A question about the female of the species.



Saw something that made me laugh (no! i diddnt look into leggys pants...)

A man is a king. a king is a ruler. A ruler is 12 inches. Still a man?


Whatever happened to the speed dating?

/me is curious.


Originally posted by Summo



Check out "How to talk to Women" by Ron Louis and Dave Copeland.

It gets you questioning your whole approach to women and dates, and gives some fresh ideas to try.


Originally posted by old.D0LLySh33p
Whatever happened to the speed dating?

/me is curious.

You know how to read dont you?

Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
I didn't buy the tickets two days ago when I had the chance, went back online to buy them today and it's sold out.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Well what a weekend. Time for a little update to keep this good thread alive.

Went to a housewarming party on Saturday night down in Three Bridges with a group of people. I only knew 3 people there, but went with a group of 6. Got to the house, knew the host, started drinking, chatting, dancing.

Saw a woman who was fit as fuck, absolutely stunning and oh boy what a dancer. Thought nothing of it. Then they started the smoking upstairs, so flew up there like a shot :p

Had a couple, went back down. Later on the host sent me upstairs again to have a smoke. Found said bird draped across bed rolling one, so sat next to her, made an excuse I was wasted and lied across her. Next thing she was holding the joint and stroking me whilst I was smoking joint. Things progressed rather nicely :p

Went back downstairs about 3hrs later to find the party finished. Was a here and now moment, will never see her again but have some rather dirty memories.

Got home about 0520. Great night, still loving single life and the freedom that comes with it.



I have the previously mentioned girl's phone number. :clap:
Waiting for a good time to use it.


OK, I need some advice. It's a highly stupid request but I haven't got a bloody clue what to do about it so I'm throwing it open to suggestions.

I've still got a load of stuff that my ex gave to me when I was with her, tapes, letters, books, pictures etc and I've still got them all and I've never had the guts to throw them out. Thing is I'm still not really over her and I don't think I can ever put it totally behind me until I get rid of all that stuff but I'd feel guilty as hell throwing it away when she paid money on it for me, and I'd be a bit offended if I knew she threw away the stuff I gave her but I don't really know what the common thing to do is. Do people throw this stuff away or keep it or what? I contemplated sending some of the stuff back in case she wanted it back, stuff she lent to me like a couple of tapes and some photos but I don't really want to contact her because it'll probably mess me up again and I'll turn into Mr. Hate.

I said it was a stupid thing to want advice on but I'm getting fed up of thinking about her a lot of the time even 8 months after we've broken up, everytime the phone rings I think it might be her :/

Sarcastic people need not reply!

Xtro 2.0

mank - I've been there and done that mate.

Throw ALL letters, cards, shite away.

It might hurt now but its better than sitting there pouring through them upsetting yourself.



Even the stuff she bought for me? :| I was bought up not to waste stuff, dammit!


I'm a great believer in setting fire to things. I find it very carthartic.

There's no point keeping the old notes and things like that because all they do is remind you in a rose tinted way of how things were. Stuff thats worth money that you just can't bring yourself to burn I'd hand over to a charity shop. Its been eight months, if she really wanted/needed/missed any of that stuff she'd have asked for it by now or accepted it is gone forever. I've still got some stuff from exes, but its stuff I've kept because I liked the object rather than the sentiment.

Xtro 2.0

Originally posted by Damini
I'm a great believer in setting fire to things. I find it very carthartic.

I've still got some stuff from exes, but its stuff I've kept because I liked the object rather than the sentiment.

Those two lines are spot on mank, listen to Damini.

I've kept albums before but if its little trinkets or crap with real sentimental value = bin or fire.


Originally posted by DBs
Well what a weekend. Time for a little update to keep this good thread alive.

Went to a housewarming party on Saturday night down in Three Bridges with a group of people. I only knew 3 people there, but went with a group of 6. Got to the house, knew the host, started drinking, chatting, dancing.

Three Bridges ?? Jesus man dont go sleeping with Crawley women, it will end in tears :)


OK, I've got all the stuff in a little box so I'll rummage throughout and chuck it out tomorrow. I'd do it tonight but I feel as if Satan himself has taken up residence in my sinuses.

cheers for the advice guys, much appreciated :)


no fire! although if I do I'll take photos and put them online :>


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by throdgrain
Three Bridges ?? Jesus man dont go sleeping with Crawley women, it will end in tears :)

She wasn't from Crawley but Cheltenham :p

Tho the host (female) of the party is coming up next week to stay at mine :)


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by Xtro 2.0
mank - I've been there and done that mate.

Throw ALL letters, cards, shite away.

It might hurt now but its better than sitting there pouring through them upsetting yourself.


Hmm I am not so sure.

I have kept photos and certain things, including letters, of my exes and keep them in a sealed box. In a few years time I may want reminding of how I spent my past, who with, what it was like etc etc

Throwing away this stuff is like throwing away your past and I don't believe in that, I want to remember my past - the good, the bad and the ugly (Hi Ted). Never been ashamed of anything I have done and stand by my mistakes (Hi Natalie :p)

Each to their own tho....


I'm with DBs on this one, your past is the one thing you can never get back and reminders of it are your only link. I have a showbox full of stuff one of my exs gave to me, it's got all sorts in it and I never intend to throw it away or look at it in the near future but one day when I'm old and grey (next month) I may dig it out and look at her the way I used to remember her and then curse her pretty little face for ripping my heart and.......... you get the idea.


Make a time capsule, so that children from a distant future generation might better understand the highs and lows of 20th Century Love.


DBs/ignus: If I wanted to remember her, I would keep it. But I don't and I'm fed up of still thinking about her, if throwing this stuff away helps then that's great.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by mank
DBs/ignus: If I wanted to remember her, I would keep it. But I don't and I'm fed up of still thinking about her, if throwing this stuff away helps then that's great.

Yes you may say that now, but what about when you have kids and they want to know about your journey thru life?

What happens when you want to remember her and the good times you had in say 10 years time?

I recently split up with the love of my life, I will not throw away stuff but keep it in a box along with other momento's of my past. One day I will go thru the box and it will make me smile regardless of who I am with at the time.

Trust me and Ignus, you can never get back your past if you throw it away. Memories don't last forever or need refreshing and to do that you need material things.....

If you feel that way then do what YOU want. This is only our stance on the matter.


I think it depends on the relationship though. Some are worth remembering, and some are not worth lingering on or even dedicating a footnote to in your life. My two significant exes were both, beyond a shadow of a doubt, cockbadgers, and burning the possessions came a close second (and legal) best to burning them in person.

If you want to find a happy medium Mank, seal them up in a box and stick it in the attic. Make the box so its sellotaped within an inch of its life. That way if you ever want to go get them out, they're there but it'll take some effort. If not, they can just stay tucked away out of sight.

edit:// That said, I do still have some things from each relationship, a cuddley cow toy from each, but I collect cows damnit and seeing their little faces melting would be worse than that scene in Watership Down with the churning rabbits.


It depends totally on the way they treated you, I think. My first relationship was an absolute nightmare, and I didn't want anything around that reminded me of him. I burnt all the letters he wrote me, and used pictures of him as dart boards. I can now look back on him with indifference.

The second relationship was much more successful, and I'm still good friends with the bloke. I still have things which remind me of him, and I enjoy thinking back to some of the laughs we shared etc.

In both cases I was very upset when the relationship ended, but I think a couple of months down the line it's easier to tell whether you will want to look back on the relationship or not.

I promise there is some advice buried in there somewhere! Basically, do what your heart tells you to do.


Originally posted by DBs
Trust me and Ignus, you can never get back your past if you throw it away. Memories don't last forever or need refreshing and to do that you need material things.....

I see where you're coming from and you're totally right, but I don't want to remember her because despite the good times we had and some signifiant firsts in my life happened with her she ultimately messed me around and screwed me up. There might well be stuff from her I want to keep, I'm not sure what I've got but I really don't want it hanging around anymore, and if getting rid of it helps exorcise the demons that are still hanging around then I'm all for it.

I understand what you're saying DBs and to an extent I want to do what you say, but I don't think I'll ever move on unless I do this :/

p.s. I collect cow toys as well Dams :)


Originally posted by mank

p.s. I collect cow toys as well Dams :)

This calls for a cow-off.

*Goes to cram all her cows in her scanner*


Challenge accepted!

(somehow I think you'll win Miss Ebay)



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