A question about the female of the species.



Originally posted by Testin da Cable
she's a nurse actually :)

Is she that asian nurse with the enormous knockers who was on the hun the other day ?

Testin da Cable

no, she's a dutch nurse with large knockers who uses me for gratuitous se><or

Testin da Cable

well my gf's craving for se><or leaves me with not much time to go auto-erotic but I'll try Wijlet :)


Had worst bust up with my best mate.

That is all :(


That sucks dolly :(

shit with mates tends to be a right pain


Originally posted by Testin da Cable
no, she's an imaginary dutch nurse with large knockers who i imagine using me for gratuitous se><or


here's something I noticed tonight at work, there was a group of young townie lads and one girl, the girl was quite good looking and had a good figure and could probably have her pick of the bunch but she seemed to be involved with this townie who was with the group. Eventually they all left apart from 3, two lads and this girl. They then spent about 3 hours on the gamblers and this girl was sat there next to them all the time looking bored out of her mind, I had to keep walking past and all I could see was this girl looking down with nothing to do while her boyfriend stood pressing buttons and pumping all his dole money into the machine while his mate leaned on the machine watching, not once did he talk to her or even acknowledge her existance. I think women like that lose their right to use the "all men are bastards" line when they're going to choose tossers who don't give a damn about them in the first place, there are plenty of nice guys out there who would be happy to spend some quality time with their girlfriend and spend their money on them rather than a big machine with flashy lights and buttons.


Originally posted by old.ignus
not once did he talk to her or even acknowledge her existance. I

All too common I'm afraid. Pubs round here on football nights are full of gorgeous young girls who look dead bored while their boyfriends get homo with each other.

By "get homo" I mean weird male bonding that only townies do. It's not a homophobic thing (from me? I actually said the phrase "ooo, that's a nice vase" earlier today) but what I find funny is the way they're all so clearly in the closet. Why else are townies likely to react more violently than anyone else towards any notion of gayness? Why do five townies sit in a nova with their shirts off even when it's not hot? The idea of me, CJ, and a couple of other mates getting purposefully shirtless in front of each other is too bizarre even to comprehend. It's not abhorrent exactly (in which case, I too would be "protesting too much") it's just something I'd never do.


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
All too common I'm afraid. Pubs round here on football nights are full of gorgeous young girls who look dead bored

Football is more important than women, you fool!


Originally posted by mank!
Football is more important than women, you fool!

I respect that opinion. Gnnng. But this isn't exclusive to football. I've witnessed the same behaviour at quiet wedding receptions where talking to the girl is really the only option for the evening, entertaining or otherwise. They sit, they drink, and they blank them. Then they take the bored looking but beautiful young lady home and...well, makes me sick is all. Women should damn well expect more from a man, set their sights higher (hopefully at 6'2).


I've been dumped twice for paying too much attention to them so I suppose they really do enjoy being ignored. Maybe they brag about how badly they're treated to their friends to gain social status.


It always seems that all the lovely girls are with jock type morons or guys that are just generally wankers... Those tending to be the type i've generally seen treating girls shite.
Maybe the girls like the whole deal of being left alone and bored as they don't have to speak to their dickhead partner.
Guess it's the price girls pay to be with the cool wanker or popular jock. They miss out on what the nice guys could offer, but hey at least they look cool ?


I swear women are just impossible to understand, it can't be done by any bloke

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by amobea
It always seems that all the lovely girls are with jock type morons or guys that are just generally wankers... Those tending to be the type i've generally seen treating girls shite.
Maybe the girls like the whole deal of being left alone and bored as they don't have to speak to their dickhead partner.
Guess it's the price girls pay to be with the cool wanker or popular jock. They miss out on what the nice guys could offer, but hey at least they look cool ?

a lady friend of mine once told me she'd rather be with a bloke that made her look special than a bloke that made her feel special. needless to say my jaw dropped. in retrospect I now understand slightly better: she (at the time) didn't want a boy...she wanted a pretty toy that she could show off to the other girls. I do find it slightly nasty that she demonstrated the ability to plan and execute the scooping in of a pretty lad and then the discard two months later. we all must have our little games though I guess.


I dont think its a game. I think thats all about using power and then abusing it.

Testin da Cable

it goes both ways though Dys. it's just that some like to play and some don't.


Originally posted by amobea
It always seems that all the lovely girls are with jock type morons or guys that are just generally wankers... Those tending to be the type i've generally seen treating girls shite.
Maybe the girls like the whole deal of being left alone and bored as they don't have to speak to their dickhead partner.
Guess it's the price girls pay to be with the cool wanker or popular jock. They miss out on what the nice guys could offer, but hey at least they look cool ?

You read like an American high school movie :)


<GFA group>
*stands up*

Hi, my name is Munkey and some of you may remember me...

</GFA group>

Quick update. Viking girl left the country about two years so diddnt go down that route too far.

Anyway, if its one thing i've learnt. It's confidence. Only read the first few pages so do excuse if i'm repeating stuff, but at the end of the day you lose nothing by going up to a girl and chatting to them. Don't go there acting all cocky and the such but just to talk. Got on really well with a girl in the year above who i'd never seen before so now we see each other round school and wave 'hi' and the like.
Now i dont have the worlds best personality, i do have the tendancy to say the wrong thing at the wrong time or kill a conversation in 30 second flat but i do know a few things. A) Its always a plus to make a girl laugh B) Get them involved in the conversation, dont just ramble on for five minutes unaware that they're bloody bored.
I do get the eye-up from time to time but normally i dont bother doing anything. Prefer my own pace at my own time.

However, if you do want to "go get laid", go to america. They go nuts over the english accent and will do anything to get near you. (or at least thats been my experience when i've been around american school groups)

Or at least thats my worldly viewpoint.


Just as long as its not a glaswedgian accent :p the way they say "no" just put me on end :/


Funnily enough, Glaswegian has been voted sexiest regional accent in the UK. I think its more to do with the confidence people associate with Glaswegians than the accent itself.


Originally posted by Will
Funnily enough, Glaswegian has been voted sexiest regional accent in the UK. I think its more to do with the confidence people associate with Glaswegians than the accent itself.

Oh god pls let that not be true.

Vote Dundonian:

Eh luv meh pehs.


Get a Dundonian to say "Five pies sky high". You'll laugh for a long long time.:)

Testin da Cable

go on then...post some wav links with teh cool accents :)


I was about to do this anyway tdc :)

I don't have a dundonian accent in the slightest but I can do a bloody good impression. Seeing as how I live here :(

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