Bracken said:WoW forums > DAOC forums...
Bracken said:WoW forums > DAOC forums...
Gamah said:owned!
katt! said:In daoc you pvp because it's fun, in wow you pvp cause it's the only way to the reputation rewards?
Danya said:If you're getting hit by 6k blasts you're doing it wrong.![]()
Sycho said:He only does 6k damage if melee die.
We had 8 shamans, 3 used melee as we had 8 total.(6 is what you should have for him.)
Laston said:why would you need the rep rewards?
You seem confused. Honour rewards are not the same as rep rewards. You can sit in AV as long as you like, you won't ever get rank 14. You can get exalted rep and some pretty decent items with enough persistence in AV, but for rank 14 you have to play hardcore WSG every day.Colenzo said:Because the rewards you get, are items much better than the epic drops in MC for example.
Just look at the Sulfuras - Hand of Ragnaros. 80.2(or something like that) dps, slow speed = nice for warriors.
However, instead of spending 6000g on that, you could spend all your time in AV waiting to get honor rank 14, and get an axe much better than the hammer :s
And the only thing needed to get rank 14, is being no-life and extremely bored. Just look at this rank 14 noob :
Votan said:WoW = PvE heaven
DAoC = PvP fun (I won't call it heaven)
I have played both, it took me 3+ years to get bored with DAoC (more or less) but only a mere 6 or so months to get bored with WoW![]()
gervaise said:As far as WoW itself goes it is still adding new major content and I reckon they will mirror other changes / developments in other games quicker than any other game on the market. Lots of money = bif design teams.
Official Alterac Valley Tips said:Mage - AoE, standoff, and snaring runners are your basic roles, but the best use of your abilities is to run into enemy players fully buffed on a suicide run, spamming Arcane Explosion. This can cause lots of damage and chaos to the enemy while also netting you tons of CP. It works especially well when multiple mages do it. You also make excellent bait.
HappyG said:I doubt Kamikaze had fun in WW2, and when gaming company officialy thinks Mage's best tactic is suicidal run, I believe there is something wrong with the game...
Danya said:You seem confused. Honour rewards are not the same as rep rewards. You can sit in AV as long as you like, you won't ever get rank 14. You can get exalted rep and some pretty decent items with enough persistence in AV, but for rank 14 you have to play hardcore WSG every day.
Rep rewards are not even close to as good as the rank 14 items.
Votan said:DAoC has made a large impression on me as I really enjoyed the type of gameplay (RvR). As with any game (online or not) new = interesting. One does however tend to compare new vs. old.. in this case DAoC vs. WoW.
I played WC II & III long before I started to play WoW so any sense of nostalgia would come from there.. except that there is none. I do have nostalgic feelings with regards to DAoC but those stem from "old thid", I really had some blinding times there.
WoW is getting quite a lot of "new" ingame content but upon closer inspection it really isn't new. Sure its a new area with new mobs n all but the concept is not new. Take Zul Gurub.. it is another instance where one has to spend inordinate amounts to time to reap the benefits (aka grinding). It is just a combination of UBRS and MC. The same can be said for the new BG: Arathi Basin. Arathi is the bastard child the came from a union between WSG and AV.
Main issues with WoW PvP (or lack there of):
- no realm incentives, everything is geared towards personal benefit. PvP is generally very static with the odd raid on XR/Astranaar.
- population imbalances.. these prevent BG's from starting due to lack of players (not meeting minimum threshold) or on the flip side people not being able to get in due to lack of opposition and thus having to wait for hours in a queue.
- incomplete/skewed honour system. The honour system in its current form absolutely favours HC gamers/honour farmers. Also the introduction of severe penalties for incurring dkps (dishonourable kills) have all but killed off city & town raiding.
- unexiting battlegrounds; very little to no space for versatility. Especially in AV one is pretty much forced to join the zerg as solo or group roaming is just about impossible. The bottleneck layout and abundancy of guards is also a limiting factor. WSG is also the same, you have to join the rest in capturing the flag.. fun for a bit, very boring after a while.
I'm not saying that DAoC is perfect as it too has its inherent flaws. Thing is that the PvP/RvR element in DAoC is a lot more fun and versatile.
Cylian said:it's the same tactics any PBAE caster in daoc uses ?
every bloody day & nightGibbo said:People are still playing WoW?