World of Warcraft


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
To see if the end game is any good? in WoW' case it is not at the moment though :( .

Seriously? hardly takes a week to get 80? so they have also dumbed down WoW now :( is there any game which is a challenge anymore?

Nicely twisted :D

The endgame is good if you're in a raiding guild or with friends who want to have fun. Then it becmoes a social game, not "loot-xp-stuff-mine-now!" game.

Like i always say in our guild, if you're raiding for gear, you shouldn't.

It hardly takes a week to 80 if you're rushing and dedicate your time to it.

I took 4 months to get to 80 on a single character(priest none the less, so grouping ain't an issue), but i always geared and trained professions etc etc etc. Had fun.

KEy element is;

If yu're not having fun with a game, don't play it. Doesn't make it crap, but it's not for you.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
See, for me, I prefer PVE to RVR. I not long ago levelled my first animist to 50 in DAOC. Yes, it was fun because (a) I never played an animist before & you could make mincemeat out of groups of blues & yellows, but once you're on 50, then what? Quite simply, I can't be arse to go through the whole rigmarole of speccing a template, spending months finding the right armour & the best bits of kit, doing champ levels, not to mention the whole boring grind of master levels, spellcrafting my armour etc, and then only to get ganked every single time I go into RVR because you're up against RR10s or half groups or full groups who 1 or 2 hit you, and unless you really know your stuff in RVR (which I don't), soloing in NF is out of the question.

I guess I'm just bored with DAOC.

Im on a private server on WOW & enjoy the n00bness of exploring entirely new areas, seeing what my toon can do, and just chilling out killing mobs without having to worry that when I do eventually get 80, I'm not going to be insta-ganked by 8 mids all of whom are rr10+. And at least when I do get to 80, I'll probably stand more of a chance surviving in PVP then in RVR in DAOC because in RVR DAOC you have to know every single technical detail - and for me, thats not a lot of fun. Plus I like taking my time levelling in WOW. Guess because thats new. Maybe X years down the line when I've tried all race/class combos I'll look for something else.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
If you can't find something to do at max level in WoW then you are in the wrong guild...

With regards to zones, lol at people suggesting DAOCs are better. In DAOC they are all essentially the same but with different trees, there is little character to any of them and certainly no lore/story to them, all the NPCs look the same. The pve in daoc is dog shit too. Grind mobs over and over until you eventually ding or join a horrendously dull power level group. Obviously the PvE is not what DAOC is about though so it doesn't really matter, the end game is the RvR...The only problem is that the RvR is crap now too, partly by design and partly by the idiot player base. zerg zerg zerg... not fun.

At the end of the day I couldn't care less if people don't want to play WoW, I play and I am quite happy playing and I am in a decent guild of like minded players (around 50-60 active people)

If you want to play DAOC then do so but don't try and make out the game is not teetering on the edge, you seem to forget that many of us have also played DAOC recently and know that its been turned into a bag of steaming shit since the Ywain merger and that Mythic have no intention of doing anything about it.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Your also forgetting Raven that WoW is in its prime and DAoC is on it way out.

Compare WoW prime to DAoC prime and DAoC wins it hands down, and the zones didn't have any lore or feel to them? Get to fuck on that one, both games zones are brilliant designed and both bring back nostalgic memories for both. But without being offense, you seem to be doing your usual 'the game i'm playing is better'.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Your also forgetting Raven that WoW is in its prime and DAoC is on it way out.

Compare WoW prime to DAoC prime and DAoC wins it hands down, and the zones didn't have any lore or feel to them? Get to fuck on that one, both games zones are brilliant designed and both bring back nostalgic memories for both. But without being offense, you seem to be doing your usual 'the game i'm playing is better'.

WoW isn't in it's prime anymore, I have read in quite a few places that it's starting to die but I suppose with the new expansion it's picking up numbers again, but for how long?


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Your also forgetting Raven that WoW is in its prime and DAoC is on it way out.

Compare WoW prime to DAoC prime and DAoC wins it hands down, and the zones didn't have any lore or feel to them? Get to fuck on that one, both games zones are brilliant designed and both bring back nostalgic memories for both. But without being offense, you seem to be doing your usual 'the game i'm playing is better'.

Although WoW has more players (and therefore more casual players) than DAOC, I think the end-game has a big impact on the experience of the world. Even the most hardcore of hardcore WoW raiding guilds only raid 3-4 times a week. Many players use downtime to level alts, visit old areas, clear lowbie dungeons, farm rare drops for alts and so on.

In DAOC, the end-game is RvR and that's 24/7. Again, hardcore RvR guilds might only play 3-4 times a week, but the difference is the availability of RR8+ "Super PUGs" mean that downtime between scheduled RvR groups is taken up with...more RvR!

This tends to mean players level in the fastest way possible, gear up in the fastest way possible and then RvR as much as possible. This can lead to memories of "PvE bad, RvR good" which ain't really the case. Although DAOC was lacking a bit in PvE compared to WoW, you have to remember that DAOC was there first and WoW probably learned a lot from Mythic's mistakes.

Incidentally, it's a shame that Mythic didn't learn from Mythic's mistakes, as Warhammer (which showed some promise) now has far less players than DAOC.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
even in its prime there were rarely more than a few thousand people playing on the euro English servers... it was riddled with bugs, imbalances and anger... BUT that is one of the things that made it so entertaining! if i was arsing away somewhere grinding an alt and i heard about a relic raid or someone attacking midgard i would rush to fight and defend, there was a lot of pride in being an Alb or a Hib that i think a lot of new games miss out on, it feels more... mercenary... the only thing that comes close in WoW is the guild system to be honest

so i guess its greatest strenghts were its flaws for me!

imbalance - i mean who doesnt love a gimp!

anger, pride, infighting - made it seem more interesting

but to be honest i think people have limited times with games, by the time i stopped DAoC i was only logging on to chat to people had no interest in actually playing, i mostly hopped around in Aegirhamn or wandered around by myself in Odins trying to find anyone at all to shoot/die at

and i guess after 6 years or so people start to feel the same with WoW (or maybe they got the feeling quicker because they were used to doing similar things in DAoC)

aaaand on the zones, i liked the DAoC zones, but they sometimes had a bit of an absurd feel to them, not much was "streamlined" in the way modern games are i guess, (but again i quite enjoyed hopping on a horse from one end of the game to the other just to see what i found on the way and still do this in WoW, i walked from north-south kalimdor on my warrior when he was lvl 18 back in the day, died a lot of course but saw some interesting things and picked up lots of flightpaths :p )


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Your also forgetting Raven that WoW is in its prime and DAoC is on it way out.

Compare WoW prime to DAoC prime and DAoC wins it hands down, and the zones didn't have any lore or feel to them? Get to fuck on that one, both games zones are brilliant designed and both bring back nostalgic memories for both. But without being offense, you seem to be doing your usual 'the game i'm playing is better'.

How much of that was zone design and story and how much was it the people you explored it with? Granted toa was good but then everyone qqed and it got made easy. Dont get me wrong, daoc was far better in its prime but that was 4-5 years ago. The fact is daoc is currently shit and its devs dont care.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
There is no way to compare the two games in a realistic manner. They are designed at different times and with different objectives.

DAOC has had its time and and would require a massive overhaul on all fronts to be anywhere near WOW. All the people cussing WOW should not forget that it has 9 gazzilion subscribers which is probably 8 gajillion more that DAOC ever had.

The difference in age between the games is not huge - 3-4 years - and yet they have managed to keep the sub's base high for all these years and compared to daoc in a far better way. They ahve done so by listening to what the players want and making it easily accessible for everyone.

If you start to play DAOC today the race to 50 is easy but beyond that you are fucked unless you have mates who are playing or if you run in set groups. I had it when i started to play on US servers again about a year back.

WoW is not like this.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2005
Yes the difference of the players between daoc and wow is huge but believe me i prefer the short amount of players that daoc has than the millions of 14 years old kids that i met when i played Wow.

You are talking about story.. haha what story ? to go to kill a mob and then go to kill another mob and after the quest is done, then you have to do another quest and then another one quest etc ?

it was the first MMO that i faking bored from the first 10 minutes.

Many people wanna explore the plenty of areas that Wow has and ofc i respect that but really dont try to compare this shit with DaoC.


FH is my second home
Jan 4, 2004
You are talking about story.. haha what story ? to go to kill a mob and then go to kill another mob and after the quest is done, then you have to do another quest and then another one quest etc ?

The story is the bit that's explained in the dialogue for the quests, and in the cutscenes, and in the books, signs, character dialogue and all the rest lying around in the world. If you just go to any npc with a gold ! above their head, blindly click accept, and then just kill/gather/meet whatever it says in the quest tracker, then you will not find a story. To find it, you have to be looking for it.
Also there are a lot more varied quests in WoW these days. Granted, many still revolve around killing mobs, but there's quite a few that handle it in different ways, or give more of a purpose to it.
If quests and story aren't your thing, then the pve in WoW is probably not for you, but you can't say that there's no story there, because there's plenty, if you're actually looking for it.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
You are talking about story.. haha what story ? to go to kill a mob and then go to kill another mob and after the quest is done, then you have to do another quest and then another one quest etc ?

it was the first MMO that i faking bored from the first 10 minutes.

Many people wanna explore the plenty of areas that Wow has and ofc i respect that but really dont try to compare this shit with DaoC.

There is very much a story in WoW to read if you take the time to read the dialogue.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Yup from a PVE Perspective WoW is immense , the weekly raid thing is a pain though , introduced to play on people with OCD to keep them subbing even when they no longer cared what ... i call the tomagotchi effect :p


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Yup from a PVE Perspective WoW is immense , the weekly raid thing is a pain though , introduced to play on people with OCD to keep them subbing even when they no longer cared what ... i call the tomagotchi effect :p

TBH i never raid weekly just when i feel like it most of the time i'm either lvling up an ALT/BG/Dungeons/crafting etc etc raiding kinda bores me although people say that is the whole point of WoW, not for me heh.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
What other game lets you punch a dragon in the face though???*

*One of the best quests ever!


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
I thought i really hated WoW until i actually bothered to play it properly, get past the few low levels quests and just stick it out.

They've made it alot less boring as you can mix up questing & dungeons without having to run to each dungeon etcetc. I always found just constant quest grinding was incredibly dry also, WoW do have the tendancy to repeat similar quests from level to level. "Go collect 10 of this." "Go kill 20 of this" etc.

But with Cataclysm the quests are all pretty interesting, they all seem to have their own little twist. Quite enjoying it atm although i haven't played much of it.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
If anyone wants to give it a try I'm on Ravencrest Alliance, I would suggest not even bothering to try get on with a trial account however - they have lower priority in queues and currently our queues are in the 2.5k range.

Character name is Helloes. I would seriously suggest anyone who got bored of the early game before to try it again, the Cataclysm quests(available to all) made the start of the game infinitely better with quests that actually make you feel that you are making a difference due to phasing.

They also added about a year ago the single best thing ever for leveling, dungeon finder. With two key presses you can sign up to 5man dungeons and the game will find a tank/healer and three DPS depending on what you play and instantly teleport you to the dungeon of your choice(or a random one).

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