Your daily terrorist bullshit.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You honestly believe that we're going to devolve a part of the UK to ISIS and there will be ISIS MPs elected who will refuse to take their seats up in the Commons?

Unless you do, your post is fucking idiotic..
Not the uk. But some part of the world. Only way totruely beat terrorists is to talk to them and subvert or change their reasoning.

You cant kill them all. You dont know where they all are. So someway you have to talk and get issues sorted that way.

Same with eta in spain. Ended up relinquishing arms as they have been convinced to try peaceful methods to furthher their cause.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Guilty of what?
I don't know the UK laws as well as you do but I'm sure there's some conspiracy to commit terrorism or conspiracy to cause panic to the general public or something similar.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I don't know the UK laws as well as you do but I'm sure there's some conspiracy to commit terrorism or conspiracy to cause panic to the general public or something similar.

And people can and do get charged for that all the time (people tend to forget that for every Borough Market attack, hundreds are foiled), but what people are espousing here is going beyond that, turning the reading of ISIS propaganda into a crime like looking at kiddie porn; I think it's fraught with difficulty; define "ISIS propaganda" for a start. Everyone who's looked at a YouTube video from Syria could end up in the pokey. Do you make this crime broader, or very specific to ISIS or Islamic terrorism? Both are troublesome.

And assuming you do find a workable definition of a crime and start locking people up, how long for? Life? Guantanamo style? Personally I'd never sign up for that kind of shit in my name.

As for people making threats in the street etc. We already have plenty of public order and incitement laws covering that kind of thing, and in the case of Manchester and Borough Market they should have been used; not because the would keep these fuckwits off the streets for long, but might scare a few into second thoughts. But it's a big "might".


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Definitions are made for the porn, so they could be made for the propaganda too. You can't get locked up for looking at a Daily Mail story of how a 15 year old celeb is 'blossoming' but we know what will get you locked up.

You'll also get a much longer sentence for holding and distributing thousands of images or videos of abuse, or being part of a ring doing such, than you'd get for being caught with one image on your phone.

Perhaps similar could be worked out for ISIS propaganda? Matters of scale and seriousness. We have lawmakers and a judiciary and jury process and appeals to cope with this kind of thing.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Definitions are made for the porn, so they could be made for the propaganda too. You can't get locked up for looking at a Daily Mail story of how a 15 year old celeb is 'blossoming' but we know what will get you locked up.

You'll also get a much longer sentence for holding and distributing thousands of images or videos of abuse, or being part of a ring doing such, than you'd get for being caught with one image on your phone.

Perhaps similar could be worked out for ISIS propaganda? Matters of scale and seriousness. We have lawmakers and a judiciary and jury process and appeals to cope with this kind of thing.

You make "definitions for propaganda" sound like something that can be cooked up in an afternoon; it would be massively difficult. Relatively speaking kiddie porn definitions are straightforward. Defining "propaganda" versus free speech or religious beliefs would be massively difficult. You could have an ISIS propaganda document that is literally just direct quotes from the Koran, simply used out of context. You going to arrest everyone with a Koran? As for holding thousands of images or whatever, that doesn't tell you anything more than someone has a good broadband connection. The reason why volume of images is a criteria in child porn cases is because its used as a metric of harm to the number of victims (e.g. the kids in the images), that argument doesn't stand up with political or religious propaganda.

There's also the issue of targeting; is this legislation that's only going to be used against looking at imagery of a specific terror group? Doesn't really work does it since they evolve about every 20 minutes? So, its all terror groups associated with islam? Bit of a problem with that since there are thousands of people who agree with some Islamic groups (e.g. Hezbollah) because of Israel, but would never dream of committing a terrorist offence. Hell, I know people of Facebook who post pro-Palestinian stuff all the time and there as white middle-class as I am. Maybe its just all "terror" groups then? So who's going to define that list? We going to start rounding up the animal rights mob? Maybe the socialist worker types? Lots of "propaganda" there that right-thinking people don't like...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
God vs Allah, winner takes all.
I mean theyre not actually the same omnipotent entity are they...cos that wouldnt work on the ground.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
When the Animal Rights lot start driving vans into people and then leaping out to butcher them with knives, we could add them to the list.

Again, I'm not convinced I personally agree with this kind of idea, but it's certainly fun poking it with a stick.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
A guy has been arrested for youtube videos of Koran burning.

Inciting racial hatred.

Unfurling Isis flags and advertising an international terrorist organisation that despises westerners and wants them dead doesnt come under this?

Obviously not..well because mr book burner hasnt got 2 billion mates that back him.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Wtf .they are calling for people to be killed.
This guy is burning a book.

Burning a book...well burning one particular book..gets you arrested in free speech UK.

No idea yet if he backed it up with any hate words, but he is just charged with video offence.
Police say a 45-year-old man from Worcestershire has been arrested on suspicion of posting videos or images likely to cause racial hatred.

Cmon scouse, you have raise an eyebrow to that.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
I don't have a solution to your questions @DaGaffer and I'm not sure expanding the current watchlist (the criteria to be put on it) is the best idea, but giving it more resources, or maybe giving it more publicity (without going into details of individuals of course) would help dissuade new nutcases from doing anything stupid.

But I'm guessing it's a little bit like foreign surveillance (espionage), you can't advertise the "wins" 'cus the best spy missions are the ones no one knows about.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
We dont have freedom of speech equality.
That matters not. That'll be down to the fact that we don't have freedom of speech.

If we had free speech, then we'd have equality. But we don't. So campaign for free speech and you solve your piddly little issue.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well we do have freedom of speech if you ate prepared to accept the consequences and if that is no consequence, then it kinda works out as freedom of speech.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Well we do have freedom of speech if you ate prepared to accept the consequences and if that is no consequence, then it kinda works out as freedom of speech.
Its not freedom of speech if there are legal consequences of expressing your self.

If that family from the usa that call people fags and protest at army funerals and such, were in the uk. They would be prosecuted for hate speech.

What your saying is like saying you could shout out how hitler was a bastard and the nazis sucked in germany during ww two.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
No ..Im saying the criteria for prosecution is not based on the severity, but on the level of violence threatened by the offended.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
He'll be replaced by Nabu- Heckler-Al Fresco within the hour.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Possible terrorist shooting in Munich...I think thats the second time a female officers gun has been taken off her.
This time they shot her with it.

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