DAoC vs WoW

When WoW is released in the EU i'm going to...

  • Move from DAoC to WoW

    Votes: 489 30.4%
  • Stick with DAoC

    Votes: 632 39.2%
  • Give WoW a try but I may well come back to DAoC

    Votes: 403 25.0%
  • Split my time between both!

    Votes: 87 5.4%

  • Total voters
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One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Cylian said:
if you compare a moderna PL-group to 'casual' leveling in WoW, yes, it is slower...

XPing 1-50 is alot faster in DAOC than 1-60 in WoW, last i looked 13 days played was considered fast for 1-60 in WoW, due to catacombs you can do 1-50 in 4-5 days quite easiy. Me and a RL friend xp'd 4 characters from 1-50 in 5 days played, no powerlevelling of any sort involved, and 90% of this was done in classic lands.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Libertine said:
XPing 1-50 is alot faster in DAOC than 1-60 in WoW, last i looked 13 days played was considered fast for 1-60 in WoW, due to catacombs you can do 1-50 in 4-5 days quite easiy. Me and a RL friend xp'd 4 characters from 1-50 in 5 days played, no powerlevelling of any sort involved, and 90% of this was done in classic lands.

the record in WoW is 3 days for an korean dude, and i think the big diff is it´s more fun xping in WoW than DAoC


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Laston said:
the record in WoW is 3 days for an korean dude, and i think the big diff is it´s more fun xping in WoW than DAoC

You drunk Last? Exping aint fun not matter what:p


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Laston said:
the record in WoW is 3 days for an korean dude, and i think the big diff is it´s more fun xping in WoW than DAoC

Feel free to show me a link that proves that otherwise id dismiss it as rubbish, considering the first 50's on the server who had people taking it in turns to xp while other slept took 10-11 days.

Also the record for DAOC is about 18 hours iirc, overall DAOC is alot faster, as for more fun i found xping in WoW very boring also.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
WOW doesn't appeal to me at all. Played a little but of it. Graphics are cartoony, and child like. Game play and attention to detail are nice in WOW, but I connected more with the Arthurian theme running through DAOC.

Having said that, DAOC is tremendously infuriating with ToA and NF. Prefer OF - Emain - bring bowl back - nice big space for mass fights.

Not played DAOC for over 6 weeks now - and TBH - not missed it. Getting boring now.

Will prob give MMORPG's a miss until something new comes along that takes my fancy

<Guards of Avalon> Albion / Excalibur
Ichindar 50 Armsman
Alatar 50 Paladin
Cokane 35 Mincer
Evanescence 36 Friar
Plopsy 3x Heretic
+others I can't remember


Dec 22, 2003
I have given WoW 4 honest shots now..but everytime I get to lvl 25/30 and fall asleep while playing..Can someone tell me where this xping "fun" is hiding because I seem to be missing it.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
XPing is part of the basic structure of a MMORPG. MMORPG's aren't about 'winning' or defeating the end-of-game boss, they're about the journey itself. Seekers of instant gratification are playing the wrong kind of game altogether.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Cow from Archimonde (french server) got to 60 after one week of release exactly, playing non stop ofc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
So people were debating how fast you can get to 60 in wow and i gave an example of someone who did it pretty fast even if i don't know if it is the best ever.


Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
XPing is part of the basic structure of a MMORPG. MMORPG's aren't about 'winning' or defeating the end-of-game boss, they're about the journey itself. Seekers of instant gratification are playing the wrong kind of game altogether.

So your saying the "journy" shouldn't be fun?

You don't have to kill me about journys trying to get rr10 solo is a journy it's self :S


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Svartmetall said:
XPing is part of the basic structure of a MMORPG. MMORPG's aren't about 'winning' or defeating the end-of-game boss, they're about the journey itself. Seekers of instant gratification are playing the wrong kind of game altogether.

Saying that you must like todo the same XP over and over again with 8 level 50's


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
fionnel said:
Cow from Archimonde (french server) got to 60 after one week of release exactly, playing non stop ofc.

His character name is Cau and it took him 9 days. The bulk of the hardcore PvP crowd took 10-11 days to reach maximum level. This has no real bearing on whether the game is hard, easy, boring or interesting though; I just thought it best to point out that you don't know what you are talking about.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Revz said:
; I just thought it best to point out that you don't know what you are talking about.

Maybe, but at least he has a life.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
when WoW was released i had never played it before. no beta no nothing.
i had it day after release. and i playued it about 12-14hours a day. i found it fun and myself never being able to play a mmorpg from beginning before was hoping to be 1 of the high lvls. i ran aorund aimlessly most of the time but still xpd hardcore and got to 38 after a week. now for me i would think this is a achievement. i was the 14th highest on our server or something and was the 2nd highest priest on the server.
then i slowed down abit. people slowly overtook me and i hit 40 a week later. from then i had no idea how close to the highest lvl i was but i knew there was a good numbr of 50+ an the 1st 60 afaik hit 2days later followed shortly by 2more the day after.
when i hit 40 i started progresssing slower. mainly cos i had my horse and i was happy. i took me time and started messing around.
but me being the Alt-a-holic. i started some. my 2nd alt i got to 40 in exactley a week. but i had so much more fun. i quested alot and took them in. the storylines the npcs. i enjoyed it so much more. especially the defias stroylines. with killing Vancleef and it carrying on into SW having to assasinate some corrupt dude kinda thing.
my 3rd alt who im playing now is 48. it took me 2days 23horus 54minutes played time to hit him 40. i rushed abit because i was trying to catch my already 36friend. we hit 40 at the same time.
when i 1st played daoc probably over a year ago now. my 1st class took me 2months to 50. as for lvling up again i had a bunch of lvl 30+alts that i just got bored of and deleted and made thidr alts.
but, i ofc do not know what lvling is like in daoc now. with catacombs and free lvls etc. so i cant say which is "better" but i can say that i really enjoy playing thru the quests in WoW. esp as there is so many compared to when i played daoc there was almost none.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Libertine said:
Feel free to show me a link that proves that otherwise id dismiss it as rubbish, considering the first 50's on the server who had people taking it in turns to xp while other slept took 10-11 days.

Also the record for DAOC is about 18 hours iirc, overall DAOC is alot faster, as for more fun i found xping in WoW very boring also.

cant provide link as it was just something i read on blizz forums apparently he had friends who would summon him to xp spots he basically got pl by a bunch of mages doing AE. you dont have to beilive me tho :fluffle:

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003

Lets face it - who CARES how long it takes so long as its fun getting there? In either game.

Still not got a 60 in WoW though have a few medium-high lvl chars.

Do I care?

No. Good guild, good friends, good times.

Nuff said.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
there was this level 60 mage with a epic steed on my server just about 2 weeks after release, silly thing was i never saw him again like 3 days later :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Well depends on how you level... For me (casual gamer) WoW is a hell of a lot faster/fun.

I can hop on for a bit of warcraft and see a gain from solo'ing a few quests, where as with daoc it was a hellish grind chain slapping mobs.

i think some people will remember how long it took kain the thane to reach 50 :)

Of course theres still no uber fast leveling for the solo'er, but the difference is theres the option to do so and get to 60 in a reasonable time through questing or grinding if you so desire.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Hillu, new here. I've just "left" WoW and are now playing DAoC and so far I like it, even thou it is a bit empty with people in the starter areas. Can't wait to try out the PvP elements. Don't know if I will go back to WoW, it has just gotten boring and the people over there tend to be.. Well.. Arses.
So here I am!


Oh, forgor to ask.. Might as well ask here while I'm posting. The ranger-class, is it like the Rogue and Paladin class in WoW, everybody plays them? If that is the case I will try sumthing different.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
i wouldnt know if rangers are like rogue / palladins in wow but you got 8 character slots you should have a try out of most of them :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Birathen said:
Oh, forgor to ask.. Might as well ask here while I'm posting. The ranger-class, is it like the Rogue and Paladin class in WoW, everybody plays them? If that is the case I will try sumthing different.

What you're asking for are called FotM(flavour of the month) classes!

Bainshee's are quite fotm, practically anything in Midgard is fotm and it's where the Playstation - baseball cap wearing, troubled teenager - crowd hang out. The same sort of scum you meet in WoW :p

Rangers aren't that fotm, afaik...


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Escape said:
Bainshee's are quite fotm, practically anything in Midgard is fotm and it's where the Playstation - baseball cap wearing, troubled teenager - crowd hang out. The same sort of scum you meet in WoW :p

I must agree Thanes, Valykries, shadowblades and hunters are so Fotm. And you also see a huge number of savages around too currently. :kissit:

Maybe you should rephrase your comment to Warlocks, Bonedancers and dark spec spiritmasters are currently fotm in midgard.

As to your third point, I wish I was a teenager again :(. You could of course be right though, since WoW has came out midgard have lost most population. That would however mean there are less currently around in midgard :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Cadelin said:
and dark spec spiritmasters are currently fotm in midgard.

This is, of course, because I have a level 47 one and have had her since day one of retail having specced her dark in closed beta.

This also happened with my shaman (aug/mend) who I also had from day one in retail. I'm beginning to think that my attempt to avoid the Fotm spec is cursed because it takes so long for me to get to 50 that everyone else catches up.

So, anyone looking for the next Fotm class/spec I'm currently playing a bizarrely specced thane :)

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Escape said:
The same sort of scum you meet in WoW

Silly statement that really.

I found there were nasties and idiots in every realm on every server I've played in DAoC as well as nice peeps. I've encountered great folks and nasty people playing WoW as well.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Roo Stercogburn said:
Silly statement that really.

I found there were nasties and idiots in every realm on every server I've played in DAoC as well as nice peeps. I've encountered great folks and nasty people playing WoW as well.

You must admit though that DAoC has a much higher ratio of perverts than WoW, I guess it must be an age thing :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
cHodAX said:
You must admit though that DAoC has a much higher ratio of perverts than WoW, I guess it must be an age thing :D

Guess you havent seen all the Night Elves dancing in Ironforge with all the dwarfs watching :x


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
Escape said:
What you're asking for are called FotM(flavour of the month) classes!

Bainshee's are quite fotm, practically anything in Midgard is fotm and it's where the Playstation - baseball cap wearing, troubled teenager - crowd hang out. The same sort of scum you meet in WoW :p

Rangers aren't that fotm, afaik...

idiot. stop speaking. assumptions make you look less smart, if thats possible =).

:flame: :flame: :flame:
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