Door bug,abuse



Well, imo the worst thing about this is that when pomm told about it to cg none didnt say that "hey i know that bug, please dont use it but reinstall ur daoc AZAP!"

So we can except that none of our hibs didnt know that bug ? :) And still imo. Shitty bug if u really need reinstall daoc not relogg / patch again aint enough :(


Originally posted by poma
Starting to wish i never posted.

To clear up, yes i did run thru the door, yes i did get stuck inside the keep because I didn't know that the heck happened.

From reading the posts I now understand this is a patch bug. The only DD's I did were archers who were peppering me (i was stood on the rampart above the gate wondering what the heck happened). I didn't actually knowingly engage any other players, although i did see some get nuked/mezzed but thats another story....

tbh its just another instance of lousy service from wannado. For the english servers just give is USA equiv straight away. Is there a valid reason not to do this ??? Ok for the 'foreign' language conversions there will be some delay, but the english servers ???

Anyway the bugs lame and anyone who exploits it after they know about it deserve what they get.

i think shot 38 points to u not actualy being on the ramparts killing but in the courtyard running around,i got no direct shot saved of u actualy killing but at the end of the day the point is u cheated and deserve only one thing...................


FAO Ipep

Scrrenshots show nothing I haven't already said. And if were gonna be petty about it you and your fellow stealthers who tried to attack me/others while in the courtyard are also guilty of bug abuse also no?

You want us not to defend ourselves ?

So in future anytime this happens and we get hit by you I'm gonna screenie and petition for you to be suspended ?

Grow up for fucks sake. Its a bug, its appealed, it will be sorted.



Originally posted by poma
FAO Ipep

Scrrenshots show nothing I haven't already said. And if were gonna be petty about it you and your fellow stealthers who tried to attack me/others while in the courtyard are also guilty of bug abuse also no?

You want us not to defend ourselves ?

So in future anytime this happens and we get hit by you I'm gonna screenie and petition for you to be suspended ?

Grow up for fucks sake. Its a bug, its appealed, it will be sorted.


u ran out of madeup stories now? There's the proof and u still try to put up that smokescreen of "I didn't do it". Sure, go ahead and think it's GOA's or someone elses fault, all the players who know about this doorbug and those that want no part of it. They reinstall the game to get rid of it, how hard is it for u to do the same? Need someone to help u reinstall it? Ask a friend then.

JUST DO IT ffs......


Originally posted by poma
FAO Ipep

Scrrenshots show nothing I haven't already said. And if were gonna be petty about it you and your fellow stealthers who tried to attack me/others while in the courtyard are also guilty of bug abuse also no?

You want us not to defend ourselves ?

So in future anytime this happens and we get hit by you I'm gonna screenie and petition for you to be suspended ?

Grow up for fucks sake. Its a bug, its appealed, it will be sorted.


its a bug that u abused,the only person that i attacked was a brehon ns,who of course was on the keep walls clearing defence as a good stelather should be........

the screen shots plainly point at mids being killed at the gatekeeper,of couse u was at no point near the gate keeper nuking as u was on the walls killing archers ..... /sarcasm on


Heheh always funny such denies :p


Hi kragothe :wub:


Originally posted by marczje
Heheh always funny such denies :p


Hi kragothe :wub:

hehe lo mighty hunter :) we must all be bored :)


Originally posted by poma
And if were gonna be petty about it you and your fellow stealthers who tried to attack me/others while in the courtyard are also guilty of bug abuse also no?
No. You can't turn others into cheaters by cheating yourself.
You want us not to defend ourselves ?
Yes. Duh. You were in a position you are not allowed to be, and you thus have no right to defend yourself. The correct way would be to (a) get out of there as soon as possible, or, if this not possible, (b) sit down and let the enemy kill you.


This makes me think of everyone who is a cheater because they abused any wallbug in any dungeon to get out quicker without suiciding....

If you use/abuse a bug once, without knowing about it, I really wouldnt consider given person a cheater...if you however keep using the bug after knowing about it, to gain an advantage, its a totally different story.


Originally posted by phule_gubben
u ran out of madeup stories now? There's the proof and u still try to put up that smokescreen of "I didn't do it". Sure, go ahead and think it's GOA's or someone elses fault, all the players who know about this doorbug and those that want no part of it. They reinstall the game to get rid of it, how hard is it for u to do the same? Need someone to help u reinstall it? Ask a friend then.

JUST DO IT ffs......

Pom said at start that he made it. He didnt say that "i didnt do it" so wtf is ur point ?


Doesn't need to be comment any more ppl have alrdy sad what I was going to say but I will say another thing.

I know about another bug wich mythic knows but they cant fix it(I think)

Want me to tell you?
then it would probably be very many bug abusing.
Many ppl probably alrdy know this.

Sry ppl aint gonna tell you,
that bug really helps if you use it

Would be fun to see how many luris,kobbies,dwarfs and inconnus there would be playing then^^

Curious? :)


I don't exactly know what you want to tell us with that screenies, lpep. All I see on them is poma (and later Zvixx) running inside, but not attacking. I can ONLY see dead hibs and not one single deathmessage caused by poma.

People are free to read these forums (or NOT) so if you haven't, you might not know about the bug, so plz be a bit more careful with what you say and who you acuse of cheating.

Btw, you're posting 5 screenies here which show nothing but 2 of my guild running in. I wasn't in the keepraid but it was on /gu and poma didn't know the bug till then. So stop talking crap and giving other players a bad reputation, thx.


Originally posted by liloe
Btw, you're posting 5 screenies here which show nothing but 2 of my guild running in. I wasn't in the keepraid but it was on /gu and poma didn't know the bug till then. So stop talking crap and giving other players a bad reputation, thx.
people always just pbaoe the gatekeeper and there is a dead mid there (probably by the pbaoe)


Originally posted by liloe
I don't exactly know what you want to tell us with that screenies, lpep. All I see on them is poma (and later Zvixx) running inside, but not attacking. I can ONLY see dead hibs and not one single deathmessage caused by poma.

People are free to read these forums (or NOT) so if you haven't, you might not know about the bug, so plz be a bit more careful with what you say and who you acuse of cheating.

Btw, you're posting 5 screenies here which show nothing but 2 of my guild running in. I wasn't in the keepraid but it was on /gu and poma didn't know the bug till then. So stop talking crap and giving other players a bad reputation, thx.

mids must have used the /suicide command then ..................


i'm not one for defending cheaters/bug abusers no matter what realm they are for but in my guild there is not many who come on BW so not all know about it.when fantasy took hild last wed our chanter noticed the bug run through once and came back but an attack by missiles on the same chanter by a alb on the otherside of the door (who did not come through the doors but was firing at everyone he could see.
also the same chanter could not get up to the lords room to claim the keep because of this bug so it took us 30 mins to get guildy to come along and claim it

but i agree if they know the bug get them banned but who do u know that they knew about the bug if they don't come to sites like bw?


Originally posted by finbahr
i'm not one for defending cheaters/bug abusers no matter what realm they are for but in my guild there is not many who come on BW so not all know about it.when fantasy took hild last wed our chanter noticed the bug run through once and came back but an attack by missiles on the same chanter by a alb on the otherside of the door (who did not come through the doors but was firing at everyone he could see.
also the same chanter could not get up to the lords room to claim the keep because of this bug so it took us 30 mins to get guildy to come along and claim it

but i agree if they know the bug get them banned but who do u know that they knew about the bug if they don't come to sites like bw?

the point is they ran through the door,its obvious straight away that something is wrong, but instead of stopping they carried on into the keep killed mids/guards therefore abusing the bug .... they could have stoped at the gates but they chose to take advantage of the situation,pom has already admitted he killed guards,but is that ok because they are npc? no its still making use of a bug.........


Originally posted by lpep
the point is they ran through the door,its obvious straight away that something is wrong, but instead of stopping they carried on into the keep killed mids/guards therefore abusing the bug .... they could have stoped at the gates but they chose to take advantage of the situation,pom has already admitted he killed guards,but is that ok because they are npc? no its still making use of a bug.........

i can agree with some of your point but what about the archer taking out people after the 1st door was down he didn't come through the door but was firing at people through the non door because he could see them and target them how do u prove that its still bug abuse and cheating


Originally posted by finbahr
i can agree with some of your point but what about the archer taking out people after the 1st door was down he didn't come through the door but was firing at people through the non door because he could see them and target them how do u prove that its still bug abuse and cheating

the archer being the npc of course,mid hunter was dead as soon as he entered the keep from one of the 3 ns's that was in the keep...................................


Originally posted by liloe

I wasn't in the keepraid but it was on /gu and poma didn't know the bug till then. So stop talking crap and giving other players a bad reputation, thx.

Thats right you was not there,so cant really comment on what went on.

Originally posted by poma
This is new bug, started around an hour ago after server crash.


Originally posted by finbahr
i can agree with some of your point but what about the archer taking out people after the 1st door was down he didn't come through the door but was firing at people through the non door because he could see them and target them how do u prove that its still bug abuse and cheating

you cant shoot through a door, even if you dont see it as that is something the server checks the LOS not the clients pc. Also it was probably volley or a gaurd.


Thats right you was not there,so cant really comment on what went on.

learn writing english before you quote me (was = were)

2nd: Yes, I CAN comment on that, because poma asked in /gu what that bug was, so I know he never had known of it before.

3rd: Gonna stop adding more posts here cause it all ends up in a big battle about what is bug abusing and what not

P.S. if you're the "let's storm" kind of person and you see no second, door you will start killing (well the door could alrdy be down for some reason, it's possible after all) and if nobody tells you, it'll take you quite a couple of time to find out it's a bug, cause GOA didn't care to give people any information on their homepage


lpep said:

the archer being the npc of course,mid hunter was dead as soon as he entered the keep from one of the 3 ns's that was in the keep...................................

thing is Pomalllka mezzed me and nuked me to death right infront of the tower.


Stop arguing over the validity of screenshots, they are just there to help GOA find the relevant place in the server logs.


Originally posted by Belomar
Stop arguing over the validity of screenshots, they are just there to help GOA find the relevant place in the server logs.

of course now its been rolled back it never happened :/


Originally posted by lpep
of course now its been rolled back it never happened :/

doubt the logs have been deleted though ;)


That keepdoor bug is new, so everyone's first impression (if he has the bug) thinks it's a normal patch change and WILL pass the door to attack the enemy.
This is a a normal reaction so stop all the whine because it's a waste of time...

Untill Goa fixes the bug people will think it's ok and do what they normally do: pawn all you fucking whiners :kissit:


is it a bug because those that can't see second door have to break down the door to the tower so they still have to go through 2 doors we had a prob the other night half the grp ran up to the lord to kill half couldn't get through so thats not fair either so mythics/goa's fault for not defining what is the right door to break down

1 other thing if a fg of those who have the door bug start taking out a keep they have 2 rams 1 for 1st door 1 for second they break down 1st door can they target second door for thier ram? or do they ...1 go to tower door thus bug abusing or
2 all quit and reinstall doac and si in the middle of a keep take


Originally posted by finbahr
is it a bug because those that can't see second door have to break down the door to the tower so they still have to go through 2 doors we had a prob the other night half the grp ran up to the lord to kill half couldn't get through so thats not fair either so mythics/goa's fault for not defining what is the right door to break down

It is a bug because it is not implemented in the game in our part of the world.
Therefore running through a door (where a door is supposed to be) to kill something is bug-abusing. You are using a bug for something you aren't supposed to be able to do; thus it is a bug-abuse.

All bugs are by "design" (hehe) the programmers faults, but everybody when they log on accept not to exploit bugs. If people don't want to accept it - then don't clik the accept button. Nobody is forcing people to play the game.
Don't want to play the game under the rules that is layed down - don't click accept.

"Oh - everybody (90%+) in my raid are standing still hitting something?".
It is not that hard to think.


Originally posted by boni_ofdavoid

Random hibbie : Hey wtf I can walk through the door, cool!
Hibbie in charge of raid : Come back out, do not abuse the bug, anyone with that 'feature' stay outside the keep!
Random hibbie : Bah ok.

very much like the last alb raid cg I was in (the mid-invasion we did on saturday to be precise)

person1: Hey where's the second door?
persons 2,3,4,5,6: get out the keep and stay out - you've got a bug, reinstall.

oh and GOA have mentioned it ;)
from the friday news:
Freezing Friday ? Hot News !

If, even after patching back to the European version, you are facing problems in game (such as not being able to attack doors at keeps), please contact the customer support team, they have procedures ready for the known problems.


what i'm saying is even if door is a non door ..
1 can u hit it?
2 your still fooked cause you can't get through the tower door even if you take out the non door without out another ram making the process a lot harder for the user.

yes i know most of the people are aware now and most should have reinstalled.

so would you still be bug abusing if you went through 2nd door knowing you have to take down the tower door also.

(all very hyperthetical but having a bad day at work so i'm pissed off and i wanted to annoy other peeps)

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