Arma II: DayZ


Mar 11, 2004
Dont new players not spawn with a gun anymore? Going to be ingame tonight for the first time in ages. Patched up last night for another roll around.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Drop me a PM if you wanna join me, I'm with my clan though, but at Elektro, join TS for more info! :)


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Homocamp update:


We upped our game in terms of farming, and most of this stuff was looted from players, but all these tents are almost full. Not too worried about dying now. :p


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Gah, I died at NW Airfield today. One shot to the head from a silenced rifle of some sort. 13 days alive. :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
late to the party as ever but just installing this atm.

any tips for getting started?


Mar 11, 2004
Get away from the coast and head north. Go past Stary Sabor, visit the military camp there. But be very quiet. Dusk/dawn is the best time. Done it in the pitch black darkness and ended up with being chased across some fields by another group being chased by zombies. In the dark gunfire going every which way. We have no idea if we killed them but we got away alive, but down half a dozen mags.


Mar 11, 2004
Personally, like this map.

The toggles make finding certain things much easier. Our current hunt is for vehicles.

One of our group got killed over the weekend. We were up at the northern airfield looking for rifles (found a M24), after accidentally pulling a zombie and aggroing most of the airfields (automatic weapons ftw) zombies we elected to shoot some goats for food and then leave. Goat #1, went fine, as we'd cleared the entire field of zombies we felt #2 which was near the control tower would be ok. Bad idea.

Shot goat, one zombie aggros, shoot him, zombies then spawn on us and one of us gets eaten, taken down from full health to dead in a few seconds..
Cleared zombies out, took what we could from his packs (we were already fairly loaded having picked up ~10 STANAG mags + a load of DMR mags for the M24, meat and other supplies.

Left the field to go pickup our newly newbie friend on the coast. After some mad "Follow the power lines" "What power lines" "the big double ones" "I dont see any...oh wait..they were behind a car" "...." Finaly met up. Rolled into Brez and picked over the hospital. Decided we needed to find a tent and fill it with medical gear, the medical tents having 2-3 boxes in each and the hospitals themselves another 3 boxes, found an AK and half a dozen mags for out new/old dead/alive mate and set off again.

Started searching for a car or atv to make traveling around easier, checking all the spawns around brez towards stary, no luck. Eventually needed some water so we head towards a pond.

Our sniper who was for some reason out infront runs into a small group of players leaving town and heading for the pond. After a few moments of staring at each other sniper scuttles back into the bushes apparently unseen. Our mate still down in a cyote bag we decide to remove said people from the game. By now they are a good mile or so down the valley at the pond filling up. AK and myself (M4) jog down the valley to get closer on the group, while our sniper circles around the top of the valley to get a good sight on them. Range is measured as just over a mile from his location. Ak and I get in position overlooking the pond but we can't see them down by the waters edge. A group of shots ring out, sniper gets a pair of headshots and a miss. The remainder of the group breaks for the trees, the wrong way from Ak and I, we give chase knowing if we let them organize their greater numbers will take us out. We spot one break into a small barn but when we get there hes logged out, the others also are missing.

We head back to the kills and check them for useful gear, an ALICE pack for AK and soem more stanags for me...after 2 mins or so, movement. Mr Log Off has logged back on and it coming back to the dead, our sniper tries to take him but misses and hides behind a tree. He starts shooting at AK and I. A quick scuttle into the bushes and we run around to flank him. Hes still peppering the bushes trying to get us.

I pop out of the bushed maybe 200 meters to his left, he slowly starts turning, pop pop two in the head. Quickly check his pack for anything, take some morphine, fill up our cans and leg it....all in all it lasted maybe 8 minutes, but felt like ages.

Later on we were back in Stary in the middle of the night checking tents for more rifles, zombies drawn off by some flares thrown into town. A search of the tents doens't give us anything and no ATV on the field, sad faces, we head out of town towards a tent we know to be around and loaded with food, however someone else has emptied it. Heaving into Novy Sobor in the pitch black we lose each other over and over again. Suddenly we all bump itno each other again and another person...turns out to be a zombie, it aggros, much running, shooting and when its finally all over...suddenly...massive amounts of shooting erupt from the far side of Novy, I can see flashlights lighting up the trees/houses from multiple angles, suddenly all the flashes stop aside one and its running off through town. We beat a hasty exit in random directions, queue another game of "Follow the power lines" "what power lines?" "Which ways north"


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Haha. Good story :D. Sounds like a fun weekend. We had an epic battle at the NW Airfield this weekend, 3v4 - we killed them all, but I died in the process. On another server we blew up the Comm Tower and Barracks with satchel charges. :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
well its bloody annoying anyway.

how you supposed to know which buildings you can actually go into? 3 times now ive spent ages creeping upto buildings to look for equipment only to find you cant open the damn doors. ggrrrrrr


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
well its bloody annoying anyway.

how you supposed to know which buildings you can actually go into? 3 times now ive spent ages creeping upto buildings to look for equipment only to find you cant open the damn doors. ggrrrrrr

You'll start to know because the buildings look slightly different texture wise and also look at the windows and see if you can see into the building if you can't then you can't go inside.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
I haven't played this yet, but from the sounds of it, for true realism they should make all mic chat audible to all players in game - and alert zombies.

THAT would be sweet :)


Mar 11, 2004
So another escapade last night.

After cycling through a few servers to find one with the right time of day and not too laggy we settle on a server and mooch around the coast near Brez for a little while waiting for it to get properly dark.

I've by now picked up so many STANAG mags that i'm not using semi anymore, full auto and i shoot every.single.zombie. But I digress.

It starts getting dark and we make for Braz to visit the hospital for meds and swing past the mil camp for anythign useful. Its overcast, raining so its super dark and visability is crap.
After various comedy walking into trees, cars and the odd zombie we are on the outskirts of town and start moving in, we get separated but we aren't too worried.

All of a sudden, flash light in the houses. Now its not a "I'm runnign with my flash light on" kind of light its a "I'm signalling to my friends where I am" kind of flash flash flash.

Shit. That means theres more than one, we are separated and visibility is shit. Everyone stops where they are and looks for cover, we know they are in the middle of town coming our way, but we have good cover and we know they are there where as they dont know we are there. Our sniper is up on a building at the edge of town lokoing at the hospital when all of a sudden, a flash light plays over the buildings right infront of me, once, twice..then nothing.

I can hear zombies shuffling around, but no footsteps. Hiding in a bush at the side of a house so i can watch its front and side at the same time, a minute passes...nothing.
TS breaks into life, "I see them!...shit hes got a silenced M4!" bang...bang...bang bang "I got two...zombies on me i'm running, there's definitely a 3rd"

So myself and AK left in town, no idea where the dead bodies are except they are somewhere near in a line beyond the sniper and myself, i heard the snap hiss before the gunshot, i'm sitting there bricking it, AK is off to my right somewhere.

Some time passes.

Flash light kicks up in a building on the far side of the street, off again. I start moving to where I think the road block the sniper mentioned is, crunch crunch crunch, every noise I make makes me think i'm going to get shot at any moment. I change to SD mags in my regular M4, apparently its broken and zombies wont hear it.

Then, boom flash, grenade! AK says hes hit and down, but not dead. A few moments pass, i'm crawling into where i think the grenade was. Three more grenades go off rapid fire all around me. One from Ak and 2 more from the guy whos alive and evidently very pissed off. AK opens up on what he thinks is the guy, guy opens up back again and hits AK once, hes down to less than 1K blood. I see AK in the bushes ahead of me..turns out he was only about 100 feet from where I was on the same road...

All is quiet, I crawl up to him and give him a quick blood pack, server dysnc makes us worried for a while, but the blood goes through and hes good again. Sniper is back in town and heading down to us. I crawl around the corner and spot someone crawling out of the bushes towards the hospital...i ask Sniper if its him "Yes its me, almost to you now" I'm thinking, hes moving away from me, so I keep an eye on him while giving morphine to AK and bandaging him up. To sniper i say "Are you at the hospital?" "Yes" still doesn't feel right "I mean right at the hospital window? "Umm no.." bang bang bang bang, i empty half a mag into this guy, Ak opens up aswell, hes on the ground in decent cover so we put alot into him to make sure hes down "....i'm at the road was that?"

We search hospital guys body, some Ak mags and morphine, and hustle back to the road block. Sniper by this point is giddy "NVGs!" We beat a group with NVGs?! "Silenced M4s!" and silenced weapons?!

I swap out my M4 for a silenced version, sniper takes more DMR mags, I get some NVGs, Ak some additional ammo and a bigger bag.

We run out of town and log off, its late anyway and we dont want to lose our ill gotten gains on a server crash, its been dsyncing constantly since the fight.


Mar 11, 2004
Out of interest. I'm pondering a 50 slot DayZ server from MPUK. Its £60pcm.

How much interest is there for this, who would be willing to contribute.

If theres enough interest then we can work something out...


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Would definitely consider making it our group's (4-5 players) new home if it happened, and could probably throw in £10 per month.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
My son plays it, two of his mates play it a lot, so they got on team speak and decided to meet up. It took two hours for them to find him.

Sound great ... :p :D


Mar 11, 2004
I wish I had fraps'd the nighttime battle. I had it running but in the heat of the moment forgot all about it, maybe i should buy a capture card! Shame I have such awful upload :p


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
I recorded us blowing up the Comm Tower and Barracks at NW Airfield, and us shooting a bus in our camp that disappeared instead of blowing up :p. Will upload at some point. :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Id be willing tochip inon that poag.

I've renamed this game to run away screaming like a girl atm, can't find a damn weapon anywhere. Found a crashed helicopter and thought my luck was in, was full of boxes of morphine. Headed to the nearest settlement for a scout about, crawling about the place and nearly got caught in a crossfire between 2 nutters trying tokill each other with shotguns. Ran off, across a road and straight into the path of some guy who came screaming round the corner driving a bus.....

Splat, roadkill.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
£20 on steam. I think I will wait for payday though, bought far too much in the steam sale.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Holy shit its dark at night.

Im currently hiding on top of a watertower waiting for morning. Scary stuff.


Mar 11, 2004
I'm afraid no story from last night. We tried to get going but ran into version issues with one of our group so couldn't get enough time for a decent play sessions. Anything less than an hour and a half isn't the best.

Instead we stomped on some zombies in killing floor for a while.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Holy shit its dark at night.

Im currently hiding on top of a watertower waiting for morning. Scary stuff.

From watching a few movies it has a real time day/night cycle so you might be there a while :)

They may have changed it since - I hope they do.

Watched a couple of movies on Youtube last night, not overly convinced yet. The controls look a bit awkward and the engine very dated. I am not overly keen on the losing everything on death part either but I guess it adds a bit more immersion to the game.

The idea of the game is just what I want though, I would love someone to come up with a planetside style FPS MMO in this sort of setting, sort of fallout ish but with zombies. I think cooperation would be good, especially in pvp, rival towns etc. I am not sure there would be much point in cooperation in a game with maps that large and a relatively small amount of players per square mile.
Last edited:


Mar 11, 2004
The controls are awkward, but very easy to get used to, learning bullet drop and rifle zeroing are important.
The engine is a bit dated but it still runs pretty well, the world looks realistically done, if not realistic itself. Things are realistically set out i mean, if not super hi rez crysis 2 tree models.

It does have a day/night cycle, but also a overcast/clear weather system. If its ngiht and its overcast, its properly pitch black. If the moon is out, you can see...ish.

I highly recommend the use of dayZcommander or six launcher to update you DayZ and find servers.

DayZCommander is my personal favorite, but it lacks the auto patcher in the current version..its being added in the next version, so use six launcher for that. DayZComm tries to work out the server time tho, so its fairly handy, you can also set it to search for friends. I'm in as "Pog" currently.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Getting some battleye initializing errors and cant play :( no fixes seem to work


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Woot cooking on gas now, I have a hatchet, went medieval on a few zombie mofos in an abandoned barns and havenow cornered the market in sardine ownership, one of the zombies I offed had a can of Pepsi as well. Annoyingly there was some dead guy upstairs in the barn. Halfway through looting him he vanished, so I ended up with 20 crossbow bolts and no crosbow as that despawned with the body. ARGH.

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