Zerk TL kicked out from his post after TL feedback



well, Zerk TL is kicked out from his post and VN viking board is ban/del/lock fest up.

dunno how many read feedback but it was, my opinion, direct spit to zerk players face.
cannot copy/paste original feedback but if someone find it? please post it here.
reason for this was, VN board del original copy and dont allow post it up again, it cause immediatly ban from board.

readed thru that post, and xeno´s reply to mythic, some good replys i must say, and those replys probably lastly caused his kicks.


From Catacombs

Xenogenic has posted the Berserker TL Report - August 2003 over on the Vault's DAoC TL Reports Forum. Developer Feedback has been added in italics, Xenogenic's response to feedback in Red
Berserker TL Report - August, 2003

Berserkers, once the premier damage dealing melee class of their realm, are now largely regarded as having no role and being less effective than the other melee classes in Midgard. Berserkers bring very little, if anything, to groups that the other tanks in Midgard can not also bring, along with their additional benefits, such as significantly greater defense and utility. With poor defense, lack of utility, and only slightly above average damage, our role has been reduced to support fighters that are far less effective overall, and less desirable, than the other melee classes in our realm.


Damage Reduction
The damage of this class was reduced too much when absolutely no compensation was to be given, as well as no attention after said reduction. Over one-third of our damage was taken away, and given that's the one thing that berserkers brought to their groups, that severely impacts our desirability in groups and our effectiveness overall, and thus greatly reduces the enjoyment of playing this class. After all, how enjoyable is it to play a class we know is less effective all around than its melee counterparts in the same realm? 30% or more of our damage was taken away, and the unemotional and reasonable berserkers have endured this. Now would be a good time to test a 10%-15% damage increase to our positional and reactionary styles only (more on this later), rather than merely assuming our damage is exactly where it should be. Showing some effort in this area would restore some faith to an otherwise frustrated community.

I know many do not want to hear this, but overall berserker damage seems like it's where it should be. We're continuing to watch it but our indication is that it's on track. We definitely want to do more with light tanks to help differentiate them, so we'll be looking at things like increased effectiveness of positional and reactionary styles, but that certainly won't be accomplished by a flat % damage increase. We'd do this with new styles/abilities.

Ok, fine. Whenever we're supposed to prove something is broken, we're asked to provide logs and proof. I'd like to see logs and proof of our
pre-1.62 damage being 30% or more too much, as well as logs and proof of our post-1.62 damage being balanced, if you would.

As far as showing effort, I doubt anything I said that wasn't about increasing damage would please the community. So unless things change, I wouldn't expect any significant developements in the damage area.

I guarantee, based on the endless amount of time I spend interacting with the berserker community, that there is nothing that would make the entire community happy about what has happened short of giving them some damage back.

Lack of Utility (and other otherwise unique features)
Berserkers' low damage and low defense (especially when frenzying in an attempt to actually deal damage) makes this class more of a liability than a benefit to groups. Without a shield with which to guard or stun, without any sort of spells or otherwise useful tools, berserkers bring very little, if anything, to their groups. We have a severe lack of positional and reactionary options for a supposed light tank, and only one stun (off of evade, second in the chain), while many other melee classes, especially non-light tanks, are given access to longer duration stuns that are much easier to perform and positional or reactionary in nature. The class itself needs to be reviewed and granted additional utility and/or tools to use in combat (especially RvR), or given at least some damage back to restore effectiveness. Given the other melee options in Midgard, a nudge to our damage would be vastly preferred over utility by the majority of the community.

Calling it low damage is a bit farfetched here. The damage may not be where many would like to be, but to categorize berserkers as having low damage really strains credibility.

My credility is questionable, then. That's fine. But I ask all berserkers who read this feedback to post their honest, heartfelt opinions about
their class, as well as their feelings on the feedback. Say exactly how you feel, so as to have your genuine opinions accurately expressed. That way, we can disregard my opinion entirely.

We can look at adding more utility to the light tanks. There are also some things from the style review that will likely have an effect here.

Based on my recent surveys and questions, adding additional utility to berserkers would be of little value to the majority of the berserkers that have responded to me.

Of the three light tanks, our class defining ability, the Frenzy, is arguably the least effective, due to the fact that we give up all defense to have a mere chance at dealing noticeably more damage. With a 1% to 99% range, many berserkers are not too enthusiastic about throwing away all of their defense to do an extra 1%, or even 10%, damage. The blademaster and mercenary classes are granted additional benefits from their abilities with no drawbacks, and at a 10 second longer duration. Therefore, I feel it's time to review Frenzy and adjust its critical range, increase its duration, reconsider the defense loss, or something else, because as it is right now, frenzy is so situational that many berserkers report rarely or never using it. And because berserkers become giant vendo, it's impossible for our enemies to not notice, and thus we're generally targetted immediately and dealt with quickly.

Not opposed to doing a review of frenzy down the road if people don't like it. I think you're really downplaying the ability to critical hit. Are people using berserk more selectively now? Because of the penalties associated with berserk, it's intended to be something you use in situations where you need that extra damage, as opposed to something you spam everytime it pops up.

Right. The only concern here is that Triple Wield and Dirty Tricks were added, as per the patch notes, to add "fluf" and fun to the blademaster and mercenary classes. These abilities were recently tweaked to be more "balanced" with frenzy, only their durations are 10 seconds longer, and
because they lose absolutely nothing for using the abilities, only gain
additional benefits, they can be spammed every time they pop up.

I'd like to see some feedback from the community on when they use frenzy and when they do not. If you can't get a mature discussion on this in the public boards, start one on the regular pendragon testing boards.

The devastating reduction to our damage, with nothing given back to keep the class effective and desirable in groups, has made berserkers very unenjoyable for many players, myself included. If our damage is indeed where it's supposed to be, then everything else this class has is clearly not where it's supposed to be. We should be able to bring something to our groups, and we should be effective and better at something than other classes in our own realm. If dealing damage isn't what berserkers are supposed to excel at, then what is? The players that still play their berserkers are the unemotional, reasonable customers that stick with their class because of the time, energy, and money they've invested. The least we can do now is review the class that was dealt the largest damage reduction in the history of this game to restore its fun, effectiveness, and desirability.

Specline Issues
As was mentioned briefly above, we have a significant lack of positional and reactionary options for a class that is supposed to be a light tank, which was vaguely defined as a "positional and reactionary" fighter. The only positional styles the berserker currently gets from speccing in Left Axe are two rear positionals (i.e. one positional option). We have no front or side positionals whatsoever, and our rear positionals do comparable damage to Doublefrost, our anytime style. So, without especially desirable effects, there's little reason to bother positioning ourselves to use those styles. A fix that would serve to make us more effective as light tanks while simultaneously restoring some of the spirit of our class would be a 10%-15% damage increase to our positionals and reactionaries only, thereby leaving Doublefrost and the other anytime styles alone. In addition, and as was requested in the last report, please consider the following Left Axe style changes.

See above.

Doubler (4 spec in Left Axe)
Doubler is currently one of our two rear positionals. Please change this to a side positional, as we don't currently have one, and ensure its damage is appropriate for a side positional.

This is something we'll look at in the style review, tho bring it up in our style discussions for 1.65, tho we'll only be able to address a few.

Aurora Borealis (50 spec in Left Axe)
Aurora Borealis, formerly an "after target parries your attack" style, is now third in our Snowsquall (rear positional) chain. Many berserkers complain that it's difficult, or even impossible, to use in actual RvR. While I've had no trouble using it, it's absolutely not worth going to 50 in Left Axe to get this style. The level 50 style should be very powerful and worthwhile, but because the last thing berserkers need is to be considered overpowered, please consider the following changes to Aurora Borealis:

- Make Aurora Borealis chain off of the suggested side-positional Doubler.

- Change the effect on Aurora Borealis from Cold DD to Medium Duration Stun.

See above.

The proposed changes (a moderate increase to our positional and reactionary damage, as well as a new side positional chain that results in a medium duration stun) would have a number of positive effects on our class. The former primary spec, which is 50 axe, 50 LA, 28 parry, would become worthwhile in that Aurora Borealis would be worth pursuing again. The popular alternate spec of 44 axe, 44 left axe, 44 parry would also become viable again due to slightly increased damage in our LA positionals and reactionaries. Lastly, the other common spec of 50 axe, 44 LA, 37 parry would become both interesting and more useful, due to new a new positional chain and increased effectiveness of our positional and reactionary styles. Hence, we'd have some options once again, thereby making the class more customizable and thus more enjoyable.

I probably should have been clearer before, but what really helps us is understanding what the community feels the problems are, rather then just pushing solutions. I would say that even 80% of the solutions to problems that I think up end up getting changed drastically when I talk with the programmers/designers. There are millions of creative ways to solve a problem. But the hard part is agreeing on where the problems are.

The better the TLs can indentify, illustrate, and articulate the issues facing a class, the better we can address them. Just saying that damage too low and suggesting it get raised 15% isn't illustrating that.

Well, the "better" TLs get to look over a class that wasn't dealt the biggest nerf in the history of the game. The "better" TLs get to deal with communities that are probably, for the most part, content with their class. The "better" TLs probably also enjoy their class and are TLs because they want to make sure it stays enjoyable, not taking the job because their is a serious problem with their class.

I would give a lot to be one of the "better" TLs, but as it turns out, I'm the berserker TL. In an effort to become a "better" TL, I'll be happy to identify, illustrate, and articulate the problem.

Our class was entirely redefined and our damage slammed down over 30%
across the board, with very little justification or other reasoning to
support such a drastic change. The only messages that were given to us
were, in my opinion, rude, and did little to ease a community that would
obviously become very upset. After this point, our class has felt largely
ignored. Simply telling us over and over that our damage is fine and
exactly where it should be does little to change our opinions, when we are
the ones actually playing the class day after day. Furthermore, giving
other classes the consideration and time that we were not, apparently,
good enough to receive does little to ease the anger resulting from this
issue. Example:

"Mana is very powerful spec and it's difficult to alter it's overpowered
nature without fundementally changing what the enchanter class has been
for almost 2 years, which we definitely dislike doing for any class."

In short: our one major advantage was taken away, and the spirit of our
class was destroyed in the light tank redefinition. This has made the
class either unenjoyable or simply not worth playing for a large group of
players (who, just to remind you, pay to play).

On my given server, as an example, I hardly see any active berserkers any
more. I am the last remaining berserker in my guild, and mostly only
because of my committment to help our class out. At least 75% of the
berserkers I knew and enjoyed playing with either quit entirely or gave up
on their berserkers forever in favor of playing alternate characters. I
myself have a number of alts that are 40+ because there is little point in
playing something that isn't fun anymore. Additionally, I created a
thread, at your request, in which I asked what berserkers brought to their
groups (located here). The vast majority of the responses were not
positive by any means, and this thread should be reviewed and reviewed
again if that isn't clear upon a cursory glance.

To further illustrate the problem, every time I go against my conscience
and make requests that seem reasonable to me, I have dozens of people
upset that I'm not asking for enough, because what was done to our class,
in their opinion and mine, was completely unnecessary and very poorly
executed. Hearing that they might, sometime down the road, be compensated
with more utility only makes these players angrier. Their valid argument
is that they chose to play this class because it was simply high offense,
low defense. If they wanted utility, there are other classes out there
that they would have picked.

You took the one thing we brought to groups (high damage) away without
providing justification, proof, valid reasons, etc. Since then, it does
not seem as though our class has been reviewed, and we have felt largely
ignored. So the problem is we are still paying a monthly fee to play
something that is absolutely not what it used to be, and thus far, with no
reason to think that it's currently in your interest to reconsider what
has happened.

New Issues
There aren't any new issues that I'm aware of. Those of us still playing berserkers are merely waiting for "the smoke to clear" so our damage and class as a whole can be reviewed.

Other Issues
- Left Axe attack styles still have no animation on the killing blow.

Noted for art team.

- Tundra, our unique class Realm Ability, is still too expensive, can be used too infrequently, and is penalized for speccing in Left Axe. Please reconsider this RA.

RA review.

Item Problems
- Steinvor's Frenzied Axe has a haste effect proc that does absolutely nothing. I tested it on Pendragon and my attack speed was completely unaltered when the proc would go off, despite the effect showing up and delving as a haste.

Bug /appeal this.

- We currently don't have a 16.5 dps/2.4 speed offhand axe option, and could use one.

Noted for the item team.

- Players would like to see the Viking targeted hammers in Tuscaran Glacier be usable by berserkers. Many players have requested TG weapons be re-evaluated (or some be added) to be more beneficial for berserkers.

Documentation Issues
None that I'm aware of.

On behalf of myself and the entire berserker community, I thank you for reading this report.

~Justin, aka: Xenogenic
Berserker TL

So, in essence, my response is I'm displeased with our opportunity to
continue to pay for the chance to wait for changes that could happen in a
month, or 6 months, or never. We were "nerfed" without much thought, yet
it would be too "risky" to test out a moderate damage increase, which
would actually make the majority of the berserkers happy enough to A) stop
complaining and B) keep playing.


evry bezerker in the game should take this text, copy it and email it to Mythic.

I am not sure it will help but that might be the only way...

what the TL said was not wrong, maybe not tactical but I bet hes under alot of pressure from the zerker community.


How do you mean it wasn't wrong?

TL Report: Berserkers' low damage and low defense (especially when frenzying in an attempt to actually deal damage) makes this class more of a liability than a benefit to groups.

McKay: Calling it low damage is a bit farfetched here. The damage may not be where many would like to be, but to categorize berserkers as having low damage really strains credibility.

Serker TL: My credibility is questionable, then. That's fine. But I ask all berserkers who read this feedback to post their honest, heartfelt opinions about their class, as well as their feelings on the feedback. Say exactly how you feel, so as to have your genuine opinions accurately expressed. That way, we can disregard my opinion entirely.


He's just going off the deep end here. The reponse from Mythic was quite reasonable. (If they can prove they are doing less damage than BMs/Mercs then that's a fair point. But no point just saying that damage is low without something to compare it with.)

Besides which, every class which has asked for more damage has been told to ask for utility instead. Check out the wizards' report. So this can't have been unexpected.


To all berserkers: Fuck off you fucking sissy fucks, and stop crying. Did I mention you are all a bunch of sissy fuckers? You fucking sissy's.

Love, Albs.


Originally posted by old.linnet


He's just going off the deep end here. The reponse from Mythic was quite reasonable. (If they can prove they are doing less damage than BMs/Mercs then that's a fair point. But no point just saying that damage is low without something to compare it with.)

Besides which, every class which has asked for more damage has been told to ask for utility instead. Check out the wizards' report. So this can't have been unexpected.

He is doing the typical 'omg my class has been nerfed' bullshit, at no point in his posts did he mention zerkers were able to one shot kill casters. He didn't consider that overpowered?


Chodax problem was mythic didnt fix the ability to one shot casters, its still in the game thanks to new 5.5 and 5.6 speed craftable 2H weapons, buffbots and Frenzy.

If the LA nerf was supposed to stop Zerkers one-shotting casters, it didnt do a very good job did it.

Considering crits dont show up on opponent screenshots and a screenshot can be taken anytime post figth with no furry hamster in sight, is it any wonder LA damage was nerfed?


imo, VN being good old nazi-like-ppl like when EU servers got hacked
so basically i want to thank BW for their open minded boards where (allmost) everything is possible
/kiss to the moderators :D


Originally posted by ashitaka
To all berserkers: Fuck off you fucking sissy fucks, and stop crying. Did I mention you are all a bunch of sissy fuckers? You fucking sissy's.

Love, Albs.

Ahh, just what i expected, spoken like a true alb.
(Or Mythic employee?)


I dont like the whole idea of TL's at all....

Some TL's wanna get already weak abilities nerfed, and while others talk about the 'strong points' of some classes in numbers, others just say 'its great', which doesnt really sound objective to me at all...

what not to do as a gaming company: NEVER LET ANY !SINGLE! PLAYER MAKE IMPORTANT DECISIONS!!!!

fucking mythic noobs....


Right on Morch, a person is never truly objective.

To ashisomething, drop dead moron ! People like you give Albion a bad name.


heh, that's nearly as bad as the Thane TL feedback!


So this guy got kicked out of the TL program for saying what he thinks? I thought that was his job?...

Or was that saying what he thinks as long as its positive against Mythic?...


He deserved to be kicked, according to another TL:

Flaming mythic publicly, flaming other TLs publicly. I understand he was upset, or zerkers were upset about how this was handled, but we were JUST warned 2 days ago that doing anything remotely like this would result in us losing report feedback, and that TL losing their TL rights. Not only this, but it was WELL beyond the behaviour policy of the TL conduct that we are expected to uphold. Yes, TLs work with the community, but they are in no way obligated to be their "voice". Now, we usually are, but sometimes the community's ideas simply will not work. In this case, expressing anger and frustration was exactly what not to do.


Of the three light tanks, our class defining ability, the Frenzy, is arguably the least effective, due to the fact that we give up all defense to have a mere chance at dealing noticeably more damage. With a 1% to 99% range, many berserkers are not too enthusiastic about throwing away all of their defense to do an extra 1%, or even 10%, damage. The blademaster and mercenary classes are granted additional benefits from their abilities with no drawbacks, and at a 10 second longer duration. Therefore, I feel it's time to review Frenzy and adjust its critical range, increase its duration, reconsider the defense loss, or something else, because as it is right now, frenzy is so situational that many berserkers report rarely or never using it. And because berserkers become giant vendo, it's impossible for our enemies to not notice, and thus we're generally targetted immediately and dealt with quickly.

""""""""" response"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Not opposed to doing a review of frenzy down the road if people don't like it. I think you're really downplaying the ability to critical hit. Are people using berserk more selectively now? Because of the penalties associated with berserk, it's intended to be something you use in situations where you need that extra damage, as opposed to something you spam everytime it pops up.

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""and xenos asking""""""""""
Right. The only concern here is that Triple Wield and Dirty Tricks were added, as per the patch notes, to add "fluf" and fun to the blademaster and mercenary classes. These abilities were recently tweaked to be more "balanced" with frenzy, only their durations are 10 seconds longer, and
because they lose absolutely nothing for using the abilities, only gain
additional benefits, they can be spammed every time they pop up.

this is what make me wonder nro 1.
they say we need look when use vendo, same time other light tanks can use anytime they wants own candy.
have flurry and shield specs, dw/cd what dont penalise mainhand if spec low.


question regarding enchant tl answer from mythic

"Mana is very powerful spec and it's difficult to alter it's overpowered
nature without fundementally changing what the enchanter class has been
for almost 2 years, which we definitely dislike doing for any class."

"""""and xenos question"""""""""""
In short: our one major advantage was taken away, and the spirit of our
class was destroyed in the light tank redefinition. This has made the
class either unenjoyable or simply not worth playing for a large group of
players (who, just to remind you, pay to play).

offcourse albs are celebrating when other realms classes are nerfed and do crap nowdays.
way how mythic give answer and threat different classes/realm what make me wonder, other reply say TW/DT its fluf and allaround tool, suddenly say to zerks you need choose when use vendo, its not automaticly best tool.
only thing zerk can do is dmg and that zerk dont do now.
mythic ask logs, same time zerks ask where are old? why allways asking new and new logs, there is alott logs from pendragon when 1.62 arrived, what zerks send to mythic.


news from sanya on the TL thingy:

Just wanted to say a few things:

Some of you have pointed out that the Berserker TL report you've been reading isn't in any way bad, and should not have resulted in a volunteer being asked to resign.

The thing is, you're not seeing the words that led to the resignation. You're seeing the actual report - which was dandy.

No one has ever been asked to resign because of WHAT they said. HOW they say it, though, matters a lot.

And in this case, the reasons for a request to resign had nothing at all to do with the report, and everything to do with a very private argument that seeped out into public. The Vault mods chose to lock and remove threads having to do with the private arguments and the creative editing going on. I think they also locked threads with TOS violations in terms of profanity and vulgarity.

About the TL report's feedback itself - Mackey isn't speaking for himself, you know. He meets with the designers and decision makers before posting his responses. He could probably phrase things a little nicer, maybe "let him down easy" a little more - but the fact is, sometimes he has to say no to whatever request. He tries to explain why the answer is no. At least it's a direct answer, without any spin or baloney. Which I rather thought was fervently requested?

He's not always going to be able to say yes. You can disagree PASSIONATELY, of course - but you can do so without resorting to insults.

Anyway, there it is. Remember, there are two sides to every story, and an individual is far more free to present their side than a company is.

Hope that helps. Please keep any responses you may have civil and on topic. If they are not, the mods may choose to lock this thread simply because they don't have eight arms apiece and can't keep up with the... output these boards can generate.

I'm very sorry about all the upset today.


If you are comparing the light tank special abilitys you see:

BM got flurry and TW...TW afaik makes you immune to crits and adds dmg and flurry is a DD.
Merc got Flurry and DT...DT makes you fumble alot more...70% isnt it?...
Zerker got frenzy wich adds a 1% - 99% crit to all hits but looses all defence...no flurry couse of the LA dmg...

Now...if a zerker duels a BM both uses the special abilitys...what happens?

Zerker uses frenzy and crits on all hits while the BM is immune to the zerker frenzy effect AND got a 50% dmg add (i think)...

Zerker vs merc...DT makes the zerker fumble even if in frenzy and makes him hit 70% less during the whole fight and 10 sec longer after that...and STILL no flurry for zerkers...

As i see it...both the other light tanks have atvantages over the zerker now with the LA dmg nerfed...

Am i right or wrong?


HAaaaaaaaaaahaha mythic gonna give it to ya! \o/ \o/ \o/.

/does the victory dance

/em goes back to crafting in caer diogel


Who bloody cares if ANY TL get's sacked?

Mythic don't give a damn about any TL reports, so why bother.
The only thing that became obvious is that VNboards are crap, moderating and banning ppl right to left. And that Sanya from Mythic HQ lost it at Catacombs, calling the mod at Catacoms a 'cretin'. Smart move Mythic, personally, i'm just smiling.

This piece of shit game is falling apart, guess it's the only way i can get it out of my blood. And i'm thankful for it.

Nerf this shitty game.


The TL is obviously a retard. Good to see him go tbh.


He's basically saying:

"Savages are overpowered, we want to be equally overpowered not to be thrown out of groups".

Good riddance getting lost of that TL.


Originally posted by ilum

"Savages are overpowered, we want to be equally overpowered not to be thrown out of groups".

Originally found in Souls Siggy
\\ 50 SB \\ 50 Zerker \\ 50 Huntress \\ 49 Shammy \\ 43 Skald \\ 43 Savage \\

No, they went and made Savage's because of the state of Zerkers currently.


klav still hits me for 450+ when in frenzy, and that was with SB on.

Whats the problem already :)


Originally posted by Jaem
No, they went and made Savage's because of the state of Zerkers currently.

that line should be read like this:
No, they went and made savage because they cant handle playing a not wtfpwn meleer


Originally posted by Kelmorian
If you are comparing the light tank special abilitys you see:

BM got flurry and TW...TW afaik makes you immune to crits and adds dmg and flurry is a DD.
Merc got Flurry and DT...DT makes you fumble alot more...70% isnt it?...
Zerker got frenzy wich adds a 1% - 99% crit to all hits but looses all defence...no flurry couse of the LA dmg...

Now...if a zerker duels a BM both uses the special abilitys...what happens?

Zerker uses frenzy and crits on all hits while the BM is immune to the zerker frenzy effect AND got a 50% dmg add (i think)...

Zerker vs merc...DT makes the zerker fumble even if in frenzy and makes him hit 70% less during the whole fight and 10 sec longer after that...and STILL no flurry for zerkers...

As i see it...both the other light tanks have atvantages over the zerker now with the LA dmg nerfed...

Am i right or wrong?

It isnt about zerker vs bm or zerker vs merc. Its all about the fg vs fg fights. Its about zerker vs support. And vendo is a good thing vs that. DT offers me slight to nothing in those kind of fights. I guess TW is good but so is vendo.

And to all zerkers who cry like babies. You poor things, it must be horrible to only be "balanced with other light tanks or even better". Mercenery even is considered fotm in albion. And dont come here say that mercenery outdamages a berserker. Maybe in duel but we talking about pure damage dealing on support and casters. Also a berserker can use those slow 2handers for the extreme frontload damage in assist groups.

If you dont get groups as berserker, then help the rest of the daoc community to nerf savages. That way you will get groups again as easy as mercenery get groups in a albion tank group.


Originally posted by faderullan
It isnt about zerker vs bm or zerker vs merc. Its all about the fg vs fg fights. Its about zerker vs support. And vendo is a good thing vs that. DT offers me slight to nothing in those kind of fights. I guess TW is good but so is vendo.

And to all zerkers who cry like babies. You poor things, it must be horrible to only be "balanced with other light tanks or even better". Mercenery even is considered fotm in albion. And dont come here say that mercenery outdamages a berserker. Maybe in duel but we talking about pure damage dealing on support and casters. Also a berserker can use those slow 2handers for the extreme frontload damage in assist groups.

If you dont get groups as berserker, then help the rest of the daoc community to nerf savages. That way you will get groups again as easy as mercenery get groups in a albion tank group.

Hmm Have u tested a zerker ? Have u tried the new dmg caps ?
Ahh the zerker can take out the 2 hander, thats an answer mids love to hear... both zerkers and SB´s.

Both Mercs and Bm´s has much better styles, LA´s has to good things, 1. Behind style - the only line with good (compared to the rest) dmg.
2. An followup that gives stun after evade , well after evade wont happen much to a zerker, we will parry alot more and we dont play high dex races mostly.

So if u say that Zerker are better then Merc and BM today, nope I dont think so.

So if u say a zerk as any place in a groupe, dont think so even if they nerfed savages to oblivion warr would have more utility cuz take a gues whats best
a. Slam, 2h
b. LA or 2h



Exactly what style do mercenery have that is so good? Amethyst slash + diamond slash isnt in DW line you know. And that is the things most slash mercs use most often. Got a side dw chain that outdamages ame-diamond slightly. And a front poitional lvl 50 dw style that is better then amethyst but worse then diamond slash.

Behind chain are by far the most useable chain as a light tank as most people tends to try flee when a light tank is on em.


Sorry but i cant feel sorry for a class that was to good earlier and when it gets balanced they all cry and say its gimped. Its understandable they all make savages, because who wanna play on even terms right...


Allt this whine. Play a Thane ffs, and then you have earned the right to whine.
I dont feel sorry the least for zerkers. Sb's however went down the tube, and all infs takes that as a 'told ya, sb's were overpowered'.

Wrong. Zerkers were, not sb's.

So once again, when you have played a thane to rr4-rr5, then you have EARNED the right to whine.

Zerkers, give it up. FOTM or not, you deserved the nerf.

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