A question about the female of the species.



Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
Amateur dramatics is something I'm considering. I've seen a few groups doing this and that in town and the make up seems to be 90% hot 17 year old girls and 10% bitter, middle-aged failed actors. \o/

OK, I can't dance, sing or act, but they can teach me, it'll help with my confidence, and anyway, I can write, direct, or other stuff at first.

What's What Planet Are You From anyway?


Could one day be a cult film.


Originally posted by AniDante
*waits for old.ignus to reply or someone else*

Eh? what?

bosses daugher here we er........cum?


tread carefully there ignus
unless you and your boss get on pretty well

though it depends wether you evaluate a woman to be more important than employment ;)

quite a good thread this
been reading it for a while
most suggestions people have had have been pretty spot on, compared to advice i've gotten from mates/chic friends before


I'm joining the airforce, who cares what my boss thinks.


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
My present girlfriend is my Dads bosses daughter

Anyway, before her i was dating a 22 yr old and im 17. That was just bizzare and now i think about it kinda wrong :mad:

Fair play, i'd love an older woman. Just think of the experience she has, and she probably works wonders.


Bloody hell. Nice to see this is still going! On the drama that is my life, I went out Friday and Saturday night with my little brother and roundly failed to score with practically every woman in Reading (my Lord it was a veritable box of delights though), though, weirdly, I got compared to the singer from Coldplay twice.

So that's now him, Nicolas Cage, Richard E. Grant and "Fin" from Hollyoaks that strangers have told me I look like, none of which I see any resemblence to.

Friday night this girl barged my brother out of a queue at the bar, and I turned round and said "Don't be such a ****ing pussy! You can't let people push you around like that, push her out of the queue! Sod her, she's nothing special!" and then while I was ordering she repeated it all back to my brother (I thought I hadn't been heard.) She then stared at me with an evil look on her face for a straight two minutes during which time I blanked her, but my bro was watching her and he thought she clearly fancied me. She went back to talk to her big bloke mates though, and started pointing in our direction, so we decided it might be safest if we hightailed out of dodge...which was a sensible decision if a bit cowardly! Thing is, she was actually very attractive, obviously loved herself too much and was clearly confounded by me taking no interest in her. Unless she just though my brother was my lover :/

And wow! Wokingham! Up til 11 the pubbing is fantastic, and it's home to the most attractive women I've ever seen, and the ugliest male population on the planet! \0/. That is promising, though frustrating when you keep seeing beautiful beautiful girls with stupid ugly townie monkey boys.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Hehe, nice read there Jon.

I was out in Croydon on Friday night with Jopasc. Plenty of totty to pull and chat to but was a boy's drinking night so didn't really bother with the female species.

Most will tell you that if you want a quick shag Croydon has lots of easy birds to help you out in that department.

3 days till I move my arse to Croydon and set up the theshaggingpalace.com (yes I do own that domain :p). Can't wait to get out of this house and move closer to where the action is and my mates live.

So hard living out of 2 rooms with the rest of my life boxed up in the garage :(


Originally posted by DBs
3 days till I move my arse to Croydon and set up the theshaggingpalace.com (yes I do own that domain :p).
/me sees visions of a blank page except for your new address ;)


Dang it, if not having a special someone nearby wasn't bad enough, it's just got worse now.

Even though I'm not looking online anymore now, seems it doesn't stop them going after me....

There's one woman in the states (32 or 35 I think, and I'm 21 btw :/ ) who... well lets just say she's disabled in someway and would need... some looking after, she can't work a normal job, however she's healthy, fine, all limbs, not blind or anything like that. Anyway, seems she's really got attached to chatting with me online, REALLY attached, she's already come up with plans to move here and even thought about getting married again.

My reaction (in my head) was something like "HELP! She's bleedin' nuts". Known her a month or two, and I really don't want to hurt her feelings, but I want a simple relationship, I can't look after her (oh and btw, she has a 16 year old daughter, adopted).

She got the impression I wasn't happy, but said she could do it at my pace, lol, yes, how about in 10-20 years? I mean I'm closer in age to her daughter :/

Slightly better tho, is a girl (18) in Alabama, USA. She likes Stargate, classical music, nights in, and she loves to cook (there's more but you get the idea), which to me is bloody jackpot. Why are they always abroad, gah! Although, before the war, she was going to stay with her aunt in Germany, so she wants to travel. Maybe a possibility, but won't hold my breath, I've learned that lesson before the hard way about long distance relationships.


You do realise they are both 45 year old men, don't you?


Anidante, personally i'd keep away from both the people you've mentioned.. yahoo is bad for you* :p

I'm not in mood for quoting things etc, think it was DBs that mentioned it - the whole age difference thingy. My b/f is 8 years older, i'm 22 he's 30, and tbh i can't say i've noticed any of the problems you've mentioned. Personally i won't go near a bloke unless he's at least 5 years older than me, but then i had a bad experience with a nice fit 18 yr old with maturity probs. Don't keep away from younger ladies because you think you won't have anything in common, you never know :)

*opinion of icemaiden, not GAME.net, barrysworld, or anyone else.


Originally posted by icemaiden
yahoo is bad for you* :p

omfg libel sue sue sue etc

I don't know what to say about age difference, I've been out with a girl a year younger than me and a girl two years older. I never really thought about age at all, the only difference was one spent more time complaining about her mother than the other...


Gumbo, I've seen a pic of the 30 something woman, and as for the girl... well fairly confident she is what she says she is, but of course you'd be stupid not to check at some point.

icemaiden, how the hell did you know it was yahoo?! Anyway, it's messenger, not chat rooms, I don't go in them. They both just im'd me one day from common interests in profiles.


Originally posted by AniDante
Although, before the war, she was going to stay with her aunt in Germany, so she wants to travel.

Before the war? Is she living in some sort of time loop where its constantly 1945?

Anyway, flights to the US arent expensive. Save a little cash and jump on a plane, if things go wrong just do a little travelling.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by MYstIC G
/me sees visions of a blank page except for your new address ;)

Now that IS an idea :p

Anyone wants to design me a nice looking boudouir homepage for my domain..........


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by icemaiden
Anidante, personally i'd keep away from both the people you've mentioned.. yahoo is bad for you* :p

I'm not in mood for quoting things etc, think it was DBs that mentioned it - the whole age difference thingy. My b/f is 8 years older, i'm 22 he's 30, and tbh i can't say i've noticed any of the problems you've mentioned. Personally i won't go near a bloke unless he's at least 5 years older than me, but then i had a bad experience with a nice fit 18 yr old with maturity probs. Don't keep away from younger ladies because you think you won't have anything in common, you never know :)

*opinion of icemaiden, not GAME.net, barrysworld, or anyone else.

Yes it was me, but then there are exceptions to the rule. I have had a very exciting and fullfilling life over the last 14 years and have done many things, mostly good but some bad things. My beliefs are not the norm etc.

For me I cannot see it working if I wanted a *serious* relationship with a woman quite a bit younger than me, my main concern is that they would get itchy feet and want to play the field etc.

I hope it does work out for you both, etc etc.


Originally posted by Any
Before the war? Is she living in some sort of time loop where its constantly 1945?

Anyway, flights to the US arent expensive. Save a little cash and jump on a plane, if things go wrong just do a little travelling.

The Iraq War, her aunt is now stationed over there, so obviously she can't stay with her in Germany until it's over and her aunt returns to Germany (where she was stationed).

I've been to the states twice on a mission of meeting the internet girlfriend, neither went well.

The first one had to phone her parents every five minutes to report it, very annoying. The second seemed to lose interest in me, as soon as I arrived, later turned out she thought I was joking when I said I was coming over, despite I said it seriously a number of times... anyway it was North Carolina and they aren't friendly to strangers, let me tell you. It's also the middle of nowhere, nothing but empty roads, baron land, and a bleedin' Walmart every 20 miles. There are some "towns" which are just some shacks eitherside of the road or fast food places, off down the side roads are some areas of houses, plopped anyhow.

I remember thinking "My god, I've left civilization as I know it."

Alabama is a neighbour state and I think we drove through a part of it (we did some sight seeing aswell while we where there), but can't remember how built up the place was.

Anyway, not sure I can stand the plane trip again, or the hot sticky air at night and noisy air conditioners going full wack.


Originally posted by DBs
Now that IS an idea :p

Anyone wants to design me a nice looking boudouir homepage for my domain..........

It'll cost you about $5000AUS
I think thats about 10 pounds these days


Originally posted by amobea
It'll cost you about $5000AUS
I think thats about 10 pounds these days

I wish, I'd have saived a fortune over there. Now NZ$, they are a whole different story.

BTW. DAmn you for having cheap easy access to cold VB's :/


Originally posted by Ch3tan
I wish, I'd have saived a fortune over there. Now NZ$, they are a whole different story.

BTW. DAmn you for having cheap easy access to cold VB's :/

You've obviously never had any good australian beer then

Cascade, Boags, James Squire, those are some nice brews
oooh and thooeys extra dry

VB is crap
almost as bad as southwark (don't get me started on southwark!)


haha got a girl at work, not the previously mentioned bosses daughter, declaring her love for me and saying we're getting married in the hope to embarass me. I'll soon make her regret it :)


Originally posted by amobea
You've obviously never had any good australian beer then

Cascade, Boags, James Squire, those are some nice brews
oooh and thooeys extra dry

VB is crap
almost as bad as southwark (don't get me started on southwark!)

Cant stand tooheys, in any form. I tried a lot of Aus beers, and I dont remember half of them :) All I know is I kept going back for VB's.


tooheys extra dry is damn nice
other tooheys is shite though

just generally not a fan of victorian beer
it's well it's wharfie beer most of it


You are confusing beer with women. The two are incompatiable. Please stop.


Originally posted by old.ignus
haha got a girl at work, not the previously mentioned bosses daughter, declaring her love for me and saying we're getting married in the hope to embarass me. I'll soon make her regret it :)

take her to the stationary cupboard and show her what its all about

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