I'm just wondering if it will go live tonight tbh.
Team douchebag assembled, Classic Ironman awaits.
I think I'd recommend a run through on Normal with the tutorial on firstFinally a game that is actually ball breaking hard on the higher levels and Classic Ironman ... oh god.
my up-close-and-personal people tend to die , along with the medics who go to help them, everyone else stands back and gets lots of safe xp, yay for the "snipe anything you have LOS to that your team mates can see"
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cHodAX said:Metacritic is pumping out some good scores from both critics and players, safe to say it is a good game.
If isometric strategy games are dead, this is the best zombie we've ever seen.
Its great. I think itimproves on the origional!
Yup, allready noticing that particular shortfall.Here's a good fucking tip.
Get engineers instead of scientists when you are offered the choice.
You just get fucked if you didn't pick up enough.
Here's a good fucking tip.
Get engineers instead of scientists when you are offered the choice.
You just get fucked if you didn't pick up enough.
Hmmm wondering if there's an equivalent of the PWT launcher from TFTD. guided nuke goodness!
That's what workshops are for
Yes there is but I got it too late for it to be any use since I only had the last mission left. Christ that was tough. I lost 4 of my uber 6 man squad completing it, and that was with reloads. They'd gone 12 consecutive missions before that unscathed!