best way to kill mid fotm group?



Originally posted by kin
Call me a noob, I don't care. Call me a moron I don't care.

Want me to cry irl? sorry mate, won't happen. In fact I laugh at you, and pity the rest of albs that has to have people like you in their realm.

I could tear your arguments apart piece by piece and shove them down your throat with a drop of lemon on top; but I just can't be arsed to point out all the flaws in your and other whiners posts anymore.

Keep crying, that if anything won't help you.

And for Hotrat: yep, that pink cast animation is cute ;p but you're once again using quads as an example for each hit - which it isn't. dead horse, stop beating it.


Originally posted by Whisperess
Call me a noob, I don't care. Call me a moron I don't care.

Want me to cry irl? sorry mate, won't happen. In fact I laugh at you, and pity the rest of albs that has to have people like you in their realm.

I could tear your arguments apart piece by piece and shove them down your throat with a drop of lemon on top; but I just can't be arsed to point out all the flaws in your and other whiners posts anymore.

Keep crying, that if anything won't help you.

And for Hotrat: yep, that pink cast animation is cute ;p but you're once again using quads as an example for each hit - which it isn't. dead horse, stop beating it.
I couldn't have said it better my self!


lol at Zorena laughing at us complaining of alb classes, fact is they are way too spread.

fact is albion PWNZ.

so if you get owned playing alb, you suck.


Fact is you have no clue about balance in rvr.

Its not hard to figure out that when 5-6 out of a standard mid
group these days consists of 2 classes something is wrong.

Its not hard to figure out that when a tank has cheap ra's +
det + self end + awesome damage output even comparied to
heavy tanks + advanced evade + self evade + self resist buffs(plate absorb every 30 sec) + insta interrupt spell + self damage add + ..... something is wrong.
Its not hard to figure out that when combined with awesome CC in chain with self insta heals it gets imposibel to compete.

Its also a fact those 2 are the ones people think are to overpowered. Even mids without these 2 classes complain.

Anyone who thinks game is balanced atm is clueless.

If you dont play a healer, shaman, savage or a neccesary speed bot in mid your simply not 'leet', so maybe its sad for albion to have people like me, but its truly sad for mid players to have players like you.


Savages are so fotm that there are only 8 less than foty enchanters...


Yes and when they all reach 50 rvr will be ruined.

Glad i have a high rr alb stealther :)


Originally posted by kin
Fact is you have no clue about balance in rvr.

at least he played all 3 realms, and afaik his highest rr char is in alb... so maybe just maybe he actually knows rvr even from more than just one biased side ?

at least every 30min a good albgroup should and can (bf for example) give an even fight for mids who also have all ra's up. theese fights are very funny since they usually last 2-3 minutes :)

p.s. im not saying that rvr is 100% fair atm, and that savages are balanced, but some ra's also arent, dont try to tell me that savages still outdamage albtanks when bof is running, or even better sos so they cant reach any supporter :p


Stick a Reaver into one of the offensive tank space... Levi + SoS would be funs against fleeing support chars.

Oh and can be slamming for the MA if needed :)


I reached rr7+ alone an unbuffed with a scout. Dodging 100's
of buffed sbs with see hidden. I think i hardly need to zerg.

Stick a Reaver into one of the offensive tank space... Levi + SoS would be funs against fleeing support chars.

Oh and can be slamming for the MA if needed

Reavers dont get cheap ra's + det, mercs do...


so you are a stealther and think you are mr. expert for grp rvr and should tell other ppl that they have no clue ?


Originally posted by StormriderX
Savages are so fotm that there are only 8 less than foty enchanters...

class ---- # of chars -- average lvl
Enchanter -- 1,322 ------- 29.09
Scout -------- 1,378 ------- 24.71
Savage ------ 1,314 -------- 24.21
Wizard ------- 1,788 ------- 25.12

so uhm wizards are totally foty and so are scouts?:p

Btw these numbers are of excalibur only of which i guess stormriderx got his.


so you are a stealther and think you are mr. expert for grp rvr and should tell other ppl that they have no clue ?

Maybe i have made a sorc so that i can play fg rvr ?

so uhm wizards are totally foty and so are scouts?

Btw these numbers are of excalibur only of which i guess stormriderx got his.

So is a savage a new SI char or not ?

Btw i played in old days when scouts >> most.
I remeber killing 50 hibs an hour in gorge critting each
for 1000+.
I remeber dropping zerkers like Sub in duels before he even got close.
I remeber when there was no insta mezz and an alb group of 3-4 could kill 2 fg hibs with the blink of an eye.

Maybe some of the mids, who now defend their classes are so new they dont remeber balance issues, and think the reason they win is because they are good ?


Originally posted by kin
Reavers dont get cheap ra's + det, mercs do...

Purge doesn't cost alot and debuffed targets go down fast. Oh and their great to have vs. pbae grwps :)


Purge doesn't cost alot and debuffed targets go down fast. Oh and their great to have vs. pbae grwps

Purge is on a 30 min timer and most enemy groups will have 2 forms of CC.

Pbaoers have MoC, and if they are losing they will use.


Originally posted by kin
Purge is on a 30 min timer and most enemy groups will have 2 forms of CC.

Pbaoers have MoC, and if they are losing they will use.

Er didn't say they were a guarenteed win vs pbae just great as usually said pbaers will huddle in a grwp making it hard to target that annoying luri standing under the elph, Reaver pbae Usually interupts them all and MoC is on a timer just like most other RAs :p

Also lets say Reaver is mezzed and purges/gets cure and then gets a shammy/drood root slapped on him - atleast he can use dd/dot thingy even if the duration of the root will be greater than on a pure tank.

P.S. The "Quote" button is your friend.

Reverant Mezz

Originally posted by kin
Glad i jumped on the bandwagon :)

Originally posted by kin
I remeber when there was no insta mezz and an alb group of 3-4 could kill 2 fg hibs with the blink of an eye.



And for Hotrat: yep, that pink cast animation is cute ;p but you're once again using quads as an example for each hit - which it isn't. dead horse, stop beating it.
Please don't try and defend savage damage output, you just make me laugh. Yes quads are fairly rare but they still have huge damage output, completely ignore pbt and guard and swing at the fastest speed, 1.5 sec delay.

Fact im trying to make is savage can floor a caster in seconds, even with bof on, lets not turn this into a savage whine thread though please :)


Yes hardly any challenge to kill hibs 1 by 1 when they where mezzed for 1 min+ and at the instant they moved where remezzed.

I remeber old Veeshan, he could kill 2 fg alone :)

Reverant Mezz

rofl man ur the fuckin funniest guy i've seen since karam and repent


Originally posted by hotrat
Please don't try and defend savage damage output, you just make me laugh. Yes quads are fairly rare but they still have huge damage output, completely ignore pbt and guard and swing at the fastest speed, 1.5 sec delay.
I'm not defending it, as you might grasp if you read through some of my posts on the subject.
Just find it funny how people ( including you ) exxagerate :)

Originally posted by hotrat
lets not turn this into a savage whine thread though please :)
couldn't agree more :D

Let's laugh a bit more at kin instead.


Originally posted by hotrat
Please don't try and defend savage damage output, you just make me laugh. Yes quads are fairly rare but they still have huge damage output, completely ignore pbt and guard and swing at the fastest speed, 1.5 sec delay.

Each hit of the quad can be blocked, savages shitty wep skill compared to the blocker helps with this, Quads do not ignore pbt the 1st and most damaging styled hit will be blocked by the bub.

Next whine plz Hotrats


last days a lot of ppl realized that just walking away backwards (maybe even with a guarding tank doing the same) helps a lot vs tanks, especially savages who get more benefit from their positionals than other tanks do.

but majority still just turns their back get stunned and buttfucked and then QQ :D


Originally posted by Reverant Mezz
rofl man ur the fuckin funniest guy i've seen since karam and repent

You played with a sorc just after beta, when there was no purge,
no det, no resist and targets could be remezzed, while that 200+ dd was riping people apart who had 3 % resist from a dropped item ?

Originally posted by AbPoon
Each hit of the quad can be blocked, savages shitty wep skill compared to the blocker helps with this, Quads do not ignore pbt the 1st and most damaging styled hit will be blocked by the bub.

Next whine plz Hotrats

So you want shield tanks to help guard alb support,which in that albion group is gonna kill your support ?
Maybe put a pala to do the job, but how will alb front tanks get end then ? How do savages get end ?

Originally posted by Whisperess
I'm not defending it, as you might grasp if you read through some of my posts on the subject.
Just find it funny how people ( including you ) exxagerate :)

couldn't agree more :D

Let's laugh a bit more at kin instead.

Laugh of the fact that 3-4 seers + skald + 3-4 savage groups will be the norm in mid ? Ruining rvr for albs and hibs and those mids
who has another char ?

Plz take your spiritmaster out for a run in emain, and when i see you in a good random group with it days after days you have proven me wrong.


kin if you want to believe no albgrp can beat a midgrp and that all albgroups that did beat the good midgrps where just uber1337 players and better than the mids and had luck and dunno what so be it...

but this thread is not about if its absolutely balanced atm, or if you did wtfpwn 2fg hibs with 4 ppl in 1,36, it is about tips how to beat a mid- savage group. if you dont know how to beat them, maybe just stop posting and stop telling other ppl that they have no clue...


Originally posted by parzi
but majority still just turns their back get stunned and buttfucked and then QQ :D
couldn't agree more


Originally posted by parzi
kin if you want to believe no albgrp can beat a midgrp and that all albgroups that did beat the good midgrps where just uber1337 players and better than the mids and had luck and dunno what so be it...

but this thread is not about if its absolutely balanced atm, or if you did wtfpwn 2fg hibs with 4 ppl in 1,36, it is about tips how to beat a mid- savage group. if you dont know how to beat them, maybe just stop posting and stop telling other ppl that they have no clue...

I think no alb group even rr8+ can beat a savage group like JH more than 1 out of 20, and that is with full ra's up. JH players are good, newer said otherwise, but they are not better than rr8+ albs.

My point about 1.36 was that it sux when there is no balance, and
yes all experience alb supports knows about positional contra anytime styles. A lot of those playing savages defend the class
saying that its ok, but why dont you tell me how to beat such a group ?

On excalibur there is when it comes to cc class above 2 mill rp 19 healers, 2 sorcs and 8 bards. When you consider sorc is albions
primary cc'er i think it tells a lot. Yes the party might get rp, but
the sorc will be dead. Most alb groups take a sorc tho in the hope
that they can get a mezz off, but often albs play '7' in a group 1 sec after fight has started, and if you play a savage you know how easy they are to drop. Some alb groups try no mezz, but then enemy mezz on your support will often be devastating, when
purge is on a 30 min timer.

Many talk about bof and sos being good, yes but not only are these ra you have to pay for to have any chance, they also requires you win mezz battle so you can activate them.
And if you dont play a sorc, dont tell me how hard it is to mezz
an incomming group at speed 5 with insta mezz and amnesia.
That xtra 375 range is covered in a split second, and is most usefull in zerg battles. And if you lose mezz battle albs play 7 and no xtra cc like root.

Btw which good alb groups beat groups like JH or NP on regular basis ? When i read emain deathspam, its not often. But i do know certain alb groups go to odin after a few beatings.


Ok I exagerate but a savage is more effective at cutting through pbt than any other class, heck my bt on first hit is sometimes

savage swings misses
savage swings hits for 150
savage swings hits for 150
savage swings hits for 150

now this happens rarely as i say but any other tank would hit for 100 if at all when my bt is up. Savage can still score a hit of 450.

As for guard Im not so experienced with it but I have heard Novamir whine enough :)

Imo if first hit on savage misses then the rest of hits should miss, if second hit misses same agai. Just an idea, no more savage talk please ! :eek:


Originally posted by kin

On excalibur there is when it comes to cc class above 2 mill rp 19 healers, 2 sorcs and 8 bards.

this data is flawed completely since healer is also the main healer of the realm, many of those healers wont have 44 or 48 pac.


Originally posted by kin
On excalibur there is when it comes to cc class above 2 mill rp 19 healers, 2 sorcs and 8 bards.
19 healers + 3 shamans = 22 players
8 bards + 13 druids = 21 players
2 sorcs + 7 clerics = 9 players

the reason why you see so many healers is that it's not only primary CC'er, it's also primary healer. ( running 3 healers per group is not uncommon ). Once again, the utility of albion is spread out amongst the different classes.

There's little reason to put more than one sorc or more than one bard in a group, but there's every reason in the world to put more healers in the group, and thus your arguments fail, yet again.

Take prydwen for an example: ( using > 1 mil since it's a less RvR active server )

18 healers + 9 shamans = 27 players
7 bards + 8 druids = 15 players ( hib has 25% of active lvl 50ies on pryd )
8 sorcs + 15 clerics = 23 players

Could it be that on alb/excal - people are reluctant to play support classes?

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