Ask me your NDA breaking questions!


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Ah dammit :( I'm hoping for a Newdyrp server name (Read backwards) so we all know where to go :(


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
@Robot: The pics you posted on page 6 (one with the blue sky) is epic. I love these things in MMOs
@Flim: Thanks, looks abit like some other MMOs I've played, hopefully there's a way to mod the "group" UI so it can be bunched into a corner (I play on 1280x1024, so it's no prob, but it'll still look messy to me) also, I have to play greenskins now :( I want to see a confused dwarf :D

Game looks rather shiney, shiney things keep me occupied.... I'm gonna have to ask the uni I've applied to if they've got an internal mail system so I can order parts to it. Hmm. Gonna blow £450 on a new system.. Which isn't INTEL :D

You can resize everything on screen and move it all around (this is just with the bog standard client, there's also stuff about LUA and XML and things for customising but I've not looked at that at all)

I have my target windows just above my combat bars - you can shrink that group down and hide it behind your map if you really wanted :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Sorry if this has been covered already, but whats the group leveling system like? Can you grind in groups like in DAoC?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
For the screenshot hungry: Index of /~joakibj/war/beta
Both PVE and RVR, enjoy. :)

Sorry if this has been covered already, but whats the group leveling system like? Can you grind in groups like in DAoC?
Yeah you can grind in PQs for both experience, influence and loot (good loot for your level after last boss). It's really the most effective way of grinding. When I play beta, I solo quests and do PQs in groups. Most normal quests are soloable, but they go faster when grouped of course.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Sorry if this has been covered already, but whats the group leveling system like? Can you grind in groups like in DAoC?

Quests are nice and easy so you can xp fast off those.

BG's - My friend did 4 on a lvl 31 and made about 2/5 of a level iirc.

Public Quests & npc's - some public quests have both allies and horde fighting each other throughout the public quest. I noticed you get xp for killing the mobs, xp for killing the players and xp for speaking to npc's who say "karrr i hate them orcs, you killed lots so have some xp".

You could kill tons and tons of mobs and speak to an npc who will give you an xp reward, but I would assume this is slower than normal bg's or questing


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2008
Sorry if this has been covered already, but whats the group leveling system like? Can you grind in groups like in DAoC?

Oh indeed you can. It's both _very_ fun, easy to find groups and effective in xp/hour. I'd reccomend getting a group and go a few passes on all the PQs in an area. You can also join pvp-scenarios as a group, wich will give you a good chance against any PuGs you might meet and in the end lots of xp.

I had a wonderful PQ-session with a handful of bright wizards and a few warrior priests yesterday. The xp/influence rate was absolutely unbelieveable with all that AoEdamage and AoEhealing.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
Oh yeah, whats the penalty for death?
xp / money loss?

Small debuff to stats for 10 mins and a run back. You always rez next to a healer who can clear the debuff for a small amount of money.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
penalty for death is a debuff of your stats for ten minutes. This can be removed at a healer.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
Can someone shed some light on how the trading system works in regards to making money? i feels like with only 2 crafting prof's the AH will be hard to sell through (if there is one that is) or is your main sourse of income from killing mobs / quests rewards?

Take up a gathering prof as soon as u can. You will need the gold it generates if you want the 30 gold you need for a mount at level 20


Loyal Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
For the screenshot hungry: Index of /~joakibj/war/beta
Both PVE and RVR, enjoy. :)

Yeah you can grind in PQs for both experience, influence and loot (good loot for your level after last boss). It's really the most effective way of grinding. When I play beta, I solo quests and do PQs in groups. Most normal quests are soloable, but they go faster when grouped of course.

Imo the most effective way to level fast is AOEgrinding with a small group (3-4 people) and only do the level 1 stages of PQs that have lots of mobs a few levels above you. Just find a spot with 2 PQs near eachother and bomb away. The amount of xp you get doing this is just sick.

Personally i prefer doing the whole PQs with a fg tho since it's pretty dull to AOEgrind with a small group, fighting big bosses and getting good loot is more fun and give pretty good xp.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2005
If im gonna lvl with 12 people, can we all do the same PQ or will we need to go as 2 grps


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
There is no Max numbers of players on PQ's I have done some in warbands (Open warbands) and everybody got credit and Rolled for the loot at end of the phase III


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
As Ileks cant reply till tomorrow, I'll tell you under the now lifted US-NDA.

Mainly healer, can do some dps and get an amazing tactic called Gork Sez Stop which is a dot that does high damage every second while moving. If you stand still it lasts 2 seconds only, but each time you move and it does damage, the timer resets.

Great in group rvr, not so good in solo rvr. They really come into their own standing at the back swapping between heals and dps. Generally very group friendly.

See gork sez stop for special, i'm gonna leave the specs to Ileks as I dont know shaman specs so well.

Expect Gork Sez Stop to be nerfed alot though. Its's a pve god spell as far as I can tell. Drop it on almost any PVE mob and kite. 30 seconds later, loot. As a example. As a new roll lvl 31 shamen I could kill lvl 40 champ mobs solo in 30 seconds.

In PVP against anyone who doesnt know to stand still till it ticks off its the same result.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
There is no Max numbers of players on PQ's I have done some in warbands (Open warbands) and everybody got credit and Rolled for the loot at end of the phase III

You get credit for the PQ but if for example there are 2 groups in a warband, I have noticed only the group who has tagged the mob gets exp for the kill. Not sure if this was intended and now changed though.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You get credit for the PQ but if for example there are 2 groups in a warband, I have noticed only the group who has tagged the mob gets exp for the kill. Not sure if this was intended and now changed though.

That is still so. The xp is still locked to the group/player that tags the mob.

Warbands just makes it a hell of a lot easier to target heal :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
There is also incentive for the "the more the merrier" approach in PQs too. From observations, the more people you are, the better loot bags are handed out when the boss is defeated. Sure, there is a chance that you don't get loot, but someone in your group / guild will maybe get the best loot bag.
If you say, complete it with 6 people, 1 may get a blue loot bag (medium) and the rest get a green (lesser). But with say, 12 people, 1-2 might get a golden loot bag (grand? greater?), 2-3 might get blue, 3-4 might get green and rest gets nothing.
Not exactly sure of the mechanics though, some people might feel stunted by the PQ loot system but in the end it rewards everyone and I'd care alot if my guildmate got a really awesome purple item even though I got nothing, but it's the collective effort and reward that counts in the end.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
There is also incentive for the "the more the merrier" approach in PQs too. From observations, the more people you are, the better loot bags are handed out when the boss is defeated.

Hmm I tested that a while ago and people told me the exact same thing but after doing a couple of PQs with 2-3 people max we sometimes got 2-3 golden bags and a couple of purples even when we were only 3 people doing it.
I think its quite random as sometimes when you do it in a warband you end up with only green bags no blue or purple or golden etc.
Same with the Keep take loot bags, theres always 15+ people taking a keep but sometimes you end up with greens only while the other time you end up with multiple golden ones.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Even though I've been reading on this a bit, how exactly do ToKs work? Any bizarre things can you unlock?

The idea of a supposed 12,000 things to unlock may keep me busy when I find a deciated server/char.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Hmm I tested that a while ago and people told me the exact same thing but after doing a couple of PQs with 2-3 people max we sometimes got 2-3 golden bags and a couple of purples even when we were only 3 people doing it.
I think its quite random as sometimes when you do it in a warband you end up with only green bags no blue or purple or golden etc.
Same with the Keep take loot bags, theres always 15+ people taking a keep but sometimes you end up with greens only while the other time you end up with multiple golden ones.

Aya, I'd like to know how it's calculated and how the loot is distributed. It can't all be random... :)

You get ToK unlocks for all sorts of things, encountering monster / race, killing 25 of X, killing 100 of X and so on. In addition there are ToK unlocks for exploration and stuff you do in RvR. There has been alot of thought and text gone into the ToK so it's really worth exploring.
The exploration unlocks are maybe the most interesting as they sometimes are puzzles aswell. As an example I was crossing a pool of water in elf-land and got ToK unlock where I had a "vision" of someone drowning millennias ago, with a poem in it. Then there is another ticker box [ ] that has ??? next to it, so it hints that it's more to it. It may be stumbled upon by chance or there are hints in the ToK text. There are usually no pointers or markers for it either to hold your hand..
Sometimes you find ToK unlocks that gives quest and rewards aswell. In elf tier 2 land there's a puzzle where you have to click some items in a sequence and get a ToK quest and reward...


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Even though I've been reading on this a bit, how exactly do ToKs work? Any bizarre things can you unlock?

The idea of a supposed 12,000 things to unlock may keep me busy when I find a deciated server/char.

It's like a database of all that you have done. One thing I like is the Beastiary.

The Beastiary shows different races from the game. These include animals as well. A perfect example looks like this.


You click on one of them and it gives a brief introduction about them. You also see this;

Encounter a Dwarf - 10xp
Kill 25 dwarves - 100xp
Kill 100 Dwarves - 1000xp

I cannot remember specifics, but I killed 100 dwarves via public quests and I think the rewards start to improve. So if you kill 200 dwarves or whatever is next in the list, you will get XP and maybe an item.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Hmmm.. THAT was something DAoC and WoW missed imo.


* Died 10 times from a monster
* Died 100 times from a monster
* Died 1,000 times from a monster
* Died 5,000 times from a monster
* Died 50,000 time from a monster
* Died 25 times from falling
* Died 250 times from falling
* Died 5,000 times from falling
* Died 50,000 times from falling


* Title: Run Away!
* Title: The Bait
* Title: Trained
* Title: Routed
* Title: The Tragic
* Title: The Uncoordinated
* Title: The Unbalanced
* Title: The Pancake


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 1, 2004
I'm not sure if this was asked before... but are there true "speed" classes just like in daoc?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not sure if this was asked before... but are there true "speed" classes just like in daoc?

Mount gives 50% speed and if someone has a specific guild banner up you can get 25% speed, which is restricted in a certain radius around the banner carrier, but a realm effect iirc.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
Hi not sure if this has been asked but

If myself and freinds chose destruction ones a dark elf ones green skin and anothers a chaos . can we all join up and lvl to gether.

if so how hard is it to travel to get to each other



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 8, 2005
What about guild sizes?
eventually in daoc, many guilds ended up with enough ppl to run 8man for rvr and in wow many big guilds broke up to have 25man for instances

altho a grp is made up from 6 ppl, i think guilds at least in the beginning wont be 6man guilds
as i watched several podcasts, important factor to gaining victory points is winning instances.
most instanced rvr needs 18-24 ppl but if less npcs spawn to help

so, what are the guild dynamics?
and how do the instances work? how long does it take to start an instance?

ps are there /assist macros, /target, last attacker, etc



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 1, 2004
any "Relic" system, relic keeps? or a similar bonus system...?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Hi not sure if this has been asked but

If myself and freinds chose destruction ones a dark elf ones green skin and anothers a chaos . can we all join up and lvl to gether.

if so how hard is it to travel to get to each other


Yes, though it won't be until you can get 50 brass together and get to the first warcamp.

So probably about 5 levels.

If you're just plodding through fairly casually probably an hour of play or so then you can all meet up.

Personally I don't think it's quite obvious or easy enough to meet up with other folks from other pairings at the moment.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
It's like a database of all that you have done. One thing I like is the Beastiary.

The Beastiary shows different races from the game. These include animals as well. A perfect example looks like this.


You click on one of them and it gives a brief introduction about them. You also see this;

Encounter a Dwarf - 10xp
Kill 25 dwarves - 100xp
Kill 100 Dwarves - 1000xp

I cannot remember specifics, but I killed 100 dwarves via public quests and I think the rewards start to improve. So if you kill 200 dwarves or whatever is next in the list, you will get XP and maybe an item.

You will also be able to see how many of a specific class you have killed when selecting - for example dwarves - how many Runepriests, Engineers and so on..... fun little "scorecard" for those who worry about that :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Yes, though it won't be until you can get 50 brass together and get to the first warcamp.

So probably about 5 levels.

If you're just plodding through fairly casually probably an hour of play or so then you can all meet up.

Personally I don't think it's quite obvious or easy enough to meet up with other folks from other pairings at the moment.

A comment on this though; as both Empire and Dark Elf lack a Tank in their line-up some of the harder PQs in their pairing can be abit challenging (read: not impossible), especially in the lower tiers...

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