World of Warcraft


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
I would NOT suggest Turalyon, btw. I played there since retail and for the best of vanilla, tbc and wotlk. The problem with the server is there is very few competetant guilds (only one really, and that would be The Last Watch from DAoC/Prydwen), there's also a distinct lack of decent PvP'ers which makes it hell finding any decent team composition for arena and it has been like that for a long time so I'd suggest looking elsewhere.

I found a new home myself about 8 months ago and now play on Auchindoun (Horde side), Horde's underpopulated and it's a PvP server but both have a great selection of guilds that are very well progressed.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
lol, why not? I couldn't give a rats arse if you don't like me using freeshards lol

I'm not a serious gamer, and will only be playing for 4 weeks anyway

4 weeks? what is the point man you won't see anything the game has to offer in 4 weeks unless you put in 12 hour a day stints to get to 85.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I would NOT suggest Turalyon, btw. I played there since retail and for the best of vanilla, tbc and wotlk. The problem with the server is there is very few competetant guilds (only one really, and that would be The Last Watch from DAoC/Prydwen), there's also a distinct lack of decent PvP'ers which makes it hell finding any decent team composition for arena and it has been like that for a long time so I'd suggest looking elsewhere.

I found a new home myself about 8 months ago and now play on Auchindoun (Horde side), Horde's underpopulated and it's a PvP server but both have a great selection of guilds that are very well progressed.

I wouldnt suggest going to wow if your looking for pvp in the first place....

turalyon's got a nice population and is fine


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
I wouldnt suggest going to wow if your looking for pvp in the first place....

turalyon's got a nice population and is fine

I think you missed the part where I said there's one decent pve guild


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Lamp no offence, but if you enjoy the game how comes your not going to pay the small monthly fee to play? I can understand if your extremely hard up for cash though.

People on here don't seem to understand that private servers offer alot more than the real game in quite a few cases :(


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Like what?

The real game will offer a hell of a lot more than some shitty private server.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Like a livelike server without the monthly costs :eek:?

Why pay for something when you can get the same product for free.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
fixed that for you

Oh noes. So you telling me that you've never

-Downloaded music/movies/games
-Watched tv online (your stealing for series box sales mate!)

Or anything else that could affect the sales of a game?


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Like what?

The real game will offer a hell of a lot more than some shitty private server.

Faster leveling, custom content such as new armor/weapons/monsters.

Teleporters, Custom Mounts, Custom Quests, and so so much more.. I really want to get WoW back now :( I hate you guys..


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Daoc was killed off by Private servers in europe tbh , Wow and Toa started it but private servers were the death knoll , for a game with as many subscribers as Wow it isn't an issue i just have a dislike for them now , that and ive had afew characters i enjoyed pissing about on deleted on me for no reason so meh


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
DAoC killed em off in Europe as the service was better then that on Europe tbfh.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
DAoC killed em off in Europe as the service was better then that on Europe tbfh.

Im bored atm dunno wtf im gonna log on , i cba to grind clxp on valk or skald and im poor and i dunno if i cba to get steamrolled 20 times ina row on minstrel , hmm :p


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Faster leveling, custom content such as new armor/weapons/monsters.

Teleporters, Custom Mounts, Custom Quests, and so so much more.. I really want to get WoW back now :( I hate you guys..

Yeah sure, custom gear that people who are friends / donate get upgraded and become super awesome! YAY sounds like super fun.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
The new WoW content is decent, with the usual limited shelf-life for casual gamers once the content is complete. Bliz have completely killed the benefits to gearing up prior to levelling since instantly the greens that drop or are quest rewards are several orders above epic. Even the set bonuses aren't worth keeping.

The gobbo starter area and quest line is awesome though it pretty much peters out about lvl13. That said, its provided some of the funniest moments I've enjoyed in an online game, though while playing solo it has to be said.

There are a *lot* of bugs in the expansion to do with the phasing and because Blizzard bottleneck the quests so that you need to completely complete all the quests in an area before you get the next area quests, those times you hit a bugged quest are a cockblock you can't surmount until you can figure out a way to beat whatever bug is stopping you.

Dungeon attunements are shit. I mean proper shit. People may have whined at the previous method but now its worse. Some might say better but they haven't thought it through. At least previously you could get a random group to 'attune'. Now you have to attune before being allowed into a random group. On this particular issue, I think Bliz have been smoking some bad bad crack.

The usual gather this, kill x of that quests are still the bread 'n' butter of levelling, but Bliz have added in a lot of quests with twists or some gimmick that gives it a nice variation. They've been a bit sloppy on the quest text in a lot of cases as its clear as mud from some of the descriptions what you are meant to achieve.

A lot of people are complaining about the phase bugs when mining. As I mentioned at the start, there's a lot of phase bugs. What happens a lot is that you fly up to a mining node thats appeared on your mini map then once you're at the node it disappears. Oddly, this didn't seem to affect me with herb gathering so much but as soon as I started mining, it was full-in-the-face bug central.

We're still in the honeymoon period where ganking is relatively low but its usually about 2 weeks after patch when the ganking kicks in, as the power levellers aren't that interested and 2 weeks is when the dribblers that can only PvP when they are in much better gear/level will be brave enough to come out to play ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Yeah sure, custom gear that people who are friends / donate get upgraded and become super awesome! YAY sounds like super fun.

Umm, there are actually some servers which don't have donator gear...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The only "attunement" if that's the right word for it, is having discovered the dungeon entrance and being the right level for it. Later on there is a pre-req for having high enough level equipment to access heroic mode dungeons. But who wants to do a heroic with some just dinged 85 ROG drop paper tank? No thanks...

I will agree with the bugs, there are quite a few quest bugs, I have only done 60ish level 80+ quests so far and I am stuck at one where the NPC I have been sent to speak to refuses to talk to me, apparently it was broken that day and has since been fixed but I cba to go back to that zone until I am 85.

Still... level 84 now having done 60 quests, a few dungeon runs and grinding archaeology. The way I see it is that I will eventually max archaeology so I may as well do it while I get xp for it. Each site clearance (3 digs) will give you around a quests worth of xp. Boring obviously but I have boardwalk empire to watch :) Plus the gold I will make from all those zones of quests at 85 will be huge!

Gear isn't too bad, there is some pretty decent reputation gear available, along with token gear with the points you earn from dungeon running. I think everyone will be able to get on the foot of the epic dungeon ladder quite easily but it's up to the player to get any further, it would suck terribly if everything was easy and designed for the casual player, there is more than enough for a casual player to do and then plenty for those that want to put a bit more effort in.

For Non Wow Players, there are 2 versions of each dungeon, a standard mode and then a heroic mode...the heroic mode being pretty much the same but harder, obviously the rewards are better for the harder version. I am quite looking forward to visiting the level 85 heroic versions of old dungeons and would like to see them eventually add them all.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Played it almost nonstop over the weekend got a lvl 40 Warrior I'm leveling up through the dungeons usually I play DPS but I'm enjoying Tanking a lot as you need to stay alert and not just rolling your face over the keyboard for fun.

I'm missing out on the cool new quests though which is upsetting me hey but I figure I'll make a new toon just to experience that zone to zone.

Overall though the best expansion to date just simply love it.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
The only "attunement" if that's the right word for

If thats so, then its broken, another bug to add to the list. I've actually been into dungeons on a toon and still not been able to queue for them. Some don't even appear on the list.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
expansions a bit hit and miss, goblin zone/s were amazing up until lvl 13 then the quests went back to the standard kill/collect random stuff

played some on my 80 rogue, the high level zones are pretty awesome, also a bit hit and miss though, some parts are really good and others are the standard kill x amount of ogres in the same cave design that they used like 5 years ago in arathi highlands

been enjoying it though not taking it too seriously, just been to vash jir or whatever it's called great zone :]]]]]


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
expansions a bit hit and miss, goblin zone/s were amazing up until lvl 13 then the quests went back to the standard kill/collect random stuff

played some on my 80 rogue, the high level zones are pretty awesome, also a bit hit and miss though, some parts are really good and others are the standard kill x amount of ogres in the same cave design that they used like 5 years ago in arathi highlands

been enjoying it though not taking it too seriously, just been to vash jir or whatever it's called great zone :]]]]]

Not spoke in AGES! I barely remember you! haha, how are you man?


FH is my second home
Jan 4, 2004
If thats so, then its broken, another bug to add to the list. I've actually been into dungeons on a toon and still not been able to queue for them. Some don't even appear on the list.

If it doesn't appear on the list, it means you're either too high, or too low level for it. If it does appear, but it's locked, if you mouse over the lock, it will tell you what you need to do to unlock it, be that discovering the entrance, or gaining better items.
Level ranges for the cataclysm instances on normal mode are as follows:
Throne of the Tides - 80-83
Blackrock Caverns - 80-83
The Stonecore - 81-84
The Vortex Pinacle - 81-84
Lost City of Tol'vir - 84-85
Grim Batol - 84-85
Halls of Origination - 84-85

All of these are available on heroic, but only at 85, and Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep, which are low level instances, also have heroic modes available at 85.
I don't think the normal modes have a gear requirement, you just need to find the entrance. The heroics do need a certain level of gear though, so might require a bit of crafting and a couple of runs through the higher normal mode instances before you can get in.
All of these requirements are to use the dungeon finder. If you actually form a group the old fashioned way, and go to the entrance, you'll be able to get in regardless, though I'm not sure if the level restriction for heroics still applies or not, due to not trying it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
If it doesn't appear on the list, it means you're either too high, or too low level for it. If it does appear, but it's locked, if you mouse over the lock, it will tell you what you need to do to unlock it, be that discovering the entrance, or gaining better items.
Level ranges for the cataclysm instances on normal mode are as follows:
Throne of the Tides - 80-83
Blackrock Caverns - 80-83
The Stonecore - 81-84
The Vortex Pinacle - 81-84
Lost City of Tol'vir - 84-85
Grim Batol - 84-85
Halls of Origination - 84-85

All of these are available on heroic, but only at 85, and Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep, which are low level instances, also have heroic modes available at 85.
I don't think the normal modes have a gear requirement, you just need to find the entrance. The heroics do need a certain level of gear though, so might require a bit of crafting and a couple of runs through the higher normal mode instances before you can get in.
All of these requirements are to use the dungeon finder. If you actually form a group the old fashioned way, and go to the entrance, you'll be able to get in regardless, though I'm not sure if the level restriction for heroics still applies or not, due to not trying it.

Shadowfang Keep was one of the few things I rly rly remember as "being awesome" from my days of WoW (release date plus 6 following months).


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Friends want me to reopen my level 80 rogue acc , hmm might have a go tomorrow , car still borked tho


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Shadowfang Keep was one of the few things I rly rly remember as "being awesome" from my days of WoW (release date plus 6 following months).

This, Shadowfang Keep was fun, early WoW was fun tbh. Didn't like TBC that much and my little go of Lich King hardly sparked any interest.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Played a week of WOW on & off, and can honestly say, I won't be playing it again. I'm thoroughly fed up with it. So many fecking idiots. Some decent people you meet, but they seem to be heavily outnumbered by 14 year old OCD l337 twats. There are some really nice elements to the PVE side, but DAOC's combat & spells are more comprehensive by far. I'm fed up wandering around like a blue-arsed fly TBH travelling half way round the continent for a piece of cheese as a reward and a few thousand XP. Meanwhile, I have to go thru contested PVP territory only to get ganked by the first enemy player I see. Yawn



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Played a week of WOW on & off, and can honestly say, I won't be playing it again. I'm thoroughly fed up with it. So many fecking idiots. Some decent people you meet, but they seem to be heavily outnumbered by 14 year old OCD l337 twats. There are some really nice elements to the PVE side, but DAOC's combat & spells are more comprehensive by far. I'm fed up wandering around like a blue-arsed fly TBH travelling half way round the continent for a piece of cheese as a reward and a few thousand XP. Meanwhile, I have to go thru contested PVP territory only to get ganked by the first enemy player I see. Yawn


dont play on a PvP server if you dont want to be ganked then :p

the option is there ya know ;) and you can still PvP in BG's or even in open warfare but you gotta flag yourself for PvP...then you can get ganked :p

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