Album of the far?


Testin da Cable

Originally posted by maxi--
Though if you ticked most of the things in that list, i pity you ;)

Of course, it doesn't apply to everything, a good example are The Beatles.

hehe just the coldplay bit :) I also like travis away!! run awayyyy!!! :)

Testin da Cable

hmm, serious music? I'd say music becomes serious when driven by personal mood and moment.


Actually instead of 'thinks the war was right, hates lefties' read 'thinks the war was right, BECAUSE they hate lefties' ;)


Originally posted by maxi--
*You're a complet MUG if you believe listening to this stuff makes you any cleverer than the the people who watch and enjoy MTV, you're still being force fed you're just eating a different kind of shit.

How funny, i was thinking the same thing about you.

Xtro 2.0

Originally posted by maxi--
Actually instead of 'thinks the war was right, hates lefties' read 'thinks the war was right, BECAUSE they hate lefties' ;)

I (broadly) supported going in to Iraq. I am also a hunt sab, have been a card carrying Communist and am involved with the ANL and ALF. You get the idea.

Wtf this has to do with music I dont know tho. DMW chill fs.


Originally posted by Xtro 2.0
Wtf this has to do with music I dont know tho. DMW chill fs.

Eh those non-music quotes are from him? Im confused


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking
How funny, i was thinking the same thing about you.

but, I am ;)

You're right though, just because smeone listens to Fugazi doesnt mean they're smarter than someone who listens to Blink 182, it does mean that they are more aware though, generally.

It all boils down to WHY they listen to it, yeah for a lot of people its just cos they like the sound of it, still the fact remains, they swallow what they're given.

the idea of choice is false, these people THINK they're excercising their right of free thought and whatever, but in reality, like i said, they're just buying into a mass marketed alternative, aimed entirely at them. It's not really their choice, its been made for them, before they even buy the cd!

the same is true on most levels, i mean , i hear about most of the music i listen to from other forums, etc...I'm only picking from what is offered to me. The difference is, I go looking for it more and the choice is wider.


Originally posted by Xtro 2.0
I (broadly) supported going in to Iraq. I am also a hunt sab, have been a card carrying Communist and am involved with the ANL and ALF. You get the idea.

Wtf this has to do with music I dont know tho. DMW chill fs.

Yes, but thats ot the point, the specifics aren't that important (again) bigger picture etc!

And yeah sorry, I've taken this waaaaay off topic. *stops*


I like what I like and I bought whatever I want.

No restrictions or people feeding me anything, the last 2 cd's I bought were Jamie Cullum and Michael Bublé for more relaxing and easy going music for when people are round etc.

I don't read music press, listen to the radio or visit music websites so the only music I buy is when I hear something and like the sound of it, not what is plugged to me. I think you're getting a bit carried away with it all to be honest.


I listen to music that oddly enough I like. That's it, the only criterion.

Not because it makes me look "aware", or otherwise.

And just because someone likes Band Obscura doesn't necessarily mean that they're more informed.


You got to give him some credit for getting the word loquacious into a music review. The only person I've heard say that word was Stephen Fry I'm sure. heh :D


Originally posted by Jonaldo

I don't read music press, listen to the radio or visit music websites so the only music I buy is when I hear something and like the sound of it, not what is plugged to me. I think you're getting a bit carried away with it all to be honest.

and where exactly do you hear this stuff?
Everyone is effected by it to some degree, most people don't bother acknowledging stuff like this, because it undermines a lot of what they already thought, or didnt think about.

originally posted by sar

I listen to music that oddly enough I like. That's it, the only criterion.

Not because it makes me look "aware", or otherwise.

And just because someone likes Band Obscura doesn't necessarily mean that they're more informed

Most people listen to what they like, but most people are only given the option by those who see fit that they should be given one. They dont make choice, its is by and large MADE FOR THEM. This dosn't just work with music, it works with most anything you care to mention.

informed about WHAT exactly? music? of course it does. Informed about other things? Not always, I agree, but why bother saying that? Its obvious, andi never implied otherwise.

I don't listen to The velvet Underground because I think it'll make me look more aware, i listen to them because I am aware enough of musical history, informed enough to know who they are. and that they were a good band.

A cynic might say you were replying for the sake of replying, because whats been said above, holds no water, its flat out denial!

Im tired of people taking offence, and entirely missing the point.

Oh and Pitchfork, yeah, it SUCKS from a journalistic point of view, the review of IYFS is terrible. But it does showcase a lot of new music. I must get round ti finding ab etter one...there is but Its not often updated, and is pretty much dead focused on indie rock and punk. fucking rules though


That was the one good thing about pitchfork yes. There was a tonne of new bands that I hadn't heard of and now listen too.


You got any sites with a british perspective. Not that I don't like an americans point of view. It's just that I rarely agree with half the comments made about these albums.


remember the edit function :/


Too much angst..

Take deep breaths, calm down and take the red tinted contacts out. It'll all be ok in the end :)


Originally posted by Jonaldo
Too much angst..

Take deep breaths, calm down and take the red tinted contacts out. It'll all be ok in the end :)

now THAT is a world class cop out.

:) :)


Guest is an awsome site. Been using it for a year or so now. Thing is, i usually only find myself using it for a band member I can't remember or the name of a song I've forgotten.


I don't think I've ever sat down and read a music review. Just like I don't read film, gig, theatre, photography and arts reviews

Being your own reviewer is enough for me: once or twice I've looked at other opinions in reviews to see how mine compare, but reviews are so unimportant - because it's all opinion. If I wanted <random> opinion on <random artists> or <random song>, I'd go and ask some <random> on the street, instead of taking "professionals" words. Why? They're professional. They fire off opinions and words for a living, and there's no real heart behind them.


Originally posted by Swift^
I don't think I've ever sat down and read a music review. Just like I don't read film, gig, theatre, photography and arts reviews

Being your own reviewer is enough for me: once or twice I've looked at other opinions in reviews to see how mine compare, but reviews are so unimportant - because it's all opinion. If I wanted <random> opinion on <random artists> or <random song>, I'd go and ask some <random> on the street, instead of taking "professionals" words. Why? They're professional. They fire off opinions and words for a living, and there's no real heart behind them.

You haven't read Careless Talk Costs Lives then or Buddyhead ? ;)


Surely it just comes down to taste?

Simple. End of.

People can ponse around shouting "Im so aware and listen to such and such, therefor i am a better person then you"

Shoot em :)


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking
Surely it just comes down to taste?

Simple. End of.

People can ponse around shouting "Im so aware and listen to such and such, therefor i am a better person then you"

Shoot em :)

You know whats worse than stupidity?

Wasted Intelligence.


What is good, is a thread about what YOU consider to be the best album of the year (which is of course always down to personal opinion) has turned into a slagging match.

If someone likes an album, and you dont, whats the point in telling them that it's shit? Just because I dont like sprouts, I dont stand up in the middle of a restaurant and shout at the person sat next to me who happens to be eating them. But then, I suppose you can hide behind your PC and not have to suffer any repercussions.

Another thread spoilt by trolling.

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