1.83b - Wizard and Main healing classes love!

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errr aye grats... so thats loads of wizards we will see with grey nearsight and smiteclerics with a new 750 range dd... grats ;x 750 range god! FEAR THE 750 range!


Tesla Monkor said:
Heh. So Albion went from no celerity to the best celerity ingame in one patch.

1.83 is turning into a real Alb love fest. o_O

whats new about daoc? more or less every patch the kiddie realm gets new goodies... just mythics way of making more play... they fail to see it just makes people think about stopping because of how stupid its becoming...


Loyal Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
so...the only thing that made midgards dmg dealers less under par is now easier to obtain in albion..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
xGenocidex said:
whats new about daoc? more or less every patch the kiddie realm gets new goodies... just mythics way of making more play... they fail to see it just makes people think about stopping because of how stupid its becoming...

its mythics way of compensating when every expansion adds retarded overpowered classes to midgard, we get the benefit between expansions.

Mid is hardly an underdog realm, can't believe how much you guys whine


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Cleric changes are an absolute waste of fucking time.

well done mythic you brainless twats

/rant off


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
bigchief said:
its mythics way of compensating when every expansion adds retarded overpowered classes to midgard, we get the benefit between expansions.

Mid is hardly an underdog realm, can't believe how much you guys whine

\o/ you tell em BC! :D


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
Zede said:
Cleric changes are an absolute waste of fucking time.

well done mythic you brainless twats

/rant off

i second that, and what ever other cleric has already stated, complete and utter bullshit patch.

oh and, why is everything linked to healing? friar styles have heal procs, pbaoe, group, FaE, now smite has heals to 0.o. At least make it differant ffs


bigchief said:
its mythics way of compensating when every expansion adds retarded overpowered classes to midgard, we get the benefit between expansions.

Mid is hardly an underdog realm, can't believe how much you guys whine

lol SO wait a second... getting perma celerity castable in combat is a way to balance things out? please explain how ;x? considering savages are utter wank unless quading... mercs > zerkers..... warlock nerf incoming... bd's arent hard if you know how to kill them that leaves us with what? sm's wow grats intercepting pets... that dont actually intercept as much as people make out...... and now gets a perma celerity thats instant cast :clap:and more love for the kiddie realm nice one shitic ;x and have you actually tried all 3 realms recently chief? with a fully toa'd ml'd char?


Loyal Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
i dont see why clerics are whining aswell tbh, ur a main buffer, main healer, and u want to be able to kill people? get a gr(i)oup


Trunks said:
i dont see why clerics are whining aswell tbh, ur a main buffer, main healer, and u want to be able to kill people? get a gr(i)oup

whining because there albs and used to being op ¬¬


Loyal Freddie
Aug 4, 2005
xGenocidex said:
lol SO wait a second... getting perma celerity castable in combat is a way to balance things out? please explain how ;x? considering savages are utter wank unless quading... mercs > zerkers..... warlock nerf incoming... bd's arent hard if you know how to kill them that leaves us with what? sm's wow grats intercepting pets... that dont actually intercept as much as people make out...... and now gets a perma celerity thats instant cast :clap:and more love for the kiddie realm nice one shitic ;x and have you actually tried all 3 realms recently chief? with a fully toa'd ml'd char?

ever played an sm in rvr? :)

no way 2 rr8-10 bm's could hit trough my buffed ml9 pet to hit me when i played sm.

ever played against high rr BD's that are in high rr groups?

ever played daoc?

edit: not a whine about wich realm is over/underpowered. but ppl talking crap about how easy a bd is to kill and how wank SM's are is just worth replying to


Jobbegea said:
ever played an sm in rvr? :)

no way 2 rr8-10 bm's could hit trough my buffed ml9 pet to hit me when i played sm.

ever played against high rr BD's that are in high rr groups?

ever played daoc?

played daoc since beta fyi and yes... i've played an sm in rvr... the sig means fa its specced summon to farm abit of cash with but nm... and the pet part is utter bollocks... i've had rr5 mercs hit every single time before with either offhand or mainhand 1 at a time but always hit once....

and the bd i didn't say in group did i? so please read before posting shit...

yes thx you?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
xGenocidex said:
bd's arent hard if you know how to kill them

Like to know how you want to kill a Decent BD, Spiral + tap and I have yet to find a tank that can kill my BD with Purge up and Casters is just Debuff + Tap, Debuff + tap etc oh he MoC's ah doesn't matter I'll just use Unmana and Demoralisation(sp?) and /laugh at him while my pets can now keep me alive while I wait for his MoC to end.
Only way to effectively take out a BD is to find him with Purge down or just plain zerg him.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
xGenocidex said:
lol SO wait a second... getting perma celerity castable in combat is a way to balance things out? please explain how ;x? considering savages are utter wank unless quading... mercs > zerkers..... warlock nerf incoming... bd's arent hard if you know how to kill them that leaves us with what? sm's wow grats intercepting pets... that dont actually intercept as much as people make out...... and now gets a perma celerity thats instant cast :clap:and more love for the kiddie realm nice one shitic ;x and have you actually tried all 3 realms recently chief? with a fully toa'd ml'd char?

The lobotomy worked I see.

btw chief is a total noob, hes knows jack shit about the game, never ToAd a char other than his inf, never played any other realm, king noob of the noobies.

stop before you dig yourself in any deeper mr geno


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
- Boat routes have been added to the Midgard realm for the classic zones as part of the underwater upgrade. The boats function similar to the boats available in the frontiers. Dockmasters can be found at Vasudheim, Audliten, Dvalin, Ft. Atla, and Naliten.

That sounds cool, but please don't give us the stupid ugly ToA ferries, I want to see a real Norse boat with real sails and no holes in them. Please make it Norse and I won't complain again. (If they put the ToA ferries in Midgard where they don't belong I'm gonna cry.)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Trunks said:
i dont see why clerics are whining aswell tbh, ur a main buffer, main healer, and u want to be able to kill people? get a gr(i)oup

People aren't whining that they want to kill stuff, people are whining because Mythic adds stuff that is useless.
I'd much rather have more support abilities added than a nuke I'd trade that nuke for a grey con AoE root any day can get the PB mez then for it for free also.


Zede said:
The lobotomy worked I see.

btw chief is a total noob, hes knows jack shit about the game, never ToAd a char other than his inf, never played any other realm, king noob of the noobies.

stop before you dig yourself in any deeper mr geno

Not digging myself any deeper tbh.. didn't call chief a noob :x now your just feeding other people on the thread words Zede... i know chiefs played a long time.. talked to him on the odd occasion when i played alb.. i asked him a question and i don't expect wankers like you to answer it :) while feeding words what i never said to other people... i asked him if he'd tried another realm with a toa'd and ml'd char? <--- notice the?


Aiteal said:

a guy swings 32 times (including offhand swings) on an afk SM and 5 bypassed the pets intercept, after 2 end bars the SM comes back from AFK and moc's him to death :)

can't say i'd compare a ranger spamming fireblade to a merc or bm tbh :eek: and asuming he had 29 in blades (just asuming) with +11 his wep skill buffed would only be 1329 :x not high rly... anyway i'm not going to argue i know for a fact pet doesnt intercept as much as people say it does and i'll make a movie to prove it.. give me bout 40-50 mins i'll go out now and make a quick movie and show you exactly how much pet intercepts ;x fully toa'd sm etc etc - and i know for a fact your gonna say something like "omg pet wasnt buffed they intercept much more than that"


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
xGenocidex said:
Not digging myself any deeper tbh.. didn't call chief a noob :x now your just feeding other people on the thread words Zede... i know chiefs played a long time.. talked to him on the odd occasion when i played alb.. i asked him a question and i don't expect wankers like you to answer it :) while feeding words what i never said to other people... i asked him if he'd tried another realm with a toa'd and ml'd char? <--- notice the?

no you didnt call him a noob, i did. never said you did, did I ?

I suggest a full frontal next time, might work better.

sorry m8, im just attracted to your stupidity.


Zede said:
no you didnt call him a noob, i did. never said you did, did I ?

I suggest a full frontal next time, might work better.

sorry m8, im just attracted to your stupidity.

an alb calling me stupid how original ^_^


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
xGenocidex said:
can't say i'd compare a ranger spamming fireblade to a merc or bm tbh :eek: and asuming he had 29 in blades (just asuming) with +11 his wep skill buffed would only be 1329 :x not high rly... anyway i'm not going to argue i know for a fact pet doesnt intercept as much as people say it does and i'll make a movie to prove it.. give me bout 40-50 mins i'll go out now and make a quick movie and show you exactly how much pet intercepts ;x fully toa'd sm etc etc - and i know for a fact your gonna say something like "omg pet wasnt buffed they intercept much more than that"

well, you are assuming wrongly tbh
he's gonna have at least 39 in blades to use the fire blade/spectrum blade chain, with +11 in temp and +6 for realm rank, thats a minimum of 56 modified.
Its more likely he's 50 blades base.
Ive beat a RR4 merc when I was RR5 who's GoV procced on the first hit weilding malice/battler who popped DT (when albs had all STR relics) with 50 modified blades and 55 modified CD and you dont think that 32 swings of a minimum 56 modded (and more likely to be 67 modified) shar blades ranger with 40 more STR than my elf blades ranger and with a melee template compared to my hybrid temp not being able to kill a spirit master, let alone his stunning pet is unbalanced?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
Item Notes - General

- Moirai will now correctly drop treasure for all three realms.

mmm i would of appreciated that back when I actually played on TOA servers. *sigh*


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Trunks said:
i dont see why clerics are whining aswell tbh, ur a main buffer, main healer, and u want to be able to kill people? get a gr(i)oup
If I wanted to kill stuff, I'd have rolled a damage caster. The only spell in my third line that I ever use is stun. Everything else in smite is crap. Everything you can spec for is crap. Not because the delve is so low or the power cost is so high but because I'd be better off using the power to heal with and support the group. That's what Clerics do, give us stuff that fits the support role rather than making us crap nukers please.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003

seem to be an interesting patch at least..

Cleric get alil fluff to add to funfactor which was needed. Lots of clerics have whined about just this in US. The TL made a thread asking for suggestion on what clerics lacked the most and funfactor was a very common answer in that thread, seems mythic actually do listen abit to TLs these days. (imo, cleric is a very potent healerclass, its just abit dull)

Albs tankgroups will be better than mids tankgroups. Perma 37% celerity ontop of already good haste from theurgs is just.. quite frank, madness. It will be hilarious to play my merc ofc but it is overpowered and nothing but overpowered. Couple extreme DPS with mercs defenses and you have suddenly created a monstertank. The initial damage from a merc+merc+2h paladin on sos on first target will be a laugh :)

Alb got another longrange spell to add to the arsenal of long range they already have. And as someone pointed out, nobody will choose a wiz over a caba despite alittle grey nearsight usable mostly for interrupts. Wizard need proper utility like debuffs and such, why not a WSdebuff in fireline or something?

I really fear one thing, and that is that alb will become overplayed again, the risk of that, just from looking on the patchnotes, seems high as hell tbh. There are _tons_ of albs that have started to play hib thanks to vamps and bains and general easymode regarding groupbuilds.. if a large percentage of those albs decide it seems fun to play alb again.. omigosh.. will be floods of albs in NF.
I just think Mythic need to slow down alittle bit and think through things abit more. These two partial patches (1.83a and 1.83b) alone changes a ton. And I mean a TON. The 2k end on palas alone changes alot, the 37% celerity changes almost as much, wonder what we will see in next patch :/


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
From Midgard Tank point of view, I think it's nice they give love to Paladins, as I miss fighting enemy tanks. There are way too few Alb/Hib tanks out in rvr nowadays. I'm sick of fighting casters only. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Only 1 problem with that spec you miss out on capped d/q, so pointless spec for an active RvR Cleric imo.
Also can't use that PB mez because it will still be resisted (not 99% of the times but still a good 80%) and in group battles you will be giving away free mez immunities combined with the 5 minute reuse timer so you can use it once per battle...

I agree that the Healer rr5 is crap it should be like PR3 (full power/end/Health and no rez sickness).
Ah well they might change the Healer rr5 in the next notes combined with actually adding spells that will make it on people's Qbars for Clerics.

sorry, but if you wont tri spec becuase you miss like 3 points on dex/qui it our call, with the most popular shaman spec 46aug/27cave/8mend, mids dont have capped dex/qui anyway (its 3 or 4 points from cap with 25% buff bonus).

reason why you mezz is resist that much is because of the low level (like level 8 or so for most), but if you tri spec it should give you enough time for you caster to handle the pet on you.
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