Question Do you honestly believe 9/11 was a US government conspiracy?

Do you honestly believe 9/11 was a US government conspiracy?

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Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Like all thoose aliens that´s been visiting us, and crashing all over the place..

yeh the government have built special glasses like 3d glasses.. and you need them to see the aliens

you heard it here first


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Why would anyone want to blow up thier own city.

tbh I believe that humans will do almost anything if the stakes are high enough and they are convinced of something.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Whatever the government say is true, everything else is false, right..

People need to open their eyes, there is some serious shit happening out there which is being hidden from us for a reason.

But what if they just WANT you to think it's a conspiracy?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
What an odd thread...

Having read the entire thing post to post it has to be said... the fact that so many of you get riled up and simultaneously attack the beliefs of somebody that believes differently is quite mental!

On topic: Will have to look at the "documentary" however I'm not convinced at all that these attacks were planned by the US government etc...

One thing I will say is people I've noticed are very fast to discredit the sources given by people that believe in conspiracy theories, yet they never provide sources for the "truth" in their eyes.

Main thing is though that thousands of people lost their lives on that day and they should be mourned/remembered on the 10 year anniversary not claimed that they were murdered by their own government, save that for a different time!

Also less attacking Tuthmes, he was merely stating his opinion on the matter no need to go assjamming him into submission! - thats my job :wub:


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
One thing I will say is people I've noticed are very fast to discredit the sources given by people that believe in conspiracy theories, yet they never provide sources for the "truth" in their eyes.

I'm guilty of that nowadays, but only because i used to check those "sources" before answering. And not one time did i find anything other then either completely made up crap or attempts at twisting logic to match their views.

Usually they started off good, but then their blinders came on and scewed the end result to fit what they wanted it to be.

That said, i'm not totally against the idea that someone on the inside were involved. I just really really doubt that anyone, no matter what, would do something like 9/11 in the firm belief that no one would never find out about it. But IF someone on the inside were involved it wouldn't "legally" be a conspiracy, just treason.

I mean, in the (very) unlikely event that this actually is a conspiracy, what do you think would happen if the truth came out?

You'd get riots (or even civil war) in USA that would make WWII look like a street brawl.

Sure, that alone would make it reason enough to keep it quiet, but there is always someone willing to spill the beans for attention or personal gain.

The risk (mentioned riots/civil war) versus reward (killing Bin Laden) just doesn't add up no matter how you look at it. Yes Bin Laden and Al Queida were dangerous, but not THAT dangerous.

I know Americans can be unbelievably impulsive and reckless, but even i can't give them credit for something like this...

Maybe i'm to much of a slave of logic to see it but i just can't imagine anyone today doing something like this just to start a "war" against basically one person.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You'd get riots (or even civil war) in USA that would make WWII look like a street brawl.

Might be a reason there in itself. Ofcourse that would require some "powers that be" to want a civil war, for profit, switch of power etc. The usual muguffin for war.

If they tried to do that and indeed would release info now, 10 years after, they would have a huge advantage in the upcoming war.

Not saying that's the case as i don't want black choppers to whisk me away to slavesexcamps, but there would be a reason :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Read the sentence just below that quote toht... :)

Do you really believe that no one would try to profit from something like that? :)

There are politicians and civilians all over the world that wouldn't skip a heartbeat to release a news bomb like that.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Read the sentence just below that quote toht... :)

Do you really believe that no one would try to profit from something like that? :)

There are politicians and civilians all over the world that wouldn't skip a heartbeat to release a news bomb like that.

Yeah i read it, but i didn't find it lausible in an organisation that would have such power to begin with.

If the beans were spilt, they wouldn't be very effective :p

And honestly, how many "crazy folk" have you ignored and laughed about, that were sayng things like "Microsoft is set us up the bomb at 911! They stockpile weapons and rpepare for civil war!". Never uderestimate peoples ability to ignore / laugh off a threat simply because the scale of it is too large to fathom....phantom...fatatom?...hell...understand :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
What a load of shite. Here's a rough tl:dr

"I'm an engineer, that looks like a controlled demolition"

"We agree, that looks like a controlled demolition"

"Fire couldn't possibly have brought that building down"

(video ignores massive damage from falling debris)

"We've found evidence that explosives were used"

"NIST didn't look for explosives, they're obviously in on it!"

"We need a new investigation, because the old one didn't come to the right conclusions!"

"Our country will remain broken until we get a new investigation that admits that we're right, and everyone else is wrong!"


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i mean seriously, have you ever in your life seen a building fall down like that by a little fire?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It was hardly a "little fire"

It was a jet fuel fire in an area that was effectively a forge.

The central lift shafts acted like as a chimney, drawing air up from the bottom. The steel supports were weakened by the air/jet fuel fire which eventually led to them collapsing. Due to the design of the buildings, when one floor collapsed, the one below collapsed because of the weight of the floor above. Like a domino effect, when one went, they all eventually went.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Ah right, wasn't really following the thread :p


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Its to big a conspiracy to be plausible. why on earth, fly two planes or as some say holograms into the towers, blow them up, then give it all away with a controlled demolition of WTC7? Just dont make any sense.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Why not?
Isnt it one of those things they could get away with?
I mean watch the world and what has happen after that ;)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If you check the documentary i posted you will see that these people are professionals, engineers, scientists, architects etc.
They come out with their name, show their face .....i wouldnt really do that shit (especially in the USA) if i didnt know wtf i was talking about.
Google their names and who they are if you dont believe me, their whole careers are at stake by being in a documentary like that.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
If it was really a conspiracy then we wouldn't be even having this discussion because noone would suspect it was a conspiracy. You don't pull off a con job by leaving lots of little things for people to question, you show them exactly what they expect to see regardless of what should really have been seen. Any organisation capable of setting up a conspiracy on the scale of 9/11 would surely have been competent enough to have been able to set it up in such a way that observers would see exactly what they'd expect to see when a building collapses and wouldn't mess up little things like making controlled explosions visible.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
If you check the documentary i posted you will see that these people are professionals, engineers, scientists, architects etc.
They come out with their name, show their face .....i wouldnt really do that shit (especially in the USA) if i didnt know wtf i was talking about.
Google their names and who they are if you dont believe me, their whole careers are at stake by being in a documentary like that.

If you believe in something hard enough, your career doesn't mean anything.

And for some reason most Americans respect people like that and give them some slack.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
i mean seriously, have you ever in your life seen a building fall down like that by a little fire?

No, but then again I've never seen a building suffer severe damage from huge chunks of falling debris and a fire fuelled by diesel left to burn for seven hours.

Have you?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The actual reasons they collapsed is because of the clueless, quasi-religous environmental wankers, who pushed forward junkscience about the dangers of asbestos, so about athird of the way up the builders had to stop spraying perfectly safe and tried and tested asbestos on the girders and start using some fucking substitute that the greenies had passed by some un elected quango and didn't do the job of protecting the metal, cos it was...crap, same thing happened to the Shuttle, the foam on the o2 tank is crap, cos the original had cfc's in it, fuckin save us from well meaning treehuggers, who believe their own dreams.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Er, why would they need to dispose of building 7 in some great conspiracy, when all the buildings were cleared over the next few months anyway?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
i mean seriously, have you ever in your life seen a building fall down like that by a little fire?

You call ~90.000 liters (per plane!) of burning jet fuel "a little fire"?

Are you actually looking things up before you post or are you just making stuff up like most other conspiracy theorists? This is exactly what i talked about earlier.

Jet fuel fires can be as hot at 1200 degrees, steel melts at 800. The air itself rarely becomes hotter then 900 degrees, but that alone would still make steel melt.

And at that heat, even concrete will start to weaken and lose it's strength.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The actual reasons they collapsed is because of the clueless, quasi-religous environmental wankers, who pushed forward junkscience about the dangers of asbestos, so about athird of the way up the builders had to stop spraying perfectly safe and tried and tested asbestos on the girders and start using some fucking substitute that the greenies had passed by some un elected quango and didn't do the job of protecting the metal, cos it was...crap, same thing happened to the Shuttle, the foam on the o2 tank is crap, cos the original had cfc's in it, fuckin save us from well meaning treehuggers, who believe their own dreams.

Tell that to the people who are now diagnosed with toxic dust ilnesses

BBC News - Toxic dust legacy of 9/11 plagues thousands of people

There is no such thing as a safe asbestos. If it gets turned to dust and gets in your lungs it is still very dangerous!

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