About Dyvet Admins..


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
man.. I dont even wanna get into arguing this that you state but I will say that, you are way off and completely wrong and nothing but wrong. The ones responsible for the games decline/whatever are Mythic and also GOA, nobody else.

Databasecrash, slow patching, shitGMs (especially that arrogant shithead which name i cant even remember anymore.. was involved in the TTstuff), shit-public-relation from GOA (no news for ages when players are screaming for it..), shit supportsystem, shitservers that lags with 100 people on them, shitISP in France from the WW2era or something.. , shit TOA when it came, shitload of promises that never was held, shitload of fixes in 1.86+ that should have come in 1.74 or so.. , shitload of so much so late.. , shitbillingsystem, shit quite a FUCKING lot if you ask me.. Its a fucking miracle that people even play this game anymore, if it wasnt for the fact that the game itself is brilliant then nobody would play at all anymore with companys like GOA and Mythic running it..

Do you remember how long it took for Mythic to even start to bother with radar? Back then I was playing on Merlin and EVERY single pug made had some prick with radar in em, radar was discussed like I usually discuss breakfast.. and Mythic did absolutely nothing, I wrote a 3 page essay to Missy and Sanya on the topic then about how bad the situation actually was and gave them facts and comparisons between the US and EU with tons of examples on how people were pissing on the rules completely.. then they acted some week after, they should have acted 2 years before that when the problem first was voiced on the boards fgs.. Thats just bullshit tbh.. sure the players are somewhat to blame I guess for that but.. in the end Mythic should have stopped the problem way way before. When some assholes even made a business on selling radar and shit, then it has gone too far and thats a clear warningsign which Mythic flat out missed. That mistake cost Mythic alot of customers who refused to play under the circumstanses where you couldnt set your foot in the frontier without getting beelined and ganked.

TOA was another huge mistake when released, filled with bugs, endless bugs and more bugs to go with the really big bugs.. Endless sessions of PVE went shit because of encounters and whatnot that simply didnt work as they should. Lots of people I knew then quit the game, they wanted to RVR, not PVE like madmen to stay competative. It took waaaaaaaaay too long to fix TOA, now, in 1.88 I can honestly say that its a nice system, the Mls arent a pain anymore and I can buy stuff for BPs too if I want, its damn nice.. in 1.88.......................... IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN NICE IN 1.64! or whenever TOA came out. Pure shitexpansion released way too early and Mythic didnt accknowledge the legit whines and suggestions for betterment was swiftly tossed aside. Mythic decided that THE PEOPLE WANNA PVE, and alot of people stopped playing instead. The players fault I think.. dont you Belgorian? or.. err.. wait a minute..

WoW took their fair share of the daocplayerbase. Quite a few too... I guess thats the players "fault" too, huh Belgorian?

Then after that.. its all gone downhill, that idiotGM who got involved too much in the dealings regarding some keep ruined quite alot by himself, at least for Dyvets part. Cant have a GM act like that, it just kills all credibility for the company running it.. (not as if GOA actually had alot but...).

What you talk about is a small part, very very small part of the VOCAL community that played. I can agree that I have seen a negative spiral regarding the adding/zergingtalk on the forums but.. the effect of that is minor at best, its a piss in the ocean when you look at the bigger picture.

I myself left Dyvet because of how ***** like CM, Myailtrix, Kinetix etc.. played the game and mostly because some cuntGM actually ran Muruylatrix's errands when getting some nice fellas suspended, that was what made me decide to never ever set foot on Dyvet again. So in a way I you are right but, if it wasnt for GOAs way of handling things, I wouldnt have left over that situation. If GOA openly had said that they regretted the action taken etc, then it would have been a completely diff story but that cockboi actually defended his action and decision and refused to see why everyone was mad and well, that was that. (talkin about the GM now ofc..)

Aaaanyways, sleepytime and I seriosly hope you realise who the ones to "blame" for a natural evolution in a game thats beeing run by companys that knows very little about how to actually run a MMO like DAoC, is the company(s), never blame the players, the players never have that kindof power unless the company actually give it to them and thats a helluvabad way to run things :)

Glad you got that off your chest? Quality rant with many good points. Take no prisoners!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Glad you got that off your chest? Quality rant with many good points. Take no prisoners!

Yarp :) (actually, I think I explained my view in just that matter once before somewhere, cant remember for sure though and I cba to go back looking)

(oh and im sorry for the terrible language in my post lol, I reread it now and its just.. painfully dreadfully poor display in manners when typing on a forum, so on behalf of myself, I apologize (sp?) for the foul language used. I blame it on the northern breeze and incoming autumn)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
On the US servers they have one language, English (US) - The game clients and server's are all the same, this is why it is a piece of cake for them to cluster. What we have is something completely different due to language packs on each server and different client versions, we literally ship five copies of the same game.

The US playerbase can change between servers with more choice / availability. The european servers are always going to be behind the US servers due to them getting patches before us and thus playing a more upto date game, just bare in mind that we do translate it all ourselves.

On a community management note, I can really empathise with the way everyone feels - I want to work with the community to get a better playing experience for everyone, i want to work with you all and be your voice, but please try and keep the idea's and view as clear as you can without GOA hating as much - It subtracts from the actual work that is needed to make the community thrive again, it's a knock on effect and your only harming the player community.

Phrase of the day: 'If you have nothing good to say, don't say it.'


i still remember the time we got same patch as US with like 2 weeks difference and where promised that this would be on regular base but well...

work to make the community thrive again u must be kidding ... from what i saw so far u simply dont care about community or what it thinks ... at least this is what i get from ur replys anyway (or perhaps u wanna us say its so wonderful that u doing such a good job and we love it? well u have to listen to all sides and opinions in order to get some progress be it GOA or simple car company or whatever but ur ears are totally shut with wax i guess).

over and out


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004

i still remember the time we got same patch as US with like 2 weeks difference and where promised that this would be on regular base but well...

work to make the community thrive again u must be kidding ... from what i saw so far u simply dont care about community or what it thinks ... at least this is what i get from ur replys anyway (or perhaps u wanna us say its so wonderful that u doing such a good job and we love it? well u have to listen to all sides and opinions in order to get some progress be it GOA or simple car company or whatever but ur ears are totally shut with wax i guess).

over and out

Don't shoot the messenger - Roaken absolutely does care. But what can the guy do?

All he can do is pass on the issues raised here - and lets be honest - there are only either of two things that would make any of us happy now.

1) Char transfer option
2) Merge

Now he cant give that news, because implementing either of those are totally beyond his remit I believe (though I doubt Roaken can admit to this), so he really cant win.

Personally in these times, no point shit throwing, just leave on good terms and dont make peoples jobs harder than they need to be.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Don't shoot the messenger - Roaken absolutely does care. But what can the guy do?

All he can do is pass on the issues raised here - and lets be honest - there are only either of two things that would make any of us happy now.

1) Char transfer option
2) Merge

Now he cant give that news, because implementing either of those are totally beyond his remit I believe (though I doubt Roaken can admit to this), so he really cant win.

Personally in these times, no point shit throwing, just leave on good terms and dont make peoples jobs harder than they need to be.

i didn't stopped playing yet (just not much free time the last 2 weeks) and in what way his job gonna be harder huh more reply on forum or something i miss...?

on side note in order to get better quality from anything u have to complain about, demonstrate about it, revolt or whatever or throw an occasional Molotov (verbal in this case) as well but u not gonna improve something if u take it all as given. All i wanted was better quality as other players and all we get is? ... nothing


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Ok, regarding the amount of posts regarding character transfer - This is not a service we provide.

Regarding clustering - It is not technically possible for us to cluster the English Cluster with another cluster.
How many people have more fun with their RR10 characters than gaining realm points and getting to that stage? Player's will always state that RvR is fun, they do not state that RvRing with a Realm Rank 10 is fun, i'm sure it is, but it's the journey the player's take that makes the RvR so enjoyable - as is the personal attachment they gain with the characters they play with - this is maybe why players are so passionate about this game.

The bold part is utter bullshit and I will post in a few days something that proves its 100% bullshit.. just because the french don't know how or have the means to do it doesn't mean a "competent" un-goa like company can't do it.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
On the US servers they have one language, English (US) - The game clients and server's are all the same, this is why it is a piece of cake for them to cluster. What we have is something completely different due to language packs on each server and different client versions, we literally ship five copies of the same game.

The US playerbase can change between servers with more choice / availability. The european servers are always going to be behind the US servers due to them getting patches before us and thus playing a more upto date game, just bare in mind that we do translate it all ourselves.

On a community management note, I can really empathise with the way everyone feels - I want to work with the community to get a better playing experience for everyone, i want to work with you all and be your voice, but please try and keep the idea's and view as clear as you can without GOA hating as much - It subtracts from the actual work that is needed to make the community thrive again, it's a knock on effect and your only harming the player community.

Phrase of the day: 'If you have nothing good to say, don't say it

I really don't see what gives you the right despite having a GM tag... "i want to work with you all and be your voice, but please try and keep the idea's and view as clear as you can without GOA hating as much"

GOA brought in on themselves no one else did it for them, if they werent such a mediocre company and actually listened to the very same customers that help pay their wages they might have been good.... but they took the shitty road and ultimately lost all veteran daoc players respect. (apart from the little ass kissers that are to scared to say what they think)

Edit: and before anyone asks what gives me the right ot say that - over £700 worth of subs do.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
its so nice when manisch agrees with pip, the best confirmation that there is nothing about our split opinions to worry about.. ;)

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
While shooting the messenger isn`t a good thing, it does get the message accross to the one sending the messenger.

I hope GOA can fix Dyvet, but contrary to what they say, nothing is happening, and nothing has happened in the last year, and nothing has been promised. Just a whole of maybes, all of which have subsequently been confirmed as being `impossible`.

People don`t believe GOA anymore because GOA hasn`t produced anything to believe in. Supporting the community will only get you so far, at some point you will have to start delivering if you want to keep some credibility. That points was passed many months ago - it is up to GOA to restore this faith, not for the community to blindly provide it without just cause.

Face it, there is currently no reason to assume GOA is doing anything to fix the servers other than the lipservice of `We are doing everything we can.`


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
i didn't stopped playing yet (just not much free time the last 2 weeks) and in what way his job gonna be harder huh more reply on forum or something i miss...?

on side note in order to get better quality from anything u have to complain about, demonstrate about it, revolt or whatever or throw an occasional Molotov (verbal in this case) as well but u not gonna improve something if u take it all as given. All i wanted was better quality as other players and all we get is? ... nothing

You are missing my points.

Firstly, his job is harder for the very reason that he does care actually care about the community, and cares about the state the server is in. If I called you up every day for a month and told you you were doing a shit job, because of x, y and z then that would make your job harder, it would piss you off.

Regards the other point - absolutely I agree - and have posted this elsewhere, but your'e missing a fine distinction - thats the distinction between raising issue and arguing for the server and changes improvements you wish to see, and the just simply insulting someone.

Now I dont think you have just resorted to insults, but a few other have.

Ofcourse the other bit you didnt pick up on is that I really dont think now any arguments can be raised or anything can be done to change the status quo. Time for that was 2 years ago.

Hope thats ok. Dont see the point of slinging insults at the GM who has taken the time to post here, but that is a very different statement to me saying you shouldnt engage in lively discussion about the state of the server and the failings of GoA.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
While shooting the messenger isn`t a good thing, it does get the message accross to the one sending the messenger.

I hope GOA can fix Dyvet, but contrary to what they say, nothing is happening, and nothing has happened in the last year, and nothing has been promised. Just a whole of maybes, all of which have subsequently been confirmed as being `impossible`.

People don`t believe GOA anymore because GOA hasn`t produced anything to believe in. Supporting the community will only get you so far, at some point you will have to start delivering if you want to keep some credibility. That points was passed many months ago - it is up to GOA to restore this faith, not for the community to blindly provide it without just cause.

Face it, there is currently no reason to assume GOA is doing anything to fix the servers other than the lipservice of `We are doing everything we can.`


Though i'd say you are better off befriending the messenger, then he might go off and argue your case more strongly to the powers that be. Its much easier to dismiss a post peppered with insults and inflammatory language than an intelligently argued post.

But yes, my final point is, and to reiterate, it doesnt matter what you do or say to Roaken, if you had his nuts in a vice, he still wouldnt be able to give you what you want, and GoA would just sit there watching him yelp. Well thats my belief.

You aint gonna get shit from GoA, trust me. Its over, fin, done, over. It is a dead parrot.

Maybe you're just more optimistic than me.

The interesting question is who is Roaken's boss? Who actually makes the decision in goa about whether or its viable to cluster. I guarentee it aint Roaken.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I think its a pethamster named George. At least sometimes it have felt that way when you look over some decisions made =)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Roaken's boss is french. He's quite in touch with with the feelings of players on cluster and used to be quite active on the server himself. On his rr12 sorc.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
Roaken's boss is french. He's quite in touch with with the feelings of players on cluster and used to be quite active on the server himself. On his rr12 sorc.

thought it was Requiel :)


May 23, 2005
Okay, i think we've done enough to make our points clear to Roaken.

Like crom said.
If we keep telling him he's doing a bad job etc,
then he'll eventually say fuck it and leave.

And i'm sure that won't help anyone.

So leave it be people.

And don't forget the love :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
This is utter crap. Befriend the messenger? Why? Open your eyes lads, nothing is going to happen, simple. You can blow the messenger for all I care, but that wont change a thing.

At least by insulting the messenger you're feeling that you're getting some satisfaction out of GOA.

And definitely I will not appreciate his posting here, it's quite useless anyway. Friday news, which is supposed to be the official way of communication looks like it's been writen by someone under heavy LSD influence since there's no mention of the fact that there are more zones than players on Dyvet at the moment. The only proper thing that Roaken has posted is that nothing's gonna change and that's about it.

If he's feeling hurt by our "insults" he can jump off a building for all I care. Like a poster was saying in Dagenham, "Life's cruel, get used to it or kill yourself".

I'm not advocating suicide, but listening to these insults are part of his job. He should have done some researching on what he's going into before accepting the offer.

I am advocating in favour of the customer to tell him that he's doing a horrible job since nothing is being done over at our end. He can always resign if he can't handle it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Tesla is the ultimate carebear (this im 100% sure of and have waaaay too much proof btw lol) and one of the nicest guys ever to grace this game but to see his post above says a lot tbh - he IS the voice of reason.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
This is utter crap. Befriend the messenger? Why? Open your eyes lads, nothing is going to happen, simple. You can blow the messenger for all I care, but that wont change a thing.

At least by insulting the messenger you're feeling that you're getting some satisfaction out of GOA.

And definitely I will not appreciate his posting here, it's quite useless anyway. Friday news, which is supposed to be the official way of communication looks like it's been writen by someone under heavy LSD influence since there's no mention of the fact that there are more zones than players on Dyvet at the moment. The only proper thing that Roaken has posted is that nothing's gonna change and that's about it.

If he's feeling hurt by our "insults" he can jump off a building for all I care. Like a poster was saying in Dagenham, "Life's cruel, get used to it or kill yourself".

but listening to these insults are part of his job. He should have done some researching on what he's going into before accepting the offer.

I am advocating in favour of the customer to tell him that he's doing a horrible job since nothing is being done over at our end. He can always resign if he can't handle it.

Any post that requires the qualification im not advocating suicide needs a rewrite.

Listening to insults is not part of anyones job, unless they happen to be an x-factor contestant. The GM is not employed as a verbal punch bag to soak up insults from portions of an online community.

Again back to basics here - ask yourself before you (thats a generic you) post what is the reason for posting.

Now to me, 'because insulting people makes me feel better about the state of the game' is not a valid reason, and highlights the faults of the poster rather than on the faults of the post's target.

I would assume that the reason would be because ultimately you do want to bring about change and improvements to the server. So with that in mind - I wish people would think about which approach would be most likely to bring that to fruition.

Ofcourse and people still dont seem to be getting this - none of it makes any difference now. Nowt is going to happen - so if you get off on insulting people on forums with no justification or reason, then go ahead, fill your boots, why should preschool kids have all the fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Friday news, which is supposed to be the official way of communication looks like it's been writen by someone under heavy LSD influence since there's no mention of the fact that there are more zones than players on Dyvet at the moment.

Fucking rofl xD

(Have to spread some rep around... :()


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Crom, I'm sorry, but imo we tried "being nice" with Requiel (for my part anyways) to many times. I'm all for treating Roaken with respect and dignity, but as he has already said, GoA will do NOTHING to improve the state on Dyvet. Now, if we hump their leg, nothing will be done, as they will believe we are pleased. If we argue against them in a nice way, they will think we're not happy, but not angry either.

The only way we can possibly change GoA's decision on doing nothing whatsoever to save the server and the game (unless any GoA GM says different) seems to me to be slagging them off. Ruining their reputation and making less people play on any GoA game/server. Maybe that way they will realize that fucking over their customers is a bad thing, and do something about it. Otherwise, they will just say as they have before, "I understand you're not satisfied, but what you ask us to do is not possible, or we do not offer those services, TY."

So, for my part, untill GoA speaks up, or atleast gives us any sign of any progress whatsoever, or atleast shows us that they are actually working on anything to help their customers, they can burn, and I will tell anyone considering to play anything run by GoA, to NOT do it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
hmm, weird logic here imo, why shoot the messenger if he personally did nothing bad? As Crom said:

"Listening to insults is not part of anyones job, unless they happen to be an x-factor contestant. The GM is not employed as a verbal punch bag to soak up insults from portions of an online community."

Although, I believe that when/if a GM prove to do a terrible job, he/she is a free target for any flammable treatment on forums etc. Roaken so far isnt guilty of such and according to that he should at least get some respect and be treated as a guy whos trying to do his job. Flaming him serves no real purpose, not even the silly reason Gear brought up:

"At least by insulting the messenger you're feeling that you're getting some satisfaction out of GOA."

That was actually one of the dumber things you wrote Gear, hehe. Step back and read what you actually wrote. Are you really this small? Satisfaction from flaming an innocent GameMaster in a game? Wha..? Cmon man :) I dont think this is the real you speaking, or at least I hope it aint. You too know he's got nothing to do with anything. I tend to think like this:

Whenever I actually do flame some working person for the actions of his company, I better be ready to actually face that person IRL and say it to his face too. Same as when I call some company IRL for the regular problematics in our daily lives, NEVER would I act like an arsehole IRL vs a person that is trying to help me or just do his/her work. Acting as a trashcan isnt included in anyones dutys nomatter what some people seem to believe.

I work with support alot and sometimes I get in touch with angry customers and I once had an interesting conversation with some angry fella who had problems that was completely out of control for the company I work for. He went rampage and after a couple minutes I got tired of hearing his silly drama and asked: Dude, do you seriosly believe that Im sitting here getting a salary for hearing your whine along with the personal attacks? The dude goes: YEA OFC YOU ARE... YOU ARE REPRESENTING YOUR COMPANY etc.. yada yada.. , I asked him, so.. if you met me IRL face to face, would you still act like you act like now? He goes: YES OFC!!! YOU ARE REPRESENTING ... etc.. So i finished it off with.. so.. If you act like an asshole in my face and insult me personally and the company I work for like you have done now for 10 minutes, dont you realise I would punch you in the nose for beeing an obnoxious idiot? I mean, listen to yourself and your socalled logic.. You call to a company to get help, Im trying to help you and all you do is yelling and going on with personal attacks, I would slap you silly and put you down to the ground and tell you to calm down and get the fuck out of wherever I am. Now why would you go rampage in my face over something that neither I nor my company nor you can affect man? Is this how you make friends and ask for help that you need? The dude went completely silent for a minute, then apologised and asked for a number he could call to get the help that he needed which I could not give him which I then ofc gave him. Sometimes people get so filled with rage of so little things that they simply just refuse to listen to any form of reason, its quite sad to see =/

I dont think Roaken can do anything about anything, he's just a face that GOA slapped in our faces and thats that. Flaming and such serves no purpose and after a while he will probably just stop bothering with FH since he isnt required to deal with the customers here, only a very childish person would get any satisfaction from it that actually is worth anything at all.. imho ofc..

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