Driver punches cyclist


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Seriously Tom? Are you really trying to claim that motorists do any of those things on anything like the scale cyclists routinely do?

To be perfectly honest, I see both motorists and cyclists break the law on my commute to and from work every single day.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
To be perfectly honest, I see both motorists and cyclists break the law on my commute to and from work every single day.
Yup, how many are not "speeding" daily. Fail to stop at a stop sign, etc etc. etc.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously Tom? Are you really trying to claim that motorists do any of those things on anything like the scale cyclists routinely do?

Not if you go any where near the traffic light junctions of the A4 in London :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Cyclists do plenty wrong although this more often than not involves killing themselves rather than others. Having said that however I won't make things up as some sort of excuse for what might or might not of happened when considering the original subject.


Aug 24, 2008
Cyclists are all knobs that cycle like twats and do what they want.

Car drivers are knobs that don't look in mirrior or shoulder check for bikes.

Bike riders are knobs that drive like knobs with out the knob skill and get killed a lot.

See what I did there? But Cyclists are still worse of the bunch, followed by car drivers and a twat on a scooter / scrambler.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Who the hell cares. There are absolute fucking retards all over the planet regardless of what mode of transport they are using. The genius stepping into the road = retard. The cyclist = either slow or ignorant. The cyclist having a go at the copper = complete cunt. The copper = prat for not cuffing the twat there and then.The driver punching the cyclist = cunt.

Plenty of cunts on cycles - most of them breed around the Cambridge area, you'll never see so many lemmings in one place. Plenty of cunts in cars too - they'll often gather around BMW garages.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously Tom? Are you really trying to claim that motorists do any of those things on anything like the scale cyclists routinely do?

Motorists break just as many laws if not more, with greater regularity. I'll list a few:

Exceeding the speed limit
Overtaking against solid white lines
Parking on white zigzags
Edging over the stop line against a red light
Edging into the ASL against a red light
Accelerating through amber lights
Accelerating through red lights
Driving on the pavement
Parking on double yellow lines
Parking too close to junctions
Parking against dropped kerbs

All of the above happen every day, they're simple offences committed by a majority of motorists, and we both know it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Of course they do, at what point was I defending that? I'm not saying one or the other is better or worse, but I find the general attitude of cyclists unbelievably annoying - as if they can do no wrong just because they made some 'moral choice'. Come on.

FYI I couldn't care less about the moral choice, I ride bikes because I fucking love doing it. Always have, always will.

If when I'm in my dotage my doctor tells me I'll die if I continue to ride, I'll continue to ride.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
perhaps it's from living in the NL for so long, but I am very aware of things around me and what kind of road markings I'm stepping out on to.

yes, you are effected by it, while I can't judge the UK but in comparison with Ireland the Dutch have a better judgement in regards to other people in the traffic.
I do trust the drivers or cyclists here in Ireland. Their awareness is much lower. It is all about the 5 seconds earlier at the destination.

I would rather ride my bike on a dutch highway then on a normal Irish street and I would never ride my bike on a highway!


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
FYI I couldn't care less about the moral choice, I ride bikes because I fucking love doing it. Always have, always will.

If when I'm in my dotage my doctor tells me I'll die if I continue to ride, I'll continue to ride.

And did I suggest you did? Seems you feel like you have to prove something. I couldn't care less whether you enjoy riding your bike or not. The truth is the majority of cyclists are a danger on the road, especially when you consider your list:

Exceeding the speed limit
Overtaking against solid white lines
Parking on white zigzags
Edging over the stop line against a red light
Edging into the ASL against a red light
Accelerating through amber lights
Accelerating through red lights
Driving on the pavement
Parking on double yellow lines
Parking too close to junctions
Parking against dropped kerbs

Cyclists persistantly undertake,
Weave through traffic at junctions
Edge through red lights
Ignore red lights
Ignore amber lights
Ignore pedestrians entirely and ride on the fucking pavement - I would happily clothesline any cyclist cunt that rode into me on the pavement
Leave their bikes in illegal places
Ignore things like one way streets
Ride side by side causing an illegal obstruction

See what I did there?

Like I said, cyclists are just as bad as motorists. The difference is most cyclists think they're above the law because they're ascended beings past the normal laws of us humans. Motorists think they're above the law because they're just cunts.

Just today in fact there was a cyclist on an A road I take home. He was swerving all over the place so I slowed down, just as I was approaching him he just simply stepped off the bike into the middle of the road. I had to swerve onto the other side of the road to miss him. He had absolutely no idea I was even there. So why should motorists be looking out for cyclists when they don't bother to do the reverse?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
And did I suggest you did? Seems you feel like you have to prove something. I couldn't care less whether you enjoy riding your bike or not. The truth is the majority of cyclists are a danger on the road, especially when you consider your list:

A danger to whom? How many KSIs do cyclists cause annually? I'll give you a clue, it's a lot less than 3,000.

Cyclists persistantly undertake,


Weave through traffic at junctions


Edge through red lights

Often required because motorists block the ASL.

Ignore red lights
Ignore amber lights

TheWashCycle: The Myth of the Scofflaw Cyclist

Ignore pedestrians entirely and ride on the fucking pavement - I would happily clothesline any cyclist cunt that rode into me on the pavement

Really, do you think cyclists should be allowed to exact the same form of punishment on pedestrians who stray into the road, without looking? Because that happens a hell of a lot.

Leave their bikes in illegal places


Ignore things like one way streets

Many one-way streets are one-way to motorised vehicles only, and two-way to cyclists.

Ride side by side causing an illegal obstruction

Absolute fucking bullshit, there's nothing illegal about riding in pairs.

See what I did there?

Yeah, talked a lot of shit.

Like I said, cyclists are just as bad as motorists.

No, motorists kill about 3,000 annually. Cyclists kill about 1 annually.

Just today in fact there was a cyclist on an A road I take home. He was swerving all over the place so I slowed down, just as I was approaching him he just simply stepped off the bike into the middle of the road. I had to swerve onto the other side of the road to miss him. He had absolutely no idea I was even there. So why should motorists be looking out for cyclists when they don't bother to do the reverse?

He was probably swerving around to avoid the massive potholes and exposed ironwork, damage caused, I might add, exclusively by motorised vehicles. And really, "swerve onto the other side of the road", as if. You sound like Mr Magoo.

Oh and motorists, driving 1.5-2 tonnes of heavy metal, have a duty of care to vulnerable road users.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Whether they're illegal or not - the point is those things I pointed out are dangerous to both the cyclists themselves, pedestrians and motorists. I'll more than happily conceed I was wrong on some of those points being illegal per say, but they ARE dangerous and it's bullshit that cyclists should get special treatment. You want special treatment when it suits you - e.g you want motorists to check their mirrors and blind spots for you, but you don't have your own mirrors and cyclists in general lack awareness on the road.

As for calling some of those points 'bullshit', you can say the same about either any of either of our points really. I've seen plenty of bikes 'parked' in just as dangerous/illegal places as any car. Maybe you haven't, I have. What more can i say?

You're clearly prejudiced against motorists. I'll happily admit I'm prejudiced against cyclists, they annoy the fuck out of me.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Actually, the highway code states

"* never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends"

It's fine when out and about on country roads, though common sense would suggest you allow motor vehicles past. Doing it in towns is a no no. Though frankly the amount of common sense demonstrated by your average cyclist is pretty rock bottom, as demonstrated by the fuckwittery in this thread.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Whether they're illegal or not - the point is those things I pointed out are dangerous to both the cyclists themselves, pedestrians and motorists. I'll more than happily conceed I was wrong on some of those points being illegal per say, but they ARE dangerous and it's bullshit that cyclists should get special treatment. You want special treatment when it suits you - e.g you want motorists to check their mirrors and blind spots for you, but you don't have your own mirrors and cyclists in general lack awareness on the road.

Filtering isn't dangerous, I've done it for years. In fact filtering is a whole lot safer than simply ambling up to the back of the queue and waiting there. The safest place to be is always at the head of the queue, where you can position yourself wherever you need to be to turn in whatever direction you want to go, and where everyone can see you. That's why you see those green ASL areas near the lights, you know, the ones always blocked by fuckwit drivers?

And I'm not sorry when I say that cyclists should get special treatment. If hit, they will be seriously injured or killed. It's no different to pedestrians, road users who get pavements to walk on. Maybe you think they shouldn't get "special treatment", so perhaps we should remove all pavements, and the cheeky fuckers can walk on the road, mixing it with the traffic? Just think, all those pedestrians wandering in the road, but hey, at least they're not getting "special treatment" any more.

As for not having mirrors, I don't need them. I have a field of view vastly superior to any motorist, and I have ears. I am much more aware of my surroundings when cycling, than I am when in a car. And frankly you're completely wrong about general awareness, just as I'd be wrong if I said that all BMW drivers are wankers, or all gay men look at arses all day.

As for calling some of those points 'bullshit', you can say the same about either any of either of our points really. I've seen plenty of bikes 'parked' in just as dangerous/illegal places as any car. Maybe you haven't, I have. What more can i say?

No you haven't.

You're clearly prejudiced against motorists. I'll happily admit I'm prejudiced against cyclists, they annoy the fuck out of me.

Yeah of course I'm prejudiced, which is why I currently drive a 4 litre V8 Lexus. Before that I drove a 3 litre S6 Mercedes, and before that another 4 litre V8, in a TVR. I do about 15,000 miles annually and have sat an advanced driving course. What extra qualifications have you bothered to study, just to make yourself a safer and better driver?


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
What car you drive means what...? Other than proving you're just a moron who feels the need to try and prove himself on a forum.

As for telling me what I have or haven't seen, well, it speaks for itself.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
What car you drive means what...? Other than proving you're just a moron who feels the need to try and prove himself on a forum.

As for telling me what I have or haven't seen, well, it speaks for itself.

You said I was prejudiced. Explain to me please, why someone so prejudiced would spend so much of his money on cars he should, under your assertion, hate.

Go on, please. Do tell me why a vociferous defence of cycling and cyclists means that I hate motorists. Because to my way of thinking, only idiots deal in absolutes.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
... and some of you have the cheek to think I'm bad at derailing threads.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
You said I was prejudiced. Explain to me please, why someone so prejudiced would spend so much of his money on cars he should, under your assertion, hate.

Go on, please. Do tell me why a vociferous defence of cycling and cyclists means that I hate motorists. Because to my way of thinking, only idiots deal in absolutes.

What you were posting before was prejudiced towards cyclists as you were absolutely eschewing any notion that cyclists could do any wrong. Whether or not you drive the type of car only men with 3 inchers feel the need to own is neither here nor there.

Fine, you don't hate motorists, happy?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
if a tree falls, etc, etc. man, you people do bang on about stuff sometimes.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Om nom cyclists mow em down .



Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
And I'm not sorry when I say that cyclists should get special treatment. If hit, they will be seriously injured or killed. It's no different to pedestrians, road users who get pavements to walk on. Maybe you think they shouldn't get "special treatment", so perhaps we should remove all pavements, and the cheeky fuckers can walk on the road, mixing it with the traffic? Just think, all those pedestrians wandering in the road, but hey, at least they're not getting "special treatment" any more.
Clearly you don't live in a town mate because where I am, most people think the car is in the wrong when they just step off the kerb. That said, cyclists shouldn't get special treatment, I should for being a victim of a cyclist.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
About cycling. Come to Holland for a change... Also if you can do stuff on your bike instead of your using your car you are an ass if you still step into the car. For your money sake and the environment.

In towns in Holland we take the bike if we want to go somewhere. Infact we do this in cities aswell. Cyclists do get a special treatment in Holland and nobody's beeing a dick about it. They are vulnerable, period. People in cars beeing stuck in trafic those are the idiots you want to look out for.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
What you were posting before was prejudiced towards cyclists as you were absolutely eschewing any notion that cyclists could do any wrong. Whether or not you drive the type of car only men with 3 inchers feel the need to own is neither here nor there.

Fine, you don't hate motorists, happy?

Oh right, so now I've gone from hating motorists, to having a small dick and buying a decent car to make up for it.

What next, a mum joke? Dickhead.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Right, as of this morning I've started DaGaffer's Extremely Scientific Twat Investigation System (DESTINY). I take the same route to work every morning, that mixes a quiet rural road to the train station, then a walk through a busy town centre with loads of cars, bikes and pedestrians (but no trucks which are banned from the town centre at that time). For the next week I'm going to observe and count all the twattish/illegal behaviour by type (cars/bikes/peds/public transport). I'm including motorbikes in amongst cars (controversial). For the record I'm not measuring technicalities like jaywalking if there's actually no traffic around, but I will measure it if a pedestrian does it where its obviously dangerous.

So, Day 1.
Cars: 1 (BMW X5 ran red light - "amber gambler" rather than blatant)
Pedestrian: 1 (druggie through slow, but moving, traffic on the Quays)
Bikes: 7 (1 wrong way around the roundabout(!) to turn right, 1 red light runner - blatant, weaved around around pedestrians, then another five in one go at O'Connell Bridge, also blatant - one went and the others followed).
Public Transport: 0 (didn't spot anything anyway).

stay tuned for more exciting and death-defying work journeys.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Don't forget to count every car parked on the pavement, and every car which overtakes a cyclist too closely.

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