Driver punches cyclist


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
To be fair, cycle paths which go the opposite way to traffic are always going to be dangerous. That cyclist was an idiot.

I'll give you the bad cycle path, because I agree: that is simply death waiting to happen there. Good game, council, tbh. On the other hand, why is the cyclist an idiot, and the ped *not*. I mean, by your statement you seem to be implying that.

Well I didn't really want to get involved, beyond posting a funny vid, but as I'm here.

I've cycled in Holland and it's very different in the UK - here roads are shared use (cyclists/motorvechiles), cycle paths are almost always shared use between peds and cyclists too. Not like over there where you have great dedicated cycle facilities, here you just have to live with each other on shared spaces and show some give and take.

I use several on my commute and you just have to accept the fact they'll be peds on them. If you don't like it, or want to charge about at 20mph+ - use the road. One thing you can predict about peds is they'll be unpredictable, give them loads of space. tbh that guy in the vid is just spoiling for a fight.

On the original topic, someone gets out a car and twats me, he'd have a D-lock thru his back window pretty sharpish.

they have shared automobile/cycle space here too, but never ped/cycle space, because that is simply asking for trouble. I agree it is a give and take situation, and I agree that vid shows quite the angry cyclist, who shouldn't be held up as a representation for all cyclists. yet again, from a UK point of what way is that cyclist being any different from anyone in a car?


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Why should he pay £150.00 (or whatever his excess is) because some retard on a bike slams into him?

Because you agree to pay an excess whenever you take out a motor policy if your Insurance deals with repairs (regardless of fault) My point is that he should be able to claim his excess back through his legal expenses cover.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'll give you the bad cycle path, because I agree: that is simply death waiting to happen there. Good game, council, tbh. On the other hand, why is the cyclist an idiot, and the ped *not*. I mean, by your statement you seem to be implying that.

Hes cycling very quickly, on a silent vehicle, toward someone who is facing away from him who is quite likely to try and cross from the island to the path at any moment.

Technically hes probably in the right but jesus - has he never driven in a city before? You don't hit pedestrians just because its your right of way.

And speaking of 'right of way' 5 seconds earlier hes cycling on the pavement. Total prick.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
MysticG, do you have comp insurance? Can't you just pay your excess and get the repairs done, and claim your excess back through legal cover (if you pay for it ofc) ? Sols shouldn't have a problem claiming from a cyclist if you have his details etc. I think it's only really a problem when it comes to getting an admission of liability from him, if he's a dicknob, your only contact is going to be him (and your sols ofc). Its worth a try anyway.

I know as an insurance company we don't like to get involved but we can instruct Sols to do it for us (tbh damage caused by cyclists normally falls within excess so we dont deal anyway).
Thanks for the advice pikeh, unfortunately the financial cost of doing so would be uneconomical in the given situation. I'd have to give up the 2 years no-claims I've built up since no longer being just named on someone elses policy It's cheaper for me to issue court proceedings myself if the guy decides to give it aggro, which now he knows I've tracked him down he's not giving me.

The thing is, you probably don't notice the cyclists who go about their business safely and respectfully. Like anything, one only tends to notice the minority of idiots - and it is a minority. Perhaps the problem is worse in London, but then again whenever I've driven in London I've noticed a marked reduction in driving standards as compared to other parts of the country.

For instance, look how many posts there are on the internet about "idiot BMW/Audi drivers, always up my arse, never indicate, wankers etc". Most BMW/Audi drivers are quite normal, safe and considerate. The minority of idiots help brand the entire marque(s) as wankers.
Whilst I understand your logic, I notice all the cyclists on the road, mostly because I'm driving and owe them a duty of care to pay attention to what they're doing. Most of them don't seem to pay the same amount of attention.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Thanks for the advice pikeh, unfortunately the financial cost of doing so would be uneconomical in the given situation. I'd have to give up the 2 years no-claims I've built up since no longer being just named on someone elses policy It's cheaper for me to issue court proceedings myself if the guy decides to give it aggro, which now he knows I've tracked him down he's not giving me.

Just so you know if the insurance company does make a full recovery of their outlay then they will allow your NCB, but I guess that it gets a bit hairy making a recovery from an individual and it would take longer than normal (all the time they have outstanding outlay your NCB will be affected).

Oh well, bit a shitty situational but sometimes the civil route is the way.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Hes cycling very quickly, on a silent vehicle, toward someone who is facing away from him who is quite likely to try and cross from the island to the path at any moment.

Technically hes probably in the right but jesus - has he never driven in a city before? You don't hit pedestrians just because its your right of way.

And speaking of 'right of way' 5 seconds earlier hes cycling on the pavement. Total prick.

well, not to get in to an argument about the behavior of the cyclist (imo he should have at least rang his bell or something - in the NL, having a working bell is the law (not that everyone has one, but hey))...but: he seemed to get off the pavement at a crossing place which sent him on to a cycle path, which seems ok to me. Still, he is accelerating EXTREMELY rapidly, or rapidly enough to bowl over an adult man. He doesn't warn audibly, and actually hits the other guy. All which could have been avoided.

On the other hand, the fellow crossing the road is not paying attention in the slightest. He doesn't look both ways when moving on to the bidirectional cycle path, and he's walking pretty damn slowly indeed.

Fwiw, it gets on my tits that some people have the gall to expect other people to look out for them. I really hate that behavior. That said, in this case imo it goes both ways. That cyclist is being quite unkind to those who do not respect or are unaware of the road rules. Tbh, having looked at some of that cyclist's vids, I'm rather unsure if I think he's quite normal, as he seems to be going out of his way to have accidents.

It's actually quite hard to hit a ped properly you know. Especially with other traffic about :)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Just so you know if the insurance company does make a full recovery of their outlay then they will allow your NCB, but I guess that it gets a bit hairy making a recovery from an individual and it would take longer than normal (all the time they have outstanding outlay your NCB will be affected).

Oh well, bit a shitty situational but sometimes the civil route is the way.
It certainly isn't the best. Where I got to was renewal is in September, don't believe they'll get it done in 2 months, not worth the guaranteed financial jump as I pay my insurance in a lump for the entire year.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I'll give you the bad cycle path, because I agree: that is simply death waiting to happen there. Good game, council, tbh. On the other hand, why is the cyclist an idiot, and the ped *not*. I mean, by your statement you seem to be implying that.

Because the cyclist can see what's going on. Think about it from the pedestrian's perspective and how you behave as a pedestrian, most of the time you're taking stuff in via peripheral vision etc. and you're not really concious of it. To the pedestrian, the crossing to his left looks like a pedestrian crossing, not a cycle path. The cycle path markings actually start under his feet. He also has a bus coming at him from his right, so he steps forward instinctively because buses are big loud and dangerous. The cyclist anticipates none of this, despite the fact that we can see from his headcam that he has a much better perspective than the pedestrian (who has dangers coming at him from left and right). Instead of slowing down and riding defensively, the cyclist simply assumes the pedestrian won't step into his path.

This is my biggest issue with urban cyclists; once they've built up momentum, most them absolutely do not want to slow down, because its more work to get up to speed again (that's why so many run red lights).

they have shared automobile/cycle space here too, but never ped/cycle space, because that is simply asking for trouble. I agree it is a give and take situation, and I agree that vid shows quite the angry cyclist, who shouldn't be held up as a representation for all cyclists. yet again, from a UK point of what way is that cyclist being any different from anyone in a car?

I actually think a car driver would have been more aware of the change in road markings, and probably more aware of an erratic pedestrian.

In this particular case I think the root problem is shockingly bad road design, and I think cyclists in the UK (and Ireland) have genuine grounds for complaint about that; but it doesn't alter the fact that I see more cyclists routinely break the traffic laws, every single day, than I do motorists (with the possible exception of motorway speeding), and they're not breaking the law just because the cycle paths are badly designed. I reckon I saw four or five offences committed just this morning on my walk from the train station to work; a couple of people taking a short cut the wrong way down a one-way street (which I see every single day), 2-3 red light runners on O'Connell Bridge (which is a phenomenally stupid thing to do, but I see it every single day), and an arsehole riding through a pedestrian arcade right outside my office window as I'm typing this. LOL.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There was a cyclists today ringing his bell all the way down the road and yet there was nobody anywhere near him or even threatening to cross the road. I felt like stepping out and being like Calaen and belting him one just for being a fuckwit


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
There was a cyclists today ringing his bell all the way down the road and yet there was nobody anywhere near him or even threatening to cross the road. I felt like stepping out and being like Calaen and belting him one just for being a fuckwit

Wouldn't of happened!!!! He wasn't deliberately being abusive in response to a polite request was he?? :p


Aug 24, 2008

Evidently, you think he knew what he meant? his head didn't even turn right, what a tard. Didn't try to move ....


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
While the guy stepping into the road is clearly a tard, the cyclist could have gone around him, he didn't even look to see if there was room.


Aug 24, 2008
While the guy stepping into the road is clearly a tard, the cyclist could have gone around him, he didn't even look to see if there was room.
My first thought also, I was looking at a piece of pussy for too long while doing a shoulder check on my bike (motorbike). I dunno if the Toyota pickup in front was stopped or just slowed down. But in a much shorter distance than him I started to brake heavy, back started to squell and kick out and I had to swerve. Was a fucking close call if I might add, woulda been a mess if I hit him.

Hes on a fucking pushbike, going not that fast, the amount of time he had he could of shoulder checked and swerved.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
While the guy stepping into the road is clearly a tard, the cyclist could have gone around him, he didn't even look to see if there was room.


1) He was a tard and should have looked.

2) The cyclist had a fucking decade to move / brake / avoid. But no, he was a typical cunt on a bike and made a massive performance out of it. I'm surprised the black guy didn't wallop him harder.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004

1) He was a tard and should have looked.

2) The cyclist had a fucking decade to move / brake / avoid. But no, he was a typical cunt on a bike and made a massive performance out of it. I'm surprised the black guy didn't wallop him harder.

I think the whole helmet cam thing warps peoples minds towards looking for trouble and picking mistakes. I've paid for this now I'm gonna use it sort of thing.

People walk out in the road all the time, you make no noise on the bike, ti's gonna happen. it's not hard to anticipate and make allowances, unless you looking to prove a point and be a cnut ofc.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Insurance company basically said, he's a cyclist so you're fucked as the only insurance policy is yours. So, fault claim only... huzah.

My missus worked in insurance for years and is saying that what you were told is bullshit.

What should happen is that the insurance company gets intouch with the guy personally for reimbursment, and if it isnt forthcoming than they will take him to court for damages (and of course the cyclist then has to pay legal fees).

Would go back to them and make more of an issue with them on this. What insurance company you with?


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
My missus worked in insurance for years and is saying that what you were told is bullshit.

What should happen is that the insurance company gets intouch with the guy personally for reimbursment, and if it isnt forthcoming than they will take him to court for damages (and of course the cyclist then has to pay legal fees).

Would go back to them and make more of an issue with them on this. What insurance company you with?

Pretty much told him this a page or so back :)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm with Aviva.

I'm sure you guys are both right but it's the old catch 22. If the insurance company do it and fuck it up, I will loose my no claims bonus and I can't afford that. Whilst on the flip side, I can afford to pay the fees on the court form small claims and keep costs out of it.

If you guys have got any suggestions though I'm happy to listen.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
I'll give you the bad cycle path, because I agree: that is simply death waiting to happen there. Good game, council, tbh. On the other hand, why is the cyclist an idiot, and the ped *not*. I mean, by your statement you seem to be implying that.
Because it is mostly the cyclists fault, and he was the bigger moron

He came from behind the pedestrian as he was crossing the road, the onus is on the cyclist to AT LEAST slow down on a shared crossing, it's not as if the guy appeared out of nowhere. He was simply going too fast he couldn't react

What the video also doesn't show is that before the incident the guy was probably walking with his friend, it stands to reason he was going to cross to meet him (see afterwards as they walk along together)

This is my annoyance with these videos they will ALL be conveniently cut to take away the blame from the cyclist, nice little propaganda tool there :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The original incident received a full page in the London Evening Standard last night. CID have confirmed they are investigating, as they had to once the paper got involved.

Victim is apparently a 49 year old lawyer, attacker is a car thief. I know that doesn't mean that much, but probably goes a little towards establishing the characters of the people involved.

Road rage video: Motorist punches a cyclist... 'just because he couldn't overtake' | News


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
There was another video i seen not long ago as well, fair to say i felt like i wanted to slap the cyclist across the back of the head for being a moron about it. And in the end it seems like he got off scot-free. - Cop versus Cyclist


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
The original incident received a full page in the London Evening Standard last night. CID have confirmed they are investigating, as they had to once the paper got involved.

Victim is apparently a 49 year old lawyer, attacker is a car thief. I know that doesn't mean that much, but probably goes a little towards establishing the characters of the people involved.

Road rage video: Motorist punches a cyclist... 'just because he couldn't overtake' | News

I think you missed some quotation marks around "thief" there.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
As has been said, there are plenty of tossers on bikes and the same goes for drivers. The thing that drives me up the wall though is how many cyclists blatantly flaunt the laws of the road - running red lights, riding dangerously on pavements, riding side by side on busy roads, riding the wrong way up one-way streets etc etc. - all because they're quite simply sanctimonious cunts. News flash: riding a bike doesn't make you some sort of eco-warrior that is saving the planet, you're just a danger to yourself and others on the road the majority of the time.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Because the cyclist can see what's going on. Think about it from the pedestrian's perspective and how you behave as a pedestrian, most of the time you're taking stuff in via peripheral vision etc. and you're not really concious of it. To the pedestrian, the crossing to his left looks like a pedestrian crossing, not a cycle path. The cycle path markings actually start under his feet. He also has a bus coming at him from his right, so he steps forward instinctively because buses are big loud and dangerous. The cyclist anticipates none of this, despite the fact that we can see from his headcam that he has a much better perspective than the pedestrian (who has dangers coming at him from left and right). Instead of slowing down and riding defensively, the cyclist simply assumes the pedestrian won't step into his path.

This is my biggest issue with urban cyclists; once they've built up momentum, most them absolutely do not want to slow down, because its more work to get up to speed again (that's why so many run red lights).

I actually think a car driver would have been more aware of the change in road markings, and probably more aware of an erratic pedestrian.

In this particular case I think the root problem is shockingly bad road design, and I think cyclists in the UK (and Ireland) have genuine grounds for complaint about that; but it doesn't alter the fact that I see more cyclists routinely break the traffic laws, every single day, than I do motorists (with the possible exception of motorway speeding), and they're not breaking the law just because the cycle paths are badly designed. I reckon I saw four or five offences committed just this morning on my walk from the train station to work; a couple of people taking a short cut the wrong way down a one-way street (which I see every single day), 2-3 red light runners on O'Connell Bridge (which is a phenomenally stupid thing to do, but I see it every single day), and an arsehole riding through a pedestrian arcade right outside my office window as I'm typing this. LOL.
yeah Gaff, tbh I have revised my view of the cyclist in those vids. he may have right of way, but he's not right, if you know what I mean.
I must comment on your first paragraph though: perhaps it's from living in the NL for so long, but I am very aware of things around me and what kind of road markings I'm stepping out on to. That accident in the vid would never happen to me (cough I hope cough) because I'd have spotted the cyclist and done something intelligent, like not freezing in his path or not getting in the way in the first place.

fwiw, imo if you're off in dreamland with the faeries, and you step out in to traffic, then you deserve everything you get. that fellow fixated on the bus in that one vid for example: he fixed on the bus, and so stepped in to another lane of traffic without paying due attention. sorry, but that's just Darwin in action. (ofc, the cyclist didn't have to hit him, but hey)


1) He was a tard and should have looked.

2) The cyclist had a fucking decade to move / brake / avoid. But no, he was a typical cunt on a bike and made a massive performance out of it. I'm surprised the black guy didn't wallop him harder.

is that the same guy as the other vids? tbh he's just out to make trouble. yes, he is usually in the right-of-way scenario, etc, but he doesn't warn with a bell or shout, and he certainly doesn't avoid. OFC, on busy roads actually avoiding a ped may place one under a truck, but hey.

Because it is mostly the cyclists fault, and he was the bigger moron

He came from behind the pedestrian as he was crossing the road, the onus is on the cyclist to AT LEAST slow down on a shared crossing, it's not as if the guy appeared out of nowhere. He was simply going too fast he couldn't react

What the video also doesn't show is that before the incident the guy was probably walking with his friend, it stands to reason he was going to cross to meet him (see afterwards as they walk along together)

This is my annoyance with these videos they will ALL be conveniently cut to take away the blame from the cyclist, nice little propaganda tool there :p
tbh that fellow shouldn't be used as an example. he's just out to make trouble.

you're just a danger to yourself and others on the road the majority of the time.
nice conclusion there dude. are you talking about humanity as a whole?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
As has been said, there are plenty of tossers on bikes and the same goes for drivers. The thing that drives me up the wall though is how many cyclists blatantly flaunt the laws of the road - running red lights, riding dangerously on pavements, riding side by side on busy roads, riding the wrong way up one-way streets etc etc. - all because they're quite simply sanctimonious cunts. News flash: riding a bike doesn't make you some sort of eco-warrior that is saving the planet, you're just a danger to yourself and others on the road the majority of the time.

I love how you do the old "I'm not a racist but...."

Here's another newsflash, just for you - Motorists ignore red lights. They drive on the pavements. They drive side by side where they shouldn't. They also drive up one way streets.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I love how you do the old "I'm not a racist but...."

Here's another newsflash, just for you - Motorists ignore red lights. They drive on the pavements. They drive side by side where they shouldn't. They also drive up one way streets.

Seriously Tom? Are you really trying to claim that motorists do any of those things on anything like the scale cyclists routinely do?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
tbh I'd call it scaling. a car is a giant death machine. having an accident by hitting a ped on a bike is just as dangerous to the rider as to whoever they hit.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
I love how you do the old "I'm not a racist but...."

Here's another newsflash, just for you - Motorists ignore red lights. They drive on the pavements. They drive side by side where they shouldn't. They also drive up one way streets.

Of course they do, at what point was I defending that? I'm not saying one or the other is better or worse, but I find the general attitude of cyclists unbelievably annoying - as if they can do no wrong just because they made some 'moral choice'. Come on.

Same thing with vegetarians and vegans (and I was a vegetarian personally for many years), there is nothing more annoying than someone who makes a choice that is 'right' - and there is no doubt that cycling is better than driving in an 'eco' sense - just so that they can be all high and mighty about it.

Also, for those that are too stupid to work it out for themselves - I'm talking about people that are like this (i.e sanctimonious fucksticks), not making a sweeping generalisation that all cyclists/veges etc are like this.

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