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zerks don't underperform - they do perfectly fine. In fact they should do more damage thanks to the haste effect
Maybe I'm a crazy red-tinted alb but I find being mezzed from all of 275 units further away (not instamezzed mind you) doesn't sound all that different from being mezzed instantly... both things are pretty annoying.
100 archery range is annoying, yes, but it's nothing like being instagibbed. (and the classes are different in other ways - hunters get 2h weapon bonus and a pet, scouts get shields yadda yadda.. zerks just plain out did double the style damage)
How about we give wizards double damage for a patch or two - I'm sure you'll agree that the scale of the imbalance is ever so slightly bigger and more urgently in need of fixing. The class sucks otherwise but if they had 400 delve nukes I'm sure people would complain about them anyway (and rightly so).
Bainshees nuking through walls is a shitty bug I agree
but it's a bug rather than a balance thing - it's probably as stupid as the necromancer pets nuking through walls (which also got nerfed). Oh and bainshee nuking through walls got nerfed, as did their aoe damage. Don't see people going onto FH to whine about how hibernia is hated by Mythic because they can't nuke through walls anymore.
You obviously missed the problem with warlocks.
It wasn't that they did chamber damage - it's that they fired 3 chambers + 7 uninterruptables off, went around the corner, stood on a fop for a thing and did it again and again.
Oh and if they got bored they could Moc pbaoe every so often.
How about we give sorcs free moc on a 30s timer (but half their power pool)? that'd be the equivalent. Instead of a sorc having to be ML9 and RR5 to be dangerous they'd just be thoroughly sick from the moment they ding level 50.
Noone takes a sorc out at RR2 in a rog suit and does well - warlocks flew up the RRs doing exactly that.
Don't get me wrong - sorcs are on the "powerful" end of the classes but there's a scale here, sorcs are up there, dark spiritmasters are as well - not sure how they fall relative to sorcerers but they're not that far out - warlocks and pre-nerf zerkers are off the scale, as were clerics.
Hib baseline stun - that's annoying, it's nasty, but there's counters to it these days - purge, stun turn, someone else interrupting them, DI, healing.
Warlocks had one - a DI3 bot, and your DI3 bot was A: another character and B: on a 10m timer so took a bit more to arrange than one of the counters for baseline stun above.
I have to fight against both - gimme the hib stunner any day.
You do know that a warlock is a fantastic spreadhealer? they also can get 2500 range nearsight, they've got stacks of utility that noone ever used because they didn't have to - they could just go out and hoover up the RP. They're still a hugely versatile and dangerous class even post-nerf, I'd love to have them in albion if you don't want them
Sorcerers don't take out entire groups anymore unless they're ML9 RR10 and the group theyre fighting is AFK, fighting monsters or RR2, in which case the same group would die just as quick to a dark spiritmaster or a light eldritch if not faster (since the eldritch can stun you before nuking you down so not even an insta/charge would save your ass).
The reason clerics didn't heal wasn't really to do with smite - clerics didn't heal because heals had huge cast times, huge power costs, did very little healing and rather more importantly had a massive 1000 range...
A cleric smiting was probably doing far more use than a cleric feebly trying to avoid interrupts and get within 1000 range to heal that tank who had 2% slash resist, or that caster with only blue buffs and all of 900 hp and 10% cold.
Plus there was at least as much VN whine about clerics from the other realms - somewhat importantly from a mid player called Lensar who rumour has it was Mackey (mythic's olde balance designer).
Maybe I'm a crazy red-tinted alb but I find being mezzed from all of 275 units further away (not instamezzed mind you) doesn't sound all that different from being mezzed instantly... both things are pretty annoying.
100 archery range is annoying, yes, but it's nothing like being instagibbed. (and the classes are different in other ways - hunters get 2h weapon bonus and a pet, scouts get shields yadda yadda.. zerks just plain out did double the style damage)
How about we give wizards double damage for a patch or two - I'm sure you'll agree that the scale of the imbalance is ever so slightly bigger and more urgently in need of fixing. The class sucks otherwise but if they had 400 delve nukes I'm sure people would complain about them anyway (and rightly so).
Bainshees nuking through walls is a shitty bug I agree
You obviously missed the problem with warlocks.
It wasn't that they did chamber damage - it's that they fired 3 chambers + 7 uninterruptables off, went around the corner, stood on a fop for a thing and did it again and again.
Oh and if they got bored they could Moc pbaoe every so often.
How about we give sorcs free moc on a 30s timer (but half their power pool)? that'd be the equivalent. Instead of a sorc having to be ML9 and RR5 to be dangerous they'd just be thoroughly sick from the moment they ding level 50.
Noone takes a sorc out at RR2 in a rog suit and does well - warlocks flew up the RRs doing exactly that.
Don't get me wrong - sorcs are on the "powerful" end of the classes but there's a scale here, sorcs are up there, dark spiritmasters are as well - not sure how they fall relative to sorcerers but they're not that far out - warlocks and pre-nerf zerkers are off the scale, as were clerics.
Hib baseline stun - that's annoying, it's nasty, but there's counters to it these days - purge, stun turn, someone else interrupting them, DI, healing.
Warlocks had one - a DI3 bot, and your DI3 bot was A: another character and B: on a 10m timer so took a bit more to arrange than one of the counters for baseline stun above.
I have to fight against both - gimme the hib stunner any day.
You do know that a warlock is a fantastic spreadhealer? they also can get 2500 range nearsight, they've got stacks of utility that noone ever used because they didn't have to - they could just go out and hoover up the RP. They're still a hugely versatile and dangerous class even post-nerf, I'd love to have them in albion if you don't want them
Sorcerers don't take out entire groups anymore unless they're ML9 RR10 and the group theyre fighting is AFK, fighting monsters or RR2, in which case the same group would die just as quick to a dark spiritmaster or a light eldritch if not faster (since the eldritch can stun you before nuking you down so not even an insta/charge would save your ass).
The reason clerics didn't heal wasn't really to do with smite - clerics didn't heal because heals had huge cast times, huge power costs, did very little healing and rather more importantly had a massive 1000 range...
A cleric smiting was probably doing far more use than a cleric feebly trying to avoid interrupts and get within 1000 range to heal that tank who had 2% slash resist, or that caster with only blue buffs and all of 900 hp and 10% cold.
Plus there was at least as much VN whine about clerics from the other realms - somewhat importantly from a mid player called Lensar who rumour has it was Mackey (mythic's olde balance designer).