A question about the female of the species.



Originally posted by dr_jo
I promise there is some advice buried in there somewhere! Basically, do what your heart tells you to do.

my heart currently says "Battered Cod, bag 'o chips with lashings of vinegar 'n salt, wrapped up in warm newspaper" :D

im fecking starving now and its only just after mid-day... :(


Originally posted by mank
Challenge accepted!

(somehow I think you'll win Miss Ebay)



that one on the far right, in porcelain (sp??) I got one of those ;)


Originally posted by Damini

OK, you win. That one near the top, did that come from a M&S fudge thingy? I've got that somewhere I think.



was about to do a joke on Damini and cows... decided not to

sorry dear


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by mank
I see where you're coming from and you're totally right, but I don't want to remember her because despite the good times we had and some signifiant firsts in my life happened with her she ultimately messed me around and screwed me up. There might well be stuff from her I want to keep, I'm not sure what I've got but I really don't want it hanging around anymore, and if getting rid of it helps exorcise the demons that are still hanging around then I'm all for it.

I understand what you're saying DBs and to an extent I want to do what you say, but I don't think I'll ever move on unless I do this :/

p.s. I collect cow toys as well Dams :)

Your call Mank but if I was feeling the way you are (I did after Polly went, I believe she was my FIRST true love and I am 34!), I would wait a few more months. Start my putting all the stuff in a box and putting it in a loft in the corner and forget it. In a years time, think again about ditching it.

If you ditch it now and in a years time want it back, tough shit, least the above way you can always look back.

Don't get me wrong, my last relationship was the best ever for me, we had some fucking excellent times together, we also had the worst times I have ever experienced but I will never throw away the pictures, letters, trinkets we swapped, not now or ever. They are my part of my journey thru life and I will at some point want reminding what I did all those years ago when I am 60+ sitting somewhere talking to my kids and their grandkids.

Maybe thats just me being an old fart but I am sure I am not alone in the way I think/do things.

Anyway, good luck in your decision.


OK, I think I'll compromise. I'll seal them all up and stick them in the attic, if by Xmas I feel no different I'm burning them.


How do you tell a girl you like her...


Im sitting across from girl who i like very very much... We're watching TV and do a bit of chit chat. Do i say something now, if so what do i say?

We're outside coz its late and im going home... Im halfway down the path and turn around, do i say it now? What do i say?

Help :/


say it!!!!!!! worst she can say is 'fuck off', right? Don't know how to phrase it, I'm useless at articulating thoughts, especially those ones


Originally posted by S-Gray
How do you tell a girl you like her...


Im sitting across from girl who i like very very much... We're watching TV and do a bit of chit chat. Do i say something now, if so what do i say?

We're outside coz its late and im going home... Im halfway down the path and turn around, do i say it now? What do i say?

Help :/

Unless you're certain she likes you don't say anything coz it could all go wrong and you'll lose a friend.


but what do i say

*points to the original question now*


Does she ever ask you out, or deliberately wants to see you, whenever she can? If so, that'd be my cue.

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by Tom
Does she ever ask you out, or deliberately wants to see you, whenever she can? If so, that'd be my cue.

Agreed, if she's allways eager to see you, y'know, being that little bit more than one of those normal friends that you'd just say "hi" to in the High Street.

but what do i say

Yeah, this is the part i've been stuck with before.

You've got basically two ways/roads to take.

One involves the intimate one on one romanticist aproach. Involving you and her alone, you opening up to her. What you say comes at the spur of the moment, can't really help you, but it should involve a degree of playfullness and flirtation.

The other road is in a more social area. Say for example, you're dancing away, you get close, your body language is open. You ignore those around you, and when the time feels right, you can make a move, sometimes a kiss can say more than words.

Gah, i'm currently single, so i can't be too good at this. ;)


Originally posted by Tom
Does she ever ask you out, or deliberately wants to see you, whenever she can? If so, that'd be my cue.

Well, she gave me her address the first time i spoke to her, said come round anytime.

Then last night she said im always welcomed... but that sounds like it could just be friendly.... but my eyebrows twinged anyway when she said it :p

And to frizz...

The preferring it when im alone one if better... im not the type to "open up" tho... when i get all serious like i start stuttering kind of... which can be a pain in the arse.

But when i next see her, i do intend to say/do something*......................

*Dont know what that something is yet



The more naturally you can do this the better in my opinion.

For Example: Next time you are round her house ask her if she would like to go and see a film with you and maybe some dinner or a drink afterwards. It's all in her body language as to what she will be reciprocal to.

For me and I can not speak for others if I am out on a first date I don't like all the uncomfortableness and would rather know sooner rather than later if there is an attraction. Nothing worse than two people who are quite clearly attracted to each other sitting through Cinema / Dinner just to have a peck on the cheek at the front door on the way home:uhoh:

I prefer a damn good snog (if the atmosphere / situation feels right) up front get all the uncomfortableness out of the way and then I will be relaxed enough to enjoy the rest of the date topped off with a damn good snog at the end of the night ;)

Being serious for a min though just read the situation and you will be fine. Deep down you will know if she wants to take things further. A difficult one but appearing confidant (even if you are a bag of nerves inside) is always a good thing for a girlie to see also :)


Originally posted by S-Gray
How do you tell a girl you like her...


Im sitting across from girl who i like very very much... We're watching TV and do a bit of chit chat. Do i say something now, if so what do i say?

We're outside coz its late and im going home... Im halfway down the path and turn around, do i say it now? What do i say?

Help :/

If you're infront of the tv, a good way to do it is to put your arm around her, and see if she leans back/puts her arm around you or reciprocates in another way. Then if she does, whisper you want to kiss her, or stroke her chin towards you to get her attention, look into her eyes, then snog :D Worked for me :) Now I just have to do something about this boyfriend of hers :(


Have just spent the night with a great new girl, only met her last night but we didn't get down and dirty, but I got a sticky finger!!!!



Anyway, gonna phone her (not text) tommorrow and suggest we do something.

Problem is I don't know what, any suggestions?

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