Eve Online


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Well I don't think I'll go broke. Got plenty in left over assets I could liquidate.


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Eh, a little, but it's mostly stuff I don't use anymore / moved on from. Hell, my Throrax alone could sell for 8-10M + it's mods, probably 15-16M total.

Also, probably a good thing for me in general to learn money is not limitless.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Thought I give eve a try out and did the 6 month thing on Steam. Created a couple of chars, both Caldari, and did the dual training thing with one of the 2 plex I received as part of the package. One char specialising in Military and the other Mining. Military char training L3-4 abilities and just activated a Caracal missile boat with 3 Assault Launchers and 2 Rocket Launchers. Breezing through the L2 missions.

Seems fun but very steep learning curve. Only just discovered Evemon and so at least now I'm properly planning my training. Was annoying training for the Assault Launchers only then finding out that I needed several other abilities in order to use them :) My fault as I did not plan or do any reading, just jumped in tried shit out.

Is it possible to send a packaged ship from one account char to an alt on same account? Something like an account storage point.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Thought I give eve a try out and did the 6 month thing on Steam. Created a couple of chars, both Caldari, and did the dual training thing with one of the 2 plex I received as part of the package. One char specialising in Military and the other Mining. Military char training L3-4 abilities and just activated a Caracal missile boat with 3 Assault Launchers and 2 Rocket Launchers. Breezing through the L2 missions.

Seems fun but very steep learning curve. Only just discovered Evemon and so at least now I'm properly planning my training. Was annoying training for the Assault Launchers only then finding out that I needed several other abilities in order to use them :) My fault as I did not plan or do any reading, just jumped in tried shit out.

Is it possible to send a packaged ship from one account char to an alt on same account? Something like an account storage point.

Do it via contract. Right click your ship, select create contract - First page that comes up make sure you tick "item exchange" and "private" then enter your alts name and the remaining screens on setting up the contract are self explanatory


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Don't you need a (minor) skill to do that? Contracts or something...I might be totally wrong!

Also, note - You can't train two characters on one account at once - any worthwhile alts need to be on separate accounts. There isn't really any point having an alt on the same account because any skill points you train, you may as well do them on your main.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Don't you need a (minor) skill to do that? Contracts or something...I might be totally wrong!

Also, note - You can't train two characters on one account at once - any worthwhile alts need to be on separate accounts. There isn't really any point having an alt on the same account because any skill points you train, you may as well do them on your main.

You can now.



Dec 22, 2003
Realised I've managed to spend about 100m on ships and skills.
I've bought most of the books I need to start training for a Myr and Mach now.

Just spent a bomb on kitting out a Heron as a exploring ship, so when I finish exams and placement I can get going earning some cash with that.

One thing I'm still not sure on, with ship weapons, lots of people recommend missiles. Does this hold true for PvP or are turrents or something else used in pVp?
I dont want to train up missiles and then discover that actually they're not used in PvP.
Can a Myrmidon and a Machariel both use missiles okay? Or for these two (I think this is my progression plan, only realy going on what I've been told here) do I need something else?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Look up shipbuilds online for whatever you are going to use. Always fit ships according to their bonuses.

Machariel has:
Special Ability: 25% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage per level
Gallente Battleship Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Large Projectile Turret falloff per level

Thus, it makes no sense to fit anything but large projectile turrets on it.

Myrmidon has these bonuses:
Battlecruiser Skill Bonus:
10% increase to drone hitpoints and damage dealt by drones per level
7.5% increase to armor repair amount per level

So technically it would be fine using either missiles or turrets. However, it has 0 launcher hardpoints and 6 turret hardpoints, meaning it can only fit turrets. Here it's mostly about preference I guess.

When it comes to PVP, forget about doing it in a Machariel. You would be utterly useless in it for another year or so. And *when* you die, it would be a very cost-inefficient death, draining your ISK very fast.

I'd focus on becoming good skilled in something that can make you ISK and a shipclass of your choice. In EVE, bigger guns/size doesn't mean better


Dec 22, 2003
Fair enough, but how do I choose a shipclass then?

Does the ISK then need to come from pvp fighting, or do you mean, from ratting or scavenging/exploring?

Would it be okay to have myrmidom (or another lower tier ship) as my aim for turrets, and then build to that, on the way to machariel?

What would you suggest as a "next two-three months" aim-for ship? And following on from that, what type of turrets/missles/drones does it take?! :D


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Fair enough, but how do I choose a shipclass then?

Does the ISK then need to come from pvp fighting, or do you mean, from ratting or scavenging/exploring?

Would it be okay to have myrmidom (or another lower tier ship) as my aim for turrets, and then build to that, on the way to machariel?

What would you suggest as a "next two-three months" aim-for ship? And following on from that, what type of turrets/missles/drones does it take?! :D

You rarely make ISK pvping, unless you are in an alliance that reimburses losses more than 100%. In my current alliance, losing certain ships actually makes you money! But then it depends what you fly... fully insured Tech 1 ships only need 1 good drop to break even. A faction or deadspace module and you're set...:)

Myrm is fine, it's a tanky ship, and can handle level 3 missions easily. You need to train Gallente Battleships for the Machariel, so might as well train Gallente BS 4 for the Dominix while you're at it. It slowboats through level 4's easily enough. Once you can comfortably run through level 4's in a Dominix and have worked on your gunnery skills, you might consider upgrading to a Megathron or Hyperion for faster missioning. To get the most out of a Macharial for PvE, you will need a set of Crystal implants and a set of faction Gyrostabilisers, so best to maximise your earning potential first. You're likely looking at about 1.5 billion for ship plus fitting... Once you get to that point, you can begin cross training into the Minmatar line for Minnie Battleships and large projectile weapons.... Assuming you still want to go that route.

The best way to find out what you enjoy is to fly everything big and small. I personally love fast frigates, especially interceptors, cloaky ships and long range sniping BC's and battleships. Each to their own :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The most stable income comes from ratting / missions / exploration / other pve activities.

Yes the most sensitive way to approach building your character is getting good at the smaller ship hulls, then building your way up.

For a 2-3 month goal, for pvp, I'd suggest getting all your capacitor skills and skills needed for fitting your ship to 5. In addition to your tank (shield/armor) support skills to 4/5.

This was a decent list: https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=77549

For PvP, aim low, every fleet needs tacklers and scouts. They are both cheap and useful. If you bring the big guns cluelessly to a fight, you'll be disheartened, broke and ridiculed quite fast. Compare this to going RvR untemplated in DAoC.

Most importantly, get a corp. In PvP, you'll be completely useless without one, in a corp you'll learn the do's and don't's, how to move as a fleet and basic tactics. Make sure you learn the basics first though, like movement, aggression mechanics etc

To get a decent income it's fine to aim for the myrmidon, but note that it's bonuses is for drones. So drone skills are very important for this ship.

Regarding PvP income, it's not the most stable, especially if you fly in tech2 ships that are less cost efficient. After fights, depending on corp/alliance policy you can loot wrecks. If you have a useful alt closeby, they can salvage ships, I recall the tech1 and tech2 armor plates netted me a nice income. (usually ran 3 accounts, one combat main, one cloaky probing scout and one cloaky salvager that could double as a rear scout)
What I made the most ISK on was camping jumpbridges with bombers though. Some carebear would come in with a hauler and I'd drop a bomb and if he didn't pop, shoot a few torpedos. Warp off grid and quickly back to loot, then cloak up again, waiting for the next hauler. I sometimes had a blockade runner (cloaky hauler) in system to store my loot, then smuggle it out after downtime.

Here are some examples (look at stuff dropped, expensive minerals and modules can easily fit in a bomber):
http://kb.wedie.co.uk/index.php/kill_detail/12286/ (8k megacyte)
http://kb.wedie.co.uk/index.php/kill_detail/12462/ (t2 inty dropped)
http://kb.wedie.co.uk/index.php/kill_detail/12632/ (274 armor plates nom nom)

I also could solo larger stuff (clueless players):


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Good corporations are always recruiting... Let me check with the euro dudes if they have time to show you the ropes, we are currently on the front lines of coaltion war where each side had 10,000+ pilots and fleet pings go out once an hour


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks Jox and Silver, useful comments :D
I found the Good Fleet Guide here: https://wiki.goonfleet.com/Recommended_Skill_Training_Guide
Is that something thats okay to follow?

Are either of your Corps recruiting noobies like me?

That guide has some very sound advice, stick to it

I haven't played for 3 years now and my corp is mostly defunct. Played from 2005-2010. The game just takes too damn much time if you want to play at a high level

Not surprisingly, the game hasn't changed much since then, which is why most of my advice is valid.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Goon guides are awesome, they are aimed at newbies who join Goonswarm and move to 0.0 on day 1. They have some good tutorials on youtube too. Tilda, hit me up in game, my in game name is Koryvarn, I'll send you link to our public channel.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
AHhahahaha goons just used a spy to drop 270 sov systems of nulli secunda


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Do you guys suggest joining eve uni?


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Nulli, NC and PL went on the rampage and reclaimed all systems within 24 hours. Shadoo resubbed 80 supercap accounts rofl.

We are so gonna get raped by PL lol


Dec 22, 2003
So I was just getting the hang of exploring!
I'd fitted out a nice Heron, got it all going nicely and off I went scanning. Decided it was sensible to do it in 0.3 so that I might get better stuff.
Found a nice wormhole and thought, well you gotta go in to work out what's inside so in I went.
Found myself in a system so thought I'd have a bit of an explore, some stuff with ships/combat so I steered clear of all that, then I was trying to work out how to get out.
Was just looking at my map, thought I might have to re-scan the wormhole so I could get back to it and then suddenly I blow up. I think a "Sleeper" something, blew me up. Bah!

A few questions, how long will my nice Advanced cloak and other stuff sit around in containers?
How do I get out of this wormhole system back to the "real" world?
Someone in the newbie chan suggested I blew myself up, losing the however many millions I've spent on implants, is there any other option?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
A few questions, how long will my nice Advanced cloak and other stuff sit around in containers?
How do I get out of this wormhole system back to the "real" world?
Someone in the newbie chan suggested I blew myself up, losing the however many millions I've spent on implants, is there any other option?

1. until someone loots them.

2. you can't in just a pod because you can't scan for them (did you bookmark it?).

3. There's always the chance that someone else finds it and helps you, but chances are that they will just blow you up and scavenge your wreckage instead of helping you out.

Sorry to say but you're most likely screwed, and there's not even a guarantee that the WH will still be there if you do find a way out and you try to go back to get your stuff... But if it is, make sure you have what you need to get out again, and hope that the WH didn't go over it's mass limit and collapse...

Then you'd have to scan/probe out a new WH and THAT can put you just about fucking anywhere in the galaxy.. :)

Happened to me once and if my memory serves me i ended up like 300 jumps away from my homebase..

Took me about a week and a half to get back home..


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
A few questions, how long will my nice Advanced cloak and other stuff sit around in containers?

Wrecks and containers disappear from the game when someone empties it completely or one hour has passed.

How do I get out of this wormhole system back to the "real" world?
If you didn't bookmark the wormhole you entered, then you are completely screwed.

Someone in the newbie chan suggested I blew myself up, losing the however many millions I've spent on implants, is there any other option?

Short-term, this is your only option. Long-term, you can spam the directional scanner and see if any ships pass by. Then try asking for help in local. More likely though, you'll be podded.

Your best bet is to self-destruct.

Let it be a lesson though, always bookmark the wormholes you find. And if exploring solo, always have a probe launcher w/probes.

In addition, sleepers are hard and don't fight like NPCs in "normal" space. Can be done solo but much more efficiently in a group. If exploring, stick to the non-wormhole signatures in system.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Oh right, forgot that it had a one hour lifespan, i should stop trying to help with a game i haven't played for years. xD


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Jesus christ. Silverhood, please tell me you were involved in that fight.

So finally, the CFC pull a proper CTA. I have no idea on the total pilots but we must have had over 1800 across various fleets. Vily was there with his 200 hero bombers, close to 3 full fleets of megathrons, 2 fleets of random ships, a FULL fleet of tackle and of course, the true heros, a full 225 man fleet of brave newbies in their fuck you fleet celestias. Black Legion were there to help and the fight was on. The dogpile coalition had slightly less, probably around 1500 but had a slowcat carrier fleet of around 150. Close to 10k were watching on the live feed.

Vily and his bombers kick off by decimating a dominix fleet with a perfectly timed bombing run and the newbies were locking down the dogpile coalition. PL said it was taking them close to 5 minutes to lock us due to the newbies and Ti Di. Dogpile battleships were falling by the wayside with them reshipping and flying straight back into the dumpster. This was going on for hours then the shout came across comms "TEST CAPITAL FLEET BUBBLED". 150 carriers bubbled with no where to go. Carriers start exploding and we are looking at decimating every single one of them until....the server crashed! Balls! Anyway, that was such an intense fight and now im knackered after only getting 3 hours sleep :(

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