elkie scammed

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Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Tears said:
I dont remember seeing this Elkie but was your daoc account using a hotmail (or similar) web mail thing ?

No i recieved new passwords ect and wrote em down and deleted it, i had my hotmail free for all on fh as i helped people with fitness training ect to help em out, thats how the guy got my email addy


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
I think what Tears is asking is IF someone claimed you had forgotten your password, is your Hotmail account the one your passwords would be sent to (ie the one registered with GOA).



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Elkie said:
No i recieved new passwords ect and wrote em down and deleted it, i had my hotmail free for all on fh as i helped people with fitness training ect to help em out, thats how the guy got my email addy

So i guess thats a yes then ? Doesnt matter what you did with your passwords, if someone had access to your hotmail account and that was the one linked to your DAOC account they could just request a new password to be sent to that inbox which they had full access to read.

Just a stark reminder to everyone not to use common free mail providors for confidential information.

edit: and gifv fitness help ! :)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Tears said:
So i guess thats a yes then ? Doesnt matter what you did with your passwords, if someone ad access to your hotmail account and that was the one linked to your DAOC account they could just request a new one.

no one had access to my hotmail acount, i got an email from goa saying shit about pwrds weather true or not i dont know so i did not press any links, trust ive got the most impossible hotmail pwrd:) i would bet thousands no1 would gues it lol, i did not understand question b4 do now


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Tears said:
So i guess thats a yes then ? Doesnt matter what you did with your passwords, if someone had access to your hotmail account and that was the one linked to your DAOC account they could just request a new password to be sent to that inbox which they had full access to read.

Just a stark reminder to everyone not to use common free mail providors for confidential information.

edit: and gifv fitness help ! :)

you need the sublogin also to get a new password, an if he had the sublogin an sub pass why not just steal the acc? or was that what he did?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Originally Posted by Elkie
I know you can do that but thing is they should trust me ive given them the cd keys i can even send me pictures of box set i have the recipt still i think of when i bought one of the sets... i gave them everything my irl adress phone numbers, dob, card holders name, acount experience, I can give them screenshots from when i started my chanter ect as said above.. i dont see why i have to go through this hastle when i have to mail it to goa itl take 7 days later then it will take em days to confirm ect, i gave them a secret email they can contact me by, and also asked them for phone number so can speak to em personally.

This is a big step so far goa nice people ect but this is hastle when ive given them info no1 else would know lol..

You could always have the US system with teh secret word whitch is god, if you got scamed out of that they WONT do anything for you ever, you could provide them with CDkeys,CC details the lot and they still wouldnt care if you dont have teh secret word your screwed.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
More good news i got this from goa :


you can send as a proof of your ownership a receipt of any bill you have (electricity or phone bill)

Thanks in advance


so its not the daoc bill as i couldnt suply it to them so will send it off 2moz or next day and will have my acount back when i get reply:)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Elkie said:
More good news i got this from goa :


you can send as a proof of your ownership a receipt of any bill you have (electricity or phone bill)

Thanks in advance


so its not the daoc bill as i couldnt suply it to them so will send it off 2moz or next day and will have my acount back when i get reply:)

Much as i thought, glad you got that cleared up with them to enable it to be easier for you. Been nice if they let you just fax a copy to them though so it could be done quicker :D

Happy that you will be able to get it sorted, told you that they aint all bad. And even though i didnt help too much it was good to actually help someone that actually did get fucked over unlike the usual people that claim it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Right.. now this dude was prolly not looking for any DAoC related things..
But i got contacted via ICQ by some1 called SPAMpy (a german) like 1 month ago.

he just started asking normal stuff like.. how i was etc.. so i said fine.. blah blah..

then he said.. i hacked your computer

So i said.. Ok. and?
then he said.. I got some passwords of you
so i replied.. Ermm sure.. (thinking.. wohooo another wannabee hacker trying to scare ppl)

then he gave me a password of some forum i visit time to time.. and i was like.. ERmm how the feck! :p

so instead of getting pissed @ him i was more interested in how he managed to get that.
as on my ICQ details. theres my email adress (old email from Barrysworld which i still use for MSN)
cant log into that anymore to check for mail.. so its MSN only

the only place i got that password stored was @ my Yahoo mail box..
so i asked him where he found that.. he said. On -my- computer..
so it started to get through to me that he realy was on my computer..
he named all stuff i had in my computer.. Geforce 6800ultra.. amd 3700+..
HD sizes.. movies i have on my computer

so then i thought. hmm a friend playing a game with me (tho he knowing the password is a bit weird. as it was a random generated PW, ie: ux7X92ks9381, just like DAoC basicly)

i asked how he got access to that specific e-mail adress, the only answer he gave was.. i hacked your computer..

so erm alright.. that password isnt on my computer neither..
its the serial nr of the wheelloader i work on.. which he obviously could never guess.
Nor via -i lost my password- as thats a fake question/answer, hell. he wouldnt even know that e-mail adress, as i dont have that listed anywhere on the net what so ever..

now i dont have any firewall running (cba with that crap ;)), tho im behind a router with firewall.

he refused to tell me how he got on my computer tho..
but i was prolly lucky he wasnt a -bad- hacker (i still havent changed any passwords)
as he didnt delete/destroy/modify anything..

now the weird thing is.. he swore that he never accessed my e-mail account to get that forum password
But i sure am fecking curious how he managed to get all that info :confused:

Some computer tech tell me how he managed.
he just contacted me @ random. and pretty much instantly got access..
after i checked netlimiter and checked from which IP the mssgs came from. i handed back his IP adress (or his bounce/proxy) and he stopped replying....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
hmm thinking about boomboomkthx...
i think i had him on MSN too some time ago..
got the msn logs on another HD.. will install that HD tomorrow. and check.
he obviously couldnt do anything with that msn adress as that was the barrysworld one :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Elkie said:
no one had access to my hotmail acount, i got an email from goa saying shit about pwrds weather true or not i dont know so i did not press any links, trust ive got the most impossible hotmail pwrd:) i would bet thousands no1 would gues it lol, i did not understand question b4 do now

people dont guess hotmail passwords ;) they hack the account, trust me hotmail is not secure at all.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Ballard said:
people dont guess hotmail passwords ;) they hack the account, trust me hotmail is not secure at all.

Aye the email im using to goa now is totally private no1 knows it atm accept me and them ive created another one again and i added you mikos now accept:<


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Devilseye said:
Some computer tech tell me how he managed.
he just contacted me @ random. and pretty much instantly got access..
after i checked netlimiter and checked from which IP the mssgs came from. i handed back his IP adress (or his bounce/proxy) and he stopped replying....

your forum passwords are stored by your browser, its not that hard to decrypt them. As for getting access to your machine, there are various ways, if he gave you a url to go to he could of ran some scripts in the background to copy files across.

could also be an old netbios vulnerability especially if you share a drive out, what you should of done is netstat -A when he was talking to you to see what other connections were open and what ports they were using etc..

if you want me to see if you have a trojan just run this command in a dos box

netstat -A >c:\netstat.txt and send me the text, otherwise install a personal firewall.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
scorge said:
your forum passwords are stored by your browser, its not that hard to decrypt them. As for getting access to your machine, there are various ways, if he gave you a url to go to he could of ran some scripts in the background to copy files across.

could also be an old netbios vulnerability especially if you share a drive out, what you should of done is netstat -A when he was talking to you to see what other connections were open and what ports they were using etc..

if you want me to see if you have a trojan just run this command in a dos box

netstat -A >c:\netstat.txt and send me the text, otherwise install a personal firewall.

that old netbios thing was fun :m00: :p

but anyways. no i never accepted any file, neither did he try to send one
and about that share thing..
im behind a router as i said. if i wanna setup a ftp server for friends outside my LAN for example i have to map ports in order for it to work.
im not directly hooked to the net :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
People often use the same password for everything.

Sure, he might not know your "Hotmail" password, but if the person in question has access to any other password (perhaps you've signed up on a forum he mods?), he could try your email and get in.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
eggy said:
People often use the same password for everything.

Sure, he might not know your "Hotmail" password, but if the person in question has access to any other password (perhaps you've signed up on a forum he mods?), he could try your email and get in.
but for example guessing a 8digit password would already be pretty damn hard.
and take ages @ Yahoo mail. as 3x wrong password = unable to login for 15 or 30mins afaik :).
and using the -i lost my password- thing wont help him/her out neither as its a fake ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Devilseye said:
that old netbios thing was fun :m00: :p

but anyways. no i never accepted any file, neither did he try to send one
and about that share thing..
im behind a router as i said. if i wanna setup a ftp server for friends outside my LAN for example i have to map ports in order for it to work.
im not directly hooked to the net :)

you dont need to accept a file, just click on a url :-(



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
ahhhhhhhhhhhh, this explains it. Couple of days ago some guy with email - Boom_boomkthnx@hotmail.com added me to his msn. Thought it was strange as hadn't spoken to anyone new etc, and he's never signed on since. Would imagine he's getting the msn addys off peoples profiles here. Either way i think that hotmail account has been closed by the looks of it...

Shame he wasted his time ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Skaven said:
Would imagine he's getting the msn addys off peoples profiles here.

Probably right, which is why I only ever give my msn details out to people I know/trust and try never to publish it in a place where just anyone could access it...

Although it's strange to think that the person doing this is probably sitting back, reading this thread and laughing...

Hell, they may even have posted in this thread themselves!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Skaven said:
ahhhhhhhhhhhh, this explains it. Couple of days ago some guy with email - Boom_boomkthnx@hotmail.com added me to his msn. Thought it was strange as hadn't spoken to anyone new etc, and he's never signed on since. Would imagine he's getting the msn addys off peoples profiles here. Either way i think that hotmail account has been closed by the looks of it...

Shame he wasted his time ;)

and u accepted... lol, ur asking to be hacked whatever :p
i never accept msn invites from ppl i have no clue.... if the want me on msn... they contact me first whit other means and that guy added me too 2 days ago... insta bloecked...


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Got added by that account on MSN aswell during last week, luckily (i guess) my net had been down from last monday to yesterday so guess his hotmail acc got banned during that time.

Fucking pathetic to see this tbh, disgusting behaviour against another human being.

Not that i in any way condone this kind of behaviour but... if the person that did this had been after the money/items etc etc it had been 'more understandable' but to see him spam the game info of the account everywhere he can and try to ruin the reputation of the account is just detestable. :/


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
its not that difficult to get into someones pc -esp over irc. once on there, they probably download your cookies, and goto the sites that you access, then look at the password page (with it all hashed out) - and use a program to remove the hashes


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Septina said:
Got added by that account on MSN aswell during last week, luckily (i guess) my net had been down from last monday to yesterday so guess his hotmail acc got banned during that time.

Fucking pathetic to see this tbh, disgusting behaviour against another human being.

Not that i in any way condone this kind of behaviour but... if the person that did this had been after the money/items etc etc it had been 'more understandable' but to see him spam the game info of the account everywhere he can and try to ruin the reputation of the account is just detestable. :/

imagine how i feel septina:< the effort i put into getting best temps with best items is gone:( just hopeing i get them back


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Elkie said:
imagine how i feel septina:< the effort i put into getting best temps with best items is gone:( just hopeing i get them back

I can only imagine how i'd feel if the same happened to me.
I'm at a loss of words how a person can do something like this towards another person, sure its only 'digital possesions' etc but, most people playing this game put down alot of effort in customizing their chars and so on.

Really hope everything gets sorted for you. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Septina said:
I can only imagine how i'd feel if the same happened to me.
I'm at a loss of words how a person can do something like this towards another person, sure its only 'digital possesions' etc but, most people playing this game put down alot of effort in customizing their chars and so on.

Really hope everything gets sorted for you. :(

Well said. I really can not fathom how someone could want to do this to other people, I dont think its a lack of intelligence, there just must be something wrong with their basic thought processes for there to be such a lack of empathy.


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
At the end of the day its not due to a lack of empathy but due to a lack of emphasies on the worth of digitial goods.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
one thing is funneh tho :p

when ppl say that those things ingame etc... arent real and u loose then it doesnt matter...is bit stupid imo. ofc those items arent real.... but the time u put into getting them and the chars IS real... so u still loose something in rl... time. time = money... so :p

just had to get it off my chest.. not aimed at enyone :p


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Well lets look at it like this: ml10 caster pants took me ages to find and get.

I think if you ask some people they would tell you how much I qq'd about getting my druid ml10 scale pants finally got em: had to farm immo ring 2x and give the guy 5 plat.
Zahur rings i spent hours farming zahur to get these.
Lightning vined boots (buff bonus ones) spent alot time farming them:)

those are just examples. Also i recently obtained a dark spire dex bracer for my new enchanter template that is most likely gone:)

Its like septina loosing his Guthlac shield i mean those a pricey items that took them ages to get or alot of money to obtain.

End of day its a game a fun one i dont pve anymore i just rvr at nights if groups needs me. But i have spent alot of time working hard pveing and getting them items and the plats to have the best templates i could make at the time;) I also do it to help people think in total ive given away 100p worth of stuff to people just help them with temps, think if mikos remembers i bought a guildy's when i first joined natural selection armour and zephr necklace for him ect quiet bit of money


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2004
rampant said:
its not that difficult to get into someones pc -esp over irc. once on there, they probably download your cookies, and goto the sites that you access, then look at the password page (with it all hashed out) - and use a program to remove the hashes

A hash is irreversible :p

Edit: On a second read, I'm not sure what you mean by hash. If you do mean a hash-value, lets say md5, then it is irreversible. Can make your own hash pretty easily by: asc is the ascii-value for the current char in the string: squarroot(theHash + asc), and do that till you are out of chars - then remove the decimal sign. Very easy - and if you find a way to make it back to the original string... well... ok, I give up - its impossible.
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