DAoC vs WoW

When WoW is released in the EU i'm going to...

  • Move from DAoC to WoW

    Votes: 489 30.4%
  • Stick with DAoC

    Votes: 632 39.2%
  • Give WoW a try but I may well come back to DAoC

    Votes: 403 25.0%
  • Split my time between both!

    Votes: 87 5.4%

  • Total voters
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Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Vasconcelos said:
Walk 3min and recover your corpse........

depends where you left it and if you have some alliance scum camping your corpse its a right bitch :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
UndyingAngel said:
depends where you left it and if you have some alliance scum camping your corpse its a right bitch :<

Please do not bring WoW bitterness to these forums.
They are after all the DAoC forums.
Good luck getting your corpse btw :)


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Jaapi said:
Launch day will be interesting to say the least. Blizzard tries to run a load of servers, but they still haven't even got the forums to work. :worthy:
Well can say the beta is one of the most stable ones i've played, hell some games are still more bugged a year after release. And how about the daoc lag?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Fafnir said:
Well can say the beta is one of the most stable ones i've played, hell some games are still more bugged a year after release. And how about the daoc lag?
It is, with a limited amount of people. But what happens when servers get crowded is the question.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I would hardly call the amount of people limited in last week's open beta. There were 2-3 new chars popping every min at the starting zones.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Tryed out WoW beta and can honestly say there is no way in hell im buying that crap game.
Sure Daoc maybe dying but it still beats WoW


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
[TB] Benedictine said:
What is better about WoW:

More immersive quests
Personal mounts
No buff bots
Immersive environment/background story
24 hour GM assistance
It's not a job! (read solo/casual player friendly)
A committed and trusted dev team
Dynamic PVE
Crafting that is not boring and is useful at all levels
Most of my old mates from TB/NO and FC are there!
No insta death
No PVE death penalty to spak of
No mob camping for weeks only to see the con/dur fade
Many more things I'm too tired to point out

Interestingly, come catacombs (hurrah for competition eh? ;)):
daoc gets:

"More immersive quests"
"No buff bots" - not needed for some of the new classes (heretics gain very little from buffbots and vampiirs gain almost nowt)
"Immersive environment/background story" - the catacombs has a lot of background about it, all the quests lead you around the new zones and eventually point you to the final zone. Tis quite cool really :)
"It's not a job! (read solo/casual player friendly)"

random post by returning player on the US: http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=82120620&start=82127582

Couple of points:

"A committed and trusted dev team" - they have that at the moment ;) just the WoW one's haven't been flamed to death and misquoted enough on their public boards to stop responding so quick (plus the game is younger so more things are open to change - longer something is around the more people are used to it and the more uproar there is if it gets changed) - the Mythic devs were similarly active on VN during daoc beta, but moved onto the TL program (find some players that aren't complete fucknuts and bounce ideas off of them) instead. You don't need to respond to everyone's "omg how to uberise my class!" post to be able to respond to people's ideas. Plus if you're talking to people on the boards that's only ~20% of your customer base.

"Most of my old mates from TB/NO and FC are there!" - surely that's a downside? ;) *ducks*


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Ive played alot of WoW now so here is my + and - to the games.

Dark Age of Camelot:
+ Great system to handle the pvp/rvr part
+ Better graphics with Catacombs/more lifelike
- Alot worse ui
- "Dead" gaming world
- The way you use items/potions
- Crafting
- Buffbots required

World of Warcraft:
+ Amazing living world
+ No need for buffbots
+ Alot of quests (Did I mention there is alot of quests?)
+ Combat is easy accessible
+ Any class can solo
- Poor PvP system where there is no penalties/restrictions for killing lowbies
- No, currently, rewards for PvP combat (afaik)
- Almost too much questing to get good xp
- Monsters looking the same
- PCs can look a bit freaky with no way to modify armour color (afaik)

In the end I will play WoW because its new and refreshing but I fear I will get much too annoyed from playing on the PvP servers. (only option since I wanna play against/with friends)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Marcus75 said:
- Poor PvP system where there is no penalties/restrictions for killing lowbies

never had so much fun being zerged by loads of low levels and still win :rolleyes:
but yeah its quite lame how you can move through the exping areas and kill all newbies (on pvp servers ofc), tho you will provoke higher levels with such actions (which is fun) i can imagine that rogues will have a much easier time...

although there is no reward system yet i consider the way pvp battles work very good, also because of the hitpoints/damage proportion, or to put it in daoc terms: at max level you dont have ~2000 hps but ~7000 hps (they should have done this in daoc aswell imo)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2004
Ctuchik said:
P.S: about the costs of potions. yes i understand theres always Ebay to buy gold in. but blizard is keeping a very VERY close eye on the cash transactions in the game and ban everyone that they more or less even suspect have bought cash from Ebay. so if someone is offering u 100 gold for nothing, id say no thanks coz theres a big chance u would loose ur account coz of it...
You lend 100g to a friend and they will ban you? Yeah, sure like that would happen. :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2004
Notirt said:
Tryed out WoW beta and can honestly say there is no way in hell im buying that crap game.
Sure Daoc maybe dying but it still beats WoW

Would have to agree only played the final beta and it got very boring and repetitive, but wow had alot of new amazing things that i found wishing was in daoc.

Btw Notirt is that a rl pic of u in the aviator as my nan things ya hot and would like to invite you to bingo one nite.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
By the time it got around to Final Beta, my warlock was lvl40 and was generally having a good time in PvP, when I did get a chance to actually log on. Certainly able to do a lot of things that are missing in DAoC, but then DAoC has lots of things WoW simply won't ever have too.

Still looking forward to playing both.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Korosu said:
only read first page, but general impression from most twats in daoc is that Wow is better.

What the FUCK are you talking about? There is going to be a HUGE dissapointment, i mean HUGE.

WoW is absolutely nothing special at all, it offers NOTHING, i cant even be bothered explaining, only 9 days left for all the losers who didnt get in beta to waste their £30, try and prove to themselfs that it is good, when its shit, and eventually come back here.

Please will someone tell me what everyone seems to of got in their head that makes them think WoW is something special because i really just cant understand it.
havent seen many ppl that tried wow and said it was crap only ppl saying it is havent tried yet so they whine while they wait to buy it cause they ill buy it xD
already 1 nice thing i like in wow is no BB xD
but anyways i do think wow is better

Saraden said:
imo wow pve>daoc rvr.
no :l

but wow pve>daoc pve ofc
and need some patches in wow for pvp cause it suck atm ... :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Acetylsalicylic said:
Would have to agree only played the final beta and it got very boring and repetitive, but wow had alot of new amazing things that i found wishing was in daoc.

Btw Notirt is that a rl pic of u in the aviator as my nan things ya hot and would like to invite you to bingo one nite.

Nah not a rl photo =)
its Hans Sheike an old swedish spanking cult leader ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
+ Better graphics with Catacombs/more lifelike

am i the only one that thinks more lifelike graphics is a BAD thing? i love the cartoony graphics in wow, stops people taking it too seriously tbh :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Ormorof said:
am i the only one that thinks more lifelike graphics is a BAD thing? i love the cartoony graphics in wow, stops people taking it too seriously tbh :)
its all cartoony its like i played in disneyland but u cant get bored in disneyland so everyone like it!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ormorof said:
am i the only one that thinks more lifelike graphics is a BAD thing? i love the cartoony graphics in wow, stops people taking it too seriously tbh :)

I enjoy both styles. DAoC tries to be as realistic as possible (considering its a fantasy game) and WoW is building on a visual concept that is their own, but that looks very coherent and alive :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Megalodon said:
You lend 100g to a friend and they will ban you? Yeah, sure like that would happen. :eek7:
Lol, I lend 10p to a friend... think they'd ban me till my death and all my future sons, daughters, their sons and daughters and so on for at least 10 generations :p

Another reason for NOT plaing wow :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Megalodon said:
You lend 100g to a friend and they will ban you? Yeah, sure like that would happen. :eek7:

its not impossible really. blizzard have almost a fanatical view of ebay transactions within WoW....

ok they might not ban u if ur a guildie or the like. but if a total stranger comes up and gives u more money then normal. id say no :)

but ur more then welcome to try it tho.. :p but im not gonna stick my head out hehe :p

i mean, blizzard isnt even giving any warnings when they catch someone cheating.. its the insta ban bazooka right away....


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
I wasn't really going to play WoW tbh. I was enjoying Daoc/NF shed loads so I originally ticked staying with daoc etc. That said I did buy a copy to take a look... Oops! It's kinda good :O


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Just out of interest guys and girls... What server is the Prydwen people on in WoW?
I have chosen Spinebreaker PvP server but i wouldnt mind changing as its early days yet if i found some friends from daoc on here!
I will be still playing DAoC for along long time but WoW just takes the edge off of the serious side of things ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2004
WoW is the biggest pile of crap ive wasted money on.

How the heck as this game been hyped through the roof i do not know, dont even come close to Darkage.

WoW is just a cartoon based game, with a nice fast game play, and a breath of fresh air for the time being, and it does really stop there.

I mean when you campare the Trees and Skies and water in Darkage, it makes WoW look like somthing from the spectrum, the trees from WoW look like the Trees from old Darkage, the cardboard cut out look.

When i was presented with the WoW character creation screen, i thought yes looking ok, but when it runs in the game, the graphics are cut down, with a blur filter, its an old trick to save cpu time etc etc, and the filter keeps the cartoon look and feel to it.

If there as been alot of money put in to this game, i bet alot of it was put into advertisement, and thats the only reason why lot of people have ran out and bought it.

And another thing is that every friday from 7 - 11 am, the servers shut down for maintaintance.

This is from WoW news site:

All realms will be taken offline tomorrow, from 7:00 to 11:00, for weekly maintenance. This technical maintenance is a regularity which starts every Friday at 7:00 and lasts until 11:00. Thank you for your understanding.

Oh i understand all right.

I would sooner wait for Guild Wars www.guildwars.com .
This is free , as in no monthly payment, and for those who like the look, ie the filter blur, then Guild Wars you will like.

ArenaNet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NCsoft Corporation, and was founded in March 2000 by key members of the creative teams behind Blizzard’s game series Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo, as well as the Battle.net gaming network.

I did beta on EQ and Guild Wars at the same time, and i can say that Guild Wars was better, better than WoW from what i have seen aswell, and the no montly pay, well that says it all dont it.

Guild Wars is the dogs bollox, in terms of WoW , EQ2, and no monthly payment, and is released in April.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Korosu said:
Listen to yourself, all you're trying to do is prove that WoW is better, but the REAL truth is from the real gamer, if you genuinally thought WoW was a long term better game then DAoC you would NOT be here, trust me.

I just wrote about 15 paragraphs but deleted them all, i fucking hate WoW, i hate cretin MMORPG amateurs like you.

I feel sick.

Hehe ... looks like someone getting all defensive because he can see Daoc falling flat on it's arse, get a life you moron, just because you don't like WoW doesn't mean that anyone who does is not 1337 enough to be a good gamer.

PS. Daoc is dying, live with it, it's going to be a long lingering death, but the inevitable is comming to kick you up the arse :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Tried wow, hated it. It got extremely boring very fast, that coupled with waiting to log in, server kicking you off every 2 minutes. Im sure ALOT of people will return to DAOC after the free month for catacombs release.

As for those coming here saying "WoW rox DAOC sux/is dead", you still trying to convince yourself as well as others?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Cigies said:
PS. Daoc is dying, live with it, it's going to be a long lingering death, but the inevitable is comming to kick you up the arse :)

by the same rationale WoW is also dying ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2004
The d00msayers wich keep saying game is dieing is found in every game. EQ was dead with every new mmorpg coming tyo the market, shadowbane, swg, daoc, horizons etc. Same with Asherons call ...

Ppl still play and enjoy these games, as will ppl play and enjoy daoc after wow.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Stunned said:
The d00msayers wich keep saying game is dieing is found in every game. EQ was dead with every new mmorpg coming tyo the market, shadowbane, swg, daoc, horizons etc. Same with Asherons call ...

Ppl still play and enjoy these games, as will ppl play and enjoy daoc after wow.

100% correct, each to their own in the end :)

(tho I feel Catacombs further increased the mess in RVR after TOA+NF and I simply dont enjoy daoc anymore sadly)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Shike said:
100% correct, each to their own in the end :)

(tho I feel Catacombs further increased the mess in RVR after TOA+NF and I simply dont enjoy daoc anymore sadly)

you get teh pwize for first whine (that I've seen on FH) about Catacombs ruining RvR :)

Though if yer fighting warlocks by the sounds of it you may well have a point ;)
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