DAOC new Server time OLD OF no TOA/DR/LOTM


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
The min/max attitude will be there from the start, just because it's an old style server doesn't mean hundreds of noobs will be flooding it!

It's a question of if you want to force people to farm drops to maximise their template, or allow them an easier option.

The existing DAoC players will probably demand min/maxing, thats what they are used too. No-one is under any illusion that all the players will be new, quite the opposite in fact. DAoC has next to zero appeal for a new player, thats been the big problem for a long time. So your likely to get nothing but existing players and a few ex-players returning. Any new players that venture in will soon be scared off by the hideously outdated levelling system and the fact that they can never get a group because all anyone will do is PL. When new players ask for groups they get zip, when they realise the only way to level without hours of mindless grinding is to PL, they ask for a PL and get ignored or shot down.

In all honesty i really wonder how many players will have the patience to level a new character and crafters from scratch again, especially with no /level 20.


Apr 1, 2008
The more they "tweak" this server just a little bit the more they will tweak it some more. Eventually we'll get something close to our current "classic" server. Just dump it back to an early patch, change 1 or 2 major things and that's it. Who cares about low levels anyway? You can't change the player's attitudes - no one is going to go out to the frontiers anymore, everyone knows that they should level to 50 beforehand.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
The more they "tweak" this server just a little bit the more they will tweak it some more. Eventually we'll get something close to our current "classic" server. Just dump it back to an early patch, change 1 or 2 major things and that's it. Who cares about low levels anyway? You can't change the player's attitudes - no one is going to go out to the frontiers anymore, everyone knows that they should level to 50 beforehand.

I'm getting more and more sceptic to the whole concept when I hear they are tweaking and changing alot of stuff as well. Shame really, because I would really consider playing on a server like initially proposed.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
In all honesty i really wonder how many players will have the patience to level a new character and crafters from scratch again, especially with no /level 20.

Well considering everyone will be low level and no one will have a high level character to PL with I'm pretty sure there will be some grouping :)

I'm joining the thread pretty late but just wanted to add that mid and hib has had somewhat of an advantage since albion has had more classes before catacombs was released. Which meant mid and hib had all their key abilities on fewer classes which helps when trying to get as much variety into a group of 8 players (mezz on a healer for example... don't flame me if that was a bad example, you know what i mean :))

I'm pretty curious about this though:

Addition of the Valkyrie class to Midgard. The Valkyrie class, introduced with Catacombs, provides a unique flavor to Midgard without introducing increased challenges to balance. As it is now, it would be considered a powerful class for this server type, but please keep in mind that we are also retuning balance of all three realms across the board (more on this later). With its melee and mending skills, we believe the Valkyrie will round out Midgard’s abilities fairly well by adding a third healer with heavy melee damage potential to the realm. This will balance the healing capacity between all three realms, whereas before Midgard had only two healing classes and the other two realms each had three. Furthermore, this class will complement Midgard’s strong melee capabilities. In hindsight, this would have been a good class to release when we launched the game in 2001. This is why it was chosen.

First of all, valk is like the best solo class ever, with charge, slam, insta interrupts, insta heals, normal heals, 2hand dps. They will have to balance it ALOT for it to fit in. What i really don't get is how they can say the other two realms has 3 healers each... Unless they are going to implement heretics (which they aren't) Alb only has cleric and friar (or am I missing something?).

Midgard should get the savage, and if NF RAs are being used it should get charge, I still don't get how valk (a tank) and vampiir (a stealth class or something. Atleast a class that may have seemed fun but maybe wasn't really thought through and seems to have been developed by an 8-year old) can have charge and savages don't? I mean they're called savage and weild light armor and fist weapons ffs!


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
You're forgetting the mighty Paladins chants!

The savage as it is today (or at least when I last played), might be better than Valk I guess.

I don't see why they're mssing with the classes personally. I mean theurgs were hardly THAT popular in RvR at least as far as I remember. Sure you have some PvE advantage but who the hell cares, everyone is going to get 50 eventually and I doubt we're going to have a server full of Thuergs!



Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
You're forgetting the mighty Paladins chants!

The savage as it is today (or at least when I last played), might be better than Valk I guess.

I don't see why they're mssing with the classes personally. I mean theurgs were hardly THAT popular in RvR at least as far as I remember. Sure you have some PvE advantage but who the hell cares, everyone is going to get 50 eventually and I doubt we're going to have a server full of Thuergs!


They remove the class cause it's the only pet spammer available without SI classes. That's the explanation as far as we can tell.


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
Yah. Still doesn't make sense to me though, I mean Midgard never got a pet spamming class we just had to make do and always did. I remember running a regular ML10 farm in Mid, and you had 40 people turn up minimum or it didn't happen. Then Puppet at the time making a wtfpwn fg Hib ML10 farm video to show me "how its done Hib style!" As I said though, it was expected, sure you get some whine about imbalance but people get around it.

Animst I can see being problematic, just because of relic/keep defences etc, but with no SI classes it won't matter anyway.

We'll see what happens anyway but they look hell bent on removing it.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Yah. Still doesn't make sense to me though, I mean Midgard never got a pet spamming class we just had to make do and always did.

We'll see what happens anyway but they look hell bent on removing it.

Actually they gave Valks a sort of pet spamming with that Crow ability later on or not?
That was PvE wise ofc.


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
Actually they gave Valks a sort of pet spamming with that Crow ability later on or not?
That was PvE wise ofc.

Ah well I may of missed that!

I do remember them adding those abilities to Thanes to increase the hit bonus on epic mobs.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
p0x has twisted my arm and I finally gave in, I shall be returning to DAoC for this server. Currently gathering interest from oldies on Prydwen (from all realms) and also from our WAR guild, Merely Mortal. We've got a good 10-11 people interested so far.

I think we will be rolling Hib, but this will be up for discussion closer to the server release. Can't wait tbh, really looking forward to it!


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
Yeah it maybe was Thanes who had it :p

Yeh come to think of it, it was given to Thanes and Valks. Still as you said, thats just PvE though!

Be interesting to see how many people roll Thanes too!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
The best thing they could do for a server like this is allow people to copy characters there but I think they've ruled that out? Shame, would be great to go back to the point of toa with your chars of that time and even some of your old opponents as well as new ones. Something simple, so you can just step into the game every so often and just rvr on a active, competitive server. Daoc should really have catered for this some time ago.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
The best thing they could do for a server like this is allow people to copy characters there but I think they've ruled that out? Shame, would be great to go back to the point of toa with your chars of that time and even some of your old opponents as well as new ones. Something simple, so you can just step into the game every so often and just rvr on a active, competitive server. Daoc should really have catered for this some time ago.


Tuo!!!! I've been looking for you for ages mate, I think I have you added to MSN, but never see you on... if you use it, pop me your address!!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
i'm still going to try the server :) I think it will turn out shit tho.. my reasons as to why follows:

1. They're listening to feedback from people who started playing the game when TOA came out more than PURE old school people that have been here since the start.

2. They're trying to over complicate the server when a simple design would have worked perfectly fine.

3. Farting around with classes way to much when they should be concentrating on other things.

4. Leaving CAPS/cast speed/spell damage/melee damage etc IN the game (Was told this by a mythic employee that was in my guild on Gaheris, don't know if its 100% true although it sounds about right)

5. Overall theres nothing 'Classic/Orgins' like on this server apart from OLD emain (which i'm also told is getting changed abit.)

So in short its just a "Classic(glastonbury etc)" server without CL's/DR/CATAS etc, it sounds utterly bollocks if all of the above is 100% true. So claps to mythic for attempting to ruin DAOC.... AGAIN.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Is spellcrafting really that bad?

on a ToA enabled server i'd say no, its not that bad. but on a "classic" server i think it would be.

mostly because even if ToA and the artifacts isnt gonna be there u'd still run around with capped, or near capped stats. making the whole server pretty pointless as its just gonna be a ghetto version of ToA.

lets just hope they modify SC enough so that it aint happening.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
on a ToA enabled server i'd say no, its not that bad. but on a "classic" server i think it would be.

mostly because even if ToA and the artifacts isnt gonna be there u'd still run around with capped, or near capped stats. making the whole server pretty pointless as its just gonna be a ghetto version of ToA.

lets just hope they modify SC enough so that it aint happening.

I reckon that a server where you need capped from SC is >>> than running on a server where you need dragon drops to get the edge..


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
I reckon that a server where you need capped from SC is >>> than running on a server where you need dragon drops to get the edge..

QFT! And Jara .. keep a space for me on that server!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
I don't see why you think having capped stats is a problem, after all that is how it was through all of SI and alot of people here has been saying that was the best time ever in daoc, and I agree. What's wrong with capped stats if everyone can easily have it?
I'd say it's worse when people need items that are super rare and super exensive which means casual players can't play on the same level, gear-wise, as the hardcore players


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Got your message - popped you one back! :D

Will do m8 :) Any interest from NFD in the new server?

Seems people are a bit tired of rerolling, but gonna have a poll when closer to it ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Seems people are a bit tired of rerolling, but gonna have a poll when closer to it ;)

Tired of re-rolling to fight the same old rubbish maybe ;).

I keep meaning to log on for a Sunday night session & somehow life just gets in the way. On top of that my accounts are expiring & I've no motivation to renew.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
wonder IF they gonna have NPC buffers and if so how it will work ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
So in short its just a "Classic(glastonbury etc)" server without CL's/DR/CATAS etc, it sounds utterly bollocks if all of the above is 100% true. So claps to mythic for attempting to ruin DAOC.... AGAIN.


They announce a pre-SI, OF server, then proceed to do the usual Mythic flip-flop and change it.

Oh, we'll let Valks in, we'll allow cata races, we'll use the new archery system, we'll remove theurgs, we'll put in some kind of half-assed level griefing restrictions etc etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
I don't see why you think having capped stats is a problem, after all that is how it was through all of SI and alot of people here has been saying that was the best time ever in daoc, and I agree. What's wrong with capped stats if everyone can easily have it?
I'd say it's worse when people need items that are super rare and super exensive which means casual players can't play on the same level, gear-wise, as the hardcore players

Grinding crafters on a pre-SI server was hideously tedious and horifically expensive. Players will be coming in at level 1 with nothing, who has the time to level to 50, level crafters etc etc before they can enjoy rvr?

I can just see the whine from players getting farmed by assassins while trying to grind in (or running to and from) the crafting keeps (you wanted pre-SI OF, you got it, no realm-side high level crafting merchants boys and girls!).....unless ofc they change ANOTHER thing, further removing it from the initial concept.

If i remember rightly, it cost 20p+ to level a SC in SI, with no housing merchants, no drops worth much because of no ToA hyper-inflation that is a LOT of cash to farm from mobs who drop basically sod-all but the occasional useless (thanks to min/maxing) rare drop. Will they revert to the original crafting gain system, or use the new one? Again, the new on is far, far easier (and a damn site better), but it's another thing thats not pre-SI OF DAoC.

Farming high level mobs with no anis, theurgs, necros, BD's etc does appeal to the masocchist in me, 8-man tank-group pve was fun back in the day :)

The more you look, the more there is to consider and im betting the more it will stop resembling the server they are toting it as.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Grinding crafters on a pre-SI server was hideously tedious and horifically expensive. Players will be coming in at level 1 with nothing, who has the time to level to 50, level crafters etc etc before they can enjoy rvr?

I can just see the whine from players getting farmed by assassins while trying to grind in (or running to and from) the crafting keeps (you wanted pre-SI OF, you got it, no realm-side high level crafting merchants boys and girls!).....unless ofc they change ANOTHER thing, further removing it from the initial concept.

If i remember rightly, it cost 20p+ to level a SC in SI, with no housing merchants, no drops worth much because of no ToA hyper-inflation that is a LOT of cash to farm from mobs who drop basically sod-all but the occasional useless (thanks to min/maxing) rare drop. Will they revert to the original crafting gain system, or use the new one? Again, the new on is far, far easier (and a damn site better), but it's another thing thats not pre-SI OF DAoC.

Farming high level mobs with no anis, theurgs, necros, BD's etc does appeal to the masocchist in me, 8-man tank-group pve was fun back in the day :)

The more you look, the more there is to consider and im betting the more it will stop resembling the server they are toting it as.

we used to pve with 7 paladins and 1 cleric xD was quite amusing tbh, cleric got bored and logged off tho :(

used to pve with tank grps alot aye tho :) was well fun :p especially with a full dark RM in grp for damage add.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Haha, min/maxing started with SC? It _CURED_ min/maxing (until the release of ToA), everyone could get capped stats with moderate ease. SI perioid was the best daoc has ever had when it comes to simplicity of pve and getting ready for rvr. Just do a couple of straight-forward item quests, buy your armor and get it sc'd and off you go, the best system that daoc has ever had. Before that, it was countless hours spent camping item drops (Siabra queen in Bog of Cullen anyone) OTD drops (YEAH DOB IS GONNA SPAWN SOON.. 6 hrs later.. yeah lets try this tomorrow again!)

It was horrible. The idea in everyone's mind that people were not running templates before SC is so horribly wrong it boggles my mind. People were min/maxing to high heaven and it took so much effort most people didnt even start to think anyone did it. I bet EVERYONE would love to do countless Cursed Forest runs again, yeah? You guys are so blinded by nostalgia it makes me sick. Atleast we have crafting calculators now so we dont have to do it in Notepad anymore.

Why does it matter to me, the hardcore DAoC'er? First of all, I will have a competitive and a good all around template, no matter what, that's just the way I work. The easier and faster it is to get, the better. Why? Because I wont enjoy getting it, but I will get it simply because I refuse to lose because someone else did get theirs. And if its easy to get, EVERYONE will be able to get it and finally you guys wont be crying about templates, realm rank or what not when I grind you to the ground, just like in SI.

It really confuses me why 'casuals' would be against spellcrafting because thats the goddamn answer to putting all the gamers on the same starting line without tricked out templates and endless hours spent camping mobs.

Oh and removing theurg makes perfect sense. Anyone who has the slightest clue how pets and interrupt work in DAoC RvR knows how sickeningly overpowered class the theurgist is, then you have the noobs who think theurgist is an 'ok' class and some are stupid enough to actually think they are somehow underpowered. The whole class was a mistake to begin with.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I reckon that a server where you need capped from SC is >>> than running on a server where you need dragon drops to get the edge..

Maybe, but ppl have been begging for a TRUE classic server for i dunno how many years. Now that Mythic is giving them one (or atleast as close as it will ever come), ppl start to beg for stuff that ISNT part of classic.

Classic, atleast in my books is just that, none of that SI and above shit. Yes i know SC came 1 (2 in the US) patches before SI did but its still very much a part of SI.

hell i remember when that lvl 24(?) +2 stealth cloak in albion were THE cloak to get for their stealthers. ppl were paying 2+ plat for it from low lvl's that did the quest.

or when having 2 band of ice were special, especially for albs or hibs as those only dropped in midgard frontiers.

ppl dont want a classic server. they want a non ToA server with ToA bonuses enabled... and that sure as hell isnt classic.

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