Diablo III


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Your in the minority and the games companies will always panda to the majority its where they get their money from. They sold over 6 million in the first however many days you think that they really bothered by the 50k, 100k (guessing) people who didnt buy it because it had no LAN ?

Its not their fault you live in the middle of nowhere and it is your choice as to where you live.
A lot more than 100k have shit/no internet.. especially in America.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Seems that Kripp(exploit)arian got "World first" Diablo inferno on HC kill, people that followed him via stream reckons he's been exploiting all the way through HC tho, surprise surprise :l WoW mentality hits Diablo "It was clever use of game mechanics, honest!"


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Yeh when he was about to die he would log onto D3 from another computer and tries to log in same account, his original account recognises this and drops him from game. Very 'hardcore'.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
EA shut down game servers for games that were released in 2011. Hell one released in 2012 even :/
That's why I don't buy any EA games personally.

That said, Blizzard have a much better track record for things like this as you can still play D2, etc. online.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Wife made £37 today selling stuff i had 1 day where i sold stuff now i don't get shit, but so far she's sold stuff every damn day!


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Is she selling high level equipment? Sold jack shit for stuff I'm putting on cheap. Don't really care though, I need the gold :(


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
items with level requirement reduction probably sell well, people wanting to lvl new characters will want to twink them so those items are ideal :p tried 1.0.3 this morning and it still didn't renew any sort of hope for Diablo III, Jay Wilson has well and truely fucking gutted the franchise.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Meme's all taken from http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5889189460?page=1





















FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Unofficial poll, not really worth the effort :p

Nothing really major in the changes though, just some balancing and nothing that twisted my nipples the wrong way.

On other news, now it's "official" that Kripps beat diablo on inferno.

Funniest part is them saying "we wanted to do it before the patch so it's as hard as it ever will be" and the same patch removing the log-in exploit ;)
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FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Is it jealous rivals that are saying he exploited? Blizzard has officially announced that he done it, if there was any dodgyness surely he wouldn't have got that recognition?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well from the great grapewine(shush) it seems he did. Doesn't matter i he did at level 10, or 50, or how much.

Everything can't be tracked afterall, they probably just checked the last fight(which in itself isn't the hard part).

Though to be fair, group play isn't that hard anyway so it might be "legit" also :p


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Is it jealous rivals that are saying he exploited? Blizzard has officially announced that he done it, if there was any dodgyness surely he wouldn't have got that recognition?

Nope, apparently there was a few things that lead to all the shadiness, it wasn't diablo the boss he exploited it was various other things in the game/on the way up as it were - these allegations are from saddos that sat and watched his stream for 5+ hours every time he was online.

- his stream would go black to hide things randomly
- he bought items from gold farmer sites
- he bought gold from gold farmer sites
- exploited leveling to get characters level'd up again quicker after dying on HC

The reason people are really driving at it is because Kripp was apparently bad mouthing Athene for getting items off people and then he goes and does it himself.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
hu hu hu hu hu so many conspiracy theories about the latest patch popping up on forums it's fucking hilarious.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Yeah i actually read that in full, pretty good post.

Torchlight 2 devs must be going full steam ahead to cash in on this.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Rightly so aswell, they have the potential to set Torchlight 2 up as the official new king of ARPG with the inevitable flop of Diablo III, and I believe they'll pull it off nicely with Max Schaefer at the helm... its just a shame they didn't have the money to throw around like Blizzard, I would have liked to have seen what the old Blizzard North guys could have come up with had their budget been bigger (not that Torchlight 2 is bad in anyway, the beta was fucking amazing, miles better than Diablo III)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Yep, pet system has gotten better as well :p you can not only send your pet to town to sell your unwanted shit now but you can give it a shopping list to pick up potions for you etc aswell.

  • Multiplayer

    Play co-op with your friends via LAN or over the Internet for free. No subscriptions, no item sales. Our new matchmaking service lets you find friends, start new games, and join existing games. And, as always, you can play single-player offline as well.
  • Customizable Characters

    Players will create and customize a character from one of four brand new classes. Each class can be played as either male or female, with customized cosmetic features and looks to make each individual character stand out. All new skills and loot give loads of opportunity for unique character builds.
  • Moddability

    TorchED, the Torchlight II editor, will give players the ability to create their own mods, adding even more content to the world. Have your friends download the same mod and play together.
  • New User Interface

    Torchlight II boasts a new and improved user interface, designed to be easier than ever for new players to pick up and play. This intuitive interface ensures you can focus on playing the game the way you want to.
  • Open World

    We're not only in the town of Torchlight anymore! Explore vast overland areas and multiple hub towns, fight through rain, snow, day and night. Our level randomization ensures new layouts, paths, loot, and monsters every time you play.
  • New Game Plus

    In New Game Plus, the game's not over until you say it is. Once you've beaten Torchlight II's primary campaign, you can start again with the same character for a significantly greater challenge. You'll keep all of the skills, gold, and gear you worked so hard for!
  • Pets & Fishing

    These popular features make their return in Torchlight II in improved form. More choices, better effects, and your pet will still make the run to town to sell your loot so you don’t have to.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well two little things;

- Mostly conspiracy talk and the same old RMAH is the driving force bull(with nom facts to bcak it up mind you).
- Diablo can't flop, it's not sub based, it's sold millioons already, broke records and so forth. It's a success in every meaning of the word.

Oh and if you like torchlight, go make a thread for it. Will be fun to see the rage over that though, since it's the -same guys- making it.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I've already played Torchlight II Tohtori, its leagues above Diablo III :p as for Diablo III not being able to flop I assure you despite it not being sub based it CAN flop, do you think Blizzard want something with the magnitude of Diablo's franchise to wither and die? do they fuck, they want to milk it for every penny they can get and they can't do that if Diablo III gets to the point where they can't market it as well as they would like to.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I've already played Torchlight II Tohtori, its leagues above Diablo III :p as for Diablo III not being able to flop I assure you despite it not being sub based it CAN flop, do you think Blizzard want something with the magnitude of Diablo's franchise to wither and die? do they fuck, they want to milk it for every penny they can get and they can't do that if Diablo III gets to the point where they can't market it as well as they would like to.

Diablo franchise IS dead, as it is anyway. This is the final Tristram diablo and then they're moving to other stories, places, features, gameplay. It doesn't matter how this one does, diablo 4 will sell like hotcakes. You can't kill diablo(har) off, and the amount of people playing/buying this latest one just shows it. Just because some minmaxing people don't like an IAS nerf(which was reasonable) because it takes away their ccookiecutter and just because some people THINK they know how looting works and how it's tied to a big conspiracy to make money(of which they take the alpha cut anyway...derp), doesn't mean that the game is dead.

They HAVE "milked"(such an insulting term as a dev) it already, they've sold millions on what is basically a remake of diablo 2.

The problem with diablo 3 is expectations and how absolutely nothing could've pleased the whole playerbase.

Diablo 3, at it's core, is a diablo game still. Everything else, poppycock and whining for whinings sake.

Same grind, same mechanics, same diablo.

EDIT: oh and on torchlight being leagues better? Let's come back to that when you've burned yourself out with it in a week and reach the final grindy stage ;)
Last edited:


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
  • Multiplayer

    Play co-op with your friends via LAN or over the Internet for free. No subscriptions, no item sales. Our new matchmaking service lets you find friends, start new games, and join existing games. And, as always, you can play single-player offline as well.
  • Customizable Characters

    Players will create and customize a character from one of four brand new classes. Each class can be played as either male or female, with customized cosmetic features and looks to make each individual character stand out. All new skills and loot give loads of opportunity for unique character builds.
  • Moddability

    TorchED, the Torchlight II editor, will give players the ability to create their own mods, adding even more content to the world. Have your friends download the same mod and play together.
  • New User Interface

    Torchlight II boasts a new and improved user interface, designed to be easier than ever for new players to pick up and play. This intuitive interface ensures you can focus on playing the game the way you want to.
  • Open World

    We're not only in the town of Torchlight anymore! Explore vast overland areas and multiple hub towns, fight through rain, snow, day and night. Our level randomization ensures new layouts, paths, loot, and monsters every time you play.
  • New Game Plus

    In New Game Plus, the game's not over until you say it is. Once you've beaten Torchlight II's primary campaign, you can start again with the same character for a significantly greater challenge. You'll keep all of the skills, gold, and gear you worked so hard for!
  • Pets & Fishing

    These popular features make their return in Torchlight II in improved form. More choices, better effects, and your pet will still make the run to town to sell your loot so you don’t have to.
This was everything I wanted.. In Diablo III!

Watched a friend play yesterday and had a little run myself as well and it really didn't have the Diablo feel to it. Doubt I'll even give it a real go since it is completely different from what I hoped it would be. At least Diablo II Maniacs still host Median XL servers, which is still tonnes of fun :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Diablo franchise IS dead, as it is anyway. This is the final Tristram diablo and then they're moving to other stories, places, features, gameplay. It doesn't matter how this one does, diablo 4 will sell like hotcakes. You can't kill diablo(har) off, and the amount of people playing/buying this latest one just shows it. Just because some minmaxing people don't like an IAS nerf(which was reasonable) because it takes away their ccookiecutter and just because some people THINK they know how looting works and how it's tied to a big conspiracy to make money(of which they take the alpha cut anyway...derp), doesn't mean that the game is dead.

They HAVE "milked"(such an insulting term as a dev) it already, they've sold millions on what is basically a remake of diablo 2.

The problem with diablo 3 is expectations and how absolutely nothing could've pleased the whole playerbase.

Diablo 3, at it's core, is a diablo game still. Everything else, poppycock and whining for whinings sake.

Same grind, same mechanics, same diablo.

EDIT: oh and on torchlight being leagues better? Let's come back to that when you've burned yourself out with it in a week and reach the final grindy stage ;)

So when did you start tonguing Blizzards arse so hard Tohtori :p? ARPG's are frowned upon by most companies because they know they can't make huge profit off them like they can other genres, Blizzard clearly thought they knew better and tried anyway, low and behold failed fucking horribly, they put arrogant cunts in-charge of the project who thought the community would jump through hoops throwing money and the stark reality has set in that they've had it so so wrong. They're probably bricking it now because Diablo III's lifespan won't be anywhere as near as they thought due to the vast array of colossal cock ups they've managed to pull off.

Am I a Torchlight fan boy? not necessarily, more a Blizzard North fan boy because they know how to make ARPG's properly unlike Blizzard who make every decision around profit and as a result gameplay suffers.

I'll leave it at that, you are entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine

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