censi said:theres things in life that are right and wrong, hacking someones daoc account is like worse than being burgled because they are stealing something you have invested years in.
Censi said:theres things in life that are right and wrong, hacking someones daoc account is like worse than being burgled because they are stealing something you have invested years in.
censi said:hacking someones daoc account is like worse than being burgled because they are stealing something you have invested years in.
That's just total bollocks...censi said:hacking someones daoc account is like worse than being burgled because they are stealing something you have invested years in.
Yeah, what are you lot like, the geek talk thread is clearly over hereDervish said:What are you lot like?
Rampant means the symbols used to replace the actual password on screen which are used to stop someone looking over your shoulder from seeing your password not a hash as in MD5.
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:That's just total bollocks...
When you've experienced a burglary you'll know. It's not the loss of materials which gets to you after that, though loss of that which has sentimental value does get to you most of that all.
It's the feeling of not being safe in your own house anymore.. that anyone can enter that which should give you warmth and protection.
A burglary is A LOT worse than some hacking...
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:That's just total bollocks...
When you've experienced a burglary you'll know. It's not the loss of materials which gets to you after that, though loss of that which has sentimental value does get to you most of that all.
It's the feeling of not being safe in your own house anymore.. that anyone can enter that which should give you warmth and protection.
A burglary is A LOT worse than some hacking...
Ballard said:To be honest I dont agree with any of that, I thought censi was dead on. When I got robbed last they just took DVD player , CD's and DVD nothing worth anything other than $$. Its not as though burglars go through your house looking for the family photos Wheras something I had spent two years building up has more value to me than some piece of electronics
Ofc If they actually break in when your at home and some other trouble occurs thats a completely different story.
Thadius said:I agree with censi
I would be more pissed off to someone stole something I have worked for nearly 2 years than a dvd player, dvd players can be bought back, camelot experience cant(unless you ebay! )
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:That's just total bollocks...
When you've experienced a burglary you'll know. It's not the loss of materials which gets to you after that, though loss of that which has sentimental value does get to you most of that all.
It's the feeling of not being safe in your own house anymore.. that anyone can enter that which should give you warmth and protection.
A burglary is A LOT worse than some hacking...
Flimgoblin said:I guess both have the "not being safe" to some extent as well..
Probably depends how emotionally attached you are to a: your house and b: your daoc account.
e.g. if you're living in a rented flat you'll be moving out of in another 6 months it's probably not that bad, if it's the house you've been living in for 5 years and spent a lot of energy decorating or whatever you'll be far more affected.
same way if you share accounts with people or buy accounts you'll probably be less emotionally affected by having your account hacked (oh well just buy/pl/whatever another) than if it's an account you've been playing solely for 4 years.
Elkie said:Well said tbh i mean alot of people like myself leveled their main char from level one, i did myne nearly solo without no buff bot, i did have my druid pl'd with 4 ml9 animist in poc thoe dingd 50 in 4 hours xD, but my fucking local shops all photo coppyers are down so will take it into my local work tonight do it their and send letter off 2moz.
Mey said:Druid 5-50 in 4 hours?
<insert random alb=easymode (necro) whine here>Pirkel said:<insert random hib=easymode whine here>
Grimnna said:I could make a post now on the fact that everyone that thinks an account is being hacked is just as bad (or could be as bad) as being burglared is clueless, but what do I know...
Only worked fo a company that sells and installs burglaralarms for about a year. I could tell stories about people that move out of their house after only living in it for 3 months, or stories about grown up men (big men) that start crying if you ask them how they feel and they tell what happened when they got home and found out they were robbed when not even at home, or about children age 10-14 starting to pee in their beds again after "A bad man was in our house, but I was not scared... honoust".
But I won't do that because that would be off topic.
Sorry you got hacked Elkie, hope you get your items back.
P.S. I hope you realise the game will end eventually, you will loose your account at some point one way or the other.
Just warning you so you can prepare for it. Not ment as sarcasm.
Calaen said:Comparing a Daoc account hack to a Burglary and trying to say they will have the same emotional effect on your live is absolute pesh.
If your really emotionally attached to a pixel to the point where it would worry you more to lose the characters than it would to be broken go get some f***ing help!
Like said before, it's not the material loss that's the culprit at burglaries... It's the fact that strangers were able to enter the one area in where you should feel safe, Your area, your home.xxManiacxx said:how attached are u to money? its just a piece of paper
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:Like said before, it's not the material loss that's the culprit at burglaries... It's the fact that strangers were able to enter the one area in where you should feel safe, Your area, your home.
Coldbeard said:SHUT