DAOC new Server time OLD OF no TOA/DR/LOTM


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
i for once will trade wow for that server...bring back Sidi raids i say :D good old times...and what i kow it will be same porting time on the teleport :)


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
I just witnessed what happened to the so called classic server on Europe and GoA's broad inability so I don't believe in the success of a new server type in Europe whatsoever.

Furthermore fragmenting the population further instead of fixing the main game design is something I won't support anymore.

Well of course it's a US/Mythic server we're all putting our faith into, not like anyone expects anything from GoA anyways.

As to "fragmenting population", can it really get any worse? Better to just sweep up all the crumbs and chunk it all into one last DAoC experience. Do you still believe there are ways to repair/resurrect the current servers? Not bloody likely.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
I just witnessed what happened to the so called classic server on Europe and GoA's broad inability so I don't believe in the success of a new server type in Europe whatsoever.

Furthermore fragmenting the population further instead of fixing the main game design is something I won't support anymore.

Us dude, Us!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
I just witnessed what happened to the so called classic server on Europe and GoA's broad inability so I don't believe in the success of a new server type in Europe whatsoever.

Furthermore fragmenting the population further instead of fixing the main game design is something I won't support anymore.

Absolutely. Pretty pointless even considering this for EU.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Certain oldskool RA would have sorted out all these theurgs anyhow.

Prolly will have a look, seems lot of old players reappearing for it. Never been bothered by US rerolling before, but looks like it's worth a crack.

But but but, won't the game seem pretty simple without all the ToA fluff nowadays? Not complaining okay for some F8ing and casual playing.

Reading between the lines on this, would say Mythic accepted DAoC is already in the 'nostalgia market', not bothering with new expansions anymore, and concentrating on rejigs of the orginal game instead till it goes down the pan.


Apr 1, 2008
What Coldbeard said is right. Repairing DAoC is impossible now, Mythic have waited too long. Really looking forward to this server.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
i hope i dont have to face maeloch again tho...then i need to remeber alot of healing pots :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I see that there are a lot of former daoc players who moved to other games contemplating returning. So many people left the UK servers when Toa grind was introduced and wow was released, loads never came back. As a note, perhaps the largest guilds on Hib Pryd at the time imploded with a huge chunk of people leaving.

What Origins offers if its not tinkered about with too much is to allow the possibility of reuniting with Daoc at a time when it was potentially at its zenith. Armed with the knowledge of what a lot of people know now, it could just be right. Most people will see old friends considering playing and the social aspect of the game is quite a draw for some too.

It may very well be too late but again, it may just be worth it. From personal pov I'd prefer to transfer my Pryd account to it, but Mythic won't do that yet, if at all. They may do when the pops are much lower than they are now, especially in the US.

It is quite a bit like flogging a dead horse and Manischs points are still valid, but we are well past any form of hope for our former servers. In that respect, it just provides potentially some hope of playing the game at a point where it was a lot easier to play perhaps. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
I see that there are a lot of former daoc players who moved to other games contemplating returning. So many people left the UK servers when Toa grind was introduced and wow was released, loads never came back. As a note, perhaps the largest guilds on Hib Pryd at the time imploded with a huge chunk of people leaving.

What Origins offers if its not tinkered about with too much is to allow the possibility of reuniting with Daoc at a time when it was potentially at its zenith. Armed with the knowledge of what a lot of people know now, it could just be right. Most people will see old friends considering playing and the social aspect of the game is quite a draw for some too.

It may very well be too late but again, it may just be worth it. From personal pov I'd prefer to transfer my Pryd account to it, but Mythic won't do that yet, if at all. They may do when the pops are much lower than they are now, especially in the US.

It is quite a bit like flogging a dead horse and Manischs points are still valid, but we are well past any form of hope for our former servers. In that respect, it just provides potentially some hope of playing the game at a point where it was a lot easier to play perhaps. ;)

Completely agree, unfortunately Mythic are already tinkering with the set-up. I understand they want to put the best of the current game into the new server to produce the best possible experience for all the players, but is that what players want? Honestly a lot of the stuff in classic sucked and has been significantly improved upon since then, crafting and xping for example...but if players want nostalgia, will they really find it with a new rule-set, Valks running round and archers nuking stuff?


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Certain oldskool RA would have sorted out all these theurgs anyhow.

Prolly will have a look, seems lot of old players reappearing for it. Never been bothered by US rerolling before, but looks like it's worth a crack.

But but but, won't the game seem pretty simple without all the ToA fluff nowadays? Not complaining okay for some F8ing and casual playing.

Reading between the lines on this, would say Mythic accepted DAoC is already in the 'nostalgia market', not bothering with new expansions anymore, and concentrating on rejigs of the orginal game instead till it goes down the pan.

Them were the days - Look it's a Theurg: Look his pets have eaten him: Next!!!!! TBH I'd really like a return to the old RA's shame they aren't doing that.

Rerolling is... well I don't know. I think I've fallen out of love with DAoC, not played for ages & subs have lapsed & the strange thing is I'm not missing her (yet).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well the lack of dexcap, casting speed etc will make the game really, really slowmode for anyone who has played on the current ToA servers and might find it dull as hell, 75dex, 0 castspeed is qq :F I never felt like the nerfed ToA-bonuses were that big of a deal, maybe cap spell damage at 5% and remove spellpiercing, but other than that they were really nice. It's just the timered ToA abilities that would be nice to remove


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
if u liked daoc back before toa better than what else is avalible it will be worth going. plenty of ppl around who will check it out. at worst it will give some time for reuiniting and enjoying what once was. not rly much of a downside.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Well of course it's a US/Mythic server we're all putting our faith into, not like anyone expects anything from GoA anyways.

It seems there is more interest than even Mythic probably felt when they announced it. Vn's are alive with activity (for what VN is worth) about it. How bad are the US timezones though? Like 0000-0500 for peak time?

Suppose with a lot of euro interest, the euros could have their own activity at our peak times.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
It seems there is more interest than even Mythic probably felt when they announced it. Vn's are alive with activity (for what VN is worth) about it. How bad are the US timezones though? Like 0000-0500 for peak time?

Suppose with a lot of euro interest, the euros could have their own activity at our peak times.

US is no issue for EU players, we used to find plenty of action all the time because there were many players there from all over the world in all kinds of time zones.

US has Mythic CSR's, thats the major attraction, GOA are hopeless.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
It seems there is more interest than even Mythic probably felt when they announced it. Vn's are alive with activity (for what VN is worth) about it. How bad are the US timezones though? Like 0000-0500 for peak time?

Suppose with a lot of euro interest, the euros could have their own activity at our peak times.

Used to play a bit on US servers and never found the timezone to be of any hinder. I reckon the origins servers will attract alot of people from EU anyways so will be good activity around the clock :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
I just hope they keep spellcrafting, even thou they skip SI, and remove the need for buffbots, but still make it possible to solo/duo without having buffer in grp. Dont want classic buff rules, it just makes self buff classes to OP in small scale RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
I just hope they keep spellcrafting, even thou they skip SI, and remove the need for buffbots, but still make it possible to solo/duo without having buffer in grp. Dont want classic buff rules, it just makes self buff classes to OP in small scale RvR.

If you have SC, you'll probably have alchemy as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
I just hope they keep spellcrafting, even thou they skip SI, and remove the need for buffbots, but still make it possible to solo/duo without having buffer in grp. Dont want classic buff rules, it just makes self buff classes to OP in small scale RvR.

The self-buffs should be worked into the character, I don't remember the self buff classes being OP 1on1 in OF when people didn't use buffbots, well except if you're thinkign about friars vs sealthers since they were supposed to be stealther killers... wardens didn't have shield back then though that should make them alot harder 1on1
edit: right the friars have heal styles now so yeah friars and warden will be OP 1on1 unless there's some other buffs (valks will be op 1on1 too ofcourse but maybe I don't need to mention that since they will OP whatever they play)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
As NFD basically given up for the summer, we will hope to get a group going on this.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Seems abit more light has been shed on the server (if this has already been posted sorry but i cba to read stuff today)

Q. How far back will styles go for the ‘Origins’ server? Will it be the original styles or will be how they are in the game today?

A. The Balancinator’s eyes were a bit glazed over from focusing on a spreadsheet of balance, but says: The styles will be the current styles with some modifications to their effects.

Q. Is the current clip plane range going to be kept, or will the original game clip be used for ‘Origins?’

A. With his hand to his head pretending to block out the light for better vision, The Bearded Wonder says: The current clip plane will be used.

Q. What item bonuses are going to be available in the game? The FAQ mentions a number of specifics that will not be there, but many bonuses that originated in ToA now exist throughout the classic areas, especially in the revamped dragon zones. Are these items with those bonuses going to be available? I don't want to have to farm the dragon in order to get a competitive template.

A. The Bearded Wonder mentioned a pond frog so while I giggled, he said: The bonuses that are available on the new server will be primarily classic and items that need adjusting will have alternative versions available on this ruleset. That being said, you aren’t going to get dragon quality loot on a pond frog. There are naturally going to be items whose utility reward the risk taking to get them.

Q. Will there still be the new dragon items in game?

A. The dragons sure are popular! The Bearded Wonder confirms: There will be modifications to the dragon items for the ‘Origins’ server just like there were separate items on Classic and Gaheris.

Q. With Origins I understand you want the new archery system in place, but crossbowers and short bowers still use the old archery system, would they be switched to the new or the archers back to the old?

A. With a concentrated look, the Balancinator explains: No. As noted in the FAQ, the archery system will remain how it is currently on all servers. This means primary archers have the new system and the rest have the old system.

Q. Will anything at all be changed in keeps/relic keeps? Or will both remain exactly the same as they were before? Will it purely be keeps only that control Darkness Falls, or do you intend to have towers as part of the realm war?

A.The Bearded Wonder smiled and responded: There will be no towers like there are in NF. The keeps will determine ownership of DF. There will be cosmetic changes, but the overall feel and difficulty of the keeps should be consistent with the classic feel.

Q. What are your plans for the DAoC: Origins relic system?

A. The Bearded Wonder was quick to say: The relics should work like they did in OF.

Old relic system sounds nice :) be alot harder for 1-2-fg to take relics with the old guard system on relic keep :) and does "The bonuses that are available on the new server will be primarily classic" mean that it will be old stats? like 200 hits 75 str 75 con 75 dex 75 quick etc etc?. (lets hope so)

Or does it mean 400 hits 101 str 101 con 101 dex 101 quick but with no cast speed/melee speed/melee damage etc?.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Taking down the dragons with no ToA goodies and nothing but classic classes would have been great if they hadn't fooked it all up by leaving the new archery system in :(

"LFM for Dragon Raid, Need archers and a healer, the rest of you can go fish" :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
I think it means there won't be any stat cap or toa bonuses (alittle stat cap was introduced in SI right? but since they won't implant that..)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Aye shame they won't use SI zones tbh :/ the SI quest bracers/necklace was v nice :p guess DF jewelry = top of the line without SI zones.


Apr 1, 2008
New archery system, big mistake -.- ah well, beggars can't be chosers.

Edit: Oh, and just the classic zones I hear? Good luck getting a decent leveling group - every single mob spot is gonna be camped.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Used to play a bit on US servers and never found the timezone to be of any hinder. I reckon the origins servers will attract alot of people from EU anyways so will be good activity around the clock :)

Sounds good. Reading the US boards suggests round the clock action which is all good. :)


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
An original server.. Hmm.. That could make me fairly interested. Amongst a few IRL friends.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
It's getting a bit more detailed now and people are complaining already.

I give it 1-3 months.

aslong as they dont make it stupidly underbalanced in some realms it maybe last aslong as the USA classic cluster has/is :p we can hope.. but then again with mythics past on changing things that seems highly unlikely.

I do however like the new CC changes :p "No mezz lasts longer than 20-25 seconds" mid tank grps with 3x healers are going to be fun to fight against with such shitty mezz durations.

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