Would any of you guys spend over £10 on one item? Personally I'm thinking I'd only spend what I make from it.
I see what you're saying but I personally don't see the difference between me farming gold/items to sell to get a better item. I see it the same way with the RMAH, if I can make £2 by selling something useless and then put that £2 towards a useful item I'm all for it. I think I'd take out the cash if it was £10 though.Never, for any sum. I like to find my own items and rarely even use the gold AH for buying.
My first, only and last experience with buying virtual items for real money was a hollow and meaningless feeling. If you want to achieve something in a game, it's better to do it yourself over time. It's all possible!
If you enjoy buying virtual items for real money, then that's all fine. It's your money and your own choice![]()
It looks like the game has been cracked now.. by Skidrow at least, not sure about the others... can play LAN with it etc.. scroll down a bit, came out yesterday and a few people are having problems so you may be best off waiting a few daysSource?
LAN would get me to play again. It's a Diablo game and I havent even got past Act 3. What the hell is wrong with games these days?
I still play Median XL. Just did today actually. Killed Baal on Terror and my paladin dinged lvl118. Can't wait to get proper gear and start doing ubersNice, maybe now its been cracked we'll see some funky mods pop up for it like MedianXL etc![]()
I couldn't imagine lugging a PC these days round with me they weigh a lot more for starters.
Most people are capable of playing the game on their laptops.. Don't you bring yours anywhere? As I said previously, starting all over with just you and your mates, at someone's house adds a whole new dimension to the game and makes it a lot more fun, rather than just sitting at eachone's house and skyping
Here's an example - me+friends lan occasionally most of us have good internet connections capable of hosting 10+ people - 1 of us doesn't have the space to host - another has the space to host but his house is on the cutoff point of being able to get ADSL - his connection speeds are shit ( 2mb down 500k up ) and wouldn't support more than 2-3 people despite being a great place to host otherwise.
Not only that however - most of the world has shit internet. Outside of western europe and metropolitan US cities - the vast majority of the world has terribad or prohibitively expensive internet.
What Aada is actually saying is "i'm fine, fuck everyone else" without considering countries like india/pakistan/african countries where in the richer parts people certainly have pcs and would enjoy playing with friends but the cost of having an internet connection capable of more than browsing text only sites is stupid crazy - if they can even get better than dial up.
Hell take the US as an example outside of major cities it's a pure gamble if you can get a reasonable connection or not that would be more than 1-2mb down and 500k up.
But fuck those guys right?
Doesn't mean LAN isn't still valid, or won't be valid for many years to come. It also doesn't matter that the server issues are sorted now or not, because the d3 servers WILL shut down eventually. And then you sit there with what is essentially a single player game that you can't play... And it doesn't matter how popular or unpopular the game is when that happens. If 1 person still wants to play this game then he/she should be able to do so even if Blizzard themselves go up in smoke.Yes lan is and was a laugh. But to berate a game for not having that function in 2012 is a bit silly, imo, especially considering the server problems are now sorted.