Are you member of a clan called YARLY?
Lots of discounts this weekend if you want to buy/kit a new tank
nope they are all valid, but yea "im shit" as opposed to having an actual counter-argument.. sorry, whos the retard ? seriously.....
And what did you expect when all you do is rant about "bad game design" when it's pretty obvious you don't know what you're talking about?
You dying within 15 seconds of the game starting is without a shadow of a doubt, absolutely, 100% NOT the games fault. You most likely just rushed carelessly over the map at full speed not giving a fuck that you left the rest of your team behind and unable to support you.
I'm not even sure if you're being serious or if you're just trolling. I mean what the hell, you try a game you haven't played since beta and after just a few games (i'm guessing low tier at that) you bitch about bad game design?
What would you say to someone that claimed that same thing about WT after just having played a few games, not even having a full grasp about what costs real money or not? You'd dismiss the guy as fucking insane wouldn't you?
Yes, WoT has it's issues, no one is arguing that. But causing you to die after 15 seconds is certainly not one of them. That was just you being a scrub.
Just out of curiosity, what tier is your top tank and what tank is it?
Is platoon MM broken?
As soon as i enter platoon i get 20-40% WR
Solo 40-60%
9 straight losses! Time to win!
Don't think I ever have had such a losing streak
Dying in 15 seconds takes a lot of work, but it does occasionally happen, even to the best of us. Happened to my E75 today, got scouted, detracked and shelled by 3x arty. GG. Straight back to the garage and into another tank.
Yes but you didn't die with 14 minutes 45 seconds left of the game did you? Also there are no arty in the game that i know of that has a 15 second reload that can both get into a tier 9 game and (even if 3 of them) shave off 1820 HP on an E-75 (ok sure one of them could have ammo racked you but come on).
Mabs said he died after 15 seconds of the game start. Not 15 seconds after being spotted and the game had gone on for 5 minutes already (at least that's how i read it).
Yeah, 15 seconds in. Had to leave in shame! Not sure on exact turn of events, think BatChat detracked me and my side was facing x3 tier 9 & 10 arty
Ok fair enough, but are you absolutely sure it was arties that shot you? Because i've been looking at tank inspector and i just can't find an arty there with a reload of 15 seconds. the best i've found are the bat chat 155 55 with about ~30 seconds. If you said you died 40 - 45 seconds in i wouldn't have said anything, as that french tier 9 have the reload for that to be possible. But no other arty that i can find is faster then that.
Yes i know i should just drop it, but i can't!
Unlocking T69 soon, then I can platoon a bit more again (T69, T49, Cromwell will be my main platoonable tanks. Can also purchase Hellcat if anyone wanna play some Hellcat duo/trio and have a T29 for T7 but don't really enjoy it much).
T71 is a bit unfriendly to platoon with but will be a keeper for me.
Seems to have extremly high exp needed for Mastery Badge though, managed a game with 9100 assisted damage and 1000 own damage and only got 2nd Mastery Badge :O
T29 is an awesome tank once elited. It is very bulky though, and requires good positional knowledge to pull off. It can easily carry the entire team to victory, even in tier 8 games. Tier 9 games, you are mostly cannon fodder anyway.
I just finished the American super pershing mission over the weekend, brutal amount of WoT required, only played T29, T49 and T25 AT. The two days premium is nice. It's kind of an unfair mission to those who haven't already got tier 6-8 tanks in all the trees, it's pretty hard to grind up an entire tree in a month, let alone 2-3 trees. But ah well.
I just finished the American super pershing mission over the weekend, brutal amount of WoT required, only played T29, T49 and T25 AT. The two days premium is nice. It's kind of an unfair mission to those who haven't already got tier 6-8 tanks in all the trees, it's pretty hard to grind up an entire tree in a month, let alone 2-3 trees. But ah well.
Did you finish just the American part of the mission or all nationalities? I managed to do the USSR step quite easily and might get the US step done as well, but no chance on the other 5!
In order to fully complete these big missions you do need to be prepared. What i have noticed is that every time they have these missions there will be a period of big bonuses (x5), as you said if you have a few Tier 6+ tanks in all lines then you can play them once for the daily bonus and really speed up the exp gain. On one of my tanks, I got almost 1500 base exp which gave me 7500 with the bonus. Doesn't happen every time but if you have a few tanks it will happen enough of the time.
Yeah it's really good but HT just does not suit me. I've had some amazing games in it but the gameplay is so slow!
I only have american tanks + cromwelll so that mission was way out of reach for me
My exp/wn8/damage/etc has all gone up lately but my WR keeps dropping. Annoying!
Anyone playing EU?
Some fuckin seriously bad teams lately. If you fancy platooning add me...
I have tanks at all tiers.
And yes... The T57 line is great. Though the T69 suffers penetration issues sometimes. Nothing HEAT cant help though.
Same, I lost 7 of 8 tiger two games. Lost 5 of 7 Tiger P games. 2000 WN8
If your win rate is dropping it means you aren't going to the correct place on the battlefield. If you are a heavy, in matches where you are top tier you need to go to the key battle points. You can drive around the edge of the map picking up easy kills and getting a great WN8 rate but it won't help your side win a battle.
If you're getting shot at in a T49. You're doing it wrong mate.
With a cammo crew a cammo net and binocs + bushes you can engage enemies at between 300 - 500 meters and never be seen.
Hell, vs t5 and t6 heavies you can fire in the open at 400m and stay hidden.
T49 is prob the best TD in the game tier for tier. It performs well in any match it gets if you use its strengths.