A question about the female of the species.



Originally posted by mank!
Irish accents on nice ladies = phwoar!


Unless of course they drink more in 1 night than I can in a whole month

Xtro 2.0

Yes ladies with an Irish lilt = lovely.

Don't do what I did years ago - got tipped off a girl liked Irish accents (I am actually of Irish descent...*cough*) and put on my best Irish lilt and managed to get off with her.

Unfortunately my accent soon faltered back to a reject from Emmerdale during the latter part of the evening (ie. when we were getting jiggy) and she wasn't impressed. How do you say "Can I **** you from ****** ********" in Gaelic anyway ffs.

Testin da Cable

I don't think anyone can pronounce a "*" in Gaelic ;)


Ahoy hoy, long time reader first time poster.....<ahem>

This is a good thread, i've been reading it for a while and wanted to give some input. Basically it's true what most guys in here have said, just talk to them like they're anyone else, nothing special.

I've always found that i'll meet a nice girl and get on with them really well when i'm not even trying. It happened last week, i went to the bar some lass said 'Ow' or 'Oi' or something and i turned round and said 'Did you just say Al?' (my name) and then right off the bat we were talking and laughing etc etc

Less you try the more you succeed...least that's what my experience normally is.


Originally posted by Will
Funnily enough, Glaswegian has been voted sexiest regional accent in the UK. I think its more to do with the confidence people associate with Glaswegians than the accent itself.

Unfortunately, the only pollee was wee mad hamish mcmidget, a glaswegian bald midget, with the sexual attractiveness of scooba in a hawaiin shirt trying to pull by doing austin powers impressions.

Some might say the poll was a teensy weensy bit biased.


Originally posted by ECA
Unfortunately, the only pollee was wee mad hamish mcmidget, a glaswegian bald midget, with the sexual attractiveness of scooba in a hawaiin shirt trying to pull by doing austin powers impressions.

Some might say the poll was a teensy weensy bit biased.

When I started reading that I thought you were quoting blackadder.


Nothing to do with pulling, etc. but I thought I'd post here as I've nothing else to do really at this moment in time... and I refuse to cry :(

Tonight I lost my best mate, who by virtue of being a girl is why I'm posting in this thread. The reasons why we've lost out friendship are probably many and varied but the main being this:

Since university finished and we came back from our Amsterdam holiday she has generally ignored me and refused all attempts at planning some sort of visit, or another trip somewhere. Everytime I tried to talk about her lack of attention to our friendship she used the "stop going on about it", "you're being paranoid and reading into too much" routine.

Tonight I called her to finally have it out and get her to explain her actions and why exactly visiting each other was "not a good idea". In return I was told simply "I'm out, I'll call you tomorrow" which in her speak is "I'm out getting drunk, fuck off, I'll say I'll call you tomorrow but I never do, but you're always gullible enough to believe me".

Irate at this I then said for the first time in our friendship "no" then "let's have this out now, what's happening? I don't understand??!" to which she began to sound like a recorded message... (see her above sentence).

We hung up on each other...

The weird thing is, I know deep inside, I'm never going to call her again, and she's never going to call me.

And that really, really, fucking sucks.

:( :( :( :( :(

Testin da Cable


poor dolly. I'd take you out for a beer if you didn't live so far away :(


That really does suck Dolly. I'd gladly buy you a beer right now too :(


*big manly hug dolly*

Sounds familiar mate, hope it turns out alright though.


Write her a letter. Then if she doesn't reply, forget her. She isn't that much of a friend if she's being so ignorant.

Then again, she could be descending into a pit of drug abuse and prostitution, and wants to keep you at arms length because she likes you so much - but thats just what I'd think to make myself feel better :)


Went out a few times, got on ok, but no real spark. Funnily enough, I'm seeing another girl tonight.


A woman leaving a man with no idea what he has done? What an unlikely scenario :/ Hope it works out Dolls.


Ok, I've met this really lovely girl in the last week or so, and I'm really looking forward to seeing her again, but I just wanted to ask the ladies advice here:

She has a slightly hairy lip.

What to do? She has very black hair, and olive skin, so its not really bad, but I can't help looking at it :/

Xtro 2.0

Originally posted by Tom.

What to do? She has very black hair, and olive skin, so its not really bad, but I can't help looking at it :/

There's absolutely nothing for you to do. Ignore it unless you want to blow your first date by bringing along a bottle of Immac.


Gumbo has a point, dude. Take your mind off her tache by admiring her penis.


Originally posted by Summo
Gumbo has a point, dude. Take your mind off her tache by admiring her penis.
post of the year 2003 winner!


Actually, I think shes very pretty. Any more insults and I'll be knocking on doors.


Originally posted by DBs
my main concern is that they would get itchy feet and want to play the field etc.

That sounds like a trust issue, rather than an age gap thing. tbh

... you aint wrong about Croydon though, heh. If you don't pull there you're homosexual.


Originally posted by Tom.
Ok, I've met this really lovely girl in the last week or so, and I'm really looking forward to seeing her again, but I just wanted to ask the ladies advice here:

She has a slightly hairy lip.

What to do? She has very black hair, and olive skin, so its not really bad, but I can't help looking at it :/

If she bleaches it, it will stand out against her dark skin and it will look horrendous, trust me, a girl came in a shop I was working in once with a bleached tash and it looked like a photo negative of hitler.

If she shaves it, she will look like a man in disguise when the stubble comes through.

If you suggest to her shaving her tash, she'll stab you anyways.


Chatting up a girl is much like appyling for a job.

The worst thing they can do is not bother replying ... or tell you "sorry, but no"

You can't lose anything, but you can gain everything. Just don't try too hard. :)


Originally posted by Mellow-
Chatting up a girl is much like appyling for a job.

The worst thing they can do is not bother replying ... or tell you "sorry, but no"

You can't lose anything, but you can gain everything. Just don't try too hard. :)

It might not be an issue to you, but to someone with zero self-esteem and self-confidence it'd just knock them flat out.

well, it would me.


Originally posted by Mellow-
... you aint wrong about Croydon though, heh. If you don't pull there you're homosexual.

Interesting. I may have to pay Croyden a visit. Where does she live?

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