elkie scammed

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Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Ovron said:
A hash is irreversible :p.

you would think so buts its not..

Ovron said:
Edit: On a second read, I'm not sure what you mean by hash. If you do mean a hash-value, lets say md5, then it is irreversible. Can make your own hash pretty easily by: asc is the ascii-value for the current char in the string: squarroot(theHash + asc), and do that till you are out of chars - then remove the decimal sign. Very easy - and if you find a way to make it back to the original string... well... ok, I give up - its impossible.

you can brute force md5 hashes due to collisons or use a chosen-plaintext attack or know-plaintext attack, to quicken the decryption. Its not as secure as it once was for a one way hashing function


i doubt very much though if the "scammer" decrypted MD5 hashes, more likely managed to grab a cached copy of the webform passwords.

social engineering oe educated guesses even over MSN is a lot simpler and quicker means of compromisig accounts.



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2004
What are you lot like? :p

Rampant means the symbols used to replace the actual password on screen which are used to stop someone looking over your shoulder from seeing your password not a hash as in MD5.


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2004
scorge said:
you would think so buts its not..

you can brute force md5 hashes due to collisons or use a chosen-plaintext attack or know-plaintext attack, to quicken the decryption. Its not as secure as it once was for a one way hashing function


i doubt very much though if the "scammer" decrypted MD5 hashes, more likely managed to grab a cached copy of the webform passwords.

social engineering oe educated guesses even over MSN is a lot simpler and quicker means of compromisig accounts.


about the hash - very interresting - however doesn't that study require you to have a string that gives a certain hash to be able to recreate a string of your own with the same hash? - i.e. You recreate the hash-value with another string and not get the content of the original string?

/threadhijack off :>


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Kaun_IA said:
and u accepted... lol, ur asking to be hacked whatever :p
i never accept msn invites from ppl i have no clue.... if the want me on msn... they contact me first whit other means and that guy added me too 2 days ago... insta bloecked...

Why should i be asking to be hacked because i accepted an invite? Was I supposed to know then that accepting an invite on msn leads to being hacked? Sorry, just in my nature to be a trusting person.

besides the point, I didn't get ' hacked ' as I don't store any passwords in emails or on my computer. If they want to take over my msn account they can go ahead, most work i'll have to do is re-add my contact list to a new account.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Dervish said:
What are you lot like? :p

Rampant means the symbols used to replace the actual password on screen which are used to stop someone looking over your shoulder from seeing your password not a hash as in MD5.

spot on :) - im not clever enuff to understand md5 and all of that stuff


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
after reading about how hash and super hash and super duper hash can be used to bore your friends....whats the status on elkie's account?

i dont want a masters in computers hence i have not read the past few pages


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Bahumat said:
after reading about how hash and super hash and super duper hash can be used to bore your friends....whats the status on elkie's account?

i dont want a masters in computers hence i have not read the past few pages

Well atm yan they asked me to send them a copy of an electricity bill/phone bill for proof of id of the card ect, after they get that i should get my acount back, speaking to few gms its up to their decission if i get my items ect back mate.

Am going to make a copy of a bill 2moz and send it via air mail to the adress they gave me.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Elkie said:
Well atm yan they asked me to send them a copy of an electricity bill/phone bill for proof of id of the card ect, after they get that i should get my acount back, speaking to few gms its up to their decission if i get my items ect back mate.

Am going to make a copy of a bill 2moz and send it via air mail to the adress they gave me.

lace the letter with cocaine, see how quickly the servers start going down hehe.

Seems like they are aware this is a deliberate attempt to fuck up your account so fingers crossed they do the right thing :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
I hope for your sake they return items.

still I will be pissed off if they do. because same rules should apply to everybody


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Chimaira said:
I hope for your sake they return items.

still I will be pissed off if they do. because same rules should apply to everybody

think about it mate how many situation like this actually show that people have shared their passwords ect? im a victim of something that i have not done wrong i mean i aint given pwrds out there aint no pwrds on my computer soo if you look at other cases its quiet clear that they have .

and nice to see you chim!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Elkie said:
think about it mate how many situation like this actually show that people have shared their passwords ect? im a victim of something that i have not done wrong i mean i aint given pwrds out there aint no pwrds on my computer soo if you look at other cases its quiet clear that they have .

and nice to see you chim!

Compared to my own hackin accident everytime.

Nice to see you to. I hope you get shit back. I got hacked in SI so people spellcrafted me new gear. so it was ok. TOA on the other hand....

Because all you got left otherwise is that gimped US shaman :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
I just got pmed by gimmly on irc with him saying this

" You fucking prick i just got banned from requiel because of whats happened to your acount "

Hmm good choice by goa why isit all sudden im getting flamed to bits by gimmly well done Req!


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
well if he stole yer account, what's a little flaming going to be?

Glad he got caught.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
umm, I imagine it was just a "you have been banned for hacking accounts" and given this rather public thread he put 2 and 2 together...?
(or rather given it was him he thought "doh" ;))

Iirc, he was previous told by GoA that he is not allowed to play the game in any form any more (didnt they ban his credit card or something?) and so by making it known he was playing (here and irc) so they just found out his account and got rid of it? Afteral they had his IP address from IRC

Edit: less editing Flim!


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Corran said:
Iirc, he was previous told by GoA that he is not allowed to play the game in any form any more (didnt they ban his credit card or something?) and so by making it known he was playing (here and irc) so they just found out his account and got rid of it? Afteral they had his IP address from IRC

Edit: less editing Flim!

Well i never got told by req the reason gimmly is just threatning me on irc ect, saying how they did ban the acount cos of me, so i dont exactly know whats going on :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Elkie said:
Well i never got told by req the reason gimmly is just threatning me on irc ect, saying how they did ban the acount cos of me, so i dont exactly know whats going on :)

report him to a channel mod or an ircop - assuming pming threats over IRC is a bad thing - see if he can get himself banned from quakenet as well as FH and DAOC ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Elkie said:
I just got pmed by gimmly on irc with him saying this

" You fucking prick i just got banned from requiel because of whats happened to your acount "

Hmm good choice by goa why isit all sudden im getting flamed to bits by gimmly well done Req!

Good to hear the balls rolling - hope they can help getting your account back (and any items he traded) Today is starting to be a good day with that wanker gone.


I registered explicitly after a friend of mine linked me to this thread, just to say thank you.

Never have I laughed so long, or so much at such retardedness. I didn't think anyone could be more stupid than the guys in Jolt's Delta Force forum, but you all really take the cake.

Please, ignore me and keep helping Elkie with your insightful suggestions as every word is gold.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
idimmu said:
I registered explicitly after a friend of mine linked me to this thread, just to say thank you.

Never have I laughed so long, or so much at such retardedness. I didn't think anyone could be more stupid than the guys in Jolt's Delta Force forum, but you all really take the cake.

Please, ignore me and keep helping Elkie with your insightful suggestions as every word is gold.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Agree with Pirkel - get the numpty off the boards - he isnt even man enough to admit what he has come on here to try n act teh cool about.. maybe that would involve learning to spell too many words !


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
so at the end of the day elkie will get his stuff back with help from goa and us the community (in game help etc) and some wanker scammer gets his accounts banned, quality :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Bugz said:
Sorry to sound like a total mong but on what terms was he banned?

He be banned because he joined for the sole reason of flamming etc, also maybe because he sounds like a wanker as well so no reason to leave him with access
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