Diablo III


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
It's not even so much the useless stats thats fucking up the itemisation, if I another 2x quiver drop from the next end of level boss I'm going to cry. I just want to be able to farm for items that my lvl can use. The mobs Im killing atm drop 80-90 dps weps, but Im using a lvl 51 axe that has 270ish, that I just bought from the AH. Got to agree, the itemisation atm is really getting on my tits.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
just spent 3 hours farming Act 4 inferno, didn't get a single weapon above 800 dps... so... fun and rewarding.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Poor bastards, given how the community has reacted over Diablo 3 since its release the last thing they should do is go public and do a QA, they'll get trolled to fuck.

Still a case of vocal minority i'd say and game devs know trolls as well as you, just with a thicker skin ;)

RAven, i can't agree with that. Diablo is about upgrades, how you get them is irrelevant. Especially since people here, you among them i believe, said that the best bit about diablo is group play. This caters to it more then D2 as you get 4x loot in a full group and can then divvy it up and with the AH addition, there are rarely any completely useless drops. Unless ofcourse you've farmed all your alts to 60, which ofcourse will slow the drops down as you're nearer to the end result.

I would call it sh*tty luck as i've been getting useful loot on every playtime i've had. Be it for AH, alts, main, followers, or friends.

If you're looking for a game that gives lootz based on the class you play, well, wrong game? This game gives completely random loot, no favorites, no prefixes.

If you can't find an upgrade at a certain point, maybe you've been on the same AH and bought a weapon you "shouldn't" have regarding progression.

Lol, and Kungen died again due to internet issues.

As is the spirit of diablo.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
But to be fair, it's not perfect by a long shot. Here's a list of things i've found to be, well, "wrong" in the game(i know design decisions have been made for a very good reason; i.o.w. not greed);

- The progression through the acts follows a fairly similar pattern(regarding scenery/mobs/etc). Only real difference is act 3, which reminds me more of LoD, but still, bit of rehashing in the scenery(was actually saying when we played for the first time that act 2 better not be a desert :p)
- Act IV is a bit short, could've been more epic.
- No ending cinematic/cutscene for classes. The story kind of stops for your hero (Xpack might fix it and might be the reason).
- AH should've been a port from WoW really, in WoW it does the job and now it's a bit lacking. They are fixing it though.
- Some classes start off rather slow, meaning that with a monk you'll be holding that main attack down more then anything else. Ofcourse it's "main attack", but still, i'm not really required to actively use skills at start.
- It's still diablo 2 in good and bad, regarding core mechanics. Could've used more depth in endgame etc. Hell, put in group only content.
- Followers being fully customized at 30. Would've enjoyed more personalisation, like clothing, colors, skills to 60 etc.
- Melee spec missing for demon hunter, knife hunter would've been really nice.
- Some useless skills in HC, such as the DH "upon death release 1000% weapon damage bomb". Upon death...HC....does not compute :D
- Inferno problems for HC(which they say they're fixing).

So yes i do see problems with the game as well :X3: The difference is that i just can't be bothered to b*tch and whine about it as A: blizzard isn't reading this forum(or general forum) so it's useless and B: ranting on about it just makes other feel annoyed.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
So yes i do see problems with the game as well :X3: The difference is that i just can't be bothered to b*tch and whine about it as A: blizzard isn't reading this forum(or general forum) so it's useless and B: ranting on about it just makes other feel annoyed.

This is what you got the forum for tho? :p

We discuss the subject in the topic, be it bad parts or good parts. In the end it also helps out the community members to decide if this is a game they want to buy or not.

This goes for everything else as well. No matter if it is a car brand or a movie. Its not like Audi or BMW reads these forums, or the movie directors. But we still state our minds ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Quite, but there's a difference in discussion and the ragey parts. I have no problem in people discussing what they like or don't like, but i am really tired of Keitanz style(no offense buddy :p) spamming of "this no good".


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
OK, you can stop saying its so good too then.

Errr....I haven't? I think my words were; in good and bad it's pretty much diablo 2.

Are you really struggling with the difference between discussion/comments and raging/whining?


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
You are defending the game on the levels of a fanboy Toht. We all enjoy it but you seem to going 'this is wrong, but it's alright'.

It'd be like if you caught me shagging your wife, punched me then asked if she had a good time?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Still a case of vocal minority i'd say and game devs know trolls as well as you, just with a thicker skin ;)

RAven, i can't agree with that. Diablo is about upgrades, how you get them is irrelevant. Especially since people here, you among them i believe, said that the best bit about diablo is group play. This caters to it more then D2 as you get 4x loot in a full group and can then divvy it up and with the AH addition, there are rarely any completely useless drops. Unless ofcourse you've farmed all your alts to 60, which ofcourse will slow the drops down as you're nearer to the end result.

I would call it sh*tty luck as i've been getting useful loot on every playtime i've had. Be it for AH, alts, main, followers, or friends.

If you're looking for a game that gives lootz based on the class you play, well, wrong game? This game gives completely random loot, no favorites, no prefixes.

If you can't find an upgrade at a certain point, maybe you've been on the same AH and bought a weapon you "shouldn't" have regarding progression.

As is the spirit of diablo.

Even if it is a vocal minority surely they can see the game is far from perfect, there are multiple problems with the game not even Jay Wilson could deny when confronted about it.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You are defending the game on the levels of a fanboy Toht. We all enjoy it but you seem to going 'this is wrong, but it's alright'.

Disagreeing how major an issue is, isn't being a fanboy. If it doesn't bother me, then it simply doesn't bother me.

Like i said earlier; before when keitanz was ranting on about how crap it is, everyone was telling him to f*ck off. Now that those people have their own issues, it's suddenly ok to stick around and whine.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Disagreeing how major an issue is, isn't being a fanboy. If it doesn't bother me, then it simply doesn't bother me.

Yes but then it comes across as if it doesn't bother you then it shouldn't bother the rest of us.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yes but then it comes across as if it doesn't bother you then it shouldn't bother the rest of us.

That's not really my problem, that the problem of everything being black&white, with or against us. It's a counterpoint and i've never said people are wrong in what they're venting about, or that people shouldn't have opinions on the game.

In a nutshell; if you're quitting, then quit, otherwise leave people who play the game to discuss it.

On the itemization for example, i've offered solution to a problem, i've not denied it.s existence.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Sooooo, anyone believe that session ID hijacking stuff people theorycraft about?


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Regardless of whether its multiplayer or not the vast majority of drops are utterly useless. I am not asking for perfect loot all the time, just something that is an upgrade now and again. I don't like being forced to use the AH, regardless of it's many faults just to find an upgrade. Diablo should not be about gold farming for upgrades, it should be about smashing shit up for upgrades.

There is absolutely no use for most items because they have daft stats on them, STR and INT seemingly a Blizzard favourite. A few tweeks to the itemisation would be a massive improvement. At least make all drops have stats that make sense...even if it means lowering drop rates.

Totally agree Raven, lmao when I got my first Legendary item to see god alwful random stats - Stake thrower with INT!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
don't believe it either after reading more into it tbh, its most likely fucking imbeciles that has either bought gold or downloaded hacks and got lumbered with keyloggers so naturally they blame other things.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Looks good, though not sure about dropping extra damage on co-op games. I see the design ideology of it, but at the same time the HC masochist in me is going "awwww..."


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Still doesn't tell us much tho, they say they will address damage in act 2/3/4 but they didn't tell us by how much, it could be 1-5% for all we know which would make virtually no difference.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It lets tanks tank for groups in coop properly though, will make a big difference.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Looks good, though not sure about dropping extra damage on co-op games. I see the design ideology of it, but at the same time the HC masochist in me is going "awwww..."

It won't mean much to HC players though. Your still gonna die hard and messy if you relax... :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Despite the patch notes I think I'm still looking forward to Torchlight 2 more, not keen on Diablo III's pay to win model.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004

With that attack speed they're promoting you kill the blacks! I heard there is a negrito offhand which gives a set bonus with that? Liverpudlian mojo I think it's called?

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