Does monster rez need an adjustment


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 17, 2004
As title.
Imo its needs a little bit of a fix, ill grant you albs needed something to move hibs and mids camping keeps towers etc and it does this very well, but does the abs factor of monster rez itself need and adjustment.
Last night the MRE got owned at berks and my own guild have been getting owned lately by monster rez now all i recon is that if u dropped the abs to 1/2 of what it is atm i would still do the job its meant to but also, the zombie would be killable abiet slowly but it won't be virtually unkillable though either.

Im sure some albs will say im qqing but i do believe what im saying is right :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
Anything that does ae dots procced every 3? seconds at anything upto 500 dmg a tic (with wp and mom) and the source of that has very high magic and melee abs then I think everyone on the receiving end will say they want it nerfed or removed. 1 char can keep an entire zerg interuppted while rest of enemy charge.

Yes it needs a nerf but dont expect mythic to do anything about it, same with the theurg nerf we were promised and never happened.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Belgerath said:
As title.
Imo its needs a little bit of a fix, ill grant you albs needed something to move hibs and mids camping keeps towers etc and it does this very well, but does the abs factor of monster rez itself need and adjustment.
Last night the MRE got owned at berks and my own guild have been getting owned lately by monster rez now all i recon is that if u dropped the abs to 1/2 of what it is atm i would still do the job its meant to but also, the zombie would be killable abiet slowly but it won't be virtually unkillable though either.

Im sure some albs will say im qqing but i do believe what im saying is right :)

Yes you are qqing. Monsters can be cc'ed before they get into the zerg thereby disabling them quite easily.

It isn't overpowered, it is just that Albion must be waking up to the fact that Monsters are quite good. I remember a while back being on keep takes and there being 1 or 2 tics there and non of them having monster rez, or seeing someone who had been monster rezzed waiting out of sight for it to wear off because they didn't want to be killed again.

Monster Rez is one of the funniest things to become, in a keep take you just run up the stairs, get killed and hope you get a rez from a tic :p


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Brackus said:
Apprently their pets would be mezzable / cc'able

That's never going to happen, they were mezzable at the start of the game and theurgs were completely utterly pointless spending 100% power on pets to only have them be mezzed and killed because mezz duration > pet duration.
Theurgs need a nerf but no way that they should make their pets Mezz/Rootable again, deduction in pet cast range(1750) would be a much better change.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
Mezz the ugly monster and hope no one break the mezz or simply stun them and u will be fine


Fledgling Freddie
May 28, 2005
Nerf teh monster rezz..

And as Belgerath stated, monsters are impossible to kill and can hold a zerg alone.
Good go Mythic.. :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 15, 2004
Gibbo said:
Yes you are qqing. Monsters can be cc'ed before they get into the zerg thereby disabling them quite easily.

It isn't overpowered, it is just that Albion must be waking up to the fact that Monsters are quite good. I remember a while back being on keep takes and there being 1 or 2 tics there and non of them having monster rez, or seeing someone who had been monster rezzed waiting out of sight for it to wear off because they didn't want to be killed again.

Monster Rez is one of the funniest things to become, in a keep take you just run up the stairs, get killed and hope you get a rez from a tic :p
Well the fact is that albion wins 100% of the keep fights because of the monster rezzm,so it should be tweaked abit.
Like the DoT hit for 40-60dmg max not like 300 if ppl have MoM 5 and shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
level ep monster rezz problem solved
use confuse therg pets solved

now why nerf them ?
may think about how to stop them before screaming nerf


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
monster res is stupidly overpowered in any tight-siege action, it is hopefully something that will change but i'm guessing it won't be for a while. cc is impossible to keep when inside a enemy keep/tower. outside areas monster res is quite easy to handle


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
lol, monsters have a to big impact on tower/keep sieges, get a grip. I agree that it's powerful but it's also a number of ways to counter attack or atleast try not to be as close to em.



Nov 28, 2004
Worst things out there that need a nerf like DI all the horner wannabe :wanker:


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 15, 2004
pip said:
Worst things out there that need a nerf like DI all the horner wannabe :wanker:
DI is quite a good thing in fg vs fg fights tho.
They need to adjust it a bit i.e DI starts have effect on the ppl in grp if theres atleast 6-8ppl in grp.


Nov 28, 2004
Raimo said:
DI is quite a good thing in grp fg vs fg fights tho.
They need to adjust it a bit i.e DI starts have effect on the ppl in grp if theres atleast 6-8ppl in grp.
Should only work with 8:) for the fgvfg stuff:fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
Monster res is over the top in any siege situation. Its high damage, sick interrupt in a good radius, from a target thats hardly killable. It should either only interrupt once, or it should be killable.

As it stands now you cannot hold a keep against albs, sure you might survive once due to moc or instants, but they just get another up and running.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Monster rezz needs changing but not in the way you describe. The MoM and WP of the person monstered should not be taken into account rather the Tic who cast it's WP and MoM should be. That way a Tic can spec to be a super monster'er rather than just monstering high rr casters (the damage I can get with the dot with WP5 is insane easily over 300 a tick).


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Javai said:
Monster rezz needs changing but not in the way you describe. The MoM and WP of the person monstered should not be taken into account rather the Tic who cast it's WP and MoM should be. That way a Tic can spec to be a super monster'er rather than just monstering high rr casters (the damage I can get with the dot with WP5 is insane easily over 300 a tick).

eh, so instead of sick dots when ressing high RR casters you suggest sick dots on all monster resses?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
just un nerf the warlocks so mids get same zerg killer abilites as albs do, then things would be balanced imo again. Although i would trade monster rezz for warlocks anyday tbh. Having a tick basicly in testudo form hitting you for sometimes 400+ is retarded tbh.

Although warlocks pre nerf were preety retarded aswell why should albs be the only ones to benefit from this insanely op class ability.

Bainshee's get nerfed, warlocks get nerfed, monster rezz stil stays the same that dominate both warlocks and bainshee's in siege situations from what i see. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
monster rezz is potentiall OP. sure.

when i look at my cleric who received a monster rezz, she`s running around with tics in the 170 - 190 range. Now my wiz mom 5, wp 5, 8% magic damage from toa, 10 % pierce from toa (don`t even know if it works, but i guess it does) and a power relic at the moment is know to hit people in the 500 range after a high crit.

dots can crit for 100 %.

it`s a bit like saying that fire wiz nukes are OP compared to low smite specced nukes.

i never felt a monster rezz on my cleric was OP in any way. when i have it on my wiz, and the party is able to heal the wiz during his monster run, it is devastating.

hibs and mids have the ability to stun a monster and just nuke it down before stun wears out. i wonder how albs would deal with monsters from mid or hib tbh <shivers>.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
i wonder how albs would deal with monsters from mid or hib tbh <shivers>.

Mezz it and wait for him to be left on 1 % health and kill? Just a pure guess thou.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Phule_Gubben said:
Mezz it and wait for him to be left on 1 % health and kill? Just a pure guess thou.

mezing and hoping noone breaks the mezz is very dodgy. face it, any monster that storms into a lord room and gets mezzed will be free again within 1 sec.

stun and kill before stun wears out is sooo much better. to me it seems that most decent chanter / eldritch / menta can stun me and nuke me to oblivion, as a cloth monster with 1200 hp, before the stun wears out.

killing a monster like kagato will probably be somehwat harder, but i would think that he doesn`t do that much damage with his tics :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
i wonder how albs would deal with monsters from mid or hib tbh <shivers>.

im sure (hopes) that by ur rr u may have noticed an ability that ur wiz has known as root, this when it lands holds the person at (almost) the same spot for a period of time that should enable u to aviod said monster, tho fortunately u wont ever have to deal with it. :)
the monster situation is ofc a little unbalanced, but we all know by now that all realms have had op stuff and ultimately it will get looked at, its just one of those things that we moan about in groups/bg's and can break the silence and make u all feel like u have something in common. kinda like when every1 moans at work cos u got a turkey leg for a bonus from ur company and u find urself moaning to someone u have never spoken to (or at least since the previous year)

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Not, it doesn't need a nerf. The Heretic is there for some revenge for the pathetic siege situation over the last years. RR5, BOAD, Monster Rezz and the interrupts put Albion on the same level to Hibernia and Midgard.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Not, it doesn't need a nerf. The Heretic is there for some revenge for the pathetic siege situation over the last years. RR5, BOAD, Monster Rezz and the interrupts put Albion on the same level to Hibernia and Midgard.

you've never played against is so you don;t know how over powered it is in siege situations. Before warlocks got nerfed albs cried bloody murder and i consider monster rezz far more overpowered than warlocks are or were regarding lord rooms etc. Considering it seems 70% of albs play casters these days, when you got 4 or more monster's running around hitting you between 150-500 dmg that insane, thats per tic it also interupts casters so healers can;' do shit and you wipe sometimes just to monster rezz.

If you tone down the dmg then i believe it would be viable but currently when your being perma interupted and and dot'ed by dmg that is equiavlent of a high rr DD class than i think thats kinda ridulous. Mids/hibs can no longer hold choke points anymore due to it, casters can't nuke incomming alb or even pbaoe, seers can't heal. Mids or hibs don't even have anything which is the equivalent of that not one class can hold down a lord room on it's own while surviving, interupting and doing insane dmg to everyone around it.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
brad said:
you've never played against is so you don;t know how over powered it is in siege situations. Before warlocks got nerfed albs cried bloody murder and i consider monster rezz far more overpowered than warlocks are or were regarding lord rooms etc. Considering it seems 70% of albs play casters these days, when you got 4 or more monster's running around hitting you between 150-500 dmg that insane, thats per tic it also interupts casters so healers can;' do shit and you wipe sometimes just to monster rezz.

If you tone down the dmg then i believe it would be viable but currently when your being perma interupted and and dot'ed by dmg that is equiavlent of a high rr DD class than i think thats kinda ridulous. Mids/hibs can no longer hold choke points anymore due to it, casters can't nuke incomming alb or even pbaoe, seers can't heal. Mids or hibs don't even have anything which is the equivalent of that not one class can hold down a lord room on it's own while surviving, interupting and doing insane dmg to everyone around it.

a warlock prenerf could insta wipe a lord room, a heretic cant

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