Driver punches cyclist


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I agree!

As a pedestrian in central London I see loads of idiotic cyclists not abiding to the rules of the road. Flying through red lights, going the wrong way up a one way street, cycling on the pavement etc.

And to my delight I've seen a few being stopped by the police because of their reckless actions!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Time cycling proficiency was compulsory if you want to ride on the roads.

Actually I think it's time that anyone wishing to pass a driving test is first compelled to gain experience on busy roads, as a cyclist. A minimum 100 miles riding on busy urban roads ought to do it.

Then lets see just how quickly the casualty rates drop.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually I think it's time that anyone wishing to pass a driving test is first compelled to gain experience on busy roads, as a cyclist. A minimum 100 miles riding on busy urban roads ought to do it.

Then lets see just how quickly the casualty rates drop.
I think that's about the dumbest post you've ever made on here Tom.

What else? Should we all have to do 50 miles horse riding in the countryside in case we ever have to overtake one?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I think that's about the dumbest post you've ever made on here Tom.

What else? Should we all have to do 50 miles horse riding in the countryside in case we ever have to overtake one?

Horses are not commonly used for commuting, but most people I see don't know how to overtake horses either.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
They probably can't but then most people don't have any patience these days.

The bottom line however is they have the theory test as well as the practical test for driving and the same cannot be said for cyclists.

The alternative to education as best I can imagine would be insurance for cyclists which would just be ridiculous.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
All cyclists should carry insurance too.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Most cyclists I see don't know how to cycle...riding in the middle of the road, riding in a large pack instead of single file, turning without signalling, cycling way faster than they should be...

There definitely needs to be cycling proficiency tests for cyclists.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Actually I think it's time that anyone wishing to pass a driving test is first compelled to gain experience on busy roads, as a cyclist. A minimum 100 miles riding on busy urban roads ought to do it.

Then lets see just how quickly the casualty rates drop.

If Human Beings had any empathy whatsover, I'd agree with your idea (and I used to suggest the very same thing myself, except I wanted drivers to ride a motorbike, but for all the same reasons). In reality, everybody is a cunt. Every pedestrian, even if they drive a car every day, act like they're somehow invunerable to the two-tonne bits of metal and kinetic energy they were themselves piloting half an hour earlier. Every cyclist, ditto. Every motorist forgets human beings are fragile and stupid, on foot or on a bike. See? Everyone's a cunt and cross-training them won't make a blind bit of difference.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
The bottom line however is they have the theory test as well as the practical test for driving and the same cannot be said for cyclists.

I think you'll find that most cyclists drive cars as well. I do. And as a matter of fact I took my cycling proficiency test as well, in the early 80s. I still have the certificate.

All cyclists should carry insurance too.

Really? I have four bikes, which should be insured? Should my full susser mtb be insured even when it isn't on the road? And how would you enforce that insurance, when cyclists have a right in law to use the public highway. Would you also require pedestrians to carry insurance?

What about children, should 10-year-old children be insured when pottering around their housing estate?

You haven't thought this through, have you?


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I have no sympathy for cyclists now.

Less than a fortnight ago whilst I was stationary waiting to enter a roundabout, one came hurtling down a cycle path and slammed into my motor bending the passenger door frame and smashing the window.

Insurance company basically said, he's a cyclist so you're fucked as the only insurance policy is yours. So, fault claim only... huzah.

Just reaffirmed that imho most people still don't know how to cycle properly on roads and bloody well shouldn't. I know it's just one person and not representative but frankly I don't care. Time cycling proficiency was compulsory if you want to ride on the roads.

Did you punch him?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You carry insurance which covers you for third party stuff whenever you're on the road, whatever bike you're on. It could be pretty simple.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think you'll find that most cyclists drive cars as well. I do. And as a matter of fact I took my cycling proficiency test as well, in the early 80s. I still have the certificate.

Really? I have four bikes, which should be insured? Should my full susser mtb be insured even when it isn't on the road? And how would you enforce that insurance, when cyclists have a right in law to use the public highway. Would you also require pedestrians to carry insurance?

What about children, should 10-year-old children be insured when pottering around their housing estate?

You haven't thought this through, have you?

I wouldn't give a monkies arsehole which insurance you carry, but if you scratch up the side of my car with a cheery "sorry mate, cyclist lol" I would want recompence. Kids "on the estate" don't tend to knock your wing mirror off while trying to jump the traffic.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Erm, car insurance exists to protect people from claims that they otherwise would never be able to afford.

I've yet to hear of a cyclist causing hundreds of thousands of pounds of damage. A few hundred, or a few thousand, maybe.

Do you really want to impose another level of bureaucracy on people, because if cyclists are forced to carry insurance, you can bet that pedestrians should also carry insurance. After all, hundreds of them walk in front of cars every year, causing significant damage.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
If they want to use the road, then yes. Especially when there are perfectly adequate cycle paths available.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think you'll find that most cyclists drive cars as well. I do. And as a matter of fact I took my cycling proficiency test as well, in the early 80s. I still have the certificate.
So do I. I still think the cyclists I encounter are cunts and I wouldn't ride like they do, especially into the side of a stationary car, my own sense of self preservation would kick in.

old.Osy: No, I didn't punch him but after trying to contact the police to get it recorded I wish I had because their attitude was "fuck it, your problem" and I've only got the guys details because I didn't trust him at all, he tried to give me a 10 digit phone number ffs.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Having had my collarbone broken by a cyclist when they were riding on the pavement while I exited my front door I'd like to respectfully disagree.

Though I have yet to see a car driver cut off the road and mow over a young child to use a pedestrian crossing so they can jump the lights and turn across the road.

Not this guy? He's from your neck of the woods.

YouTube - ‪Pedestrian knocked under bus by cyclist, CONTAINS SWEARING AGAIN.‬‏
YouTube - ‪Shocking!! cyclist runs down Big Mama on cycle path‬‏

The Nazi wing of the helmet cam brigade.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
so the car drivers shit on the cyclists and the cyclists shit on the pedestrians? :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
So do I. I still think the cyclists I encounter are cunts and I wouldn't ride like they do, especially into the side of a stationary car, my own sense of self preservation would kick in.

The thing is, you probably don't notice the cyclists who go about their business safely and respectfully. Like anything, one only tends to notice the minority of idiots - and it is a minority. Perhaps the problem is worse in London, but then again whenever I've driven in London I've noticed a marked reduction in driving standards as compared to other parts of the country.

For instance, look how many posts there are on the internet about "idiot BMW/Audi drivers, always up my arse, never indicate, wankers etc". Most BMW/Audi drivers are quite normal, safe and considerate. The minority of idiots help brand the entire marque(s) as wankers.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Two vids above - the first was clearly the fault of the pedestrian and the second was just a simple no-fault accident*.


Do you really want to impose another level of bureaucracy on people, because if cyclists are forced to carry insurance, you can bet that pedestrians should also carry insurance. After all, hundreds of them walk in front of cars every year, causing significant damage.


* I would like to say that women are a fucking danger as pedestrians. In my four months of serious cycling I've learned very quickly that if there's a couple of women on a path you have to really slow down. A lot. Bloke out with his missus? Easy - he'll pull her in the correct direction. Two women? Nope - they'll both either choose a different one - jumping into the path you would have taken, stand dead-bolt still (in the middle of the path) or, when you've given them an audio heads-up, turn around giggling at their own stupidity and inability to make a decision to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY, despite prior warning...


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Not this guy? He's from your neck of the woods.

YouTube - ‪Pedestrian knocked under bus by cyclist, CONTAINS SWEARING AGAIN.‬‏

so...some retard steps out onto a cycle path, and shock, horror, surprise, fails to give right of way to a cyclist and almost gets killed for it? wow, what do you want for that? play in traffic much?

YouTube - ‪Shocking!! cyclist runs down Big Mama on cycle path‬‏

The Nazi wing of the helmet cam brigade.

so, again, some people are walking on a CYCLE path, don't look around, and abruptly change direction. with all due respect, perhaps it's cos I live in Holland, but when stepping out on a cycle path you watch the fuck out for cyclists.

MYstIC G said:
Insurance company basically said, he's a cyclist so you're fucked as the only insurance policy is yours. So, fault claim only... huzah.

hell no, the cyclist will have MANDATORY general insurance, because that is what everyone is required to have by law (at least here in the NL). If not, throw all kinds of books at him/her. If yes, they pay for a new door.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
so the car drivers shit on the cyclists and the cyclists shit on the pedestrians? :p

no, nothing of the kind. people need to look the hell out, and at least try to be gracious and considerate while doing it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I live in Bristol which is pretty cycle friendly for a city. You see a hell of a lot more cyclists breaking the law than cars.

As for the video. The reason that everyone hasn't gone 'omg thats terrible' is that the video paints such an unlikely situation of 3 guys randomly stopping and punching guy waiting on pavement that we all know instinctively theres more to the story so withold judgement.

Fact is, guy in car is almost certainly a complete wanker but by presenting such a ridiculous situation the cyclists lose all sympathy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
so, again, some people are walking on a CYCLE path, don't look around, and abruptly change direction. with all due respect, perhaps it's cos I live in Holland, but when stepping out on a cycle path you watch the fuck out for cyclists.

To be fair, cycle paths which go the opposite way to traffic are always going to be dangerous. That cyclist was an idiot.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
so, again, some people are walking on a CYCLE path, don't look around, and abruptly change direction. with all due respect, perhaps it's cos I live in Holland, but when stepping out on a cycle path you watch the fuck out for cyclists.

Well I didn't really want to get involved, beyond posting a funny vid, but as I'm here.

I've cycled in Holland and it's very different in the UK - here roads are shared use (cyclists/motorvechiles), cycle paths are almost always shared use between peds and cyclists too. Not like over there where you have great dedicated cycle facilities, here you just have to live with each other on shared spaces and show some give and take.

I use several on my commute and you just have to accept the fact they'll be peds on them. If you don't like it, or want to charge about at 20mph+ - use the road. One thing you can predict about peds is they'll be unpredictable, give them loads of space. tbh that guy in the vid is just spoiling for a fight.

On the original topic, someone gets out a car and twats me, he'd have a D-lock thru his back window pretty sharpish.


Dec 26, 2003
so the car drivers shit on the cyclists and the cyclists shit on the pedestrians? :p

Exactly but then the pedestrians get in their cars and the circle goes around again.

The world is full of idiots - anything that consists of more than a couple of people has idiots and cycling and driving are no exception.

I think the average quality of cyclists has gone down as it became fashionable though - the price of fads.

I still shudder when in london seeing clueless folk on the rental bikes doing stupid things like trying to drive on the left hand side of a bendy bus thats waiting to turn etc.

Drivers and cyclists both need to develop defensive skills trying to predict what the other idiots are doing around them.

You can survive the lack in a car but on a bike your looking at injury/death.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
MysticG, do you have comp insurance? Can't you just pay your excess and get the repairs done, and claim your excess back through legal cover (if you pay for it ofc) ? Sols shouldn't have a problem claiming from a cyclist if you have his details etc. I think it's only really a problem when it comes to getting an admission of liability from him, if he's a dicknob, your only contact is going to be him (and your sols ofc). Its worth a try anyway.

I know as an insurance company we don't like to get involved but we can instruct Sols to do it for us (tbh damage caused by cyclists normally falls within excess so we dont deal anyway).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Why should he pay £150.00 (or whatever his excess is) because some retard on a bike slams into him?

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