Driver punches cyclist


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
The vast majority of people who get raped, stabbed or shot didn't do anything to provoke their attackers; people get assaulted over nothing everyday.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
i heard of ski bores perhaps there are new cycle bores now


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I like the way cyclists wobble all over the place on the road, despite the fact there is a designated cycle lanes, not on the road but next to it. I also love the way they cut up the inside of you and go straight on at traffic lights when in the left hand lane. I nearly cum when they ride along slowly in the middle of a lane holding up traffic.

For every 1 responsible cyclist there are 9 retarded cyclists. Most seem to think they have right of way over cars.

Like I said, I would like to see what lead up to a car driver coming out and whacking the cyclist. I very much doubt it was because he was bored.

And before the bleating hordes multi quote it and cry into their horlicks. Yes I am a cyclist too, I just have the common sense not to ride dangerously.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
So basically people can be assaulted if it's reasonably justified?

You guys crack me the fuck up.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So basically people can be assaulted if it's reasonably justified?

You guys crack me the fuck up.

This is news to you? :p

The video in itself is one sided, but still stupid. Assaulting someone in this day and age, with everyone carrying a camcorder in their pocket, in broad daylight, not that smart.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
...but it's a really clever thing to do when no-one's watching? :|


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I like the way cyclists wobble all over the place on the road, despite the fact there is a designated cycle lanes, not on the road but next to it. I also love the way they cut up the inside of you and go straight on at traffic lights when in the left hand lane. I nearly cum when they ride along slowly in the middle of a lane holding up traffic.

Cycle lanes are shit and largely useless, that's why we don't use them.

Filtering through traffic is perfectly legal, and we wouldn't use the wrong lanes if it wasn't for idiot drivers blocking ASLs.

Oh and sorry if you get held up by the odd cyclist, you must be apoplectic with rage when you hit traffic congestion caused by cars, which is every single day.

For every 1 responsible cyclist there are 9 retarded cyclists. Most seem to think they have right of way over cars.

We do, actually. We have a common law right to use the roads, motorists don't, they have a licence. We have right of way, just as pedestrians also have right of way.

Like I said, I would like to see what lead up to a car driver coming out and whacking the cyclist. I very much doubt it was because he was bored.

No, it was because he was a brainless twat.

And before the bleating hordes multi quote it and cry into their horlicks. Yes I am a cyclist too, I just have the common sense not to ride dangerously.

Cycling to the pub once a month, or riding the local disused train line each weekend, does not make you an authority on cycling. As is evident by the crap you've posted above.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Actually the cycle lanes round here are a meter wide and attached to the footpath. I can get from the end of my village to work just by riding on the cycle paths (approx 3 miles) I work in an industrial estate which is mostly HGVs yet fuckwits on bikes still hog the car lanes, forcing trucks to go around them. Every road on the estate has a cycle path and footpath next to it.

No cyclists do not have the right to go up the left hand lane (which is clearly marked left turn only) and ride straight on.

I get annoyed by drivers chugging along at 15 miles an hour too.

It would be pretty pointless for me to cycle to the pub as its 10 meters from my front gate...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
So they're shared-use cycle lanes, which are still shit. And they will undoubtedly give way to traffic at every junction, which is useless.

Why should I cycle at 20mph on a shared-use pavement, stopping at every junction to turn my head through 150 degrees right, then look straight ahead, then left, then repeat, just to progress? And I'll have to navigate broken glass, stones, dogshit and litter, because there's no traffic to sweep it along and into the drains.

Fuck that. I'll use the roads, they're faster and safer, even when populated by people who think as you do.

Oh and arrows in lanes are advisory only, not mandatory, and I repeat - if idiot drivers didn't block ASLs, we wouldn't need to fanny around in the wrong lanes.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I don't have a problem with cyclists, I have a problem with cunts on bikes.

You get cunts on bikes and cunts in cars.



I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Completely agree. The difference is that the former rarely hurt anyone, whereas the latter often kill people.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Completely agree. The difference is that the former rarely hurt anyone, whereas the latter often kill people.

True, but they don't half get pissed off when you kill them because they ride like a dick.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
The video in itself is one sided...Assaulting someone in this day and age, with everyone carrying a camcorder in their pocket, in broad daylight, not that smart.

Spot on.

You can't go round punching people because another road user pisses you off. Even if the cyclist did something out of order, no court is going to say "well fair enough, he had it coming to him" are they?. Car driver's an idiot imo.


Dec 26, 2003
no court is going to say "well fair enough, he had it coming to him" are they?.

Pretty much - either as a defence of provocation or as a mitigating circumstance - tbh in this case its probably not worth the paperwork.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Don't forget, if we're to believe the account of the registered keeper, the fella throwing the punches is a car thief.

Perhaps the joyriding punchy fella was driving somewhat erratically which drew a comment or gesture out of the cyclist.

Still, must be terrible to need to punch everyone who pisses you off on the road. Must take ages to get to the next car you're going to nick.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Completely agree. The difference is that the former rarely hurt anyone, whereas the latter often kill people.

Having had my collarbone broken by a cyclist when they were riding on the pavement while I exited my front door I'd like to respectfully disagree.

However, someone said there's c**ts in cars and on bikes and that's probably fair.

Though I have yet to see a car driver cut off the road and mow over a young child to use a pedestrian crossing so they can jump the lights and turn across the road.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
I don't have a problem with cyclists, I have a problem with cunts on bikes.

You get cunts on bikes and cunts in cars.



Completely agree. The difference is that the former rarely hurt anyone, whereas the latter often kill people.

imho when cyclists crash it's only themselves getting hurt, going over handlebars etc.

the only time cyclists go as quick as cars, would be at say...The tour de france; if you've seen that lately...


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
What an absolutely ridiculous debate, first off - can't remember who it was that said that they wanted to see the events leading up to this... I believe they asked for this not to justify the guy getting punched but rather to find out the reason(if any) that the events occurred.

Also it has to be said that people don't often get out of their car and randomly punch a cyclist for fun so you'd think something must have come before.

As for cyclists being dangerous and drivers being dangerous - blahblahblah.

I drive 20 miles to and from work everyday in an area where there are 0 cycle lanes and lots of cyclists making their way to and from work etc and I have absolutely no issues whatsoever with them being on the road.

What I do have a problem with is people deliberately seeking to cause an argument/debate regarding the difference between two forms of travel, yes we get it you drive a car therefore prefer that form of transport and yes we get it you ride a bicycle and prefer that form of travel - there is no right or wrong in doing either!

just keep yourself to yourself and mind about your business! no need to cause all this bloody drama all the time!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Exactly Ceixah. But you have to understand that one or two forum members don't actually read things properly as it gets in the way of a good moan.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
I should get a sparkly title "Freddys voice of reason!" :>


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There is a cooooooooooool thread called "Darn French" if you want to discuss that video ;)

Ah yes so there is! Looks a bit of a dead thread though and I have no further comment to make on that!


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I have no sympathy for cyclists now.

Less than a fortnight ago whilst I was stationary waiting to enter a roundabout, one came hurtling down a cycle path and slammed into my motor bending the passenger door frame and smashing the window.

Insurance company basically said, he's a cyclist so you're fucked as the only insurance policy is yours. So, fault claim only... huzah.

Just reaffirmed that imho most people still don't know how to cycle properly on roads and bloody well shouldn't. I know it's just one person and not representative but frankly I don't care. Time cycling proficiency was compulsory if you want to ride on the roads.

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