Aiteal said:well, you are assuming wrongly tbh
he's gonna have at least 39 in blades to use the fire blade/spectrum blade chain, with +11 in temp and +6 for realm rank, thats a minimum of 56 modified.
Its more likely he's 50 blades base.
Ive beat a RR4 merc when I was RR5 who's GoV procced on the first hit weilding malice/battler who popped DT (when albs had all STR relics) with 50 modified blades and 55 modified CD and you dont think that 32 swings of a minimum 56 modded (and more likely to be 67 modified) shar blades ranger with 40 more STR than my elf blades ranger and with a melee template compared to my hybrid temp not being able to kill a spirit master, let alone his stunning pet is unbalanced?
chretien said:If I wanted to kill stuff, I'd have rolled a damage caster. The only spell in my third line that I ever use is stun. Everything else in smite is crap. Everything you can spec for is crap. Not because the delve is so low or the power cost is so high but because I'd be better off using the power to heal with and support the group. That's what Clerics do, give us stuff that fits the support role rather than making us crap nukers please.
xGenocidex said:can't say i'd compare a ranger spamming fireblade to a merc or bm tbhand asuming he had 29 in blades (just asuming) with +11 his wep skill buffed would only be 1329 :x not high rly... anyway i'm not going to argue i know for a fact pet doesnt intercept as much as people say it does and i'll make a movie to prove it.. give me bout 40-50 mins i'll go out now and make a quick movie and show you exactly how much pet intercepts ;x fully toa'd sm etc etc - and i know for a fact your gonna say something like "omg pet wasnt buffed they intercept much more than that"
Bubble said:Such mid whine
The biggest boost in this thread in the Druid boost, i wonder if they break mez or not or if the AoE Shears are also 2.5 sec casting time.
Lejemorder said:reason why you mezz is resist that much is because of the low level (like level 8 or so for most), but if you tri spec it should give you enough time for you caster to handle the pet on you.
Bubble said:Such mid whine
The biggest boost in this thread in the Druid boost, i wonder if they break mez or not or if the AoE Shears are also 2.5 sec casting time.
Andrilyn said:Seriously the Smite line doesn't have any potential, not before this patch and not after this patch.
Chap said:Could you be abit more biased Geno? I think this Pal boost is horrible, but imagine to sit at the other end of the table facing PD5 BD's, moc3 SM's and not to mention warlocks?
Haazheel said:Lets find an agreement on healing class then, remove all this crap from cleric and give them insta aoe stun with decent range baseline, I doubt mids would whine ?
xGenocidex said:Smite used to be sick before they nerfed it back in OF ;> used to be so many solo smite clerics then :O i remember 1 especially called Clericus or something like thati almost killed him with my level 35 kobold skald ;D until got stun off and pwned me ;<
Haazheel said:Lets find an agreement on healing class then, remove all this crap from cleric and give them insta aoe stun with decent range baseline, I doubt mids would whine ?
Ok to clear something out for you. I PLAY MID. I didnt whine, I just stated that mid has some of the best casters.Nate said:the warlock class is being nerfed
all realms have access to the ra's u why are midgard op because they spec for it? all sorcs spec for moc 3, so ur whine about that is pointless, u can spec for pd5 if u want, but because bd's are generally interrupt bots they will spec it as they'll get melee'd down a lot
so start again.
Hi2u perma tendrilled clerric...Haazheel said:Lets find an agreement on healing class then, remove all this crap from cleric and give them insta aoe stun with decent range baseline, I doubt mids would whine ?
Haazheel said:Lets find an agreement on healing class then, remove all this crap from cleric and give them insta aoe stun with decent range baseline, I doubt mids would whine ?
Svartmetall said:Yes, of course. The same day Midgard gets bolt-range AE mez, petspam with chainstunning pets, spec AF buffs, plate mail, group heal procs, ludicrous range on archery, a stealthing speed class with insta-stun...yeah. That day.
Andrilyn said:I agree that the Healer rr5 is crap it should be like PR3 (full power/end/Health and no rez sickness).
Haazheel said:Lets find an agreement on healing class then, remove all this crap from cleric and give them insta aoe stun with decent range baseline, I doubt mids would whine ?
Svartmetall said:Yes, of course. The same day Midgard gets bolt-range AE mez, petspam with chainstunning pets, spec AF buffs, plate mail, group heal procs, ludicrous range on archery, a stealthing speed class with insta-stun...yeah. That day.
Azathrim said:I am all for giving clerics AE stuns. It would be an indirect improvement on mid tank groups. Free tendrils spamming!
xGenocidex said:lol SO wait a second... getting perma celerity castable in combat is a way to balance things out? please explain how ;x? considering savages are utter wank unless quading... mercs > zerkers..... warlock nerf incoming... bd's arent hard if you know how to kill them that leaves us with what? sm's wow grats intercepting pets... that dont actually intercept as much as people make out...... and now gets a perma celerity thats instant castand more love for the kiddie realm nice one shitic ;x and have you actually tried all 3 realms recently chief? with a fully toa'd ml'd char?