About Dyvet Admins..


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
On the US servers they have one language, English (US) - The game clients and server's are all the same, this is why it is a piece of cake for them to cluster. What we have is something completely different due to language packs on each server and different client versions, we literally ship five copies of the same game.

The US playerbase can change between servers with more choice / availability. The european servers are always going to be behind the US servers due to them getting patches before us and thus playing a more upto date game, just bare in mind that we do translate it all ourselves.

We were promised that the Eu patches wouldn't take more than 2 weeks (it was i think around 1.60 from MJ himself, backed up by Goa). Another brilliant lie from both Mythic and Goa.

On a community management note, I can really empathise with the way everyone feels - I want to work with the community to get a better playing experience for everyone, i want to work with you all and be your voice,

Dude there's no Community no more am afraid, i'm pretty sure u would have done a better work than Requiel when there were actually something to manage tho.

but please try and keep the idea's and view as clear as you can without GOA hating as much - It subtracts from the actual work that is needed to make the community thrive again, it's a knock on effect and your only harming the player community.

Phrase of the day: 'If you have nothing good to say, don't say it.'

Sorry man but tell me ONE single good reason why we should get back to play on Dyvet?
Is there any chance that something will get done to avoid the problems this cluster has?
Do u even know what the vast majority of the playerbase thinks are the problems?
Is Goa changing their attitude over the Sotg?
Can we expect to be treated like we got treated by your precursors? (aka the only way u can play the game is zerg and mindless killing or fuck off elsewhere)?
Do Goa aknowledge there's a bunch of morons who griefed the Uk cluster to death?
It's the "leet" bastards and the RvR guilds who ever made this thing work ya know, they were them who pulled the realms togheter when Hibernia was about to die at very start of NF, in the bad times of the realms there were always the RvR guilds on top of the ash at the end to raise back morale and whatnot.
The Goa attitude and inattitude on taking some decisions drove away these people for the joy of some part of the playerbase, and know all u have it's a dead cluster. Wonder who was right in the end.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2007
On the US servers they have one language, English (US) - The game clients and server's are all the same, this is why it is a piece of cake for them to cluster. What we have is something completely different due to language packs on each server and different client versions, we literally ship five copies of the same game.

The US playerbase can change between servers with more choice / availability. The european servers are always going to be behind the US servers due to them getting patches before us and thus playing a more upto date game, just bare in mind that we do translate it all ourselves.

On a community management note, I can really empathise with the way everyone feels - I want to work with the community to get a better playing experience for everyone, i want to work with you all and be your voice, but please try and keep the idea's and view as clear as you can without GOA hating as much - It subtracts from the actual work that is needed to make the community thrive again, it's a knock on effect and your only harming the player community.

Phrase of the day: 'If you have nothing good to say, don't say it.'

You keep repeating the same tired old crap again and again...this is getting terribly boring :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
in the bad times of the realms there were always the RvR guilds on top of the ash at the end to raise back morale

I remember when Bad Omen had their BD group going (Lissandrea(sp?) and the gang), I was getting so pissed cos they kept wiping the floor with my pug. Then PE started running, and whipped their ass, and we could move out into the frontier again :D

However, not everyone in this game has the same attitude as us. Because what we enjoy in this game is the fg, so we always looked up to the top RvR guilds. Alot of other people hated them. (Like when I was in Knights Of The Round Table, they would always bitch about PE and their egos, and when I started running some with PE, alot of people slagged me off :X)


May 23, 2005
Maybe if they clustered only the RvR zone it wouldn't be that big of a job...

This is a very nice idea indeed.
And its definitely possible.

Question is:

Will they do it?

And for Roaken:

You work for the very same people who obviously don't give a shit about dyvet.
So ofc you will get some anger pointed at you.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
If we only have had Roaken a year ago I reckon Dyvet would have been in a better state by now


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
We were promised that the Eu patches wouldn't take more than 2 weeks (it was i think around 1.60 from MJ himself, backed up by Goa). Another brilliant lie from both Mythic and Goa.

Dude there's no Community no more am afraid, i'm pretty sure u would have done a better work than Requiel when there were actually something to manage tho.

Sorry man but tell me ONE single good reason why we should get back to play on Dyvet?
Is there any chance that something will get done to avoid the problems this cluster has?
Do u even know what the vast majority of the playerbase thinks are the problems?
Is Goa changing their attitude over the Sotg?
Can we expect to be treated like we got treated by your precursors? (aka the only way u can play the game is zerg and mindless killing or fuck off elsewhere)?
Do Goa aknowledge there's a bunch of morons who griefed the Uk cluster to death?
It's the "leet" bastards and the RvR guilds who ever made this thing work ya know, they were them who pulled the realms togheter when Hibernia was about to die at very start of NF, in the bad times of the realms there were always the RvR guilds on top of the ash at the end to raise back morale and whatnot.
The Goa attitude and inattitude on taking some decisions drove away these people for the joy of some part of the playerbase, and know all u have it's a dead cluster. Wonder who was right in the end.

Its fair to say that the playstyle and actions of certain people/guilds in the past, has led to the problem that the server now has. This has been compounded by the constant drain of players leaving as a result of those actions and others that have left simply because of the falling playerbase.

I honestly believe that the future of this server is in the hands of the players and would like to think, that certain people now realise that thier actions can spoil the fun of the majority.

If all those with dyvet accounts started playing again, the server would start to work. Not so long ago this server had a population of 1,000 plus, thats more than enough for us all to have the type of entertainment we want.

I dont expect a fix from anyone other than the playerbase, but GOA could help. If GOA really want a fix, give all closed accounts on Dyvet one or 2 weeks free subscription and if players were willing to come back in numbers and give it another try, I believe it will work and people will continue playing on this server.

Quote Ghan (Dude there's no Community no more am afraid, i'm pretty sure u would have done a better work than Requiel when there were actually something to manage tho.) Unquote.....

I certainly agree with the above, lets put it to the test!!

Belgorian LVL50 Armsman
RR10L2-Guildmaster of LOE and
thoroughly nice chap.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Its fair to say that the playstyle and actions of certain people/guilds in the past, has led to the problem that the server now has. This has been compounded by the constant drain of players leaving as a result of those actions and others that have left simply because of the falling playerbase.

I honestly believe that the future of this server is in the hands of the players and would like to think, that certain people now realise that thier actions can spoil the fun of the majority.

If all those with dyvet accounts started playing again, the server would start to work. Not so long ago this server had a population of 1,000 plus, thats more than enough for us all to have the type of entertainment we want.

I dont expect a fix from anyone other than the playerbase, but GOA could help. If GOA really want a fix, give all closed accounts on Dyvet one or 2 weeks free subscription and if players were willing to come back in numbers and give it another try, I believe it will work and people will continue playing on this server.

Quote Ghan (Dude there's no Community no more am afraid, i'm pretty sure u would have done a better work than Requiel when there were actually something to manage tho.) Unquote.....

I certainly agree with the above, lets put it to the test!!

Belgorian LVL50 Armsman
RR10L2-Guildmaster of LOE and
thoroughly nice chap.

Big question is, why would the people, that have already rerolled and have gotten settled in on other bigger/better servers even think about coming back to a server that MIGHT be decent again IF enough people came back?
I'm perfectly happy on the US servers atm, it has everything the Euro servers had, one year ago or so, plus superb ingame support.
Only thing that would get me to play my euro chars again would be if they introduced char transfer to the US server or MAYBE if they decided to cluster with the .de server, but that's a big fat maybe given they would still be ran by GoA. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Though I agree with the sentiment Belg, reality is that the only thing that could make any difference now would have to come from GoA. And that thing would be further clustering. Which aint gonna happen, we all know that.

Duvet has now lost for good the critical mass of players it requires to make the server viable. If 300 people resubscribed tommorow it wouldnt be enough.

What is irksome to me is not the hours ive spent playing the game - they were fun at the time - no point crying over that - just that its come to this.

It's either a complete lack of foresight, or a very cynical but short sighted view by those people who were involved in duvet 2 years ago (would of said a year, but server was in the shit at christmas last year as i recall)

Anyway time to let it go I think, move on to pastures new.


Jan 12, 2004
Ok, regarding the amount of posts regarding character transfer - This is not a service we provide.

Regarding clustering - It is not technically possible for us to cluster the English Cluster with another cluster.

How many people have more fun with their RR10 characters than gaining realm points and getting to that stage? Player's will always state that RvR is fun, they do not state that RvRing with a Realm Rank 10 is fun, i'm sure it is, but it's the journey the player's take that makes the RvR so enjoyable - as is the personal attachment they gain with the characters they play with - this is maybe why players are so passionate about this game.

Ok so you say its not possible to cluster english cluster with another, then would it be possible to transfer to US then as its English to English?

Surely all the character sizes would be like 25k if that... Have 3 CD's 1 for Alb 1 for Mid and 1 for Hib and then send the CD's off to US for them to do the business.

Or, put all the character files onto an FTP site for them to download to do as they please.

I understand about the language barrier on EU but the majority of us spent 5-6 years with characters and for you guys to say 'it cant be done' thats just utter shite tbh. There is always a way to get things done if you approach it the right way.

GOA have p'd off alot of players on the UK server and they really dont give a flying feck about their own customers.

I'll give you an example of how to achieve something...

Take Frodo from Lord of the Rings. There was noway he could take the Ring through Mordur (spelling?) without being killed and guess what he made it... :p took him 3 episodes but he made it... (lol wtf am I on about)...

anyway you get the gist of it.

Just sort it because quite frankly you guys are a bunch of lazy fuckwits who cba to do anything to please your customers.



Loyal Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
Arethir: My reply was not directed at you therefore i see no reason for you to using genuily - no - arguments for a guy that instead of replying something helpfull for us and the community in general but flames.
I care not for people that tend to categorize others into substitutes with their only aim to lower their profile.
However i do understand your point which is fair enough.
Realm Rank has nothing to do with it at all and trust me he is not the only one that spent a few years of his life building up a character(s) up to now. 99% of the people played here did so. Some played long some a little but all in all it is a time invested and no matter how u look at it the result is the same. We dont like the situation at the moment ( at least most of us ) and we trying to do what comes from our hand to fix it ( at least i am ). Flamebaiting and trying to pretend that we are better than others will end up in doing a big black hole into nothingness.
And then on the other hand u got people like Thadius which find as best solution to advertise that the only way to solve our problems and 'LEARN A LESSON TO GOA' by stop paying our accounts. I find that rather mindless but thats just me.
If Goa were depended - money wise - from the subscribers it has on the English cluster then the'd prolly getting a salary of 2 quid per person.
Whoever wants to stop playing a game simply because is not enjoyable anymore then he has 100% right to do so and none said otherwise. But advertising it and ruining what left of a handfull people left in here is even worse than what goa is doing. None wants to play on a dead server for sure but if some people feel that saying to others u should quit paying for it will satisfy their egos thats rather mindless. Its not the newcomers that have to support the game to be revived again. Its the old , experienced and faithful ones that have to. A new guy which accidently happened to look in google for good online mmorpg's and found daoc he will try the game with the free trial. He will play for a week and see what is like. Hearing and seeing the things u read here and in game will just direct him straight away into just throwing the game into recycle bin and moving on the second one in the google list. The old ones are those that have to drive the new ones into what we say 'loving it' .
Values forgotten in this game but yes that the solution in my eyes.

In regards of my avatar - spot on. Been having it from barrysworld were people didnt know the terms of leetism and uberness as they do now. After 5 years i find it very fitting for the circumstances here - sadly enough.

PS: Saying this im not expecting goa to sit in their chairs and enjoy the fruit of their trees. Im sure they working on it no matter what people post here, although their communication management standard is by far the shittiest ive experienced in my life. Sorry Roaken its just not good enough mate - u gotta do more.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004

Yes, the old players of this game are atm telling newcomers to NOT play this game, nor any game GoA runs. Because they have learned, through time, that GoA is not a company you want to deal with. Imo they(/we)'re doing the correct thing in "warning" these newcomers not to do it. Yes, it may make the new people joining the server at this point quit sooner than they otherwise would, but really, they don't want to play here. There is no future in this server. Even GoA said so themselves. No future = what's the point in newcomers? As Crom said, even if 300 new players joined this server tomorrow, it would not save it. It demands such a high number of people, that the battle is already lost, and we warn them and tell them to play elsewhere like Mythic, because we know they will have more fun there, without GoA.

Either way though. One might argue; what newcomers...? Since when was GoA trying to find new players to play daoc? Did they put out any advertisement resently?

And yet, all we can do, is await GoA to take action, or atleast tell us they are taking action. And show us in what ways and how they will solve it, or atleast that they are getting closer to a solution, or maybe only that they have people working on a possible solution.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
To roaken.

Hmm dont know what to add really. But to say that i havent really tried talking to any goa people about how they have run this game since start. I Havent complained much over anything and dont think i ever right now anything as i can remember hehe.

What really bothers me now though Roaken is how many people are kept in the shadows all the time just given small scraps to stay here until the end.
I think Goa should set a date when the server is dead. If they arent working on anything new or something to save this server with. Cause imo what you do now is very wrong. You let people spend money on something that is soon dead anyways just to squeese out a few more bucks.
Alld these players that helped pay Goas bills with their subs now need something back. And that is honesty perhaps and maybe that last help with saving what can be saved.

I think GOA owes the people that played this game so long at least that.
I started playing on US servers 7 months ago due to the low population and the lack of help from GOA in doing something about it.
I see how fast they cluster the US servers when population is low and cant help to feel a bit sad over all the time i put down into my characters on dyvet.
You say its easier for them, ok..but is it impossible to do something with dyvet? Is there a money issue involved? Is there something people could help with..maybe pay a sum of cash to make that transfer possible? Can you please shed some light over those things. Im just curious , cause if you can give answers about those things then i can finally getpast my characters here and know what to expect.
If you say its NEVER gonna be possible..this server is dead. Then fine il never play here again and happely keep playing on US. If you say there might be a possibility then that would be cool:) Just shed some light please, dont leave us in darkness.



Loyal Freddie
Jul 15, 2005
I think I will get CVG involved in this...

All the main game Mags are there ...all formats ...

Time GOA got what it deserves ...


( will hold of a day or so ..incase GAO want to bribe me ....or do something possitive )



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
On the US servers they have one language, English (US) - The game clients and server's are all the same, this is why it is a piece of cake for them to cluster. What we have is something completely different due to language packs on each server and different client versions, we literally ship five copies of the same game.

It would take a week at the most to transfer toons from dyvet to other EU servers maybe a day or so more to do Dyvet to US. All you would need is one person with basic knowledge of your databases. It would cost you a couple of thousand tops to hire him.

You may not have realised yet but you happen to work for a pointless backward little company that simply cba to help out some of the people that have kept them in business for the last five years.

More of the same in Warhammer then?


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
It would take a week at the most to transfer toons from dyvet to other EU servers maybe a day or so more to do Dyvet to US. All you would need is one person with basic knowledge of your databases. It would cost you a couple of thousand tops to hire him.

You may not have realised yet but you happen to work for a pointless backward little company that simply cba to help out some of the people that have kept them in business for the last five years.

More of the same in Warhammer then?


PS. Anyone dumb enough to play on an EU server when Warhammer comes out needs a reality check.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
On the US servers they have one language, English (US) - The game clients and server's are all the same, this is why it is a piece of cake for them to cluster. What we have is something completely different due to language packs on each server and different client versions, we literally ship five copies of the same game.

The US playerbase can change between servers with more choice / availability. The european servers are always going to be behind the US servers due to them getting patches before us and thus playing a more upto date game, just bare in mind that we do translate it all ourselves.

On a community management note, I can really empathise with the way everyone feels - I want to work with the community to get a better playing experience for everyone, i want to work with you all and be your voice, but please try and keep the idea's and view as clear as you can without GOA hating as much - It subtracts from the actual work that is needed to make the community thrive again, it's a knock on effect and your only harming the player community.

Phrase of the day: 'If you have nothing good to say, don't say it.'

You're like a broken record Roaken - repeating the same shit you've told us time and time again.

Maybe try to be a fuckin community manager and answer some of the questions put towards you?



Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
You may not have realised yet but you happen to work for a pointless backward little company that simply cba to help out some of the people that have kept them in business for the last five years.

The sad thing is that he probably already realises this but cant do anything about it.

And @bugs, you change the fuckin record. Its a lost cause m8, what the hell do you expect him/her to say?


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004

PS. Anyone dumb enough to play on an EU server when Warhammer comes out needs a reality check.

True, but there will be alot of people who had no idea how goa handled daoc UK servers that will buy the game (warhammer fans/wow players) and prolly go UK.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
I'm sorry but thats just a big pile of BS from GoA.
How did you cluster Glastonbury then?
How Mythic re-clustered and merged clusters?
How Mythic clustered Akatsuki with Killibury?

Just maybe cause they care more about their customers and are willing to work a bit more than 5 minutes to try to find a solution. There are lots of ways to transfer the chars to one of the german clusters, not neccesarrily clustering with Dyvet.

You cant even fix a simple thing like XML for what? over 2 months?
and it's the same shit after every single patch!
I feel really sorry about the ppl that will play WAR in EU.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Its fair to say that the playstyle and actions of certain people/guilds in the past, has led to the problem that the server now has. This has been compounded by the constant drain of players leaving as a result of those actions and others that have left simply because of the falling playerbase.

man.. I dont even wanna get into arguing this that you state but I will say that, you are way off and completely wrong and nothing but wrong. The ones responsible for the games decline/whatever are Mythic and also GOA, nobody else.

Databasecrash, slow patching, shitGMs (especially that arrogant shithead which name i cant even remember anymore.. was involved in the TTstuff), shit-public-relation from GOA (no news for ages when players are screaming for it..), shit supportsystem, shitservers that lags with 100 people on them, shitISP in France from the WW2era or something.. , shit TOA when it came, shitload of promises that never was held, shitload of fixes in 1.86+ that should have come in 1.74 or so.. , shitload of so much so late.. , shitbillingsystem, shit quite a FUCKING lot if you ask me.. Its a fucking miracle that people even play this game anymore, if it wasnt for the fact that the game itself is brilliant then nobody would play at all anymore with companys like GOA and Mythic running it..

Do you remember how long it took for Mythic to even start to bother with radar? Back then I was playing on Merlin and EVERY single pug made had some prick with radar in em, radar was discussed like I usually discuss breakfast.. and Mythic did absolutely nothing, I wrote a 3 page essay to Missy and Sanya on the topic then about how bad the situation actually was and gave them facts and comparisons between the US and EU with tons of examples on how people were pissing on the rules completely.. then they acted some week after, they should have acted 2 years before that when the problem first was voiced on the boards fgs.. Thats just bullshit tbh.. sure the players are somewhat to blame I guess for that but.. in the end Mythic should have stopped the problem way way before. When some assholes even made a business on selling radar and shit, then it has gone too far and thats a clear warningsign which Mythic flat out missed. That mistake cost Mythic alot of customers who refused to play under the circumstanses where you couldnt set your foot in the frontier without getting beelined and ganked.

TOA was another huge mistake when released, filled with bugs, endless bugs and more bugs to go with the really big bugs.. Endless sessions of PVE went shit because of encounters and whatnot that simply didnt work as they should. Lots of people I knew then quit the game, they wanted to RVR, not PVE like madmen to stay competative. It took waaaaaaaaay too long to fix TOA, now, in 1.88 I can honestly say that its a nice system, the Mls arent a pain anymore and I can buy stuff for BPs too if I want, its damn nice.. in 1.88.......................... IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN NICE IN 1.64! or whenever TOA came out. Pure shitexpansion released way too early and Mythic didnt accknowledge the legit whines and suggestions for betterment was swiftly tossed aside. Mythic decided that THE PEOPLE WANNA PVE, and alot of people stopped playing instead. The players fault I think.. dont you Belgorian? or.. err.. wait a minute..

WoW took their fair share of the daocplayerbase. Quite a few too... I guess thats the players "fault" too, huh Belgorian?

Then after that.. its all gone downhill, that idiotGM who got involved too much in the dealings regarding some keep ruined quite alot by himself, at least for Dyvets part. Cant have a GM act like that, it just kills all credibility for the company running it.. (not as if GOA actually had alot but...).

What you talk about is a small part, very very small part of the VOCAL community that played. I can agree that I have seen a negative spiral regarding the adding/zergingtalk on the forums but.. the effect of that is minor at best, its a piss in the ocean when you look at the bigger picture.

I myself left Dyvet because of how ***** like CM, Myailtrix, Kinetix etc.. played the game and mostly because some cuntGM actually ran Muruylatrix's errands when getting some nice fellas suspended, that was what made me decide to never ever set foot on Dyvet again. So in a way I you are right but, if it wasnt for GOAs way of handling things, I wouldnt have left over that situation. If GOA openly had said that they regretted the action taken etc, then it would have been a completely diff story but that cockboi actually defended his action and decision and refused to see why everyone was mad and well, that was that. (talkin about the GM now ofc..)

Aaaanyways, sleepytime and I seriosly hope you realise who the ones to "blame" for a natural evolution in a game thats beeing run by companys that knows very little about how to actually run a MMO like DAoC, is the company(s), never blame the players, the players never have that kindof power unless the company actually give it to them and thats a helluvabad way to run things :)


Loyal Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
The only good thing goa ever did was the power barrels. And they don't exist anymore.

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