Your daily terrorist bullshit.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Let me see..what's the context.
Oh yes, world terrorism.
Whats the facts.
58% of terrorist acts are in the ME.
And that it would seem, is nonsense to you.

What more do you want?
A breakdown of the individual acts, maybe the exact religious background of the assailants, or the size of their hats.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Can someone stop the roundabout, I simply asked what everyone thought about the figures.

OH so we're moving in to RISK now are we.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
You are actually verifying those stats while trying to back the silly arguments going on here.
58% of terrorist attacks happen in the ME.
That's the end of it.
What happened before or will after is irrelevant in this context.
If things change, then the stats will change.

I'm not verifying anything, unless it happened by accident. if anything, I'm explaining that percentages can be tricky bastards.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
@Job 58% of what over what time span and what decade? Compared with x% of what over what time span in what decade?

@fettoken seriously?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
OK, I bit. I couldn't help myself. So, I did a 3 second google and found a thing called

There I ran some queries and worked up some charts. The charts are all terrorist incidents from 1970 to 2015, all terrorist incidents from 1995 to 2015 and all terrorist incidents from 2010 to 2015.

This is the first chart (1970-2015)
As you can see, the top 3 regions break down as follows:
1: Middle East & North Africa
2: South Asia
3: South America

This is the second chart (1995-2015)

As you can see, the top 3 regions break down as follows:
1: Middle East & North Africa
2: South Asia
3: Sub-Saharan Africa

This is the third chart (2010-2015)

As you can see, the top 3 regions break down as follows:
1: Middle East & North Africa
2: South Asia
3: Sub-Saharan Africa

Anyway, this is what I get:

Region          Percentage
Middle East & North Africa 25.78394101
South Asia 24.1376011
South America 11.88222387
Region         Percentage
Middle East & North Africa 33.560679
South Asia 33.16037497
Sub-Saharan Africa 10.0288827
Region         Percentage
Middle East & North Africa 37.00783593
South Asia 35.59543388
Sub-Saharan Africa 11.62490729
Incident breakdown         Amount         Percentage
All Time 156772 100
Past 20 years 98675 62.94172429
Past 5 years 62022 39.56191157

About 40% of terrorist incidents in this database occurred in the past 5 years. The places where the most incidents occurred were Middle East & North Africa, South Asia and generally Sub-Saharan Africa, although in the whole data-set South America has more incidents. This is likely because of the contras, farc and other groups banging about in the 70's and 80's but I don't know enough about Central/South American terrorism to make an educated guess.

Anyway, to my great surprise precentually speaking it's about as dodgy to live in the middle east as it is to live in south asia. Thank fuck the media isn't reporting how fucking abysmal it must be to live in South Asia. Oh, wait, they don't have oil there, how forgetful of me.

Also, to be fair to the point that Job is -I think- trying to make, if you compare the last 5 years to the last 20, this is what you get :

Incident breakdown past 20 years Amount Percentage
Past 20 years 98675 100
Past 5 years 62022 62.85482645

so, we see that about 63% of the terrorist incidents in the past 20 years occurred between 2010 and 2015. Of that, once again we note that 37% occurred in the ME&NA, about 36% occurred in south Asia and about 12% occurred around about the top middle of Africa.
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Let me see..what's the context.
Oh yes, world terrorism.
Whats the facts.
58% of terrorist acts are in the ME.
And that it would seem, is nonsense to you.

What more do you want?
A breakdown of the individual acts, maybe the exact religious background of the assailants, or the size of their hats.
Its not nonsense. 58% occured in the middle east. But itdoesnt give us the scale.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
OK, I bit. I couldn't help myself. So, I did a 3 second google and found a thing called

There I ran some queries and worked up some charts. The charts are all terrorist incidents from 1970 to 2015, all terrorist incidents from 1995 to 2015 and all terrorist incidents from 2010 to 2015.

This is the first chart (1970-2015)
View attachment 35224
As you can see, the top 3 regions break down as follows:
1: Middle East & North Africa
2: South Asia
3: South America

This is the second chart (1995-2015)
View attachment 35225

As you can see, the top 3 regions break down as follows:
1: Middle East & North Africa
2: South Asia
3: Sub-Saharan Africa

This is the third chart (2010-2015)
View attachment 35226

As you can see, the top 3 regions break down as follows:
1: Middle East & North Africa
2: South Asia
3: Sub-Saharan Africa

Anyway, this is what I get:

Region          Percentage
Middle East & North Africa 25.78394101
South Asia 24.1376011
South America 11.88222387
Region         Percentage
Middle East & North Africa 33.560679
South Asia 33.16037497
Sub-Saharan Africa 10.0288827
Region         Percentage
Middle East & North Africa 37.00783593
South Asia 35.59543388
Sub-Saharan Africa 11.62490729
Incident breakdown         Amount         Percentage
All Time 156772 100
Past 20 years 98675 62.94172429
Past 5 years 62022 39.56191157

About 40% of terrorist incidents in this database occurred in the past 5 years. The places where the most incidents occurred were Middle East & North Africa, South Asia and generally Sub-Saharan Africa, although in the whole data-set South America has more incidents. This is likely because of the contras, farc and other groups banging about in the 70's and 80's but I don't know enough about Central/South American terrorism to make an educated guess.

Anyway, to my great surprise precentually speaking it's about as dodgy to live in the middle east as it is to live in south asia. Thank fuck the media isn't reporting how fucking abysmal it must be to live in South Asia. Oh, wait, they don't have oil there, how forgetful of me.

Also, to be fair to the point that Job is -I think- trying to make, if you compare the last 5 years to the last 20, this is what you get :

Incident breakdown past 20 years Amount Percentage
Past 20 years 98675 100
Past 5 years 62022 62.85482645

so, we see that about 63% of the terrorist incidents in the past 20 years occurred between 2010 and 2015. Of that, once again we note that 37% occurred in the ME&NA, about 36% occurred in south Asia and about 12% occurred around about the top middle of Africa.
Nice piece of work. I wonder how much this is scewed by improved methods of communication for example? Or terrorist groups taking responsibility for random acts of violence?


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Nice piece of work. I wonder how much this is scewed by improved methods of communication for example? Or terrorist groups taking responsibility for random acts of violence?
I'd say around 58%.....


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Thanks @Yoni. Tbh I don't know the answers to your questions. I don't know if the database I used will tell me or even does / doesn't.

Imo the significant thing in what I did is that you can see that when looking at ALL the numbers, you get a different result than when you look at SOME of the numbers. In other words South America being in third place (or not). I believe that this difference in results is what some of the posters in this thread have been trying to point out.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Well, it seems I'm a really sad individual with no life so I did some more numbers and images. I broke down the database from START by decade, starting with 1975 (good year, that).






So if we let the decades be enumerated 1,2,3 and 4, we see that decade 2 has an overall growth of terrorist incidents by about 53.4% compared to the starting decade 1. Decade 3 shows a significant decrease in incidents leaving only 56% compared to decade 2, and decade 4 shows a massive jump in incidents to 466.5% compared to decade 3 (although to be fair its a much less overwhelming 265% when compared to decade 2). Job's favorite region grew from 22.23% of the total to 33.56% from decade 3 to decade 4, which is a growth of about 51% (which I suppose is where the 53% number comes from, it's certainly close enough).

Note that growth percentage shit I'm talking about is how much the percentage grew. In actual number growth, things are much more fearsome, I kid you not. Anyway the short version is that ME&NA went from about 1/8th to 1/5th to 1/3rd of terrorist incidents in the past 30 years, according to these queries when mapped out per 10 years. Tbh what I find more worrying is that Southeast Asia came out of nowhere to grab 8.2%. I mean, that's everyone's fave holiday destination ffs. Nobody goes to lie on a beach in fucking Damascus. Tbh I'm not even sure if Damascus actually has beaches, but hey ho. Also, I may have been drinking so if any grave number errors have occurred it's the whisky's fault.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Thats a very nicebreak down of trends, hardly the context of my post.. important no doubt, but still.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Thats a very nicebreak down of trends, hardly the context of my post.. important no doubt, but still.
You really are a cockbadger aren't you? Please @Deebs can I have my mod status back?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Bit of a difficult one this, freedom of speech an all, but what do you do when a politician get's murdered by a right wing nutjob.
You bring out the thought police.

UK Puts 15-Year-Old Burqa Opponent on Anti-Terror Programme

What's the difference between this and a Muslim kid saying 'I think the whole of the UK should convert to Islam?' - Freedom of Speech issue still, no?

Also, in Loughborough, the Police raided a flat of a young person who had Nazi paraphernalia and had Britain First stuff, oh, and a bomb which the police described as the most sophisticated bomb they'd ever seen.

There was also a case of a boy who saw Hitler as his idol and planned to carry out an anti-Semitic attack, the school found out, took him to the Holocaust Museum in the UK, and he changed his views.

The Prevent agenda also picks up far more worrying cases of far-right children than potential Jihadi cases, it's still disproportionate to population - but hey, who cares about that, percent of far-right cases is still higher!

Anti-Terror Programme is also an extremely strong way of putting the Prevent agenda, it's actually a very good system which sees potential Jihadis meet up with Islamic leaders to give them a more proper interpretation of the Koran.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Thats a very nicebreak down of trends, hardly the context of my post.. important no doubt, but still.

It's entirely the point we've been trying to get through your thick skull; don't quote percentages without context. But I guess that's all a bit pre-post-truth for you?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I like how the Breitbart article's author put "far right" in quotes. As though it doesn't exist.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Its a far right news website, with links to UKIP and Trump. What a surprise @Job is finding his stories there, oh and if you want source

'Key figures at Breitbart News - a fast-growing conservative website that has been condemned by some commentators as racist and misogynist - are connected with both the Trump campaign and with the UK Independence Party.'

Breitbart: The web that connects Trump and Farage - BBC News


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Its a bit boring tbh, yes its a ..supported by Trump...right wing website..but the story is true and if he had actually been calling for someone to be harmed, he would have got a lot worse.
Seems the reasonable reaction, though surely the father needs a visit...oh and half the comments section of the right wing the thought police.
I mean that really is the absolute description of thought police...people filling their heads with the wring opinions.
I notice they didnt take him to visit a Jihadi, just a nice friendly, police approved muslim.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It's entirely the point we've been trying to get through your thick skull; don't quote percentages without context. But I guess that's all a bit pre-post-truth for you?
No you took the figures and because you didnt like me posting them..wandered off into side issues, while saying I didnt understand them, then descended into farce and finally posted a detailed breakdown of terrorism trends, which is hardly the point the article I posted from was making.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You're doing a great job of trolling the hand wringers here @Job


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Seeing as we have all missed your point could you clarify what exactly it was?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
He plucked some percentages out of the air and attempted to prove that most terrorism is in the Middle East, therefore Islam = bad. Someone pointed out that percentages without actual numbers or analysis of trends are useless, and proved this. Others did the same. Job ignored these points and claimed "the stats don't lie". Everyone else did a massive facepalm.

He's done it before and will do it again, probably quoting the Daily Mail or some other, similar arse-rag.

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