elkie scammed

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Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
club said:
UndyingAngel said:
(15:26:23) (Gimmly) - The packets to intercept the e-mail not the actual e-mail once in mailbox

well TCP/IP has been proven to be unsafe for a while now, unless they are useing IPv6 which seams to still be very slow to take off but anyway, siffing teh packs and get teh emails isnt impossable but it would require effort.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
UndyingAngel said:
club said:
well TCP/IP has been proven to be unsafe for a while now, unless they are useing IPv6 which seams to still be very slow to take off but anyway, siffing teh packs and get teh emails isnt impossable but it would require effort.

(15:40:58) (Gimmly) Alot more then effort


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
the people who took slients account both for perma baned so they are doing somthing about it


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
GimmlyPublic Enemy#1 said:
First off I haven't played euro daoc or been on fh in 6-7 months and haven't been in irc in like 4 days,

Much bullshit even in the first couple of lines, couldn't be arsed to read the rest. A little log from saturday 27th:

18:24 -!- W00tw00t [~Gimmly@host81-129-46-113.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #groove.daoc
18:24 < W00tw00t> someone tell me what I should roll, bain / ench or eld? :p
18:25 < Daemyr> Menta!
18:25 < Rage|Rsh> solo , grp, pug ?
18:25 < W00tw00t> grp / pug
18:25 < Chrstffr> radar
18:25 < Rage|Rsh> fixed grp?
18:25 < W00tw00t> maybe
18:25 < W00tw00t> both
18:26 < Rage|Rsh> lets decide with ur grp mates then
18:26 <+Vf`> roll menta and camp crau bridge
18:26 <+staj[RU]> roll void eld
18:26 <+Vf`> stun nuke and heals
18:26 <+Vf`> r0x
18:26 < W00tw00t> lol
18:26 < Rage|Rsh> i wannul void led + bain
18:26 < Rage|Rsh> insta kill all
18:26 <@mamba> 18:24 -!- W00tw00t [~Gimmly@host
18:26 <@mamba> if ur the gimmly from mid/pryd
18:26 <@mamba> do every1 a favour and dont roll anything
18:26 <+Vf`> hahaha
18:26 < battleboar> lol
18:27 < Rage|Rsh> ROFL
18:27 < Chrstffr> he is
18:27 < battleboar> roll some mid
18:27 < W00tw00t> rofl
18:27 < W00tw00t> xD
18:27 < battleboar> or alb coz i dont wanna play same realm as you :)(
18:27 < battleboar> :)))))
18:27 -!- Ered [~flasketut@ti111210a080-0424.bb.online.no] has joined #groove.daoc
18:27 -!- battleboar is now known as huntingtons
18:27 * huntingtons slaps Ered around a bit with a large trout
18:27 < W00tw00t> lol i played hib for 6 months
18:27 -!- Ered [~flasketut@ti111210a080-0424.bb.online.no] has quit [Registered]
18:27 -!- Ered [~flasketut@Auch.users.quakenet.org] has joined #groove.daoc
18:27 < huntingtons> gimmly got banned 6 months ago LOLS! (more actully)
18:27 < W00tw00t> yep
18:28 < W00tw00t> na about 6-7 months max
18:28 < mxn-> how much is love story book on alb?
18:28 < W00tw00t> and i am rerolling again
18:28 < huntingtons> nah you got banned before i moved and i've lived here atleast 6 months or msth
18:28 < Chrstffr> you should do everyone a favour mamba and supply the channel with a kb
18:29 < mxn-> how much is love story book on alb?
18:29 < W00tw00t> lol
18:29 <@mamba> hah
18:29 <@mamba> nah
18:29 -!- Litmus [mitchell.w@Splinty.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Ping timeout]
18:29 < W00tw00t> I was actually wrongfully banned the second time tbh
18:29 <@mamba> :p
18:30 < Helier> prozze
18:30 < Helier> im loggingo one on now for abit
18:30 < Chippox> payin 1 plat for 14 magical scarab wings in hib!
18:30 -!- Litmus [mitchell.w@Splinty.users.quakenet.org] has joined #groove.daoc
18:30 < W00tw00t> Anyway which class? I have a grp and pl I need to decide which class to roll
18:31 < mxn-> mid class?
18:31 < W00tw00t> no
18:31 < W00tw00t> hib
18:31 < remem|> ur mom class¨
18:31 < W00tw00t> caster
18:31 < W00tw00t> bain / ench or eld
18:31 < Helier> u cant go wrong with bain
18:31 < W00tw00t> wow, orignal insulting comment m8 you rox
18:32 < mxn-> animist
18:32 < Helier> its easiest and most op caster in hib ;p
18:32 < remem|> i know
18:32 < W00tw00t> didn't they get nerfed?
18:32 < mxn-> i recommend a wl tho
18:32 < Helier> aslong as they keep 2300 taunt they're fine ;p
18:32 < W00tw00t> easy rp with easy mode game
18:33 < W00tw00t> ench still good?
18:34 -!- HaaMobEm [~syrekick@host86-134-128-56.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #groove.daoc
18:34 -!- W00tw00t [~Gimmly@host81-129-46-113.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit]


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
In this thread... people who have read some long networking acronyms, show they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Elitestoner said:
i sold my reaver for £250 just a few weeks ago..

lol yea i one of my m8's the gimp bought ure bb acc :p

He is trying to think up a way to get them to change the name from Elitesbot ... hahahahaha ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
Demon2k3 said:
afaik this kind of acting is criminal and can be taken to court. not sure tho...

Its true.... heard of several cases, most from US/Japan but also Ze Germany... dunno if it applies for gaming, but doing same to a business and get caught u get roally fucked over the next many years...

share ip * (just seen it in thread cba to read all pages :p) so we can flood the fuck back under the stone he came from :puke: ... (i know its not right either)
or maybe hook up with wizkid and track his arse down, and fuck him up irl.

Sorry have no respect for ppl like that at all....

hope ull be back soon elkie m8


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Im very confused i sent goa email with ALL my cd keys from irl box sets all my personal info irl where i live, date of birth, name of card holder i used (Which is my dads at the current moments) they replied with i need to write a letter to goa containing creadit card monthly bill? i cant do this because i pay daoc anually so thats 1nce a year and i cant get last years credit card bill i replid to them asking them for a phone number i can call. Its concerning cos i cant do what they have asked me cos i pay anualy (well my old man does) I told them if they want i can send them in game screen shots from when i started to days before i was hacked. Its bit weird because i cant do anything because i pay anually and cant get the card bill from last year...


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Azathrim said:
I hope you wrote that to them then. :)

i have waiting for a reply but the thing is this is just going to make it look like i aint the real owner but i am... everyone who knows me can tell by my voice on vent ect when ive played acount i have screenshots from my chanter when i created it as thid toon to when it was 50 and i was getting it toad, have it when i was in natural selection running setgroups, and current days till i got hacked.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
You can phone up your credit card company and ask for a copy of the statement.

I can fully understand GoA want to see a copy of the statement to prove that you are the card holder for the card that paid the subscription.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Tears said:
You can phone up your credit card company and ask for a copy of the statement.

I can fully understand GoA want to see a copy of the statement to prove that you are the card holder for the card that paid the subscription.

I know you can do that but thing is they should trust me ive given them the cd keys i can even send me pictures of box set i have the recipt still i think of when i bought one of the sets... i gave them everything my irl adress phone numbers, dob, card holders name, acount experience, I can give them screenshots from when i started my chanter ect as said above.. i dont see why i have to go through this hastle when i have to mail it to goa itl take 7 days later then it will take em days to confirm ect, i gave them a secret email they can contact me by, and also asked them for phone number so can speak to em personally.

This is a big step so far goa nice people ect but this is hastle when ive given them info no1 else would know lol..


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
i dont see why they want that o_O.. if you have the original CD keys.. then they can just look at the card that has been used since it was originally registered and that proves its your card.. unless somehow u got someones account ... and their CD-Key.. and you have been using a credit card with their name on it for the past 3 or more years and it was never reported stolen.. lol

thats a wierd thing for them to ask imo :/

and actually what has the card that has been used to pay the account since day 1 got to do with who is on it now??


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
XenX said:
and actually what has the card that has been used to pay the account since day 1 got to do with who is on it now??

Offically once you purchased the game it should never be traded/sold on. It breaches the code of conduct. This means that if all the details changed, the original owner in theory could go to GoA and say "This is the cd keys, this is the account details, this is the original CC used. My account was stolen long ago but i couldnt be arsed to pursue it as hadnt done much, however i want it back now."

Though in this example, and others, if both people can provide cd-keys etc then you will see GoA probably just say "This account is permanently terminated" and they have got their CoC to fall back on to give them the rights to do so. It will really suck if this is the case though here.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Elkie said:
Im very confused i sent goa email with ALL my cd keys from irl box sets all my personal info irl where i live, date of birth, name of card holder i used (Which is my dads at the current moments) they replied with i need to write a letter to goa containing creadit card monthly bill? i cant do this because i pay daoc anually so thats 1nce a year and i cant get last years credit card bill i replid to them asking them for a phone number i can call. Its concerning cos i cant do what they have asked me cos i pay anualy (well my old man does) I told them if they want i can send them in game screen shots from when i started to days before i was hacked. Its bit weird because i cant do anything because i pay anually and cant get the card bill from last year...

Elkie, just a question which it is not clear....

Did they ask for the monthly bill that specifies the Daoc info or just one for the credit card you stated is used.

The reason I ask this is follows:

1) The details on the bill wont specify what account was paid for so proves nothing.

2) They should be able to see how often you are billed and will know that, wether they looked at that i dont know.

3) Quite possible they just want proof that you actually have material proof of that credit card.

I say this because if you been hacked and this information was available on your pc (not saying it is etc, just scenerio) then the hacker could just say "This is the cd information, my details, would just ened look at subs screen, and this is the credit card details".

But in asking for a monthly bill, even one that doesnt have the daoc payment on it, they will have material evidence that you actually are the owner of 1) the account, 2) the credit card (or got access to the credit card in your case) because the bill would include the credit card number, your address, owner name etc on it along with other data.

If possible they may let you get away with a copy scanned and sent via rightnow or even faxed through to them. You would have to discuss that with them. Requiel is a nice guy but dont know who you dealing with, (disclaimer!! not saying any others not nice, just I have spoken to him previously and having actual conversation not online = easy to make a comment about them), so they may be able to help you out in that regards.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Sharma said:
Hrm, still possible he could have nabbed it.

Modem -> Firewall -> *Vast space of teh intarweb* -> GOA servers

He could have still intercepted the traffic as the reply giving away your IP probably could have passed unnoticed on the sending back to him, it's just ICMP traffic.

So packet sniffer seems likely here.

The above techniques don't really take a lot of knowledge, someone said gimmli probably wouldnt know enough for this, but yes, indeed, someone as stupid as him could do this, it's still around "Idiot" level to do this.

Could be a program (or trojan) thats using port redirects, even if firewalled smtp traffic can go over port 80, and he can read it on his machine, or could be a man in the middle if thats the case try netstat -A and look for odd connections..



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Elkie said:
I know you can do that but thing is they should trust me ive given them the cd keys i can even send me pictures of box set i have the recipt still i think of when i bought one of the sets... i gave them everything my irl adress phone numbers, dob, card holders name, acount experience, I can give them screenshots from when i started my chanter ect as said above.. i dont see why i have to go through this hastle when i have to mail it to goa itl take 7 days later then it will take em days to confirm ect, i gave them a secret email they can contact me by, and also asked them for phone number so can speak to em personally.

This is a big step so far goa nice people ect but this is hastle when ive given them info no1 else would know lol..

It is not hard to obtain information like the above about someone. In fact, it's a commonly used method. Normal conversations pushed in the right direction can reveal personal information without you even knowing you're giving it out.

They won't want to speak to you personally.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
scorge said:
Could be a program (or trojan) thats using port redirects, even if firewalled smtp traffic can go over port 80, and he can read it on his machine, or could be a man in the middle if thats the case try netstat -A and look for odd connections..


yea i kinda thougth about it aswell, somehow he has gotten info, and apperently not giving it out freely, and not via the msn email since that wasnt the one used for daoc account. migth have been a trojan or smth built in some prog that we all have faith in it should be, could be in such a simple and often used program as a sc calc for all i know (althou i dont think so, but you get my idea...) and maybe only used msn and the fake email to confirm whom it was and to obtain the ip to know were to attack ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2006
Elkie mate

there looking at this like i was, they want to make sure 100% it is U, and GOA dont take this shit lightly, so they are making sure its can only possabley be U

Problem is when u deside to call up ur Credit Card Company and get the stuff required to send to GOA, its probably gonna be a week before u get that stuff, so GOA will have to wait... so i advise calling up ur CCC asap, the less time u spend toddling and getting the info GOA need, the less time u will be without ur items and ur entire account...

And now that i think about it... Throw us a PM will a list of those ML10 items u had.. ill see if i have any that i can give ya when u get back on, just incase u know, cus while GOA is able to get ur account back and get back the money side of things... (since u cant destroy money ingame...or sell it lol) ur items however might not be.. there anymore.. so if u dont get em back ill see what i can get ya


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
VegetaFH1 said:
Elkie mate

there looking at this like i was, they want to make sure 100% it is U, and GOA dont take this shit lightly, so they are making sure its can only possabley be U

Problem is when u deside to call up ur Credit Card Company and get the stuff required to send to GOA, its probably gonna be a week before u get that stuff, so GOA will have to wait... so i advise calling up ur CCC asap, the less time u spend toddling and getting the info GOA need, the less time u will be without ur items and ur entire account...

And now that i think about it... Throw us a PM will a list of those ML10 items u had.. ill see if i have any that i can give ya when u get back on, just incase u know, cus while GOA is able to get ur account back and get back the money side of things... (since u cant destroy money ingame...or sell it lol) ur items however might not be.. there anymore.. so if u dont get em back ill see what i can get ya

From what i know goa cant restore deleted chars after a patch so lets say this letter dont get to them in time.. i would not be able to get a char back after patch, atleast thats how it use to be..


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Elkie, why do i get the feeling the culprit also lives in wickford?

numerous times i heard about how your wickford friends all got their accounts hacked, (myself and some of the wickford people played at the same LAN centre) but as they seem to be so stupid they brag about it.

the past few times it was Lee (Macro the necro)who robbed peoples accounts.

Maybe the culprit is closer to home than you think...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Elkie said:
From what i know goa cant restore deleted chars after a patch so lets say this letter dont get to them in time.. i would not be able to get a char back after patch, atleast thats how it use to be..

goa can and will restor if u ask :)

few ppl have come back... take for example Thesa/Thesus... he deleted all of hes chars.. regreted..mailed goa.. got them back AFTER patch.

its not possible to get chars u deleted before patch and want the restored now


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
I think GOA simply don't promise that they can restore them.

A patch may result in a database change that prevents the restore.

They'll try, in my experience.



Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Bahumat said:
Elkie, why do i get the feeling the culprit also lives in wickford?

numerous times i heard about how your wickford friends all got their accounts hacked, (myself and some of the wickford people played at the same LAN centre) but as they seem to be so stupid they brag about it.

the past few times it was Lee (Macro the necro)who robbed peoples accounts.

Maybe the culprit is closer to home than you think...

yan you dont know how long its been since of ive seen all them lot aint been down wire world for like a year its not possible m8 i dont even hang around with those retards;) they aint smart enough to do all this you know that.

Atm i have sent email to subscription@goa.com telling them about the issue i got atm waiting a reply and corran is helping me out a bit


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Roteca said:
yea i kinda thougth about it aswell, somehow he has gotten info, and apperently not giving it out freely, and not via the msn email since that wasnt the one used for daoc account. migth have been a trojan or smth built in some prog that we all have faith in it should be, could be in such a simple and often used program as a sc calc for all i know (althou i dont think so, but you get my idea...) and maybe only used msn and the fake email to confirm whom it was and to obtain the ip to know were to attack ?

or one of those installers for ui's!!.. Lets all blaim mxn :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Eeben said:
or one of those installers for ui's!!.. Lets all blaim mxn :p

lol yeah.. they're a bit suspicious :p but as long as they dont attempt any outbound connections I'll leave them on my pc..

That's why I love Zonealarm, it always flags up any new programs attempting its first connection to the net.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Ivynoxia said:
lol yeah.. they're a bit suspicious :p but as long as they dont attempt any outbound connections I'll leave them on my pc..

That's why I love Zonealarm, it always flags up any new programs attempting its first connection to the net.

same im using zone alarm pro atm, still waiting for email back from goa atm


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
I dont remember seeing this Elkie but was your daoc account using a hotmail (or similar) web mail thing ?
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