Get real man, Aada does my head in, the last thing I want is to be anywhere near him. And no, I'm still on the PS4 side of the bench, it's mainly down to what my mates buy though.
PS4 pad still looks wank though!
I also like the colour blue and hate turquoise.
No I saw I just never found it funny saw it as yet another dig at us Xbone buyers :/Lol, both blind as bats, clearly missed the part that says "So bored right now " yet still you take it seriously /golf clap
Other than a Wii for the missus, I haven't bought a console since the PS2.
'cause they're all shit compared to the PC. Why bother?
I have no idea why anyone would by an xbone. It makes no sense whatsoever. You just get yourself a media centre PC with a decent graphics card and plug it into your telly.
All the functionality of an xbone. Better games. Better control options. Better graphics. Better interoperability. Better software. Better everything.
As I said, no exclusives worth plugging one in for.
Only gullible people or people who need to run several monitors buy 770s
I have a console and have bought at least 3 games.
Why are you on the internet unsupervised, you seem to get angry and confused so have to resort to random playground insults. Do you have a "condition" ?
go play Defiance
Man, that's getting old even for me.
Can you not come up with anything better?
Anyway, the games you quoted simply aint worth the purchase m8
I can't believe you actually said Gears and Halo were fantastic games, now I know your a fanboy
Have fun with Killzone haha.
The shooter nobody ever cared about.
Hit on a nerve I see, as for Killzone insult away, I have never and will never play a Killzone game.
And Overdriven, For the record about control pads btw, there were some PS3 specifically made controllers that used PS3 parts but were shaped like 360 Controllers, so you don't even have to reverse engineer them Overdriven, these ones have no deadzones and function 100% fine so the whole Xbox controller argument that coming up in this thread from Aada and Billargh is totally invalid, only a matter of time before PS4 made ones pop up deadzone free.|13217769&CPNG=Electronics&kpid=13217769&ci_gpa=pla&ci_sku=13217769
Your one of these people on this forum that I would describe as a sheep and a piss ant I would tread on with my boot you arse licking little cunt.
Look around the net the 3rd party pads are not great and Sony have rendered some paper weights with firmware updates.