Ask me your NDA breaking questions!


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Ok, would prefer 8 like in DAoC, since then you have a couple of spaces to play with. With 6 it kinda gets filled up with essential classes, and we'll probably end up with some classes that just can't get in a group. But there we go :)

From what I've read, most, if not all classes have good group utility.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Ok, would prefer 8 like in DAoC, since then you have a couple of spaces to play with. With 6 it kinda gets filled up with essential classes, and we'll probably end up with some classes that just can't get in a group. But there we go :)

You can expand a group to a warband which can contain 4 * 6 = 24 members. There's no reason not to and you can invite all your friends and guildies so no classes will feel like leftovers. Only difference is that you can't see what buffs applies to your groupmembers in the warband overview, so have to coordinate and communicate otherwise to remove negative effects.

As poster above me wrote, all classes bring something. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
As poster above me wrote, all classes bring something. :)

What do Squig Herders bring to a Group? I know they got good Utility and DPS with their Squig. What would make SH's really viable is groups is the bonus from a SH's Squig would carry on over to the group.

As the bonus for the SH is below:

Horned Squig: Armor is increased 100% while pet is alive.
Spiked Squig: Critical hit percentage is increased 5% while pet is alive.
Gas Squig: Maximum range is increase by 10% while pet is alive.

Normal Squig doesn't bring a bonus. Would be nice to make it a group buff though.


Dec 26, 2003
What do Squig Herders bring to a Group? I know they got good Utility and DPS with their Squig. What would make SH's really viable is groups is the bonus from a SH's Squig would carry on over to the group.

As the bonus for the SH is below:

Horned Squig: Armor is increased 100% while pet is alive.
Spiked Squig: Critical hit percentage is increased 5% while pet is alive.
Gas Squig: Maximum range is increase by 10% while pet is alive.

Normal Squig doesn't bring a bonus. Would be nice to make it a group buff though.

Too powerfull I reckon - the highest crit bonus you can get after getting pretty much maxed renown is 6% and requires massive time n effort.

The armour and range buffs would be similarly overpowered if directly applied to the group - perhaps a weakened form?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
The thing is i want a SH to be a good group class to play along with. Maybes that they are the current form when solo but subsequently weakened when in a group.

Horned Squig: Armor is increased 100% while pet is alive. 50% Increase while in a Group.
Spiked Squig: Critical hit percentage is increased 5% while pet is alive. 2% Increase in a group.
Gas Squig: Maximum range is increase by 10% while pet is alive. 5% increase while in a group.

Those might work better?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Finally a vid where people heal, very nice!
A question i have in my head for longer now:
What are all the icons under the life/AP bar?



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
That didnt help me much but thank you for an answer nevertheless! :)



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
I can tell you this: there are keybinds (that you of course can bind to any keys you want) for all kinds of assists, cycling through targets etc etc. I do believe you can make macros including all these as well. Not sure if the macros are available yet in the beta. I havn't really felt I needed any... yet :)

If you do not have an offensive target, then the next person to attack you will become your offensive target.

Some examples at to how the keybinds can work:

F2: target partymember 1
Shift+F2: target the offensive target of partymember 1 (assist)
Ctrl+F2: target the defensive target of partymember 1 (aid I think it is called)
Tab: target next enemy
Shift-tab: target previous enemy
N: target nearest enemy

hope it answers some of your questions

There are macros, but you can't macro multiple commands - it's just mapping a button to a slash command (such as /assist Flimgoblin)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
The thing is i want a SH to be a good group class to play along with. Maybes that they are the current form when solo but subsequently weakened when in a group.

Horned Squig: Armor is increased 100% while pet is alive. 50% Increase while in a Group.
Spiked Squig: Critical hit percentage is increased 5% while pet is alive. 2% Increase in a group.
Gas Squig: Maximum range is increase by 10% while pet is alive. 5% increase while in a group.

Those might work better?

A squig herder is ranged DPS, you get them in your group for damage :)
They'll have some utility spells too but the reason you want one is its damage.

For the ranged dps there are three types:

1. Glass cannons
Bright Wizard/Sorceress

These chaps probably do the most damage but are by far the easiest classes to kill - doesn't help that to do the most damage they can they have to risk burning themselves up.

Afaik, all their abilities are 100ft max (80ft for aoe, with 20ft range) - not played either much though so if someone could confirm/correct that.

2. Defensive specialists

Best if you're camping or defending an area - can set up turrets, mines (or daemons) - generally a bit tougher than the BW/Sorc.

Both can spec for a range 150 nuke on a 10s timer (Snipe)

3. Archers
Shadow Warrior/Squig herder

Both of these classes can fire some of their abilities on the run (these are reduced range though) - they've also both got access to a stance/pet granting 10% extra range (so 110 feet on their nukes) and a stance/squig armour making them much tougher in melee.

I'd expect a gank group to go with BW/Sorcs, dedicate some healing to recovering their self-inflicted wounds and just get that maximum DPS, however if you're defending BO's or constantly ending up against melee heavy groups you might be better with the engineer/magus or the archer classes. In particular being able to shoot on the move is superb for running down anyone who flees...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
What do Squig Herders bring to a Group? I know they got good Utility and DPS with their Squig.

If you planning to roll one you should know this,right now they are wery veak on dps compartment,healers can actually outdamage them as it stands.

They are giving them/maqus/engineer some love on next patch thought so they might change alot still.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
In particular being able to shoot on the move is superb for running down anyone who flees...
I don't know about the Sorc, but the BW has a whole tree of Dots, which are about all insta cast (with GCD ofc).


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Oki Doki

Another set of "Burning Issue" Questions!

1) Can you apply guild emblem to a cloak or is it just the banner?

2) Do Shadow Warriors need physical arrows, or is it just "Imaginary" arrows?

3) Some classes can use different types of weapon. Does this mean that you can switch between them with no penalty, or is it like DAoC where you must have some abilities in those weapons to use them effectively?

thats all!



Dec 22, 2003
Oki Doki

Another set of "Burning Issue" Questions!

1) Can you apply guild emblem to a cloak or is it just the banner?

2) Do Shadow Warriors need physical arrows, or is it just "Imaginary" arrows?

3) Some classes can use different types of weapon. Does this mean that you can switch between them with no penalty, or is it like DAoC where you must have some abilities in those weapons to use them effectively?

thats all!


1) Cloak too, and I think possibly the shield.

2) Imaginary, as in you dont need to buy/craft them.

3) No its a pure damage thing, ie 2h over 1h. The styles often have different damage types, ie, Acid Swing might do 150 corporal damage.
So you'd switch the styles you were using.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
I read someone who said you have to operate as a team?

Is the solo game dead? :(

Not at all, in the early levels I was soloing quite easily with a witch hunter, in the later levels I was playing a Warrior Priest who is a solo-god, some of the squishier classes, like Bright Wizard, would have problems if they got 2 or more mobs on them, but it's not like DAoC where once you hit a certain level as a wizard you couldn't even solo 1 mob.

Ok, would prefer 8 like in DAoC, since then you have a couple of spaces to play with. With 6 it kinda gets filled up with essential classes, and we'll probably end up with some classes that just can't get in a group. But there we go :)

I would honestly say that the only essential things in a group is someone who can heal, and someone to tank.
And depending on what your group is doing you can get away with most combinations. The other day I was playing as a defensive Ironbreaker and was grouped with an offensive Ironbreaker, we were decimating the mobs without taking nearly any damage at all, all my abilities focused on buffing strength, toughness, and armour, and I also get a small healing ability. With the damage spread out between us we did very well.

Oki Doki

Another set of "Burning Issue" Questions!

1) Can you apply guild emblem to a cloak or is it just the banner?

3) Some classes can use different types of weapon. Does this mean that you can switch between them with no penalty, or is it like DAoC where you must have some abilities in those weapons to use them effectively?

thats all!


Just to clarify these 2 points slightly.

1) Your guild has to reach a certain level before it can have it's emblem on a cloak, I can't remember which it is exactly, but it's either 16 or 21. I "think" it's 16 to have the emblem on your standard (banner) and 21 to have it on the cloak.

3) You don't get any penalty to using the different weapons, but depending on how you spec your Mastery lines, you will likely have higher damage abilities when using one or the other.
For example with the Ironbreaker, some abilities can only be used with a shield, some can only be used with a Great Weapon, so if you spec Defensively, your Great weapon skills won't do as much damage as someone who specced Offensively.
If that makes sense?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2005
Is there any difference in being in a Warband than having one grp? for instance do grp buffs work in the the warband etc?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Is there any difference in being in a Warband than having one grp? for instance do grp buffs work in the the warband etc?

nope, a warband is 4 groups showing up on your interface and sharing a /wb

You're still in one of the individual groups of the warband for group ability purposes.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
I don't know about the Sorc, but the BW has a whole tree of Dots, which are about all insta cast (with GCD ofc).

yeah, all the dots are instant cast for all the classes, the squig herder/shadow warrior have build-up-cast direct damage abilities which they can use on the run.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2007
I don't know about the Sorc, but the BW has a whole tree of Dots, which are about all insta cast (with GCD ofc).

Yeah they do. I find it less effective than our DD though.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
dropping a dot and then firing a load of 2s cast DD's is a lot better than just spamming the dot :) so SH/SW are best for chasing.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Any insta rez for those specced heavily into healing? And are there any markets like the consignment merchant or any housing available?

And what about wear/tear on armour/weapons etc and any sort of charge for weapons other than procs?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Any insta rez for those specced heavily into healing? And are there any markets like the consignment merchant or any housing available?

And what about wear/tear on armour/weapons etc and any sort of charge for weapons other than procs?

Don't think there's any insta rezzes, but there isnt any wear or tear on items at all.

Also they said that there would be no housing implemented into game.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
There are Auction guys in the main city, but they don't seem to be active at the moment.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 15, 2008
How do shields work in WAR? One of the things I really liked about tanks in DAOC was their ability to fully block melee attacks with the shield. Conversely, I disliked the WoW system where shields just seem to provide a bit of mitigation and a chance to block part of the damage.

Also, can a tank guard someone in the same way as they did in DAOC? Another feature I liked a lot :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
How do shields work in WAR? One of the things I really liked about tanks in DAOC was their ability to fully block melee attacks with the shield. Conversely, I disliked the WoW system where shields just seem to provide a bit of mitigation and a chance to block part of the damage.

Also, can a tank guard someone in the same way as they did in DAOC? Another feature I liked a lot :D

Shields can block everything,even spells thought not sure is that intended feature.Basically they pretty good

There is guard skill aswell,you guard the person and he only get hit by 50% of the damage meanwhile you getting rest.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
When you're guarding someone there is also a chance of you blocking attacks meant for them aswell. So 2 Ironbreakers guarding each other can be a real pain in the arse. :D

You can use the guard skill even if not using a shield though.

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