2H Paladins

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Originally posted by parlain
FC have been around 12 months, made 100million rp's, were 1st in Albion for rp earnt last week, have the no.1 friar last week and highest Friar in the world, no.1 cleric as well as no.4, 10, 13 and 17, no.1 and 2 Merc, no.1 Minstrel as well as 15 and 19, no 2 paladin, no.3 reaver, no.1, 7 and 9 scout, no.1,2 and 5 sorceror and no.4 and 5 wizard; we have 9 of the highest 25 players earning RP's last week; TP have none

Do I get to post?

Leave RP's out of this :sleeping:

Sidenote: RP's do not, have not and never will constitute a pure indication of skill, teamwork or just plain fun-to-play-with-ness; neither does it have anthing to do with validity of ideas; it represents how many elphs you managed to tickle last week, including RR9 ones that felt lonely at htk's ^^

rvr guild or non rvr guild does not and never will constitute to your right to post on a forum k thnx


no, but taking chuff seriously does constitute your right to look like a fool and to expose the huge chip on your shoulder

your spring is wound too tight, it was a joke ! relax ! learn to laugh at yourself a bit !
(works for me)


bored again so a copy/paste form what i already made on Alb/Pryd (it's about 2h pally spec and believe me it's good compare to the crap all the so called "know-hows" tell us who haven't even played a 2h pally ;))

"..and what if ya want to be a 2handed gimp sir?"

Well let's do some more maths based on lvl 50 with RR 5 and +11 skill from items :)

Without auto you'll have:

48 +4 = 52 chants (+chants from items is worthless)
44 +4 +11 = 59 2handed
36 +4 +11 = 51 slash/crush/thrust
16 +4 +11 = 31 parry (gimped, but MoParry will sort some out, lets say we take MoParry 4 you'll have 31 +24 = 55 parry

"Well what about autotrain sir?"

More maths sonny ;)

Auto chants till 40 with crush specced: (54*2=108 points)

48 +4 = 52 chants (+chants from items is worthless)
44 +4 +11 = 59 2handed
36 +4 +11 = 51 slash (since crush&thrust aren't autotrained you need to specc slash to make use of the points)
22 +4 +11 = 36 parry (still low, but MoParry will sort it out again, lets say we take MoParry 4 you'll have 36 +24 = 60 parry

Pl-ed: (77*2= 154 points)

48 +4 = 52 chants (+chants from items is worthless)
44 +4 +11 = 59 2handed
36 +4 +11 = 51 slash (again thrust&crush aren't auto'ed soo)
24 +4 +11 = 38 parry (reasonable, but MoParry will make it better again, lets say we take MoParry 4 you'll have 38 +24 = 62 parry

As you can see the diff between self Autotrain 40 and Pl'ed is litte, but then again both are practically the same as you'll never get groups without chants anyway ;)
Lets hope 2h wi'll be single specc sometime in the future for the sake of 2h pallies :p

p.s. i was bored (Edit: again) :rolleyes:


44 2h its even worse than 50 2h.

Originally posted by Graknak
(it's about 2h pally spec and believe me it's good compare to the crap all the so called "know-hows" tell us who haven't even played a 2h pally ;))

note:some of the highest rr pali of this server (now s/s) were specced 2h.


maybe more.

they didn't respecced cause they were bored,but cause they found s/s more effective.


common 2h spec is 50 2h 48 chant 29 slash rest parry

but 2h pallys sux dmg low con main stat not strength erm <add more random 2h pallys sux comments here>


domain was bitching on irc 'cos farek hit him for over 400^^

and yeah like we been saying all alone dont listen to ppl on here if you want...

just go pm regtur/hatji/zael etc and ask em they have ALL been 2hd spec before...

and are s+s now

do whatever you want tho, just dont say its anything more than a quirky fun spec..


Originally posted by Vireb
okies last comment .

black falcons have been around since early release had varying number of members during that time , 63 million rp ,
prodigy been around for just under 2 months now 12 million , 4th guild in albion for rp learnt last week , 3 of the top 20 friars last week , cleric whos number 5 rp earner, 3rd merc, 4th & 9th minstrel, 4th and 9th paladins, highest reaver, 3rd scout, 11th 14th and 16th sorc, 4th , 5th , 6th , 15th 16th 17th and 19th therg this week , and 9th wizard this week too

oo but im sorry were not in with the select few elite ,to be honest seeing your attitude id rather not be. and i suppose that means were not allowed to post on a forum oo gee im sorry bring back hitler now k thnx

hrmm..i heard somewhere..from someone..taht RPs is not the measurement of skill???

Fyi prodigy wont even make 50 million...well at least imo

We had many guilds like that....STrife...Black legion....they do 10-20 mill rps than die....


Originally posted by old.krane
hrmm..i heard somewhere..from someone..taht RPs is not the measurement of skill???

Nono RvR players are RP whores!

but..sec.. they claimed to be in a RvR guild too,mmm I guess this "title" (RP whore) it's applyed only to players whit more RP than them.


I dont get it...

u post something, telling how good something is = u get answers based on either:
1 - ppl´s stupidity
2 - ppl´s experience

1 is plain silly, 2 is to be listened to, why else would u post?

in this post, no1 listens to any1, it´s not even a 2H pally thread anymore.

u can play what u want, ofc u can, but dont go post something expecting all to say, oh but ofc, ur right, we see that now.


this thread is prolly the best read since that roleplaying albion commandar guy :D


Originally posted by alithiel50
Yes, there will always be people who think that 2h Paladins are in some way useful... :uhoh:

True True. Sad mislead people :x



Originally posted by old.krane
hrmm..i heard somewhere..from someone..taht RPs is not the measurement of skill???

Fyi prodigy wont even make 50 million...well at least imo

We had many guilds like that....STrife...Black legion....they do 10-20 mill rps than die....

ooooooo, and could I ask what you are on here? We all have our reasons for die, what should we have with Prodigy?

Sometimes, I cant just get what you are on about Krane.



Well i will admit RP isnt a good show of skill althought it does show time thats been put in, look at Guardsxman rr9 and a total f8 nubber.

Its more about your skill on the battlefield and BF have more then shown that over their time in DAOc and i think you should respect the spec advice and comments they give, once you play better then BF thats the time when you can scream about your spec and people will actually listen.


yup BF is the hardest group to beat in alb, both with pbae and tank setup.


Make more 2 handed paladins... especially avalonian ones! :D


Enough flames tbh.

If you pay for the account you choose how to spec.
Let people make their own choices.
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