Ask me your NDA breaking questions!


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
if anyone wants any screenshots of anything post here :) no guarantees (things like "severed head of the enemy King" could be tricky) but if it's something reasonably easy then I'm happy to try.

Severed head of a CM's character? :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2008
There's something I'd like to know, as I've not majorly been following the development of the game.

How are the zones split? and what is the "mob con" system like? Standard DAoC blue>purple or a different type? What's the RvR/PvP system like?
good question maybe its already been answered somewhere before but if it has ive never seen it.

are zones seamless or is there a loading screen between each one?


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
@Flim: Any chance you could get me a picture of a seer class and the user interface that goes along with it (Like, spell icons etc) as I'd like to see what I'll be dealing with before custom-UIs come out.

Or the severed head of Jupitus would be greatly appriciated ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 1, 2004
how well does the "collision system" work... or whatever it may be called :p I'm wondering how much this will actually effect RvR or influence the game in general. I think pretty much, tho I've never even played the game


Regular Freddie
Sep 24, 2005
how well does the "collision system" work... or whatever it may be called :p I'm wondering how much this will actually effect RvR or influence the game in general. I think pretty much, tho I've never even played the game

This is one of the better aspects of AoC (cough), hopefully they have some form of collision detection in WAR as it really adds to the game feel, including bumping into your realm mates and being slightly nudged aside.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2007
Ok that's much longer than I imagined it would be, sorry for the amount of reading material! :p


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
thanks for nice post :)

how does character customisation work?
like dye for armour etc.

its there lots of unique weapon looks or not?

we all know that looks > everything :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2007
*NDA still in effect for europe because mythic don't have a clue!*


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2008
It's worth noting that while the North American NDA did indeed drop today, Mark Jacobs said the EU NDA will drop tomorrow.

Not that it matters much at this point, but the thread title is technically correct - and as we all know, that's the best kind of correct.


Fledgling Freddie
May 28, 2008
thanks for nice post :)

how does character customisation work?
like dye for armour etc.

its there lots of unique weapon looks or not?

we all know that looks > everything :fluffle:

Dying armor is done by talking to a merchant.
You select a piece of equipment (there is also an "apply-to-all" option) and select a color (I think currently there are.. 30ish different ones). You then pay and the equipment is dyed. No ingredients are needed.

Customization works like in most RPGs: Face/hair/skin color/hair color/some race-specific trait etc.

Actually I was a wee bit disappointed at the low number of unique weapon/armor look - most weapons I have gotten on my archmage for example look the same (for example, out of my 5-6 staves there are two different looks). It does change between tiers though.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Dying armor is done by talking to a merchant.
You select a piece of equipment (there is also an "apply-to-all" option) and select a color (I think currently there are.. 30ish different ones). You then pay and the equipment is dyed. No ingredients are needed.

Customization works like in most RPGs: Face/hair/skin color/hair color/some race-specific trait etc.

Actually I was a wee bit disappointed at the low number of unique weapon/armor look - most weapons I have gotten on my archmage for example look the same (for example, out of my 5-6 staves there are two different looks). It does change between tiers though.

thanks both for answers.
glad armour can be dyed, bit crappy about the amount of weapon looks though, hope there is indeed more than a few per class. Everyone likes a glowy stick of doom :)


Dec 26, 2003
technically correct - and as we all know, that's the best kind of correct.

Hah - Futurama quote!!! :D

Edit - oh and not wishing to be contentious but doesnt it seem silly to drop the NDA's at different times? Anything can now be answered with details from the Mythic beta which kinda makes the Europe NDA irrelevant (except to those in Euro beta).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Hah - Futurama quote!!! :D

Edit - oh and not wishing to be contentious but doesnt it seem silly to drop the NDA's at different times? Anything can now be answered with details from the Mythic beta which kinda makes the Europe NDA irrelevant (except to those in Euro beta).

Its just something else that GOA can't get right and something else to add to the list. No doubt a CM will come on tomorrow and say they weren't expecting Mythic to drop the NDA.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2007
Its just something else that GOA can't get right and something else to add to the list. No doubt a CM will come on tomorrow and say they weren't expecting Mythic to drop the NDA.

Well it didn't come from GOAs mouth, it came from Mythic. So give them a break. Ride that bandwagon off a cliff please.

Originally Posted by MarkJacobsEA


The NDA portion our North American Beta Testing Agreement has been lifted. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.

Europe's NDA will be officially lifted tomorrow.



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
A bit of a shame but I'm guessing it's something to do with Mark Jacobs posting his announcement etc. at 9pm BST and it'll need to be translated and fired out across 5 languages which requires people to be in the office...


Dec 22, 2003
Please note, as the EU NDA is still officially in effect, I am talking about the US beta, for which the NDA has been lifted.

What forms of crowd control are there and is the RvR as good/challenging as DAoCs? ;)

End of questions I guess :D (Resists the urge to ask about the SotG ;))

Theres pbaoe roots on sorc/BW
most of the melee classes get some form of snare.
Several classes, IB, Zealot, RP, Chosen (probably more, I just cant remember) get knockdowns and knockbacks. (ie, slammed onto the ground, cant move or react, or knocked away, once you land you can carry on moving).
There are also disorients and stuns but these are rarer.
No CC lasts longer than about 10 seconds.

RvR has potential, personally I feel it lacks CC atm but when we get fixed groups at lvl 40 the CC there is may be much better utilised than at present.

Are Squig Herders as good as i hope they are? Can you post lots of Screenies?
How good is the PvP? ON a ratio of:

DAoC old school -------------------------- WoW crappy PvP

Cant think of much more at this time.

PvP feels kinda daoc ish, except much better in terms of zone design. As I said above I think it lacks CC, but thats personal opinion and I may be wrong about that come lvl 40 proper rvr.

Squig herders are certainly awesome, I enjoy mine, getting eaten by a big squig is great fun.

which class solo's group contant the best?
which class has the highest DPS?
which class has the highest burst/spike damage?

are there any classes that so far are considered to be better at pvp than any of the others?

in your opinion is the best ability/spell and why?

Hard to tell as I haven't played all classes, Engineers can certainly chain pull, while chosen and ironbreakers are slower to kill but hardly ever die.
Witch Hunter and Witch Elf have the highest dps, very good spike damage.
Over time, I dont know, perhaps some class stacking dots on lots of people but its harder to say.

Most of the classes can hold their own in pvp. Are you talking in fgvfg or 1v1?
There are some classes that do awesomely in a fg with heals, but struggle 1v1 and some that aren't as wanted in a fg and do fine on their own.

Do either of the sides look like they may be overpopulated at this early stage?

Can you give more details on the various abilities of the healer classes please :D

On beta servers Destruction has been fairly constantly the realm with the higher population.

Healers: st hots (usually 2/3) fast casting heal, longer casting, easily interupted heal, group heal, rez then some get buffer, shielding barrier, heal procs, gtaoe hot, bouncing heal. Most then also get some form of dps, knockbacks and dots.

Is it fun?

Details on the White Lion class please.

Does the pet start out small and does it grow as it lvls (gets older)

yes, every 10 levels iirc. At 31 they look pretty ferocious (just the level we're testing at atm).

Any info on crafting? What level can you start - is there grinding - will everyone be crafting or will it be for the dedicated only?

Thanks :)

You can start as soon as you get to the first main town, which is usually about 15-20 mins into the game at level 5-7.
You dont have to grind, if you pick up crafting as you go, and make stuff as you level up, you should be fine. Although I must say I haven't taken it on a charachter past level 15.

There's something I'd like to know, as I've not majorly been following the development of the game.

How are the zones split? and what is the "mob con" system like? Standard DAoC blue>purple or a different type? What's the RvR/PvP system like?

Zones are huge, you can go from 1 to atleast level 14 in an entire zone, each zone has some pvp area somewhere, which is where it boarders with the other sides areas. Very well laid out generally.
Every now and then there is a area load, but these are few and far between.

Mob con (heh I cant actually remember) its intuitive, and then there are Champion and Hero level mobs which are harder to kill.

how well does the "collision system" work... or whatever it may be called :p I'm wondering how much this will actually effect RvR or influence the game in general. I think pretty much, tho I've never even played the game

Its good, and only active in rvr so you dont get problems in pve raids.
I haven't seen it yet, but it certainly is possible to form a wall of people blocking enemy tanks from reaching your casters easily.
There are some points in rvr (ie a gangplank to a ship with an objective on it) where one tank can easily block it.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
If anyone has any questions regarding the Shaman i can try and answer them when the NDA drops tomorrow. I've played one from 1-21 and another 31-32.

I've also played a sorcerer a fair bit too.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Ileks YES! Tell me! *Will be playing the shaman*

What are their roles?
Good at solo PvP/Group RvR?
What is leveling like with them?
How is the group-factor with shamans/how group friendly are they?
Any utilised for RvR/PvE specs you can recommend? What specs have what effect?
Are they usefull in large-scale RvR? (I can imagine so, from what I've read)
Do they get anything 'special'? (Can't define special)


Dec 22, 2003
Ileks YES! Tell me! *Will be playing the shaman*

What are their roles?
Good at solo PvP/Group RvR?
What is leveling like with them?
How is the group-factor with shamans/how group friendly are they?
Any utilised for RvR/PvE specs you can recommend? What specs have what effect?
Are they usefull in large-scale RvR? (I can imagine so, from what I've read)
Do they get anything 'special'? (Can't define special)

As Ileks cant reply till tomorrow, I'll tell you under the now lifted US-NDA.

Mainly healer, can do some dps and get an amazing tactic called Gork Sez Stop which is a dot that does high damage every second while moving. If you stand still it lasts 2 seconds only, but each time you move and it does damage, the timer resets.

Great in group rvr, not so good in solo rvr. They really come into their own standing at the back swapping between heals and dps. Generally very group friendly.

See gork sez stop for special, i'm gonna leave the specs to Ileks as I dont know shaman specs so well.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Thank god for this thread and Tildas replies, I wasn't so arsed about getting the game but now it sounds so much better :D Oh and you can still dye armor? Awesome!


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Tilda should my computer run it max? or atleast high.

AMD Phenom 9650
4 gigs ram
1 gig X2 3870

Ty for the White Lion answer btw if you get time post a screen shot of it as a baby and now at an adult size?



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
BTW the EU NDA has been lifted! Check out the website. Free to talk to all.

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