2H Paladins

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Originally posted by parlain
It's 2 shield palas for Princes

You only need one shield pala for Princess :m00:

humm nerf my reading skills tbh - but in any case it could prolly be done.


with your uber parry, mega high chants and whoop ass damage?



Re: Re: 2H Paladins

Originally posted by Ialkarn
Yes and Goth's merc trainer it's avallonian,I guess it's the tank race of the future!

i play a low str/con race on pryd i can say i do pretty much fine regardless of my low str/con..


Playing an Avalonian isnt going to make your class unplayable, but there are more sensible choices if you want to be the best you can be


Oh well apparently everyone whit every spec race do fine :)
Prolly we playing a different game :)
why bother about things like that? they are just details,I wonder why ppl spend so much time trying to cap everything if playing a tank whit a race who give -25 str it's the same.

Maybe we should do all 2h palis whit end regen 4,oh wait but then we couldn't group togheter..cause our own fun need 7 more idiots accepting to sacrifice themself to provide us a relaxing night of daoc.


Originally posted by Cawr
Hellos repeat spec scrutiniser!

Anyways down to business. S/S Arms and a 2h Pally can do princess solo, Ive tried it and on the issue of aggro control in such a situation have you ever heard of DeTaunt? Handy thing tbh.

Also a 2h Pally hardly betrays his role as an Agro holder given the fact that with higher damager and chants coupled together theres no other class or spec combo that can hold aggro if said pally doesnt want them to.

notice what he´s saying dude, he´s said 2 s/s paladins can solo PRINCES, not princesS, a bit of a difference.

besides from that, s/s is far superior to 2H in pve, solo.. dunno, havnt tried a 2H solo - but in grp, most definatly. as u state, no, theres none other who can hold aggro as well, but s/s pally can survive for a helluva lot longer, in addition to being able to guard.


Originally posted by seeaira
LOL That is crap.. 2 handed pallys cant do that? are crap in Pve??? Ok.. yeah thats why I can solo 5 yellows on me.. thats why i can take on 3 orange + without using FH on either. I have done the same thing your pally does in pve groups but I dont need a shield to do it. Get a clue.:sleeping:

LOL, and a s/s pally can solo, i did, a fucking entire house of pygmis (about 5 blues+another 5 yellows) and can take 3 RED ONES whitout use FH or good buffs. Dont ever try to say 2H pallys are usefull in RvR btw, not only crap dmg output (plz dont talk about caps, i cap my mangle in about 700 dmg, so?) but more miss/blocked/evaded/parried rate. If you want play a GIMPED espec just do it, but dont contamine newbies playing DAOC and reading this forun whit the GREAT 2H PALLY ideas, cause 2H PALLYS ARE GIMPS, the same whit s/s armsmen btw, why hell an armsmen want espec s/s to do 200 dmg on enemies insteal pole/2H and do 400?. Let the pallys use s/s and u armsmen use the big toys ffs!. :)


Originally posted by Lumikki
Very interesting in my opinion, I would surely try it if I was a Pally :) 2h thanes are not that bad so wouldn't think 2h paladins would be THAT horrible ;)


LOL, Thanes and 2H pallys, good point, they are in fact the same, inutils and GIMPSSSSSSSSS!


Originally posted by old.LandShark
edit: when I say you, i don't mean you personally. Nowt wrong wi' some shield instead of some parry on a merc. ;p

heh I forgot to mention my gimpenary ;)

2Hand pally = shite.
2Hand arms = good.

Hrm, 30% less weaponskill(damage) and no determination for end chant, AF chant, ghetto resses and faith heal?

But that's just due to armsmen being as royally shafted by doublespec as 2h paladins are :)

If determination wasn't quite such an advantage it'd be a lot more even.


Originally posted by Antedeluvian
LOL, and a s/s pally can solo, i did, a fucking entire house of pygmis (about 5 blues+another 5 yellows) and can take 3 RED ONES whitout use FH or good buffs. Dont ever try to say 2H pallys are usefull in RvR btw, not only crap dmg output (plz dont talk about caps, i cap my mangle in about 700 dmg, so?) but more miss/blocked/evaded/parried rate. If you want play a GIMPED espec just do it, but dont contamine newbies playing DAOC and reading this forun whit the GREAT 2H PALLY ideas, cause 2H PALLYS ARE GIMPS, the same whit s/s armsmen btw, why hell an armsmen want espec s/s to do 200 dmg on enemies insteal pole/2H and do 400?. Let the pallys use s/s and u armsmen use the big toys ffs!. :)

such anger in this one - worried that if someone enjoys playing a different spec it'll make you look bad? :)

Not quite sure why people get so angry at other people's specs ;)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
such anger in this one - worried that if someone enjoys playing a different spec it'll make you look bad? :)

Not quite sure why people get so angry at other people's specs ;)

Because they feel insecure when they see a spec of their toon which is not theirs but can be good too.


Originally posted by seeaira
lol so can I.....:rolleyes:

and 2h armsmen sure as hell can't... but they're not gimps?

So what's your point Parlain? :)


if paladin was exempt from double speccing it would be alot more viable to spec this way.

but no matter how good you think your paladin is the fact is you sacrifice some group friendly abilities (chants and guard) in order to *only* do more damage..

basically u are sticking two fingers up at your realm mates and saying: 'you want uber AF/guard/end regen? well fu*k you i can hit this mob for 400~'

well thats great, but RvR in particular is about team work: sure fill ur group with earth wizards, 2hd paladins and smite clerics if you want and if you think getting killed every nano second is fun then you'll be happy!

on the other hand you could take the trouble to use ur head and realise that u specing s+s means the arms/mercs can dish-out more dmg and for longer, while you can offer brilliant utility with guard and slam.

ofc as said before spec how u want, but tbh the fact that u can do 400dmg or solo a purple is 110% irrelevant, and its arogant to deny your realm mates the abilities you forfit to get that dmg..

Alot of the problems that albions on this server have is they don't start thinking as a team, or with that mentality: you see it on raids etc everybody thinks he knows the best idea to take a keep ot that he should wander in front of the ppl leading a sidi raid.

makes me depressed alot when i play here :(

AND NO I DONT THINK I KNOW ANY BETTER!!!1!1!ONE before you tell me that i dont know shit about this game...


technically a 2h armsman does the same :) they could go sword/shield and guard casters (admittedly there's no chants to spec lower in), but there's so many paladins around people usually take them as defensive.

A slambot that isn't mezzed for three hours at a time is probably quite an asset :)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
and 2h armsmen sure as hell can't... but they're not gimps?

So what's your point Parlain? :)

Players don't usually tend to randomly stand in one spot for a couple of minutes futilely bashing your shield while you slice them to death and twist heal

Unless they are called Guardsxman of course :m00:


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
But that's just due to armsmen being as royally shafted by doublespec as 2h paladins are :)

Armsmen are not hit nearly as hard as Paladins by double-speccing.

An Armsman still only needs to spec 2 lines high. A Paladin needs 3.


Originally posted by parlain
Players don't usually tend to randomly stand in one spot for a couple of minutes futilely bashing your shield while you slice them to death and twist heal

Unless they are called Guardsxman of course :m00:

HAHA the thing about Guards is bang on :great:


You'd think after at least 3 level 50 pure tanks he'd have a clue by now, wouldn't you? :D


Originally posted by Jiggs
Alot of the problems that albions on this server have is they don't start thinking as a team, or with that mentality: you see it on raids etc everybody thinks he knows the best idea to take a keep ot that he should wander in front of the ppl leading a sidi raid.

The fuss started when some members of your guild didn't think about their fellow realmmembers and started to flame people with an inferior spec (in their eyes) for getting a Sidi-weapon.

On the one hand you want to start thinking as a team, while on the other hand you got people like Krane working as a team but 'my way or the high-way'-mentality.

Teamplay = respecting other peoples and is NOT flaming 2H paladins, rejuv specced friars, smite-clerics, hybrid armsman and God knows what inferior specs Krane and his buddies can make up.

makes me depressed alot when i play here :(

AND NO I DONT THINK I KNOW ANY BETTER!!!1!1!ONE before you tell me that i dont know shit about this game...

So your opinion is therefore the only good one ? My way or the highway attitude?

Teamwork starts with respecting eachother. Respect another his decisions, opinions (and specs). If you on the one-hand start flaming about someone his spec (even the personal himself) and on the other hand you expect teamplay I think you're measuring with double standards.

This is not something personal to you btw, just showing where teamplay begins with.


rejuv specced friars? wow thats gonna make a fantastic thread

Can a Rejuve frier post here explaining why he isnt gimped, need more fun ^^


Originally posted by AbPoon
rejuv specced friars? wow thats gonna make a fantastic thread

Can a Rejuve frier post here explaining why he isnt gimped, need more fun ^^

34 rejuv
29 staff
47 enhance
11 parry.

Then you got the best staff-style there is (Friar's Boon, no that's not Friars Poon), sure you weaponskill is abit lower then a 39 staff specced friar, but even a 39 staff spec friar has considerable lower weaponskill then a 2H-paladin for instance, so who cares about that.

You cover essential self-buffs, you bring 24% heat resist-buffs (great if you resist the heat-debuff of that enchanter), the rest of the resist-buffs is crap anyhow.

11 parry is enough, you already get a bonus for parry because you wield a 2hander.

34 rejuv for great healing-skills!

Is not gimped. You just focus more on rejuv then on weapondamage while you can still pack a punch in a bard with 29+11+RR staff.


yes wonderful with 29staff you have 300 less weaponskill than me and you can heal 100pts more

no its not worth it considering i can hit 2x as hard and i have 42effective reju into the bargin...



Originally posted by Jiggs
yes wonderful with 29staff you have 300 less weaponskill than me and you can heal 100pts more

no its not worth it considering i can hit 2x as hard and i have 42effective reju into the bargin...


You hit twice as hard because you got 300 weaponskill more? Common templates have 39 (unmodified) staff, which grants you this patch a weaponskill of around 1300. Tho I dunno if 1 staff-spec less means you loose 30 weaponskill.

Did you actually try this spec? Or just making numbers up? Curious how it would work out tbh ;)

And I am not that spec, just making a spec up for Poon to discuss :p

I got a 'regular' spec of 39 staff, 49 enh, 18 rejuv, 9 parry.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
The fuss started when some members of your guild didn't think about their fellow realmmembers and started to flame people with an inferior spec (in their eyes) for getting a Sidi-weapon.

nope thats wrong

the truth is that ppl who have been on 20raids and got nothin, whereas a rr2 freshly dinged 2hd pala turns up on his first or second raid and wins some uber weapon..

ofc the whole thing has been twisted backwards, forwards, upwards and downwards..

ppl get pissed about stuff like that and i said it before this whole sidi raid is fu*ked up sysytem...

that the ppl in question happen to be high rr seems to be just some fuel for a lunatic witch hunt that ppl who rvr and are good at it are now all assholes who know nothing, when this fact SHOULD be irrelevant..

it seems there is nothing we like more then throwing shit around and see how many ppl we can insult...

spec how u want, get owned everyday in rvr and have mids/hibs taking the piss out of you then, i dont give a shit anymore..


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
You hit twice as hard because you got 300 weaponskill more? Common templates have 39 (unmodified) staff, which grants you this patch a weaponskill of around 1300. Tho I dunno if 1 staff-spec less means you loose 30 weaponskill.

Did you actually try this spec? Or just making numbers up? Curious how it would work out tbh ;)

And I am not that spec, just making a spec up for Poon to discuss :p

I got a 'regular' spec of 39 staff, 49 enh, 18 rejuv, 9 parry.

i've had just about every spec u can have on my friar from 50staff to 43reju

currently with 63effective staff my weapskill is around 1450 my dmg cap is over 700..


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
34 rejuv
29 staff
47 enhance
11 parry.

Then you got the best staff-style there is (Friar's Boon, no that's not Friars Poon), sure you weaponskill is abit lower then a 39 staff specced friar, but even a 39 staff spec friar has considerable lower weaponskill then a 2H-paladin for instance, so who cares about that.

Not ony does that give lower weaponskill (90 points difference 29-39), but your style bonus takes a reduction, so now your Boon is no longer so great.

Originally posted by Puppetmistress
You cover essential self-buffs, you bring 24% heat resist-buffs (great if you resist the heat-debuff of that enchanter), the rest of the resist-buffs is crap anyhow.

Not sure what you are saying with respect ot the heat-debuff. ??

Originally posted by Puppetmistress
11 parry is enough, you already get a bonus for parry because you wield a 2hander.

There is no bonus to parry for wielding a 2h. There is a penalty if your opponent wields one though.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress

On the one hand you want to start thinking as a team, while on the other hand you got people like Krane working as a team but 'my way or the high-way'-mentality.

krane is not BF spokesman or something!


Originally posted by Pin
Not ony does that give lower weaponskill (90 points difference 29-39), but your style bonus takes a reduction, so now your Boon is no longer so great.

No, I mean it is still great anytime style with chance-to-hit and no penalty to defense and stuff. Also high damage. Ofcourse it does lower damage. But how much?

90 points weaponskill difference is not that bad to be honest I think. Around 8% less weaponskill.

Not sure what you are saying with respect ot the heat-debuff. ??

Was a joke.. IMO the resist-buffs of friar not that important compared to the ones of cleric.But you still got the 24% heat-resist that incase you resist debuff the enchanter his damage will suck on you ;)

There is no bonus to parry for wielding a 2h. There is a penalty if your opponent wields one though.

Oh didn't know that. I found I parryed quite alot with only 9+9 parry in my current template :) Thought it had something to do with wielding a 2H :)
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