Fledgling Freddie
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- Aug 10, 2007
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- #61
A couple of questions sure to get asked but I'll cover them quickly here:
"Wtf is the chicken system?"
If you go over the maximum rank for a tier the moment you flag your self for RvR in that zone you turn in to a chicken. I have NO IDEA how this will effect the Open RvR servers. But frankly I don't give a toss I'm going core the game is built with that in mind and you know what? It works all the better for it.
"Is GOAs service shit in the beta?"
Magnus sorted out the keys for my self and my guild. Now the poor guy had 17 bounce back after my first e-mail and helped me sort things out adding keys individualy each day and constantly updating me when that was done. When we got in the beta patches were prompt. We were apparently less than 12-24hrs behind the Guild CB in the US. Updates were prompt from them when there was going to be down time. They worked outside of office hours to get the server restarted when need be (often!). They are now keeping us updated on class revamps that are due to arrive in the next couple of weeks. While they aren't constantly posting on the forums every single day. I can safely say there isn't a week where we go devoid of any info. I've had a much better experiance in this beta than I did with the WoW CB.
So to the doom-mongers I say:
Get off GOAs back!
Minimal, each class appears to have at least one snare (MDPS have a ranged snare they can apply on runners), one knockback (RDPS tends to be morale based, support/tanks have one trained), one root. The idea is to have the tank apply the snares, debuffs and be a general hinderance (share damage with group members) while the ranged nuke at a safe distance and the MDPS do their best to disrupt the healing. Each class has a fitting role unique to their class. One vs one will be imbalanced but as a group it's feels well constructed.
Screenies I'll upload later. SH, personaly, I don't like them. But I haven't spent much time with them. While you can move and shoot at the same time (though at a limited ranged 65yards I believe) they feel somewhat weaker compared to the powerhouse BW/Sorc and unlike the Eng/Magus combo who we know are getting massive revamps so they live up to their name of defensive caster. SH only appears to be getting a buff to their path of stabbin'. They play, well it's hard to say. They are much more mobile, easy to change position. They are like the hit and run of casters. Pet AI needs a LOT of work done though. Fundimenty it's hit and miss a majority of the time.
It's very focused on RvR, battles are huge! Forts can take up to a hr to overrun (depends on how balanced the defence is, one keep battle in T2 took over 40 mins!) Zergs are common at the moment. But a focused group of 6 could easily take down a zerg PUG of 10-12 dependent on skill.
Don't expect DAoC, it feels somewhere between the responsiveness of WoW and the focus on large warband combat that DAoC had. I enjoy it very much but I can only give you my personal opinion. If I was forced to give it a rating (my past experiances: 3 months properly RvRing in DAoC, 3 months in EVE, 14 months in Neocron, WoW before the Honour system various other MMOs) it'd be a 6-8/10. There are still class balances to address. But unlike AoC we are seeing that contantly. Mythic don't give a toss about REALLY shaking things up to see what happens. Forts and zergs are still something often debated and no doubt will be till the end of time.
There is no being locked down for an extensive ammount of time, there is no stun locking like a moron. Every class feels, potentialy, like they have a role. No one is pigeon holed in to forfilling any set role they are all adaptable. Example: Sorc - I can spec to focus fire and nuke down healers, or spec AoE and intimidate the front lines pushing people back through the zone. Some classes like DoK need to spec, in some way, damage to build the essence at a more respectable speed or spec towards healing and heal more effectively quickly but for less often due to your lack of essence.
Fair question considering the people looking at coming over.
- Classes. In short, they feel like they were made for fighting first and PvE second. All your skills are useful, taunt works on people, de-taunt works on people, everyone has a class role and as I said previously you're not pigeon holed to do a certain job in a certain way all of the time. You can mix it up constantly.
- No down time, no pissing about just get in and get on with it. Mastery respecs are free, so are renown respecs, tactics can be moved about and presets made.
- RvR enviroment. Each zone feels diffrent from the next, as you expand up the tiers they really become a bigger contrast. Example
-- Chaos Vs Order - Town fighting is the meal of the day, lots of back alleys to duck down to lose your persuers, lots of places to set up an ambush, MPDS & Eng/Magus will have lots of fun here.
-- Dark Elf vs High Elf - Lots of high roads and low roads. Bit un popular at the moment due to the small server numbers. Will likey be hell for anyone who isn't a caster.
-- Stuntie vs Greenskin - Massive wide open spaces, suits the zerg, expect many hit and runs from small groups. All the BOs are in precarious positions to make your life hell.
- No exessive CC, While there is knock backs (knocking someone off a cliff ftw.) You will be never stunlocked to death while the melee DPS beat 7 shades out of you. You will never be rooted excessively so you're almost instantly dead.
- TTK (Time to Kill), is much higher than WoW. You won't be one shot. If a class uses all their burst damage and morale abilities you still end up with 20-30% of your health giving you a chance to bolt for an exit or your group member to save your life. You never feel like you were rendered useless so you couldn't fight back.
- Senarios aka instances to everyone else. Now while these don't appeal to everyone some are just bloody good fun! Enviromental hazards make the fights change often. As well as the varied objectives give you a break from capturing keeps... Which brings me on to...
- World PvP. I could write an essay on how much fun this can be with mates! But remember that SS to TM zerg that happened all the time before the Honour system and BGs? Take that kind of raw fun, add XP, add renown, add capturable BOs & add keeps. Yeah you get the idea.
- PQs. To be fair some of these can be a little hit and miss. Some feel very refined and have some cool events (see the first greenskin one). Many consist of 'kill 100 mobs', kill these named mobs, kill this boss. But there are so many of them (3-5 a zone at least) it breaks things up often for you so you can jump in before going to work, get a bit of influence (think rep grinds only a hell of a lot quicker) and jump back out.
- Gear. Odd one this. Now if you've played WoW you will look like the missing member of the village people till level 60/70 and you've got your first dungeon set. With WAR your first renown set looks like the concept art for your class. Then as you gain the levels and move through tiers you add to that inital coolness then simply your outline in the distance will let people know what class you are. Each class will stand out simply from their stance and gear make up. Obviously when you move in closer and they see you wearing the ripped out spine of their friend will they turn tail and run.
Sorry if this is a bit of a mix mash of ideas but I tried to cram in every point that stood out to me on my inital play!
- No class can solo phase III PQ's. At all.
- Should be, according to the devs, the Melee DPS so Witch Hunter & Witch Elves.
- Again Witch Hunter & Witch Elves. But have next to no defenses and get cut down by tanks very easily so it's very much hit & run once you are out of burst damage. Though the testers consider that to be the BW/Sorc atm. But you have to build 100/100 dark magic (5 seconds minimum if your cooldowns are up) and have your morale built to stage 1 at least (roughly 10 seconds in group combat). Oh and have above 50% health in preperation for backlashes!
- Err. Not really! Melee DPS get it easy in world RvR. Ranged have an easy life in Keep defence. It sounds like you are looking for a class you can solo all the content and wander about as a lone wolf in RvR. I'll tell you now, this game isn't for you. You will get a pounding very quickly if you don't operate as a team.
- Anything that has a KB! Though I quite like the BW/Sorc AoE spells it upsets the zerg. :>
At the moment Destruction is over populated every day it's a 300/260 balance at the moment. But we all have templates to create level 31 toons so we can switch sides as we see fit.
All healers have:
A HoT, a small direct heal continued with a hot, a large heal, Buffs/Debuff. Their trees are split in to dmg/heals/buffs, but each tree has at least one damage spell & healing spell to compensate for that lay out. Then on top of that a unique class mechanic.
The Shammy mechanic (ranged healer) is: When he casts damage spells can reduce the cast times on his heals to make them instant and visa versa (cast heals, dmg spells are instants).
The DoK (Melee healer) mechanic is: They need to damage enemys to build up a pool of essence to cast heals. But these heals tend to have very short cast times and I think they tend to effect the people in the vicinity rather than a target (need to check on that).
Basicly. They are unique.
Yes. Compared to AoC, while it has it's fair share of issues (Lag due to a poor test server, CtDs which are being rectified in patches being released this week some quests are broken but being fixed server side almost every day now). Nothing makes the game totaly unplayable. Oh yeah and there is content from rank 31-40.
No, the pet gains armour and slowly looks more menacing, I'm not sure on the growth.
The class is able to spec in three ways: Improving your own damage, a balance between your self & your pet or improving your pet damage. The class plays a bit like a WH, many of your skills require to behind or to the side of your target to do additional damage/apply debuffs/ignore armour. They also gain a pounce ability, which apparently, means you can leap over tanks. They don't play like your conventional MDPS you'd see in WoW or LoTRO. You tend to instigate chaos within the ranged ranks, are able to sprint after runners but still able to take a bit of a battering. It's a class that needs to be experianced to be understood. They do have one glaring issue at the moment. Pet AI.
It's dire. It's something you can bite your lip about in PvE but in RvR at the moment you lion break dances on the spot while you run in to combat all too often. Mythic have promised to have this cleared up by release though and to be fair they have managed to rectify issues when they said they would previously.
Only Apocothary is in at the moment. You can start it at rank 1 if you like, just make your way to the chapter two camp (zones are split in to tiers and within each tier is chapters, basicly hubs with quests relating to the on going story in that zone). The gathering skills are all in though (including cultivating).
Yes there is grinding, in a way, I scavange most of my materials from dead humanoids. It tends to give me enough mats to level my skills from just wandering around the zone completing quests. But the step from Tier 1 to Tier 2 is too big at the moment. Most of the items go from requiring skill levels of 1, 10, 15, 25 to 50, 75 very quickly leaving you with quite a gap. Thus making it difficult to tell at later levels if you are really required to be dedicated.
Core 2 E7200, 4GB ram, 9800GTX (XFX Black edition card, the o/ced one
), SATA HD (16mb cache, 7200 RPM). It's going to be hard to say what it will feel like in beta remember we've got debuggers and various other things inside the client causing havok. Most of the time it runs fine somewhere between 60-70 FPS, but in big zergs drops to 25-40.
Ballistic Skill
Weapon Skill
- There is zoning between the tiers. Tiers them selfs are split in to two zones. But they take about 20 mins to walk from top to bottom at least. Slight zone lag at the moment moving between the two zones inside the tier.
- Mob con system is ripped from DAoC.
It hits reasonably hard on cloth and heals. It's what a paladin should be!
It works, it can have an effect but most appear to be using the LOL ZERG tactic employed by WoW. I've seen a couple of videos of chosen tanks blocking bridges and crushing their attackers from behind via melee DPS. So. Well it works.
There is a map filter for that NPC but I can't see him.
You get a few slots for gimmicks, they unlock every 10 ranks. Haven't seen many yet though I saw a vendor selling them for a unspecified token. Armour can be dyed, usually has two a two tone look you can customize on most items.
Weapons. Hmm not really. Not thing that stands out they tend to suit your class and tend to be a bit tame for the time being. I've only seen the renown rewards so far though.
"Wtf is the chicken system?"
If you go over the maximum rank for a tier the moment you flag your self for RvR in that zone you turn in to a chicken. I have NO IDEA how this will effect the Open RvR servers. But frankly I don't give a toss I'm going core the game is built with that in mind and you know what? It works all the better for it.
"Is GOAs service shit in the beta?"
Magnus sorted out the keys for my self and my guild. Now the poor guy had 17 bounce back after my first e-mail and helped me sort things out adding keys individualy each day and constantly updating me when that was done. When we got in the beta patches were prompt. We were apparently less than 12-24hrs behind the Guild CB in the US. Updates were prompt from them when there was going to be down time. They worked outside of office hours to get the server restarted when need be (often!). They are now keeping us updated on class revamps that are due to arrive in the next couple of weeks. While they aren't constantly posting on the forums every single day. I can safely say there isn't a week where we go devoid of any info. I've had a much better experiance in this beta than I did with the WoW CB.
So to the doom-mongers I say:
Get off GOAs back!
What forms of crowd control are there and is the RvR as good/challenging as DAoCs?
Minimal, each class appears to have at least one snare (MDPS have a ranged snare they can apply on runners), one knockback (RDPS tends to be morale based, support/tanks have one trained), one root. The idea is to have the tank apply the snares, debuffs and be a general hinderance (share damage with group members) while the ranged nuke at a safe distance and the MDPS do their best to disrupt the healing. Each class has a fitting role unique to their class. One vs one will be imbalanced but as a group it's feels well constructed.
Are Squig Herders as good as i hope they are? Can you post lots of Screenies?
Screenies I'll upload later. SH, personaly, I don't like them. But I haven't spent much time with them. While you can move and shoot at the same time (though at a limited ranged 65yards I believe) they feel somewhat weaker compared to the powerhouse BW/Sorc and unlike the Eng/Magus combo who we know are getting massive revamps so they live up to their name of defensive caster. SH only appears to be getting a buff to their path of stabbin'. They play, well it's hard to say. They are much more mobile, easy to change position. They are like the hit and run of casters. Pet AI needs a LOT of work done though. Fundimenty it's hit and miss a majority of the time.
How good is the PvP? ON a ratio of:
DAoC old school -------------------------- WoW crappy PvP
It's very focused on RvR, battles are huge! Forts can take up to a hr to overrun (depends on how balanced the defence is, one keep battle in T2 took over 40 mins!) Zergs are common at the moment. But a focused group of 6 could easily take down a zerg PUG of 10-12 dependent on skill.
Don't expect DAoC, it feels somewhere between the responsiveness of WoW and the focus on large warband combat that DAoC had. I enjoy it very much but I can only give you my personal opinion. If I was forced to give it a rating (my past experiances: 3 months properly RvRing in DAoC, 3 months in EVE, 14 months in Neocron, WoW before the Honour system various other MMOs) it'd be a 6-8/10. There are still class balances to address. But unlike AoC we are seeing that contantly. Mythic don't give a toss about REALLY shaking things up to see what happens. Forts and zergs are still something often debated and no doubt will be till the end of time.
There is no being locked down for an extensive ammount of time, there is no stun locking like a moron. Every class feels, potentialy, like they have a role. No one is pigeon holed in to forfilling any set role they are all adaptable. Example: Sorc - I can spec to focus fire and nuke down healers, or spec AoE and intimidate the front lines pushing people back through the zone. Some classes like DoK need to spec, in some way, damage to build the essence at a more respectable speed or spec towards healing and heal more effectively quickly but for less often due to your lack of essence.
What appeal does this game have over say WoW, for you as a player, what made you think (if anything at all did) that this game was something far better and far more interesting that world of warclick
Fair question considering the people looking at coming over.
- Classes. In short, they feel like they were made for fighting first and PvE second. All your skills are useful, taunt works on people, de-taunt works on people, everyone has a class role and as I said previously you're not pigeon holed to do a certain job in a certain way all of the time. You can mix it up constantly.
- No down time, no pissing about just get in and get on with it. Mastery respecs are free, so are renown respecs, tactics can be moved about and presets made.
- RvR enviroment. Each zone feels diffrent from the next, as you expand up the tiers they really become a bigger contrast. Example
-- Chaos Vs Order - Town fighting is the meal of the day, lots of back alleys to duck down to lose your persuers, lots of places to set up an ambush, MPDS & Eng/Magus will have lots of fun here.
-- Dark Elf vs High Elf - Lots of high roads and low roads. Bit un popular at the moment due to the small server numbers. Will likey be hell for anyone who isn't a caster.
-- Stuntie vs Greenskin - Massive wide open spaces, suits the zerg, expect many hit and runs from small groups. All the BOs are in precarious positions to make your life hell.
- No exessive CC, While there is knock backs (knocking someone off a cliff ftw.) You will be never stunlocked to death while the melee DPS beat 7 shades out of you. You will never be rooted excessively so you're almost instantly dead.
- TTK (Time to Kill), is much higher than WoW. You won't be one shot. If a class uses all their burst damage and morale abilities you still end up with 20-30% of your health giving you a chance to bolt for an exit or your group member to save your life. You never feel like you were rendered useless so you couldn't fight back.
- Senarios aka instances to everyone else. Now while these don't appeal to everyone some are just bloody good fun! Enviromental hazards make the fights change often. As well as the varied objectives give you a break from capturing keeps... Which brings me on to...
- World PvP. I could write an essay on how much fun this can be with mates! But remember that SS to TM zerg that happened all the time before the Honour system and BGs? Take that kind of raw fun, add XP, add renown, add capturable BOs & add keeps. Yeah you get the idea.
- PQs. To be fair some of these can be a little hit and miss. Some feel very refined and have some cool events (see the first greenskin one). Many consist of 'kill 100 mobs', kill these named mobs, kill this boss. But there are so many of them (3-5 a zone at least) it breaks things up often for you so you can jump in before going to work, get a bit of influence (think rep grinds only a hell of a lot quicker) and jump back out.
- Gear. Odd one this. Now if you've played WoW you will look like the missing member of the village people till level 60/70 and you've got your first dungeon set. With WAR your first renown set looks like the concept art for your class. Then as you gain the levels and move through tiers you add to that inital coolness then simply your outline in the distance will let people know what class you are. Each class will stand out simply from their stance and gear make up. Obviously when you move in closer and they see you wearing the ripped out spine of their friend will they turn tail and run.
Sorry if this is a bit of a mix mash of ideas but I tried to cram in every point that stood out to me on my inital play!
which class solo's group contant the best?
which class has the highest DPS?
which class has the highest burst/spike damage?
are there any classes that so far are considered to be better at pvp than any of the others?
in your opinion is the best ability/spell and why?
- No class can solo phase III PQ's. At all.
- Should be, according to the devs, the Melee DPS so Witch Hunter & Witch Elves.
- Again Witch Hunter & Witch Elves. But have next to no defenses and get cut down by tanks very easily so it's very much hit & run once you are out of burst damage. Though the testers consider that to be the BW/Sorc atm. But you have to build 100/100 dark magic (5 seconds minimum if your cooldowns are up) and have your morale built to stage 1 at least (roughly 10 seconds in group combat). Oh and have above 50% health in preperation for backlashes!
- Err. Not really! Melee DPS get it easy in world RvR. Ranged have an easy life in Keep defence. It sounds like you are looking for a class you can solo all the content and wander about as a lone wolf in RvR. I'll tell you now, this game isn't for you. You will get a pounding very quickly if you don't operate as a team.
- Anything that has a KB! Though I quite like the BW/Sorc AoE spells it upsets the zerg. :>
Do either of the sides look like they may be overpopulated at this early stage?
Can you give more details on the various abilities of the healer classes please
At the moment Destruction is over populated every day it's a 300/260 balance at the moment. But we all have templates to create level 31 toons so we can switch sides as we see fit.
All healers have:
A HoT, a small direct heal continued with a hot, a large heal, Buffs/Debuff. Their trees are split in to dmg/heals/buffs, but each tree has at least one damage spell & healing spell to compensate for that lay out. Then on top of that a unique class mechanic.
The Shammy mechanic (ranged healer) is: When he casts damage spells can reduce the cast times on his heals to make them instant and visa versa (cast heals, dmg spells are instants).
The DoK (Melee healer) mechanic is: They need to damage enemys to build up a pool of essence to cast heals. But these heals tend to have very short cast times and I think they tend to effect the people in the vicinity rather than a target (need to check on that).
Basicly. They are unique.
Is it fun?
Yes. Compared to AoC, while it has it's fair share of issues (Lag due to a poor test server, CtDs which are being rectified in patches being released this week some quests are broken but being fixed server side almost every day now). Nothing makes the game totaly unplayable. Oh yeah and there is content from rank 31-40.
Details on the White Lion class please.
Does the pet start out small and does it grow as it lvls (gets older)
No, the pet gains armour and slowly looks more menacing, I'm not sure on the growth.
The class is able to spec in three ways: Improving your own damage, a balance between your self & your pet or improving your pet damage. The class plays a bit like a WH, many of your skills require to behind or to the side of your target to do additional damage/apply debuffs/ignore armour. They also gain a pounce ability, which apparently, means you can leap over tanks. They don't play like your conventional MDPS you'd see in WoW or LoTRO. You tend to instigate chaos within the ranged ranks, are able to sprint after runners but still able to take a bit of a battering. It's a class that needs to be experianced to be understood. They do have one glaring issue at the moment. Pet AI.
It's dire. It's something you can bite your lip about in PvE but in RvR at the moment you lion break dances on the spot while you run in to combat all too often. Mythic have promised to have this cleared up by release though and to be fair they have managed to rectify issues when they said they would previously.
Any info on crafting? What level can you start - is there grinding - will everyone be crafting or will it be for the dedicated only?
Only Apocothary is in at the moment. You can start it at rank 1 if you like, just make your way to the chapter two camp (zones are split in to tiers and within each tier is chapters, basicly hubs with quests relating to the on going story in that zone). The gathering skills are all in though (including cultivating).
Yes there is grinding, in a way, I scavange most of my materials from dead humanoids. It tends to give me enough mats to level my skills from just wandering around the zone completing quests. But the step from Tier 1 to Tier 2 is too big at the moment. Most of the items go from requiring skill levels of 1, 10, 15, 25 to 50, 75 very quickly leaving you with quite a gap. Thus making it difficult to tell at later levels if you are really required to be dedicated.
btw whats your system specs? so i can get an idea of what i can expect on mine
Core 2 E7200, 4GB ram, 9800GTX (XFX Black edition card, the o/ced one
is there a stat system
Ballistic Skill
Weapon Skill
How are the zones split? and what is the "mob con" system like? Standard DAoC blue>purple or a different type?
- There is zoning between the tiers. Tiers them selfs are split in to two zones. But they take about 20 mins to walk from top to bottom at least. Slight zone lag at the moment moving between the two zones inside the tier.
- Mob con system is ripped from DAoC.
Is the warrior priest as bad ass as it should be?
It hits reasonably hard on cloth and heals. It's what a paladin should be!
how well does the "collision system" work... or whatever it may be called I'm wondering how much this will actually effect RvR or influence the game in general. I think pretty much, tho I've never even played the game
It works, it can have an effect but most appear to be using the LOL ZERG tactic employed by WoW. I've seen a couple of videos of chosen tanks blocking bridges and crushing their attackers from behind via melee DPS. So. Well it works.
Do we get surnames in WAR like we did at lvl 10 in DAoC?
There is a map filter for that NPC but I can't see him.
how does character customisation work?
like dye for armour etc.
its there lots of unique weapon looks or not?
You get a few slots for gimmicks, they unlock every 10 ranks. Haven't seen many yet though I saw a vendor selling them for a unspecified token. Armour can be dyed, usually has two a two tone look you can customize on most items.
Weapons. Hmm not really. Not thing that stands out they tend to suit your class and tend to be a bit tame for the time being. I've only seen the renown rewards so far though.