Ebay II


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah I missed the boat with my ps2 as well. Hung on a bit too long. Oh well, I will just have to use it to play GTA instead :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
lol, it seems I've been picked out by the scam squad

Scamming spacklord said:
I need to get paid for the Nikon CoolPix that you bought through paypal under the email: lori444rex@yahoo.com. You need to pay for the item that was sent to you.

If I can recall, your mailing address was:

Glori Arexova:
285 Llyina St., Apt.16
Cherkassy, Ukraine
Postal Code: 18000

Tom said:
Dear Spacklord


Or if you didn't understand that, take a large rusty spike and shove it up your fucking arse until it bleeds.


scamming spacklord said:
Dear tomjeffs,

I am very frustrated because you havn't sent me the payment for the Nikon Coolpix 5400 Digital Camera and Assessories. I don't want to report you. I want to have the smoothess transaction. But I do need your cooperation. You should be recieving the Items bought from me very soon if you havn't already received them. Please contact me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I do need to be paid, I need the money. Please do not ignore my emails. I am trying my best to have the smoothess transaction as possible. If you are dissatisfied with the product please return it to the return address. I have billed you $750.00 one more time through paypal. If paypal is giving you trouble to pay, please use the method of payment you mentioned, Western Union. Email me as soon as possible with the MCTN number from Western Union for the amount of $750. I do appreciate your business, I just need some cooperation, please. Also, keep in mind that I am very willing to do business with you in the future. Thanks.

Tom said:
Lick my cock, you fucking SPAZ


scamming spacklord said:
I need to get paid for the Nikon CoolPix that you bought through paypal under the email: lori444rex@yahoo.com. You need to pay for the item that was sent to you.

If I can recall, your mailing address was:

Glori Arexova:
285 Llyina St., Apt.16
Cherkassy, Ukraine
Postal Code: 18000

The items were sent to this address.

You use to email me through your *****@****.com email
You paid through lori444rex@yahoo.com email
And you are currently responding through your *****@****.com email.

Please do pay because I need to get paid. Thanks.

scamming spacklord said:
Are you saying that you didn't receive the item I sent you? Do you not live at the address I sent you in email? Are those not your emails? Did someone act as if they were you? Please respond with an adequate answer or I will report you. Thanks.

Tom said:
Look twat. You're a scamming tosser. Report me for whatever you like. I haven't bought shit from you, you haven't bought anything from me, now FUCK OFF LOSER

Wankers like you are the fucking scum of the earth. FUCK OFF

Outlook email said:
Maureen Lara has sent you an Auction Money Request with PayPal

Paypal request said:
The item I sent to you to your address:
285 Llyina St., Apt.16
Cherkassy, Ukraine
Postal Code: 18000

needs to get paid! Please pay within one day or I will report you!

$800 for some address in the Ukraine?

God, you'd think they would have given up. I've reported their emails to Ebay, and now Paypal. I've also reported their email addy to the relevant abuse departments. They sent me a money request through paypal, which I cancelled (opening a new browser window each time and typing the address in, not clicking the email links), you can see how somebody who is new to computers and Ebay could get taken in. Sorry for the language, but I figure the words 'fuck' and 'off' are the only English they understand.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003

I perceive an underlying current of barely suppressed anger in your replies.

You should seek councelling.

btw - when did you move to Ukraine?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Welcome to the eBay thread where all anyone posts is attempted scams and their shit replies.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Spacklord scammer said:
Look Mr. Tommy, You really do not need to be that rude. I am just a seller that has not been paid. And you need to be careful because someone is acting on your behalf, if it hasnt been you. But I will report you. Bye.

Seems he agrees with you :)

Tom said:
Yeah yeah whatever. Now go insert that rusty spike up your arse, and send me a nice picture with your fucking nikon coolpix bollocks scamera.

Scamming flidtard.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Tom everyone gets those, why not just delete them and not encourage them.

ON a side note, and just to irritate Clowlet. EBAY SHOULD FUCKING FORCE PEOPLE USING BUY IT NOW TO PAY INSTANTLY, OR NOT END THE LISTING. fucking timewasters.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Ch3tan, you can specify that when you create the auction. You can demand payment within 24 hours I think.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Why will that irritate me? Sounds like a good idea. Unless you're scamming me. Then I will come down and throw sharp stones at your face.


Dec 22, 2003
Tom I think Ch3tan means he's fed up of people buying an item then not paying which wastes time, if they buy it now they should be forced to pay as they press the button, or it shouldnt go through at all, imo.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Thats only an option if you use electronic payment. Lots of people don't like using it, and prefer to send a cheque.

You have 10 days to expect payment, its just the way it goes I'm afraid.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
No no Tom, what Cyfr said was (urrgrrhrhh) right. I mean that they should be forced to pay immediatly if using pay it now where you have paypal as the payment method. If they do not then the auction should continue. And you have 7 days to expect payment before you can use the unpaid item system.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Just like a normal shop. But would you buy from an unknown shop? Would you buy from a brand new user, knowing that there are plenty of people that would gladly take your money for nothing?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
not ebay related but this popped in my mailbox :-

Thank you for your e-mail,

From the 24th of December until the 10th of January our e-mail support team
will not be available. This e-mail has been designed to answer the majority
of common questions, please read the whole mail.

If this e-mail does not answer your question and your issue has not been
resolved by the 10th of January, may we ask you to resubmit the e-mail to
us, as only mail received on or after the 10th Jan will get a response?

1) How do I pay for an item purchased from ebay? Please follow the link in
the e-mail sent by us a few minutes after the auction closes. If you do not
receive this mail there is a link within the auction description which will
take you to checkout.

2) The link isn't working. Please send an e-mail to support@marketworks.com
who will be able to assist you.

3) How much is P&P. Please look in the auction description under shipping
and handling

4) Have you shipped my item yet? Our shipping days over the holiday season
are as follows Wed 29th Dec, Wed 5th Jan and Fri 7th Jan then as normal
after that. When checking out you will have received a mail from us
confirming your order, to check the status of your order you can follow the
link in the mail.

5) You have shipped my item but I have not received it. Please check with
your local sorting office, 90% of items are being held by the sorting office
as no-one was in at the time of delivery.

Best Regards

Chris Hamill
Morpeth Mobiles

now i have never ever owned a mobile never ordered one. mail dont seem harmfulf but wtf is it doing in me mail box


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
Gonna keep a tab on that I River, im at the moment looking into getting an MP3 player which has a hard drive and the likes, 20gb seems like a lot because originally i only wanted about 5-10gb one, but dependant on what it goes for :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
20gb aint alot when yer can also use it as an external hdd.

anyways just had some crazy woman buy one of my push chairs then e-mail me her bank and card detials. now i e-mails her back saying she should contact herbank and card comapny and tell them she acidently compromised her detials as no e-mail is 100%. no wonder some peeps get totaly riped off on ebay as this is an person with 50 feedback


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Yaka said:
even found a dead rat in one :eek6: stanke like shite and had to be binned

What else were you going to do with a dead rat?!!?!?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
What's the difference between an £800 DVD player and a £25 DVD player?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
My father in law was having a post Xmas clearout and found a VIC-20, boxed in mint condition with some bits. I made him fetch it out of the bin, telling him it would be worth a good bit and he should sell it on ebay. He bowed to my greater knowledge of these things and is currently trying to figure out how to register and stuff (learning Tinternet would a good start, but there you go) I since had a search and found it's only worth tenner and now don't have the heart to tell him :(

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