can AFK mine in EVE. It plays itself.
Bots aren't allowed, and are bannable. Honestly though, I can't imagine why. There's almost no difference lol. That said, I hear there at a ton of botters. The games auto-pilot system made them so easy.
EVE just feels so uninvolved, I dunno. I hardly feel like I'm playing a game.
Oh really?
Will it transport materials itself too? Like if I am running two screens can I play the main game on one and have an account just auto mining away on another?
does that make turrets of any sort redundant? Should I abandon training then at all?Guns, especially long range ones (rails, arty, beams) suffer from tracking issues at close range. So you either fit an AB and burn away from enemies so they fall in behind you and are flyng straight at you, or you use drones as secondary dps for close targets.
Mining is a waste of time. IMO, learn the combat mechanics, find an active pvp corp and join up, get in deep. Over time, ISK will come for you without you putting much effort in it
There was a guy in our corp, SmackyJan, first thing he did when joining up was ask the corp if we could get his pvp ships close to 0.0. Turned out we hauled 1000 rifters + modules for him. He then got to work: http://kb.wedie.co.uk/index.php/pilot_detail/47463/
At 1m + clone a pop he could stretch his money for a LONG while and live off module drops and salvage from his kills.