Your daily terrorist bullshit.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Also, Job kind of has a point too. If global terrorism has declined but Islamic terrorism hasn't then that is something that needs fixing (All terrorism has to stop, obviously but for the sake of argument) Likewise if indeed the figures he posted are correct then it is also a worrying statistic.

Need a source though, and the Guardian is pretty far off from being a reliable source for anything other than the football results.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Basically just fuck off.
They are the fucking figures..I posted them and made no alteration to them..and you crawl out of your hole and attack my maths skills.
Is this an alernative frickin universe.
Hey everybodys..heres a red car.
No its not you thick cunt job..its just not every other colour.
*chucle* carry on insulting me all you want, it reinforces my view of you no end.... one question though? Did you finish any form of schooling at all or did you skip school and hang round the park all day long?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Ladies and gents, the height of argument, well done Yoni.

I see nobody has attempted a counter argument, nobody has presented statistics that counter those posted, just lots of shit flinging as usual.

If you are going to call him stupid and then go on to somehow attempt to question his education (despite not actually knowing anything about him, at all) then quite frankly he could just turn round and call you a fugler...

Job is a troll, and pretty good at it.
Last edited:


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Also, Job kind of has a point too. If global terrorism has declined but Islamic terrorism hasn't then that is something that needs fixing (All terrorism has to stop, obviously but for the sake of argument) Likewise if indeed the figures he posted are correct then it is also a worrying statistic.

Need a source though, and the Guardian is pretty far off from being a reliable source for anything other than the football results.
not sure that will give an concrete results; what happened to the Muslim population over the same period; what happened to conversion rate? How do you factor in those who join the 'cause' because they just want to inflict pain and harm? Or whether anything it have said is relevant at all?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Those could be contributing factors yes, but still do not change the statistics themselves (if the stats are indeed true) Stats are stats. You can't argue that the percentage is so high because they had 20% new joiners or whatever, that doesn't mean you alter the base figures.

You can use those statistics to explain the original data, but not change it.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Ladies and gents, the height of argument, well done Yoni.
I'm just trolling @Raven, Job doesn't like it very much does he and yet in most threads i read there he is.... making uneducated, unsubstantiated comments, so before I really went for the jugular I thought I'd ask, just in case.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Those could be contributing factors yes, but still do not change the statistics themselves (if the stats are indeed true) Stats are stats.
Yes and due to their nature the can be manipulated to generate the desired result ;)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Also, Job kind of has a point too. If global terrorism has declined but Islamic terrorism hasn't then that is something that needs fixing (All terrorism has to stop, obviously but for the sake of argument) Likewise if indeed the figures he posted are correct then it is also a worrying statistic.

Need a source though, and the Guardian is pretty far off from being a reliable source for anything other than the football results.

Except his only point is to (once again) throw out a bald statistic without context to service his agenda, which is your basic common or garden racism. He tries to dress it up with a bit of liberal hand-wringing to throw everyone off the scent, but he's just a xenophobe basically. Why keep digging up these "statistics" in the first place? Are we all sitting around waiting for this information? No, we are not, and its irritatingly transparent what's going on.

And as I pointed out, even if the figures he quoted are correct, its not necessarily a worrying statistic if overall risk around the world is down. Not for us anyway. Pretty shit if you're from that part of the world, but the barrel bombs and black flags had probably already tipped you the wink there might be a problem anyway.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Is anyone convinced by the legitimacy of the source material?

He does use Wikipedia.

Although I do like to make things nice, colourful and accessible to all attainment levels.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Shit on a brick.
This is this forum.
Freddys. Hows the car going?

Job..ok but the back tyres on fire.

Freddys stop telling us tyrist bullshit. really its on fire, might be
worth looking at.'re full of shit job, such a small fire, stop over reacting with your arson agenda.

job..its still on fire, maybe check it out, wether its going to spread.

Freddys..oh so you want it to spread, you thick you know anything about combustion?

Job..its still burning.

Freddys and who told you..your mates who see fires everywhere? fire alarm on the dash. mean the fucking stormfront nazi funded alarm.

job still on fire.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Oh so you ARE making a point not merely reporting facts which are inaccurate


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Except his only point is to (once again) throw out a bald statistic without context to service his agenda, which is your basic common or garden racism. He tries to dress it up with a bit of liberal hand-wringing to throw everyone off the scent, but he's just a xenophobe basically. Why keep digging up these "statistics" in the first place? Are we all sitting around waiting for this information? No, we are not, and its irritatingly transparent what's going on.

And as I pointed out, even if the figures he quoted are correct, its not necessarily a worrying statistic if overall risk around the world is down. Not for us anyway. Pretty shit if you're from that part of the world, but the barrel bombs and black flags had probably already tipped you the wink there might be a problem anyway.
Lol Gaff, that just reads so hand wringing liberal, it should go on a poster.
Why are you telling us this nasty stuff, it conflicts with my world views.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Lol Gaff, that just reads so hand wringing liberal, it should go on a poster.
Why are you telling us this nasty stuff, it conflicts with my world views.

It doesn't conflict with any of my world views, just unlike you I don't automatically get moist about the upcoming clash of civilisations that you really seem to want. The "nasty stuff" you insist on posting every five minutes is speaking volumes about you and very little about what's actually going on in the world.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'll add Raven to the list previously made up of just Job which is headed "didn't pass basic maths".

Gents, the points you think you're making which, in your opinion, are both rational and sensible simply betray the fact that you lack the basic understanding to hold a worthwhile conversation on a mathematical topic.

DaGaffer has tried to explain it, but you don't understand his explanation sufficiently to realise how far off track you are.

Short of sending you both back to school there's little that can be done for you. I'm sorry if that sounds like I'm calling you thick - I'm not. I'm calling you woefully undereducated - whether that is your own fault or not I couldn't give less fucks about.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Except his only point is to (once again) throw out a bald statistic without context to service his agenda, which is your basic common or garden racism. He tries to dress it up with a bit of liberal hand-wringing to throw everyone off the scent, but he's just a xenophobe basically. Why keep digging up these "statistics" in the first place? Are we all sitting around waiting for this information? No, we are not, and its irritatingly transparent what's going on.

And as I pointed out, even if the figures he quoted are correct, its not necessarily a worrying statistic if overall risk around the world is down. Not for us anyway. Pretty shit if you're from that part of the world, but the barrel bombs and black flags had probably already tipped you the wink there might be a problem anyway.
This is a thread called daily terrorist I upsetting you by posting terrorist related statistics....

The entire argument against these statistics is not based on any counter argument, but sinpky that it doesn't matter and anyone who thinks it does is an uneducated racist.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The entire argument against these statistics is not based on any counter argument
No. I'm arguing because your stats are meaningless, and when it was pointed out to you why - with reasons - you lack the background to understand why you're so woefully wrong.

It's just a maths and stats problem to me. It'd be exactly the same as if you'd posted 1+1=5 and then argued that we won't accept your sums because of ideological reasons, rather than your numerical educational inadequacy.

Job - you're really really shit at maths and stats. That's all it is. Don't take it personally.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
There hasnt even been an explanation to counter the stats, except the most infantile objection to statistics based on argument you would expect from a five year old.

So Scouse...what is the Freddyhouse kindergardens correct way of interpreting the stats...I'll helpfully ignore your 'medieval modern weaponry' response, so as not to embarress you.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There hasnt even been an explanation to counter the stats, except the most infantile objection to statistics based on argument you would expect from a five year old.

So Scouse...what is the Freddyhouse kindergardens correct way of interpreting the stats...I'll helpfully ignore your 'medieval modern weaponry' response, so as not to embarress you.
If I have 10 apples and you nick 4 of them because you're a scouser, you've taken 40% of my apples.
If I have 5 apples and you nick 4 of them because you're a scouser, you've taken 80% of my apples.

This is why you can't rely on percentages alone to give an accurate picture and if you don't understand that then there's nothing anyone can do to help you.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
What the fuck has that got to do with those stats..really..the stats stand for themselves..any argument is they are incorrect.
Pointing out if you double apples being stolen
I cant even begin to comprehend how utterly idiotic your example is in relation to my post.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The point is that without knowing what the total is a percentage by itself is meaningless (and usually misleading)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
no it isn't meaningless, the total is a seperate issue.

If there were 500 terrorist acts worldwide and 250 in the middle East, then the middle east would be 50%.
If there were a thousand and 500 in the Middle east, it would still be 50%

I mean really, the rest of the chumps have gone quiet because their arguments were nonsense.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
May not agree with Job but finding everyone else being a disgusting cunt when it comes to arguing with Job. It's easy to make fun of and jump on the bandwagon while nitpicking and circular reasoning to stay in your PC bubble.

Callous, Tom, Scouse, Dagaffer, etc. Fuck right off with your high and mighty attitude.

(Reserving myself the right not to go read Job's initial assertion..)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
no it isn't meaningless, the total is a seperate issue.

If there were 500 terrorist acts worldwide and 250 in the middle East, then the middle east would be 50%.
If there were a thousand and 500 in the Middle east, it would still be 50%

I mean really, the rest of the chumps have gone quiet because their arguments were nonsense.

I believe the argument was that, comparatively speaking, the amount of terrorist acts in the ME has grown because the rest of the world has become safer. If we use Tom's analogy of the apples, there used to be 10 apples, of which 4 were grown in the ME, ergo 40%. There now are 5 apples, of which 4 are grown in the ME, ergo 80%. The amount of apples grown in the ME has not changed, only the amount grown world wide has.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You are actually verifying those stats while trying to back the silly arguments going on here.
58% of terrorist attacks happen in the ME.
That's the end of it.
What happened before or will after is irrelevant in this context.
If things change, then the stats will change.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
May not agree with Job but finding everyone else being a disgusting cunt when it comes to arguing with Job. It's easy to make fun of and jump on the bandwagon while nitpicking and circular reasoning to stay in your PC bubble.

Callous, Tom, Scouse, Dagaffer, etc. Fuck right off with your high and mighty attitude.

(Reserving myself the right not to go read Job's initial assertion..)

Yeah, you should probably do that.

Job is basically spouting nonsense, and has been for a -very- long time now, I've been picking at what he's been saying, but he's constantly passing it off as 'I'm just reporting facts' when in reality he's trying to get across his own personal agenda which is very skewered, polarising and frankly disturbing.

The facts that he has been using are facts which have no context behind them, so therefore the response that he is receiving is largely justified.

I'd like to point out that we aren't criticising his political stance, it's 2017, and the new thing is 'ahh, I'm not a racist, stop putting my arguments down because they're not cushy liberal views.'

That isn't happening, if Job wants to put forward an argument which had statistics and also has some context, that would be excellent.

People have always been slaughtered on Freddyshouse for being idiots, there's no difference here, just look at the religion/cycling/nuclear etc threads.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You are actually verifying those stats while trying to back the silly arguments going on here.
58% of terrorist attacks happen in the ME.
That's the end of it.
What happened before or will after is irrelevant in this context.
If things change, then the stats will change.
But thatdoesnt tell you how many 58% of acts are. It could be 1 or 58 or 580.

To be shocked or understand the scale of the problem you need to know the number of incidents.

If 58% is only 20 acts a year or something then wow we had that with the ira suck it up. If its 200 then its like well you really need to sort your shit out. That will influence tourism and investment etc.

Its like saying someones chance of cancer goes up 50% by eating a sausage a day.

That increase only means i go from 2 out of 100 to 3 outof 100. I will take that risk.

So while the percentage can be ised it is irrelevant when it comes to doing anything about making a choice, its only good for newspaper headlines.

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